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vrijdag 26 juni 2020

#Worldwide Information Blogger #LucSchrijvers: Update: #anarchist information from all over the #world - THURSDAY 25 JUNE 2020

Today's Topics:


1.  greece, Rossinante Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative: Let's not
      let Greece throw refugees on the road - Everyone at 2pm in
      Omonia, against the policy of evictions [machine translation]

 2.  Solidarity with BLM and Bristol - From some people active in
      Haringey Solidarity Group (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

      EITHER [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

4.  Poland, ZSP: Parking on garbage cans - now also at the
      employee's request! (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  freedom news: ‘Something has changed in the power
      dynamic': interviews with anarchists from Minneapolis and NYC

6.  Czech, AFED, Subcultures at the time of the dead havens --
      Review of the book The Microphone is Our Bomb [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

7.  Britain, anarchist communist ACG: Grenfell and the end of
      cladding (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

8.  ait russia: The 84th Act of the French Yellow Vests [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

The routine of the growing Greek state barbarism towards refugees has been extended this time to the issue of housing. Exacerbating the
already miserable legislation of the left-wing SYRIZA government, the right-wing ND government has reduced the right of people receiving
asylum from six to one month to stay where they live, whether they are apartments or hostels or camps. The law seeks to evict 11,000 people
from their homes in June. As we refer to people who have been granted asylum - something that is not easily done in the Greek state - we are
obviously talking about a group of mostly vulnerable people, patients, pregnant women, babies and infants, ---- This decision follows the
explicit policy of the Greek state to make life difficult for migrants and refugees arriving in its territory in order to prevent them from
trying it. This policy includes the innumerable deaths of persecuted people in the waters of the Aegean, the borders of Evros and the camps
of disgrace, but also their desperate living in the Greek-sown Morians, which are essentially torture practices.

The image of Victoria Square full of hunted people who had been expelled from their accommodation and accepted for it and the MAT
intervention is characteristic of the inhumanity that the Greek state distinguishes against refugees.

At the same time that it is pursuing these policies, the Greek state is giving society the signal to turn against refugees and migrants,
calling them "invaders" and "thieves" and inventing and promoting new national epics to deal with them. - which turn into funny naughty
retreats when the position of women and children at the border is taken by regular armies.

This racist policy of the Greek state must find in itself a coordinated movement of refugees and locals, which will demand equality of
rights, satisfaction of the immediate needs of migrants and asylum seekers and provision of housing, education, health services for all.

Let's not let the Greek state create parish communities to feed racism and repression.

The Rossinante Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative is participating and calling for a demonstration in defense of refugees and migrants, on
Saturday 20/6 at 2 pm in Omonia.

-Complete housing rights for refugees and migrants in the urban fabric, alongside the locals

-No eviction of refugees based on the miserable law of Mitarakis

-No camp closed or "open" ever and nowhere - Free movement for everyone

-No deportation, travel documents and residence papers to those who request them

-No tolerance for racism and any expression of it, state or "social"

-Under the wall of Evros, down with the racist Euro-Turkish agreement



Message: 2

  We need to fight to abolish capitalism and the state, and have a fundamental systematic change to be in collective control of our own
lives ---- After many nights of demonstrations and revolts in the America due to the killing of George Floyd, president Trump, from a bunker
in the White House, announced that he would designate "Antifa" as a terrorist organization. Trump seeks to frame a spontaneous and manifold
movement as an organization, not only assigning it an ideology but also a functionality that is hierarchical and in consonance with state
logic. ---- Once again, terrorism is used as an alibi for the criminalization of wide sectors of our collective struggle, which at the same
time completely exceed "anti-fascism". But beyond denouncing and fighting against the repressive advance that this signifies, it's necessary
to reject the polarization that is sought to be introduced at the heart of the struggle.

Also here in the UK people have been standing and kneeling in solidarity with demonstrators in America.
There have been Black Lives Matter anti-racism protests all over the UK (and globally), not just massive ones in the centre of many major
cities but many hundreds of very localised protests involving hundreds of thousands of people. In Haringey alone in the last few weeks black
and white residents and campaigners have held over 25 protests ranging from 'take the knee' gatherings in local streets, to a number of
larger BLM events in parks often attracting hundreds of people, to a 2,000-strong kids walk against racism organised by parents. This
massive grassroots upsurge of anger and solidarity is exposing and demanding an end to widespread institutional racism and forcing the
authorities onto the defensive everywhere.
But in the UK the working classes and BAME communities have been suffering for years under austerity, the brutality of police,
discrimination, inequality, homelessness, cuts and suspensions of benefits, and more. All these widen the gap between rich and poor. Poorer
people shouldn't tolerate anymore. We need some serious changes - and we need more than just demonstrations, which the state can easily deal
with. Likewise petitions, lobbying and MP's debating racism in parliament have changed nothing.  Because of this people have no choice but
to take matters into their own hands and bring about change through things like, amongst others, direct action. We in HSG support and offer
our solidarity to people in UK who use direct action and direct democracy as ways to resolve all our problems rather than relying on
political parties and the failed bureaucratic parliamentary system.

