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maandag 29 juni 2020

38 puppies died and hundreds more were nearly roasted alive.

500 dogs were allowed to be stuffed into the cargo hold of this flight. Demand an investigation now!
Sign Now
Dear friends,
The coronavirus pandemic has opened many hearts and homes to sweet mutts all over the globe — shelters are reporting record placements of rescue dogs now that people have ample time at home to spare. Unfortunately, the demand for "designer breeds," sold for thousands of dollars, has also continued to soar. This past month, the heartbreaking reality of the illegal dog trade, which grew out of the demand for these Instagrammable dogs, was thrown into light when a Ukranian National Airlines flight landed in Toronto — and unloaded 38 dead puppies, strewn throughout hundreds more that were dehydrated, sick, covered in feces and urine, and dying.
It is believed that the flight itself could have been chartered by one of the many puppy mill operations in Eastern Europe in an effort to smuggle dogs that were bred and raised in horrifically unsanitary conditions to unwitting prospective buyers. Most airlines have a limit as low as two animals per flight in the cargo hold, and often there are restrictions on when animals can fly as cargo so that they do not cook during the hot summer months. So how in the world did 500 defenseless puppies end up in a cargo hold together in the middle of June? Please sign the petition and urge the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine to investigate how and why Ukraine National Airlines took part in this mass torture and murder of puppies!
Thank you,
Lauren W.
The Care2 Petitions Team
P.S. Our demand for designer breeds is causing mass torture and death. Sign the petition today.

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