Today's Topics:
1. France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #306 - Syndicalism,
La Poste: unemployment and overwork on the menu of the "world
after" (fr, it, pt)[machine translation] (
2. Britain, Class War Daily WEDNESDAY 24 JUNE 2020
3. France, Union Communiste Libertaire UCL - Ecology or
barbarism (fr, it, pt)[machine translation] (
4. Common Message of Anarchist Federations:
Internationalist solidarity with the people revolting in the USA
5. Poland, ozzip [Workers Initiative] - Anti-crisis agreements
- report on the activities of the IP commission [machine
translation] (
6. Britain, anarchist communist ACG: All around the world the
police are our enemy (
Message: 1
Thanks to the coronavirus crisis, the group's management is testing life-size reorganizations that it would like to perpetuate. At the
center of the challenge: cutting jobs, especially in distribution. For this, La Poste promises letter carriers to work only one Saturday out
of four ... without telling the truth about the social damage. ---- Throughout the confinement, Philippe Wahl, the group's CEO, spoke good
capitalist words on the television sets. A tremolo in his voice, he praised the resilience of the postal workers. In reality, like all
professions that have continued to work, postal workers are more affected than the average by the Covid-19. ---- The personnel suffered in
their flesh, but also the territories which could not benefit from the continuity of the public service. Offices in rural areas and
working-class neighborhoods have been closed as a priority, or have had their ATMs neglected by the Postal Bank, leaving sections of the
population without cash, which has led some town halls to distribute social vouchers.
The management of the La Poste group was overwhelmed by events at the start, and then put all their strength into preparing the "after".
From the start, she wanted to do without CHSCT and trample unions. This also led the reformist unions to co-sign a half-funny half-pathetic
mail[1]to complain that the Post Office did not respect the agreements signed ... These organizations which exist only with a pen in hand
still believe in "social dialogue" with a company that proves every day that it favors its accounting lines.
Find the analyzes of the libertarian communist postal workers on Franchise
Record parcel volume
The recent decision to change letter carrier hours is a perfect example. Obviously, the management is shaking up a pretty carrot: making us
work only one Saturday out of four. We would stop the mail, we would only distribute the parcels, the registered letters and the press. So
goodbye public service with the mail six days a week. But no doubt: it is above all a question of preparing a vast plan of economy. It will
lead to reduce by 75 % the number of letter carriers in the field on Saturday... However, even without mail, the volume of packages, with
confinement, reached record levels - comparable to the volumes normally recorded during the holiday season. This will therefore induce an
increase in rates and workload, while liquidating hundreds or even thousands of fixed-term and temporary workers, while unemployment is
In terms of financial services, but also support departments, the management is considering the sustainability of telework for the
post-Covid period. Since the start of the crisis, it has tried to isolate employees, and in particular to isolate them from unions, to
weaken potential resistance.
However, it is obvious that we will have to resist. On May 11, the SUD-PTT federation called on postal workers to oppose the reorganizations
by using strikes or the right to withdraw. In some departments such as the Gironde, the CGT was able to file unlimited notice.
As with others, the question of socializing the company arises. The Covid-19 crisis saw the emergence of mutual aid among the population. At
no time have we been able to count on our bosses or the government. And to defend public service within the company, we will not be able to
count on ourselves and the struggling unions who are not looking to lift up their legs to get something better. It is by mobilizing that we
can convince the population that a real postal public service is possible.
Hugo (UCL Orléans)
[1] Letter CGC, CFTC, FO, CFDT, May 4, 2020.
Message: 2
Today in Class War Daily - We won't get rid of the poll tax by playing toytown ---- revolutionaries in the streets ---- Got a text for us?
Email ---- Class War Daily 24/06/2020 ---- It
was 1990. ---- That was the call. ---- A couple of years later and Kinnock was gone. Thatcher was gone. The Poll Tax was gone. But Class War
went on saluting working class heroes. It didn't seem possible yet it was done. Back in 2020 it will be possible to bring this Tory
government down quicker than you think. Johnson is a feeble weak in-bred leader surrounded by incompetents and very probably incontinents as
The left are nowhere to
be seen. They don't know
whether they support
labour or not. They have
chucked the towel in - so
we'll pick it up.