While reformists advocate the ballot box and the liberals have their lobbying and their letter writing, bureaucrats claim to work through
"the proper channels" and leftists have their vanguard parties -we as anarchists, libertarians, radical socialist, have always supported
direct action as a way to bring about change.

Direct action, for example, like pulling down the hated statue in Bristol. There was a campaign which for years tried peaceful and
"establishment" ways to remove the statue - all to no effect. By using direct action, the images went viral around the world and now removal
of racist "hero's" is happening all over. If the State really listened to us and cared what was being said these statues would have been
removed years ago. They didn't, so people decided to take things into their own hands.

This shows that we don't need to beg the state for our rights but organising together, without relying on the state, we can address and
solve our problems here and now.

Direct action is the means of creating a new consciousness, a means of self-liberation from the chains placed around our minds, emotions and
spirits by hierarchy and oppression.

 From some people active in Haringey Solidarity Group


Message: 3

We are at the cutting edge of history. The global crisis of the Covid 19 pandemic will is taught to future generations as we have been
taught for the two worlds wars, medieval plague, colonialism, and how they shaped it society. In every crisis, capital has always benefited
by throwing the burden on the shoulders of the working class, and making profits by literally pressing on corpses. ---- We do not need
special knowledge of mathematics or statistics to be able to We say that the probability that the people will pay for this crisis as well,
they want to reach 100%. ---- The bosses again found the opportunity to suck their favorite candies: ---- "The store has no job and we go
in," "You will have to work with me half a stamp for now, because it doesn't work out any other way "," A little patience for this crisis to
pass and your salary will go up again "," I'm your friend and you know I care but unfortunately things are difficult "and other fanfares
that we all know and hate.
So, already during the quarantine but also after its end, the employer
arbitrariness again found fertile ground to flourish, with elasticization of hours,
wage cuts, intensification, layoffs, undeclared work, and the like without them
necessary hygiene measures. All this, of course, with the necessary help from the government
which with PNP, on the one hand, strangled our labor rights (wage reductions, from
shift work) and on the other hand donated millions to the capital. Like the 20 million that
were given to the media in order to legitimize state and employer arbitrariness
take root well in the head of every citizen.
The deadly sin of the new age is the gathering in squares where it exists
risk of spreading the virus of subversive ideas and questioning, so it did not happen
some intervention at the opening of Omonia or in the kitsch "concert" of Protopsalti on
in a truck. That is why the government is giving 34 million to him
MAT equipment, thus 'helping' the outcasts and dissidents to stay
pure from sin, drafting the new Orwellian normality while funds for
strengthening the National Health System, education, the unemployed, the poor, the
immigrants are virtually non-existent.
In the face of the new dystopia and the violation of our rights that
won with blood after years of struggle our answer is:
Employees need to be counterattacked. Let's fight resolutely
for collective agreements and wage increases according to modern needs
Our organization in the workplace is a one-way street, so that we don't just stop
the violation of our rights, but to claim the life that belongs to us.
We participate in the Workers' Resistance Demonstration and
Claim, on Tuesday, June 23 at 7pm from Chafteia
Freedom Union of Athens



Message: 4

One of our postulates regarding parking allowance for employees under junk contracts was implemented. ---- On June 19 this year, the Sejm
adopted Senate's amendments to the so-called Shield 4.0, i.e. the Act on interest rate subsidies for bank loans granted to provide financial
liquidity to entrepreneurs affected by the effects of COVID-19 (print No. 427). ---- One of the amendments is a patch for a very serious
drawback of the current Anti-Crisis Shield. Namely, in the event of refusal by the employer to submit applications for parking allowance for
people working on junk contracts, it was not possible to receive this benefit. This situation led to the fact that the parking allowance was
paid to a relatively small number of victims. According to the portal podatki.biz website in May, just over 100,000 were filed.
applications. Over 2 million employees may be injured.

The reluctance of employers to submit applications to ZUS is not surprising. After all, it is ZUS that controls the correct employment of
employees on work-related contracts. It is not surprising that employers did not want to make "denunciations" for semi-legal forms of
employment themselves and avoided submitting applications for parking benefits at the expense of their employees. We anticipated this
problem and pointed to it in March in our criticism of the Anti-Crisis Shield . In May, we organized a protest at the Sejm demanding a
Social Shield based on our demands.

