Renew Europe welcomes 2021 EU Budget proposal presented today by the European Commission with hope but vigilance. This fiscal year takes place in a context complicated by the ongoing negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027. For Renew Europe, this transition period must translate concretely for the citizens who, during the Covid-19 crisis, expressed their aspiration for a Europe which protects.
Valérie HAYER (Renaissance, France), coordinator of Renew Europe in the Parliamentary Committee on Budgets (BUDG), said : "This annual budget will mark the start of the European recovery, but also the launch of a new European Defence project, a European health force and a new green growth strategy. In a couple of years, citizens will see the results of our decisions in their everyday life. The Members of the European Parliament will ensure that money is rightly allocated to a brighter future."
Nils TORVALDS (Svenska folkpartiet, Finland), Renew Europe spokesperson for the 2021 budget in BUDG, added: "The 2021 EU Budget is a cross road between the old and new, in many aspects. Firstly we are taking the first steps of recovery after the COVID19-crisis and secondly it is the first budget of a new multiannual financial framework. The still open question is how to finance all this, while also ensuring the subsidiarity of the union. And here the Members of the European Parliament play a key role."
Olivier CHASTEL (MR, Belgium), in charge for Renew Europe of the 2021 budget for the Parliament within BUDG, concluded : “We are at a pivotal moment in European construction, faced with an unprecedented socio-economic crisis. This momentum gives us the opportunity to chart the economic trajectory of the future of Europe, turned towards a sustainable economy, in line with the wishes of our citizens, guaranteeing European independence, ensuring our strategic interests, and creating the conditions for a sustainable, resilient and united Europe”.
For more information, please contact
Laude Yannick
Tel : +32 2 284 31 69
Mob : +32 495 22 78 37
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