On the 25th of July, Class
War will launch three
actions aimed at the heart
of wealth and power in the
We will visit Bond Street,
the wealthiest shopping
street in Europe, then New
Bond Street to show the
centres of wealth and land
ownership in the UK.
Then we will visit
Westminster school
recently described by 250
of its former students as
having a racist and toxic
atmosphere. These are the
public school chums who
will become our leaders.
Then we will call round
to Dominic Cummings'
gaff for tea and cake in
Did you know that
Class War is probably
the only revolutionary
organisation with inter
species membership?
Members of the Corvine
Family played a vital role
in directing Class War's
forces in the Poll Tax Riot
CLASS WAR DAILY is the official daily newspaper of the
working class action group Class War, founded in 1982.
Accept no imitations! Class War Daily is the world's only daily
anarchist newspaper.
It is written by and for working class people.
CLASS UNITY, CLASS PRIDE - We know life is hard and
the news is often shit but we're here to add some humour and
make sure you're informed about what's really going on.
There might be a class war, and we might be losing it but we
believe that the working class can fight back!
BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY - Class War believe that the
working class should fight the rich and the rulers ourselves.
We don't appeal for help from the Labour politicians or the
big trade union bosses. We take action together, building
confidence to act in our own interests.
Have you been suspended
or sacked by your parasite
boss? Landlord trying to
kick you because you can't
make rent? Maybe you're
watching the fuck up four
destroy the country and are
tired of sitting silent?
Whether you want to submit
a piece, give us some info
on your prick boss or send us
a quick letter, get in touch!
Social Media:
Message: 3
Epidemics, like climatic hazards and other "disasters", are often presented as natural. This allows you to turn a blind eye to the causes
and focus mainly on the consequences. Such representation is welcome for all power systems which are thus exempt from all responsibility.
However, if the viruses did not wait for capitalism, the way in which the latest one could emerge and spread was not inevitable. ---- In the
case of the Covid-19, it is even more difficult to give credit to this type of scheme. However, beyond the most fundamentalist religious
trends pointing to a divine origin, the narration of the epidemic as "vengeance of Nature" is surprisingly widespread [1].
Health crisis and ecological crisis
The coronavirus pandemic is indeed an event whose origin is linked to the ecological crisis.
This was already the case with the Ebola and H1N1 viruses for example. These are synonymous with deep destruction of ecosystems, an
increasingly limited biodiversity and deforestation without forgetting the aberration of industrial farming.
With regard to covid-19, it can be said for patients already suffering from years of respiratory illnesses, that these are linked to
industrial pollution. We can also estimate that these diseases largely explain the complications for patients who had to be put on
respiratory assistance and that they favored the death of a part of them.
Capitalist globalization has greatly promoted the spread of the virus. Deregulation of exchanges, absurdity in overproduction and
over-circulation with similar products crossing, increased mobility of people and goods with strong environmental impact, this is what
characterizes it and explains the speed of contagion.
The solutions proposed during and after the crisis will be just as catastrophic: aggressive economic recovery, everything will start again.
Also health crisis and ecological crisis are intrinsically linked to the capitalist system.
Capitalists destroy the planet
Capitalism is anti-ecological because it implies an increasing and limitless increase in all production and pollution, the extraction of
ever more raw materials, an ever stronger pressure on ecosystems whether by emissions of greenhouse gases greenhouse or by the destruction
of tropical forests and other ecosystems.
The capitalists are destroying the planet. They need the equivalent of several planets for the process of permanent expansion of profits and
production to continue, but we only have one.
By forcing us to work for them and by stimulating the tendency to overconsumption, the capitalists push us to destroy ecosystems more and
more quickly.
The capitalists endanger first of all our class and more broadly the whole humanity whatever they think of it. Exploited, we are at the
mercy of the ecological upheavals caused by them. For capitalists, making profits will always take priority over everything else.
It is so true that currently ecology and especially the climate issue are relegated to the background. Capitalist firms, aided in this by
the states which generously finance many of them without environmental and social compensation, have as their priority economic recovery and
the return to growth.
Ecological transition, Green New Deal, "return of happy days" and "world after" are fables and farces which hide the fact that it is above
all a question of reconnecting with profits.
Once again everything has to change, so that everything stays the same.