Fortunately, this problem has been resolved. The Senate's amendment, approved on Friday by the Sejm Public Finance Committee, reads, among
others ( in item 91 on page 31 ):

Art. 15zsa. 1. In the event of the client's refusal to submit the application in the manner indicated in art. 15zs item 2, the authorized
person who is the contractor may submit an application for parking benefit to the Social Insurance Institution.

The employee must provide in the application their details and bank account number to make the transfer, as well as make a statement that
the employer refused to submit the application.

It is also worth knowing the date to which applications may be submitted. Applications for parking benefits may be submitted to the Social
Insurance Institution no later than within 3 months of the month in which the epidemic status was lifted. So there is still time.



Message: 5

On 25 May George Floyd was murdered by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota. ---- This immediately resulted in protests on the streets in half a
dozen cities in the United States. ---- By the end of that week, every city in the United States - and many around the world - saw vocal,
determined, well-attended demonstrations to make it plain that black youth in particular had had enough. ---- Enough of oppression in the
form of murder, violence, organised and persistent racism - and in many more ways - by police forces across the country which are racist to
the core. ---- Other communities oppressed by the élites quickly and peacefully made common cause with the black youth around the country.
We asked members of two groups of those at the forefront of these uprisings - in Minneapolis and New York - to use their own first-hand
experience (in the interests of accuracy) and perceptions (in the interests of arriving at thoughtful analyses) both of events and their
significance for black and brown people in the United States, and the wider community.

Here are those contextualised accounts and analyses. Their predictions. Their and energetic rejections of gradualism, reform, pacification
and deceptive co-option and ‘buying off' of some of those protesters.

Above all, the extent to which they are increasingly encouraged by the support they are getting in re-imagining something different which
could also become possible.

What these discourses present differs so starkly and unambivalently from the narratives of the mainstream propaganda in the United States
that they repay repeated attentive reading as tonics for the future.

Our thanks to those who took the time and trouble to prepare answers to our questions. Freedom wishes them well!

Q: How significant are the current protests in the big picture?

A: The current protests are significant in that - after multi-generational resistance to white supremacy - the ruling élites are finally
being forced to face the wrath of people who have for so long been oppressed by a racist system.

The resistance is now at a critical crossroads and must decide to either continue fighting as a popular resistance front to achieve tangible
goals toward liberation or continue to be oppressed by white supremacy and capitalism for generations more.

This recent wave of resistance to the status quo began with thousands of poor and oppressed Americans feeling extremely hopeless and making
little gains after generations of constant racial and economic oppression. The death of George Floyd by the Minneapolis police department,
along with thousands more people of colour who were murdered by police in recent years, was the catalyst that caused tensions to boil over
into the streets.

Q: What will you feel most satisfied/proud to have achieved?

A: In Minneapolis, working-class people of all colours are now coming together in the streets and utilizing various forms of direct action
to apply pressure on those in power to abolish the police department. After the first few days of intense urban conflict across the Twin
Cities (Minneapolis and St Paul), the community is now coming together to support the basic needs of their neighbours. The area in South
Minneapolis where George Floyd was murdered, is now blockaded and occupied by the community who are providing various services for free to
those in need, such as food and medical care. Police patrols throughout many parts of the Twin Cities have drastically decreased since the
uprising began. While the siege of the 3rd precinct was successful at getting the police to leave the community, the most satisfying
achievement is how the community is coming together to develop alternatives to the oppressive policing methods that have plagued it for so long.

Q: Where and how do you see events going and growing?

A: The Twin Cities community has already seen multiple high profile police murders of individuals over the last few years. In 2015, Jamar
Clark was murdered by police while he lay on the ground, execution-style, by pistol, at close range, just one block from the 4th precinct.
The protests which followed saw a multi-week siege on the 4th precinct that culminated with Molotov attacks on the police station and other
skirmishes between protesters and police. During that time, white supremacists showed up to the area and shot multiple Black Lives Matter

Then in 2016, police in the Twin Cities shot Philando Castile during a traffic stop while he sat in the passenger seat of a car with his
partner and child, who streamed his last moments live to Facebook as he bled out. The protests which followed the murder of Philando Castile
saw highways blocked by protesters and escalated tactics, including firing mortar fireworks into police lines.

These public lynchings by police, along with thousands more in recent years across the United States, are only a small part of the much
larger historical context of what led to the uprising over the police lynching of George Floyd. If the current uprising across the United
States fails to create real and immediate substantial change then the conflicts seen across the country in recent weeks will continue to
escalate rapidly and possibly spill over into a full-blown civil war.

