Today's Topics:
1. Britain, anarchist communist ACG: Churchill's racism, in his
own words (
2. TearoomTearoom Workers Solidarity Movement AWSM: Russia:
anarchist defendants in "Network" case sentenced to prison
3. France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #306 -
Antipatriarchy, French action: "feminism" under fleur-de-lis (fr,
it, pt)[machine translation] (
4. Class War Daily MONDAY 22 JUNE 2020 The forgotten people
5. Germany, Die Plattform: Anarchist and solidarity greetings
from Germany to Colombia! (
6. Czech, afed: Back in the Stone Age (
7. Greece: 5th Conference of the Anarchist Political
Organization (APO) - The Federation of Collectivities will take
place on July 4-5, 2020 in Athens. [machine translation]
Message: 1
Winston Churchill is a figure from British history who is much venerated and has been discussed again because of recent graffiti on his
statue in central London. We are supposed to believe that he was a war hero, that we couldn't have won the Second World War without him and
that he stood for British freedom itself. This, however, is more mythology than history and focuses only on a romanticised version of the
Second World War. Even if we are to remember him for the war though, there is the problem of his strategic decisions (such as Gallipoli in
WW1) which cost the British armed forces many lives, as well as the fact that it was largely working-class people who actually fought the
war. ---- It was Churchill who was responsible for the brutal and bloody Tan Wars in Ireland that terrorized the Irish people, it was
Churchill who was also responsible for millions dying in the Bengali famine during the Second World War that he is so venerated for. It is
well documented that he was indeed a white supremacist:
"I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not
admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it
that way, has come in and taken their place."
There is even much fond jollity at remembering his misogynist sense of humour by those who admire him. At school I was told the stories of
him and his relations with his female servant and was bizarrely supposed to find his sexist attitude towards her amusing. It was also
Churchill, who said to Mussolini before the war:
"If I were Italian I should have been wholeheartedly with you".
Of the Jews suffering persecution because of the rise of fascism, Churchill wrote the following for an article that was never published:
"For it may be that, unwittingly, they are inviting persecution - that they have been partly responsible for the antagonism from which they
These final two quotes certainly deal with the myth of him being an antifascist hero, as he was no such thing. Churchill was of and for the
British ruling class and it is for this reason that he was dedicated to preserving and expanding the British Empire at any cost. For this
reason he was a disgusting, blood soaked imperialist. He was not a hero of the people, but a hero to the rich and it is only for the
interests of the British Empire that he made efforts to fight the Axis powers in World War Two. This was to protect the markets and economic
interests of the British capitalist class. Churchill's class allegiances can be clearly seen throughout his career, but perhaps clearly of
all during the Miner's Strike of 1910-11, when he sent troops to Wales to confront hungry miners. A quote attributed to Churchill from this
time is the following:
"If the Welsh are striking over hunger, we must fill their bellies with lead".
Another quote attributed to Churchill from this time, regarding the hungry miners is: "Let them eat grass".
This is what Churchill really thought of working class British people and explains his politics throughout his life. It is for this, as well
as his bigotry and chauvinism that he should be remembered for it reveals his true character. People are right to be angry at his
veneration. It is by no accident that we remember the mythology of Churchill, rather than the history. As Churchill said himself in 1948:
"For my part, I consider that it will be found much better by all Parties to leave the past to history, especially as I propose to write
that history."
Message: 2
A military court in St. Petersburg sentenced two more anarchist defendants in the ongoing "Network" case to prison today. Viktor Filinkov
received a verdict of 7 years and Yuly Boyarshinov 5.5 years in a penal colony. The judge also ordered the evidence in the case to be
destroyed. ---- Filinkov and Boyarshinov were arrested by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) in January 2018. Following the arrests,
Filinkov was tortured during investigation in order to extract a confession of him. FSB officers were also threatening to worsen
Boyarshinov's prison conditions should he not cooperate with the investigation. He was subsequently moved to a cell with 150 other prisoners.
The two were accused of "terrorist activity". According to the prosecutor, they partook in "nurturing plans for revolutionary activity",
"preparations for guerrilla warfare", "the division of the Russian Federation into separate communes", "committing arson", "an intolerant
attitude to representatives of law enforcement agencies ". During the trial, Filinkov pleaded not guilty, while Boyarshinov chose to enter a
guilty plea.
During his closing statement, Filinkov said:
"I've been in jail for two and a half years now. I can't say that this prison experience has been totally negative. Isolation has taught me
to love people and freedom even more, to appreciate even more my loved ones, who have supported me all this time. So, I want to use my
closing statement to thank the people who have supported me: my parents, my spouse, and all my close friends.