Work, consume and shut your mouth is the creed of the capitalists and their authorized representatives at the head of the states. The
latter, whether authoritarian or daring to claim to be democratic, trample individual and collective freedoms daily and reproduce a deadly
and criminal system.
Capitalism is indeed the problem and therefore cannot be the solution, even if its defenders seek to persuade us of it.
Building an ecological society is an emergency and should be at the top of any emergency program worthy of the name.
Having such an ambition, however, is nonsense if we refuse to break with capitalism.
Three revolutions are necessary
Ecology or barbarism, such is the alternative for libertarian communists. To achieve this, we believe that three revolutions are necessary. [2]
A revolution in production methods. The control of production by peasants will be the spearhead of the fight against multinational
agrifoods: end of the agricultural specialization of entire regions ; questioning the massive use of pesticides and industrial fertilizers ;
abolition of industrial farming (at the origin of many epidemics in the last decades), chain slaughtering, industrial fishing ...
A lifestyle revolution. We are fighting for an egalitarian society in which the means of production will be socialized. A new way of life
may be born. The organization of cities, the balances between cities and rurality, the organization of new habitats - promoting the pooling
of goods and facilities - everything can be transformed. A rich social life, combining conviviality, culture, science, physical activities,
festivities ... can flourish and the possession of material goods will no longer have a central place in human life. A society where humans
no longer consider themselves superior to other species, masters the impact of their settlements and activities on the environment, in order
to live in harmony with the rest of the living world.
A trade revolution. Against free trade, we defend "productive autonomy". Each region of the world must be able to produce what it needs once
it is freed from the dependence of multinationals. This does not mean self-sufficiency, but short exchange circuits, and the limitation of
long exchanges to that which cannot be produced locally.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, alliances have been able to be created or reinforced (when they already existed) between producers,
producers and populations dominated by cities and countryside. This is what has enabled those who have chosen peasant farming to develop
direct sales and distribute their products after the closure of open-air markets.
Thus this reorganization of part of the distribution products has enabled a whole part of the population to appreciate, even to discover the
fact that it is possible and desirable to build an alternative to capitalist mass distribution which is also toxic in terms of social than
Libertarian, egalitarian, united and ecological, a revolution remains to be done!
[1] "No,"nature"does not take revenge", Alternative libertarian, May 2020.
[2] These three revolutions are at the heart of the UCL Manifesto.
Message: 4
On May 25th, in Minneapolis, US, four policemen arrested George Floyd for allegedly using a counterfeit 20-dollar bill. While he was
handcuffed, three of them threw him on the ground and held him down with police officer Derek Chauvin chocking him for over 8 minutes, even
after he had clearly lost consciousness, murdering him in common view. ---- Police violence in the US is one of the basic pillars of a state
that frantically attacks in order to maintain its power. Having caused and being involved inhundreds of imperialistic war operations, the US
state bombs civilians andloots the capitalist periphery, terrorizing the planet but also its own inhabitants and, more intensively, the
black, the indigenous and poor populations.
The strict class stratification of the US society, in which a small elite holds the overwhelming portion of the country's wealth, where
thousands of workers are killed due to their working conditions, became even more blatant during the evolving pandemic, as the majority of
those who lost their lives come from the lower classes, the poorest, the most excluded, the most repressed.
The people of those class and racial communities have flooded hundreds of cities in the US over the last days, protesting and clashing with
the police, building barricades, setting police stations on fire and destroying capitalist targets. These are the thousands of the revolted
who are fighting back, outraged by the racists-murderous violence of the repressive mechanisms, by the suffocating conditions of
exploitation and repression, defying the forces of the police, the national guard and the military on the streets, ordered by Trump, to
terrorize, through arrests, rubber bullets and murders of protesters, those who give the battle "in the heart of the beast", against state
and capitalist brutality.
On the side of the revolted peoples of the US stand thousands of struggling people, from Mexico and Brazil, to Britain, France, Belgium,
Greece, Palestine and Israel, picking up the thread of the revolt in the US and fighting against the repressive violence, racism, poverty,
impoverishment and exploitation. From the demonstrations and street clashes for George
Floyd and for all those who have been murdered by the US police, to the clashes in Mexico for the killing of Giovanni López by the police,
for not wearing a mask, to the demonstrations in Brazil against the fascist and murderous policies of the government led by Bolsonaro, the
common struggle of Palestinians and Israelis against the murdererous policies of the Netanyahu government and the modern apartheid of which
young Yihad Elkhalak is only the latest victim, the removal of the symbols of slavery that dominated the streets in Britain and the class
and social clashes in France that continue and escalate despite the rising repressive violence.