People of colour are rising up and confronting their oppressors in part due to the fact that there is a high statistical probability they
will be murdered by police regardless of whether or not they fight back. Put simply, there is no fear in the people to fight back because
there is no hope and no future in doing otherwise.

Q: To what do you attribute the huge scale and durability of the protests?

A: Police in the United States kill and imprison more people than any other developed country in the world. Millions of non-European origin
Americans have already endured generations of systematic oppression, from the genocide of indigenous people to slavery, and so much more.
Communities of colour are exhausted from peaceful protests that achieve little to nothing. The crumbs of freedom are no longer enough to
pacify the oppressed masses. Black, brown, Indigenous, trans, poor and so many others are unifying in the streets to fight for an end to the
police terror which has reigned over their communities for decades.

Q: What is the aspect of your work which the mainstream media gets most wrong/understands least well?

A: The corporate media and politicians are using psychological warfare straight out of the US military's counterinsurgency manual from Iraq
and Afghanistan to cause strife between various groups in the community.

Those in power say on television that the majority of the protesters are from different cities and travelled to our communities to cause
arson and chaos. This is completely untrue and proven false: simultaneous protests have occurred in all 50 states at once.

The media and politicians are also simultaneously blaming antifascists and white supremacists for causing violence toward police and burning
down businesses (that antifascists and fascists would have some secret alliance is absolutely laughable). White supremacists are out near
many of these protests; however, they are protecting private property with assault rifles, not black lives. Meanwhile, antifascists of all
colours are marching alongside their brothers and sisters fighting to end police terror against our communities.

It is perhaps debatable which aspect the media and politicians are getting wrong on accident due to lack of understanding the historical
context behind the uprising and which disinformation they are purposely pushing to cause conflict between various factions of protesters.

Q: Since May 25 how have things developed?

A: The day after George Floyd was murdered by police, protesters from the community descended on the 3rd precinct, carrying with them all
the rage and hopelessness from protesting past police murders. The protesters smashed police cars as police retreated, throwing blast ball
grenades and firing less-lethal munitions into the rapidly advancing crowd.

The next day protesters assembled outside the 3rd precinct once again, throwing up barricades in the streets and tossing rocks at the police
station windows. Heavily armed police stood in front of the main entrance to the station with riot helmets, batons, pistols, and long
rifles. Tactical units stood on high ground, along the roof of the precinct, shooting down at the protesters with less-lethal 40mm marker
rounds, grenades, and tear gas.

The situation played out like a revolutionary war reenactment where police would fire volleys of projectiles into the faces and genitals of
protesters, but without the protesters firing volleys back. Protesters began dropping to the ground, screaming as their eyes were destroyed,
and tracheas collapsed by the high-velocity impact from 40mm marker rounds.

Medics and other volunteers carried the wounded to nearby vehicles, which quickly drove to the hospital, while others began looting nearby
stores and setting fires to buildings. This diminished the strength of the police force protecting the 3rd precinct in that they had to
quickly redirect multiple riot squads to escort the fire department to fires across the city.

By nightfall, the police had lost total control of the city and protesters now occupied multiple blocks around the 3rd precinct. By the
following day, word had spread across the Twin Cities that police were unable to stop the chaos and looting had begun in St. Paul around
noon, in broad daylight. Police from multiple jurisdictions found themselves heavily outnumbered by protesters and roving groups of looters
armed with crowbars and other breaching tools. As blocks of St. Paul businesses went up in flames, protesters again descended on the 3rd
precinct that evening. Multiple large structures in the area around the 3rd precinct, which had been reduced to ashes the previous night,
were still smouldering.

Meanwhile, protesters wearing gas masks and helmets gathered bricks and plywood to prepare for the escalated battle against the police.
Police on the rooftop continued their strategy of firing down at protesters. By now, protesters knew what tactics and munitions to expect
from the police and also felt a sense of extreme hopelessness, having seen their friends suffer horrific injuries the day before. Some
protesters brought Kevlar body armour, Molotov cocktails, slingshots, chainsaws, paintball markers, pistols, and even assault rifles. It was
clear that this night would be different than any other night and, one way or another, the community was going to burn down the police station.

As the street battle grew in size and intensity, police soon realized that their lives were in grave danger.

Thousands of protesters advanced with shield walls through clouds of tear gas, smashing windows out of the floor while protesters in the
rear covered the advance by firing mortar fireworks at police shooting less-lethal rifles from the rooftop. One officer on the roof appeared
to be hit directly by a mortar firework, causing him to drop a grenade which abruptly blew up in his face. The police on the roof quickly
retreated into the building as another squad attempted to flank the protesters advance on the outside of the building.