These are our class brothers and sisters that are fighting to survive in every corner of the world against the pandemic and are raising
their fists against state and capitalist brutality, sending a message of solidarity with all those who are resisting. They are the repressed
and exploited that shed light on the path of resistance, all those that keep alive the revolt but also the battle for the overturn of the
state and capitalism, for a society of solidarity, equality and freedom.
FAO (Federation for anarchist organizing, Slovenia & Croatia)
FAIt (Italian Anarchist Federation, CRInt-FAI)
APO (Anarchist Political Organisation - Federation of collectives - Greece)
FA (Fédération Anarchiste, France & Belgium)
FAM (Federacion Anarquista de Mexico)
FAIb (Federación Anarquista Ibérica)
FLA (Federación Libertaria Argentina)
AF (Anarchist Federation - Britain)
Message: 5
Governmental 'anti-crisis shields' have enabled employers to start negotiating agreements that reduce wages and worsen working conditions.
In many workplaces - especially where there were no trade unions - these agreements shifted the cost of the crisis to regular employees.
Where the unions operate, employers were obliged to negotiate, and the unions could influence the agreement by mobilizing the crew,
organizing pressure on the employer or publicizing the problem in the media. ---- Below is a discussion of the negotiation of agreements
that were conducted by the Employee Initiative committees at Avon Distribution, Lower Silesian Railways and Cegielski's plant in Poznan. We
also present information on agreements, the conclusion of which has led to the establishment of the OZZ IP commission in the companies: HL
Distribution and Nissan Sales CEE Sp. z o. o. and a discussion of ongoing negotiations at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in
In this way, we want to present another aspect of our relationship during the crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic, but also to provide
other plant structures with examples of solutions that can be demanded when negotiating anti-crisis agreements at other workplaces.
Lower Silesian Railways
At the beginning of the epidemic, Koleje Dolnoslaskie recorded a dramatic drop in revenues from tickets sold. This became the reason for
starting talks on the reduction of salaries in the company. The employee initiative committee took part in the talks, which has the status
of a representative organization and the company's structures: NSZZ Solidarnosc, OPZZ Labor Confederation and the Trainers' Trade Union.
You can read detailed information about the activities of the IP commission in Lower Silesian Railways before the pandemic in the
Initially, the board considered introducing economic downtime and reducing salaries by 40%. The alternative was to lay off about 200 people
from around 740 employed in Railways (over 25% of the crew). Ultimately, after negotiations with the unions, it was decided to use the
provisions on reducing working time (and proportional reduction of wages). According to the agreement signed in mid-April, for a period of 3
- the salaries of all employees of the company will be reduced by 20%;
- working time will also be reduced by 20% (for example, instead of 168 hours in June it will be 134 hours and 24 minutes).
Importantly, the agreement managed to include solutions requested by the Employee Initiative: (1) the agreement covers all categories of
employees, including directors and managers, (2) maintenance of absenteeism allowance (approx. PLN 200 a month paid so far if the employee
he did not take advantage of more than 2 leave on demand in the quarter and did not have unjustified absences from work), (3) maintaining
the employment status for the duration of the agreement (prohibition of dismissal for reasons not related to employees). In addition, the
company will not limit employment by not extending fixed-term contracts and will maintain a train driver training center and will not
interrupt the education of those currently training in this institution.
In mid-May, the Board of Directors also proposed to suspend payments of the so-called "Holiday under the pear tree" (benefits from the
company social fund in the amount of approximately PLN 2,000 per person) - trade unions did not agree, however, to further reduce employee
income, arguing that saving from the suspension of "pear" will not have more significance to the company's situation.
As indicated by a member of the presidium of the Staff Initiative committee, during the negotiations trade unions took a common position,
but initially Solidarity and the Confederation of Labor were willing to accept the agreement in the version proposed by the management board
(i.e. not including cuts in the management's salary). In addition, in principle, only IP clearly informed the staff about the situation and
ongoing negotiations. As a result, our committee increased its number by several new members discouraged by the attitude of other unions.
Avon Distribution Poland Sp. z o. o
Negotiations of the anti-crisis agreement in Avon Distribution Poland lasted from mid-April to 26 May, when the final version of the
document was signed. Initially, the employer proposed the introduction of the following solutions:
- reduction of working time and salaries by 20%, but only operational employees and data entry operators (operators, warehousemen,
references, mechanics);
- extension of the reference period until the end of the year;
In the original version, the employer's proposal did not contain any provisions on employment guarantees, there were also suggestions that
the lack of agreement would mean collective redundancies.
The Employee Initiative Committee refused to sign the agreement in this form and presented several versions of its own proposal. Among
others proposed: a 10% reduction (instead of 20%), a reduction in the working time of all employees, suspension of "12" (twelve-hour changes
applied during periods of increased number of orders) and maintenance of a 3-month billing period and all bonuses. The Commission also
proposed the introduction of the 3: 1 rule in Avon Distribution (the highest salary cannot be higher than three times the lowest salary) and
the use of reserve capital to maintain the level of wages and employment.
The Commission did not limit its activities to negotiations only: signatures of support for the proposal prepared by the union were
collected among Avon employees (more than half of the crew signed a petition in this matter), the negotiations were informed about the
negotiations, and the company was asked to provide detailed information about financial condition (including, among others, profits achieved
by Avon in 2019 and the amount of reserve capital). You can read more about the activities of the IP commission in Avon in April-May in the
Importantly, all variants of the agreement and the planned activities of the commission were presented by the presidium to the vote of
members and union members - in this way the Avon crew jointly decided to reject or adopt individual solutions, and about the actions that
the trade union then took.
Finally, the agreement between the management board and the trade union was signed on May 26. Its final version assumes:
- reduction of working time and remuneration of operational employees and managers by 5% (office employees and the management board
voluntarily reduced their remuneration by 5-30%);
- maintaining the bonus calculation system based on pre-reduction salaries;
- calculating any severance pay (on dismissals) based on pre-reduction salaries;
- retention of full-time annual leave by employees;
- a combination of the second and third quarter of this year in one accounting period;
- 4 months guarantee of maintaining employment if the employer receives co-financing from the shield;
- the employer may extend or shorten the working time by 5% - which gives the employee the opportunity to work full-time.
More about the agreement concluded by the commission in Avon:[ARTICLE]
Catherine Kurowska of the presidium IP Avon, follows and evaluates the agreement negotiations turned around him: "By signing the shield we
hope to stabilize the situation at the plant, as it hung over us the threat of layoffs or cutting benefits. This is what our unionists
wanted, and they voted for this solution in our votes. However, employers 'reaching for employees' pockets is never something acceptable to
a union. "
H. Cegielski - Poznan SA
An agreement was concluded in Cegielski's plants, which is effective from April 1 this year. They were signaled by all trade unions,
including the Workers' Initiative. It is very concise. It assumes a reduction of working time by 20%, "but not more than 1/2 time." Due to
the fact that the company mainly has hourly wages, this is automatically combined with an adequate reduction of earnings, although this is
not explicitly stated in the agreement. The reduction of working time applies to all employee groups, but at the same time it is assumed
that if production continues, perhaps some groups of employees will work normally. At the beginning of May, approx. 20% of production
employees work in the normal mode. In this case, they are referred to as "just selection criteria". The agreement also reserves
The workplace explained the need to introduce an agreement with the increasing absence of employees, the need for internal reorganization of
work, deterioration of financial results, a decrease in turnover and the desire to avoid layoffs. All these premises are listed in the
preamble to the agreement. Cegielski has been fighting for years for survival and the situation in the company was economically difficult
even before the outbreak of the epidemic. The agreement, on the other hand, allows the company to apply for the support of the state that it
clearly needs. At the plant, however, voices are raised that the situation in the handicap is not as dramatic because of the coronavirus
itself, as it was presented at the turn of March and April.