As the sun set, fires across the city were reportedly visible from 30 miles away, in the nearby state of Wisconsin. When darkness hit,
police began to evacuate the 3rd precinct. The crowd advanced on the police barricade, hurling stones toward officers and ripping down
fences as dozens of police ran for their lives out the backside of the 3rd precinct. A convoy of panicking police drove their squad cars
through their own locked gate, while an armoured BearCat vehicle in the rear fired 40mm marker rounds into the rapidly advancing crowd of
protesters, as they drove off into the night. Muzzle blasts could be seen flashing in the night as thousands of protesters cheered and
celebrated by firing off magazines and fireworks.

Protesters quickly began breaking into the precinct through multiple entrances at once, some in front and some in back. Protesters could be
seen smashing surveillance cameras while others threw Molotov cocktails into the second floor windows. Protesters worked together to force
open the doors to the precinct using makeshift battering rams while others used axes, sledgehammers, shotguns, and handheld circular saws.
After a good amount of effort, the doors swung open and protesters stormed into the 3rd precinct. Armed protesters carrying pistols and
assault rifles advanced inside with the crowd. Fires and shadows could be seen in the windows of the building as some protesters paraded
outside with newly acquired police uniforms, riot helmets, Kevlar vests, and police batons. The entire precinct was promptly trashed and
looted while another group of individuals carried IEDs (improvised explosive devices) inside, made from propane tanks, to blow up the
building. By the end of the siege, the entire front of the 3rd precinct was engulfed in flames, with protesters celebrating throughout the
streets of South Minneapolis. That night, the Governor of Minnesota called in the Army National Guard to regain control of both St. Paul and

The following days were filled with rapidly escalating conflict between the community, police, and army, who had also begun carrying assault
rifles with live rounds. More buildings in South Minneapolis went up in flames.

Most of the torched businesses were those which had been leeching off the poor and people colour for decades, such as pay-day loans and banks.

Groups of looters could be seen using electric saws on ATMs as others with pistols stood by and guarded the heists. During each nightly
skirmish, lasers beamed back and forth between protesters and police snipers, while military UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters and Predator
drones circled above the city.

After days of civil unrest, the community began to regather and form a peaceful occupation at the site where George Floyd was murdered by
police. There, community members can be seen handing out canned food, grilling BBQ, and discussing plans to abolish the police department.

Q: Could this be the start of a wider insurrection?

A: If nothing changes after this uprising, then the resistance will undoubtedly evolve toward deploying asymmetrical warfare against police
departments in cities across the United States. However, this would also likely cause white nationalists across the United States to
escalate their attacks on communities of colour and antifascists, which could quickly devolve into full-blown civil war. Right now, everyone
is preparing for the worst.

Q: If so, what behaviour by the police etc have you seen to suggest how strong or effective the opposition could be?

A: This is wild west America... both the police and community have firearms and are willing to use them if they feel inclined to do so for
any reason. The average American community is also more heavily armed than most police departments. There are also many soldiers within both
the active Army and National Guard that support the protesters; the Pentagon is well aware of what might happen if these soldiers were asked
to fire on civilians.

The only choice the government has is to wage an extensive nationwide psychological warfare campaign against the protesters in an effort to
regain legitimacy.

However, the United States is currently a powder-keg with many variables at play and therefore difficult to predict what might happen.

Q: What's your view on defunding?

A: Sadly, defunding police departments is possibly the best we'll get at this time instead of abolition. As usual, the more centrist
leftists are coming out of the woodwork to hijack all calls to abolish the police. These centre-left groups are now demanding that money,
which was going toward police department budgets, be immediately redirected toward education, social services, and public safety, while
simultaneously decriminalizing many of the non-violent crimes that are enforced by police. The goal is that this solution will cut down on
the number of police patrols, arrests and, in general, negative interactions between police and the community. It may not be the total
abolition of police but it's a start which may actually save some lives along the way until we're able to fully abolish the concept of policing.

Q: What has surprised you most?

A: Witnessing the real power of the people to take care of each other and fight off a terrorist organization occupying its community has
been both surprising and impressive. People can create massive change in their communities if they're prepared to fight for it.

Q: What has encouraged you most?

A: Witnessing other cities across the United States, and even the world, rise up as one resistance movement in solidarity with each other.

Q: How well are numbers of supporters growing?