HL Distribution
The warehouse and factory of HL Distribution in Gliwice are part of a global group that deals with the production of plastic elements used
in the display of goods in stores. Due to trade restrictions introduced by the government, stores invested more modestly in the promotion,
so the industry suffered a negative epidemic effect. There were also occasional problems with components due to problems in global supply
Norbert Cieslik from the Employee Initiative committee operating recently in this workplace: "In March, security measures and thermometers
appeared, office workers were sent to work from home. We also began to manufacture helmets, which were also given to employees. But with a
decrease in turnover, the management justified the need to look for savings in the form of a reduction in working time to 4/5 full-time work
and the related proportional decrease in earnings. Everything happened very quickly. "
Because there was no trade union in the company, the management board negotiated the invitation of representatives delegated by employees of
five departments. "We have stated in our IT department that we will agree to sign the agreement. We thought that at the time there were
appearances that it was about Shield 1.0 to keep jobs. In my opinion, the second shield has already abolished these appearances, "emphasizes
During the talks it was possible to win an annex to the agreement, which ensured that the agreement refers to the provisions of Shield 1.0
(although the government has already introduced a less favorable Shield 2.0), which guaranteed that there would be no redundancies for 6
months (3 months of the shield and 3 months of the protection period). Employees were the most interested in this postulate. Norbert adds:
"Today, I think that if we had a trade union then, talks would look even better for us. A 20% pay reduction is a big sacrifice. And so we
negotiated better conditions in the warehouse than in the production plant where the puppet work council exists. This was for the benefit of
those who held talks on behalf of the warehouse crew and who then initiated the establishment of a trade union. Although I work in the IT
department, it was important to us not to negotiate more favorable provisions only for us, but to share the burden of cuts in solidarity. "
The effects of several days of negotiations were discussed daily at online meetings, where the next steps were also discussed. Ultimately,
because the employees were satisfied with the employment guarantee and the negotiators gained trust, the positive course of the negotiations
led to the establishment of the Employee Initiative's commission committee.
Norbert: "A working union gives us confidence that in the future, if the government allows further cuts through subsequent shields and the
employer wants to use them, there will already be a body that will have legal support and a mandate not to reconcile unfavorable solutions.
As for the postulates for the future, we have announced that our activity will depend on whether employees' rights are violated. Employees
need a relationship that will actually look after it. The shield is valid until the end of July. More warehouse workers join us. This is
just the beginning of our activities. "
Nissan Sales
Employee Initiative Committee at Nissan Sales CEE Sp. z o. o. was established in mid-May (i.e. already in the process of implementing
anti-crisis solutions by the company). The company only employs office workers (60-70 people in offices located in Warsaw) and sells cars
produced by the concern.
In Nissan, an agreement has been in force since June, signed in May by the management board and "employee representatives" (selected before
the union was formed), under which for the month of June most of the crew work full-time and for the current remuneration, while some have a
reduced working time by half and receives 85% of current salaries.
The introduction of these solutions was a direct cause of the establishment of the Employee Initiative Committee in Nissan - employees and
employees of the company decided that they needed an organization that would express the crew's opinion and negotiate on the introduction of
further anti-crisis solutions in the coming months. Currently, talks are underway on the agreement for July - this time already conducted by
the trade union.
POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
The limitation of the possibility of running museums and other cultural institutions had a significant negative impact on the financial
situation of the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw - due to the lack of revenues from ticket sales and room rental, the
institution's deficit increased in spring this year. up to 2.5 million zl. This became a reason to look for savings and to start
negotiations between the management and the employees' commission of the Employee Initiative.
The museum management has initially proposed an agreement based on Article 23 prim 1a of the Labor Code - this provision allows an employer
who is in a difficult financial situation and is not covered by a collective agreement to conclude an agreement with the trade union on
"applying terms of employment of less favorable employees than those resulting from from employment contracts "(this" anti-crisis "measure
was in force in labor law long before the current government introduced" anti-crisis shields "). The employer's original proposal assumed a
pay reduction of 30% in the period July-December this year. and maintaining a full-time job.
As a result of negotiations undertaken by the works commission, the employer agreed to reduce the scale of salary cuts to 10%, while
protecting the lowest paid. The talks are ongoing, there is still no agreement regarding the guarantee of employment and the reduction of
working time (the committee proposed to grant employees and employees of the Museum additional days off until the end of 2020 in exchange
for maintaining full time). Negotiations in the museum are also an example of good cooperation between the factory commission and the
employee council, which supports the committee's postulates.