A: The number of supporters is growing by the day, partially due to the fact that Donald Trump is a fucking fascist maniac that can't keep
his mouth shut and keeps dumping gasoline on the fire. On the other hand, this resistance movement has already seen 10,000+ arrested, of
which many are still in jail, and thousands more have been wounded, and even died, from the use of less-lethal munitions.

Q: Do you see any point at all in talking about police ‘accountability'?

A: Only in the historical context of police accountability failing and the need now to immediately abolish police departments across the
United States.



Message: 6

In book form, the question of subcultures was probably most popularized in the documentary trilogy Tribes . But with the sponsorship of the
state brewery and its concept, it was more of a "catalog of sales / sales". Equally, Tribes do not hesitate to label academics who have
decided to look at subcultures from different angles offered to them by the social sciences, and gathered their knowledge in the book
Microphone is Our Bomb, named after a banner that once hung in the Rožnov club Vrah. The subtitle Politics and Musical Subcultures of Youth
in the Post-Socialist Czech Republic then states what the publication is all about. ---- Although you will find overviews of how subcultures
were approached in the academic world in all works on this topic, it is definitely interesting to ask about the relationship between
subcultures and politics, in terms of style, changes in everyday life, internal dynamics, repressive politicization. powers or organized
public activities. The theory is important precisely because of asking questions, examining individual subcultures or their specific
sections, and especially when finding intersections that could lead to more general conclusions.

There are six studies in the book. But don't worry, they might be bored with some repetition of what has already been said. Not only do they
focus on other subcultures, or practices related to them in some way, but each comes with a completely different approach and asking questions.

First comes the subculture of skinheads. Political scientist Jan Charvát presents the conflict of three branches of this cult, each of which
interprets its origins differently, but above all it negatively confines itself to the others, especially on the issue of racism, and
refuses to accept that they are supporters of the same subculture. Leaving aside the paradoxical existence of racist skinheads, the group of
allegedly non-racist ones is fascinated by the frequent presence of elements such as homophobia, nationalism and, often, racism. The best
are anti-racist skinheads, who, despite everything, seem to be the most consistent in their attitudes.

The chapter by Petra Kumová on hc / punk shows that this direction is close to the anarchist movement, at least it intersects with it in
many subjects of interest, in the level of specific political activities and also in the DIY (do it yourself) approach. The title of the
chapter then refers to exceeding this principle in the spirit of collective action. However, the study also shows interesting pitfalls - a
strict emphasis on ethics and moral self-reflection brought to the extreme can often lead to the creation of an environment where there is
no longer much room for the necessary rest and foresight and which may discourage over time.

A very remarkable contribution is the one from the anthropologist Bob Kurík, who focused on the punk from the club Vrah and asked himself
the question on what basis he is trying to revive the possibility of punk defiance after the "end of history". Rather, the philosophical
probe stems from the relationship of the "murderers" to Havel, who inspires as a dissident especially in his work The Power of the Powerless
, to discourage him in his new position as president and thus characterize the time of the "dead Havels". The murderers insist on the
rejection of East and West and dogmatic ideologies in general, among which at the time they rightly included some manifestations of
revolutionary anarcho-communism. By rejecting the "great truths," they have fallen to the last truth that remains - the raw life of man
himself, who is by no means without error.

Arnošt Novák discusses the topic of himself - squating and the associated policy of everyday life. The introductory part about foreign
inspirations of later Prague squats is already very interesting. Then there is the well-known story of the local squatter scene with a focus
on its dynamics and changes.

Ondrej Slacálek focused on the subculture of freetekna. Its transformation, especially against the background of repressive interventions
and moral panic in connection with the organization of the Czechtek festival, leads to reflection. Interesting moments are mainly the
effects of the political immaturity of a part of this subculture, which after the intervention in 2005, when the Social Democrats ruled,
began to vote on the right, and then the "infantilization of the subculture". moral-panic, but to some extent it invalidated the subculture

The chapter on the relationship between gender and subcultures, here the punk and hip-hop, made it clear that it would not be a walk in the
orchard. Conclusion: "Women are forced to develop specific strategies to cope with the masculine environment and norms by combining elements
of femininity and masculinity. However, when women establish themselves in the male music subculture, they are not always celebrated, and
the reactions of others to their efforts are often negative. "

If someone is interested in the subject of subcultures, and I believe that there are a lot of such readers, then this book is a great
opportunity for them to look at different forms of subcultures from a different perspective than is usual in publications focused mainly on
visualization of style.

Jan Charvát, Bob Kurík et al .: The microphone is our bomb. Youth politics and music subcultures in the post-socialist Czech Republic .
Togga, 2018. 420 pages, price 390 CZK, available at kosmas.cz .



Message: 7

Last Sunday was the third anniversary of the fire at Grenfell Tower that killed 72 people. ---- They died because the building was fitted
with cheap cladding that was easy to ignite. ---- Those responsible for this disaster were Kensington and Chelsea Council and their Tenant
Management Organisation. ---- Three years after the fire none of those responsible have been brought to justice. No one in the council, no
one in the Tenant Management Organisation, and no one in the companies who installed the cladding. ---- The inquiry set up by the May
government has proved to be a whitewash. It allowed those guilty immunity from prosecution. The Attorney General has stated that any
statements at the inquiry cannot be used as evidence against the guilty parties. Instead of identifying these people, the inquiry
concentrated on the failure of the London Fire Brigade to tackle the blaze. Brave firefighters who did their best to fight the blaze and
save Grenfell tenants were made culpable, rather than those responsible.

Last year the government said that dangerous cladding would be removed from all buildings by this month.

But in April, at least 21,000 households still had the dangerous cladding. In March the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, announced
the setting up of a £1 billion fund to remove the cladding but with no deadline for this removal.

Justice4Grenfell, composed of Grenfell survivors, backed up by various celebrities, has demanded the setting of a timeline.

The threat of repeats of a disaster like Grenfell is very real and yet next to nothing has been done. Over 300 similar high-rise fire traps
like Grenfell still exist. This does not include other kinds of buildings with similar cladding. There are 11,300 of these, 1,700 of them
designated as high risk.

The Housing, Communities and Local Government (HCLG) parliamentary committee commented that it was "deeply shocking and unacceptable that,
three years after the Grenfell Tower fire, there are still 2,000 high-risk residential buildings with dangerous cladding".

The £1 billion fund set up by Sunak goes only a small way to sort out the dangers, as the HCLG committee estimated that it would take as
much as £15 billion to rectify the situation.

Guilty: Boris Johnson. When Mayor of London Johnson put through cuts including the closure of ten fire stations and the loss of 552
firefighters' jobs despite pre-election promises not to do so. When questioned over this at the Greater London Assembly he said: "Get
Stuffed". The loss to the fire services meant a slower response time to the fire, with fire teams having to be called in from outside London.

Guilty: Kensington and Chelsea Council. They repeatedly ignored warnings for years from residents about fire hazards. They attempted to
close down a blogger, Francis O'Connor, member of the Grenfell Action Group (GAG) after he warned about fire hazards at Grenfell. They sent
a lawyer to threaten him, which he ignored. Nicholas Paget-Brown, leader of the council, attended a private dinner to which he was invited
by organizers of the MIPIM (property developers' event) conference in 2015. The council has had plans to cleanse the residents and build
luxury flats in the neighbourhood for the last three years. Now Paget-Brown is trying to put blame on the residents by falsely saying that
they objected to water sprinklers.

Guilty. Kensington and Chelsea Tenants Management Organisation. The "arm's length" body set up by Kensington and Chelsea Council to manage
Grenfell block ignored tenants' warnings. It was handed £11 million by the Council to manage the block and in 2015-2016 its bosses got a
grand total of £650,794 in salaries! As GAG wrote:

"We believe that the KCTMO have ensured their ongoing survival by the use of proxy votes at their Annual General Meeting that see them
returned with a mandate of 98% in favour of the continuation of their inept and highly dangerous management of our homes" and that "It is
our conviction that a serious fire in a tower block or similar high density residential property is the most likely reason that those who
wield power at the KCTMO will be found out and brought to justice! The Grenfell Action Group believe that the KCTMO narrowly averted a major
fire disaster at Grenfell Tower in 2013 when residents experienced a period of terrifying power surges that were subsequently found to have
been caused by faulty wiring. We believe that our attempts to highlight the seriousness of this event were covered up by the KCTMO with the
help of the RBKC Scrutiny Committee who refused to investigate the legitimate concerns of tenants and leaseholders." (this was written in
November 2016!) KCTMO was given a "deficiency notice" in 2016 by the London fire brigade after an audit at another of its properties.

Guilty. Gavin Barwell, who became Theresa May's chief of staff, the then Housing Minister in 2013 promised to review part B of the Building
Regulations 2010, relating to fire safety, but the review never happened. This was after the fire at another tower block, Lakanal House in
Southwark in 2009 that killed six people.

Guilty. Brandon Lewis, another Tory Housing Minister who sat on information about fire risks at blocks like Grenfell because it would
"discourage building". He waved away suggestions about installation of water sprinklers in 2014 saying it was "all red tape."