At the same time, together with the commencement of negotiations, the commission submitted a letter to the organizers of the museum (the
Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the Capital City of Warsaw and the Jewish Historical Institute) with a request to increase
funding to the extent that would allow maintaining employment. 18 June 2020 The Council of the Capital City of Warsaw passed a resolution
regarding granting cultural institutions, including the POLIN Museum, additional funds for entity subsidies. A response from the Ministry is
expected, which has initially declared its willingness to provide assistance provided that it is distributed to all organizers. At the time
of preparing this text, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage has not yet announced the decision regarding the support of the
Museum, nor has an agreement been signed between the management and the trade union.
Prepared by: Jakub Grzegorczyk, Ignacy Józwiak (Warsaw Environmental Commission), Agnieszka Mróz (KMZ Amazon), Dorota Koziarska (KMZ Danfoss
Poland), Jaroslaw Urbanski (Poznan Inter-Enterprise Commission)
Message: 6
Whether it is Britain, France, the USA, Russia or Hong Kong, the police have been shown to be the enforcers of capitalism and the State.
They are there to protect the ruling class, to crush demonstrations which get out of hand, to break strikes and to control working class
neighbourhoods. They spy on any oppositional movements, infiltrating their undercover agents and using methods of provocation and other
dubious means of operating, including insinuating themselves into positions of trust and establishing sexual relations with activists. ----
The same chokeholds used to murder George Floyd in Minneapolis were used to murder Adama Traoré in France. ---- The massive wave of protests
that have engulfed many countries including here around the Black Lives Matter slogan and that have mobilised millions worldwide have raised
the question of the continued existence of the police, with calls for defunding them, and horror of horrors, actually disbanding them.
We must seriously think about the need to envisage a society without the police. A drastic rethink is needed so that a State body that
murders with impunity can no longer exist.
The police worldwide are scared by these demands. In France Macron was forced to ban the chokehold under the pressure of the many
demonstrations taking place throughout France. The police responded by threatening not to make any more arrests, feeling that Macron was not
backing them enough. Under his regime the police have acted with impunity, increasingly militarising and arming themselves. At the same time
the far right has established cells within the police. The arrogance of the police means they will not put up with minders who don't back
them enough and they will increasingly turn towards the Front National as a possible backer. Meanwhile they are widely detested throughout
France, where they are regarded as a force of occupation in many neighbourhoods.
In Britain the Labour Party and various Leninist groups have attempted to capture and tame the Black Lives Matter movement. For example we
get the Labour Mayor of Tower Hamlets, John Biggs, turning up at a demonstration and saying that he was there to "show my solidarity and
support for Black Lives Matter", adding that "We don't need to disband the police-some of you may disagree-but we do need them to be
accountable and to listen." Biggs, to remind you, heads up a council prepared to attack its workers who are resisting by going on strike
(see the article here on our website, Tower Hamlets Labour council attacks workers).
Also keen to jump on board are BAME cops like Neil Basu, head of Specialist Operations with the Metropolitan Police, that is the boss of
counter-terrorism. He said that "criminal opportunists" had tried to exploit the BLM demonstrations, but that the vast majority "have a
point". He went on to say that real progress had been made since the publication 20 years ago of the Stephen Lawrence findings. Yeah, tell
that to the many families that have had their loved ones die in police custody under suspicious circumstances, tell that to all those
harassed and hassled in the streets by the cops.
In the USA, we have black police chiefs like Daniel Hahn, head of Sacramento cops, who has presided over the cop murder of Stephon Clark in
2018, an African American killed in his grandparents' backyard. Meanwhile the leftist favourite Bernie Sanders continues to argue against
the defunding of the police and says that they should be paid more! He wrote to another Democrat politician that in order to "modernise and
humanise police departments we need to enhance the recruitment pool by ensuring that the resources are available to pay wages that will
attract the top tier officers we need to do the difficult work of policing."
The police cannot be reformed. They are there to protect the rich and enforce a system that is inherently racist, authoritarian and
exploitative. They must be dismantled, abolished, put out of existence. The only way that can happen is through a mass movement of the
working class, through a Revolution. The worldwide movement that has emerged after the death of George Floyd could be one of the building
blocks to create just such a movement. In the meantime, have no faith in Labour, the Democrats or other political rackets, there to
demobilise movements for real change.
Any information or special reports about various countries may be published with photos/videos on the world blog with bold legit source. All languages are welcome. Mail to
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