Guilty. The Conservative government itself and back bench Tory MPS who voted against a motion to make "homes fit or human habitation" in
2016 with a clause to undertake regular electrical checking. Among these were 72 MPs who are also landlords, including the Police and Fire
Minister Nick Hurd. The then local government minister Marcus Jones said it "would result in unnecessary regulation and cost to landlords".

But GUILTY most of all is the whole class system, capitalism itself, that for decades now has unleashed the policies of neoliberalism on the
working class, policies of the unbridled market, policies of austerity, policies of vicious attacks on social services and what is the
robbing of the poor to make the wealthy even wealthier. This system should be sentenced to death.



Message: 8

The "84th act" of the protest of the "yellow vests" movement on June 20 coincided with demonstrations throughout France against police
violence and in support of "illegal" refugees ("undocumented persons"). On this day, international refugee day was celebrated.
Demonstrations took place in the largest cities of the country - Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Rennes, Lille, Toulouse, Grenoble, Strasbourg,
Nantes, Montpellier and others. ---- In Paris, authorities banned the demonstration of "yellow vests" in the central area of the Champs
Elysees. However, hundreds of their supporters marched in the morning from Eduard Renard Square through Nation Square and Pere Lachaise
Cemetery to the North Station, protesting against a decline in living standards. In addition, the "yellow vests" took part in other mass
rallies and processions in the afternoon of the capital - against police violence and in memory of Lamin Dieng, who was killed by police
during their arrest in 2007 (from Republic Square to Amandiere Street), and for the legalization of "people without documents" (from Nation
Square to Stalingrad Square). It is also reported that the "yellow vests" poured red paint on the building of the Ministry of Health in the
French capital.

In Lyon, two demonstrations took place: for the settlement of the situation of "illegal immigrants" (from Bellecour Square) and "yellow
vests" (from Sainte-Marie Perrin Square). However, the activists of the "vests" managed to participate in the first, as did the trade union

In Lille, the "yellow vests" in their "84th act" of protest and "illegal immigrants" gathered in Republic Square. Surrounded by the forces
of the protection of the capitalist order, they could not leave the square and, as planned, march through the city streets.

The participation of "yellow vests" in demonstrations in support of refugees has also been reported from other cities. In Bordeaux, they
walked along one of the main shopping streets of the city, singing the song "We Are Here" and recalling also refugees, police violence and
the anniversary of the death of Steve Maya Kanisu during police dispersal of the festival. "Macron created the 6th republic - the republic
of the State of the baton," - could be read on one of the home-made posters.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZgaYz_HJs4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q20WHZApocg )

June 21 was the anniversary of Steve's death. On this day, demonstrations took place in his memory and against police violence. In Nantes,
thousands of people gathered for a demonstration. The city's authorities banned the holding of a music festival this year, barricaded the
island of Nantes and put the city in a state of emergency. However, the initiators of the protest called for a meeting, despite the actually
established dictatorship. At 15.00 the start of the "white march" was planned, without slogans, at 18.00 - the beginning of the rally
festival on the Foss embankment, and in the evening at 21.00 - dancing around the city. The demonstrators came to the foot of the Yellow
Crane, where Steve's body was discovered 38 days after the disappearance, and then headed to Wilson's Quay, where the deadly police
crackdown occurred during which Steve died. The police tried to block the bridge over the Loire, which leads to the center of Nantes, where
the festival was planned. From 18.00 the confrontation began. Tear gas was repeatedly used; protesters engaged in battles with police
officers. From beginning to end, dancing in the city center was accompanied by police attacks and gas. At around 9 p.m., police attacked a
truck with a musical installation driving through the streets. The car was confiscated, the driver was arrested. A call for an action for
the release of those arrested on June 22 spread on social networks ( 00 police officers attacked a truck with a musical installation driving
through the streets. The car was confiscated, the driver was arrested. A call for an action for the release of those arrested on June 22
spread on social networks ( 00 police officers attacked a truck with a musical installation driving through the streets. The car was
confiscated, the driver was arrested. A call for an action for the release of those arrested on June 22 spread on social networks
(https://www.facebook.com/pg/Nantes.Revoltee/posts/ )

On June 21, shares under the motto "Justice for Steve" were also held in Lyon. A rally near the prefecture and a "white march" to the banks
of the Rhone were planned. In the evening, dozens of police officers were stationed on the outskirts of the prefecture. Those who came to
the rally checked bags and sacks. The demonstrators are located on the embankments. Some put on yellow vests; on others, T-shirts and images
of Steve and other victims of police violence. Most of the protesters were "yellow vests" and "black block". At about 9 p.m. red paint was
poured into one of the pools on the river bank, symbolizing Steve's blood. Around 23.00, the demonstration ended without incident



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