"I would like to underscore once more that I have never held terrorist views, neither t hen nor now. I am sorry for what I did, and nI'm
glad that my activities caused no actual harm to other people. I ask the court not to punish me harshly. That is all."
Supporters of Filinkov and Boyarshinov gathered both outside and inside the court today to show solidarity. Chants of "freedom to political
prisoners" and "antifascism is not terrorism" were heard in the courtroom during the verdict reading.
More than 20 people taking part in the protest were detained. This number includes three to four people who played drums outside the court,
a man who chained himself to a fence and lit a flare, and Yana Sakhipova, the wife of Boyarshinov, who was detained inside the court.
Earlier this year, seven Russian anarchists also accused of participation in the "Network" group were sentenced for terrorist offences to a
total of 86 years imprisonment. The accusations have been widely criticised as fabricated and absurd.
We encourage support and solidarity for the antifascists and anarchists who have been tortured and imprisoned by the FSB. Here is how you
can help:
Donate money to the Anarchist Black Cross in Moscow via PayPal ( Make sure to specify your donation is earmarked for
Spread the word about the Network Case aka the Penza-Petersburg "terrorism" case. You can find more information about the case and in-depth
articles translated into English on this website (see below),
Organize solidarity events where you live to raise money and awareness for the plight of the tortured Penza and Petersburg antifascists. Go
to the website It's Going Down to find printable posters and flyers you can download. You can also read more about the case there.
If you have the time and means to design, produce, and sell solidarity merchandise, please write to
Write letters and postcards to the prisoners. Letters and postcards must be written in Russian or translated into Russian. You can find the
addresses of the prisoners #support" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">here.
Share news stories across social networks beyond Russia.
Design a solidarity postcard that can be printed and used by others to send messages of support to the prisoners. Send your ideas to
Write letters of support to the prisoners' loved ones via
Translate the articles and information at and this website into languages other than Russian and English, and publish your
translations on social media and your own websites and blogs.
Message: 3
At the feminist demonstration on March 8, the Némésis collective stood out by displaying anti-immigration banners before being removed from
the procession. One of their members is an activist at Action Française: a look back at the relationship between this far-right movement and
feminism. ---- A royalist political movement, a supporter of "integral nationalism", Action française (AF) denotes the far right by the
number of activists in its ranks. Throughout history, many women have in fact belonged either to AF or to allied groups, including in
relatively public positions. We also note her for her lack of opposition to women's suffrage, yet central to the far right until the second
half of the XX th century.
However, AF is regularly illustrated by acerbic anti-feminism. The first base of this anti-feminism is at the counter-revolutionary
foundation of AF: the decadence of France would begin in 1789 and with it all the struggles for emancipation including the "feminism of
anarchy" which, by not respecting the hierarchy of the sexes, feminizes the men and virilizes the women. The second base is nationalism,
which justifies fighting feminism for two reasons: on the one hand for the defense of the family, the only guarantor of the birth rate
necessary for the recovery of France ; on the other hand because feminism is conceived as a Jewish and metic import, foreign to the customs
of good French society.
A "Feminism of tradition"
However, the originality of AF's anti-feminism lies in the fact that it does not content itself with fighting head-on against feminism, but
tries to replace it with another feminism, known as "of tradition". This "feminism" is based on the mythical construction of a higher
valuation of the place of women under the Old Regime, highlighting in particular the figures of the queens. He claims to defend the
interests of women while respecting the role assigned to them by nature and tradition, unlike the "amazons of feminism". More strikingly,
this "feminismIntends to protect women from the Jewish or Metic invader (brought by the Revolution), which would obviously be the only real
threat against women. We thus find drawn the defense of a nationalist patriarchy, respectful of the differences between men and women
against an imported patriarchy which, for its part, would be dangerous. It is therefore not a question of feminism, but of a nationalist
instrumentalization. It is in continuity with this "feminism" that we must read the intervention of Nemesis, whose activists, too, submit
the defense of women to the fight against migrants and the closing of borders.
Cess (UCL Grand Paris-Sud)
Message: 4
Today in Class War Daily: ---- The forgotten people: the story of addiction during the pandemic ---- 5 common parasites found in the UK ----
Peaceful protest never changed a damn thing. Get angry. ---- Remember J18 but prepare for July 25th! ---- Got a text for us? Email ---- Class War Daily 22/06/2020Download ----
The forgotten people: the story of addiction during the pandemic ---- In early March we all had to face a problem we'd not seen before...
Covid 19. We saw it and were helpless in stopping it. The invisible illness was coming. ---- As we all put up the barriers, under house
arrest, one group of people were forgotten - addicts, the people who had been living with an invisible illness in isolation for years.
Covid 19 and addiction impact
and worsen each other. Both
epidemics of our generation
have collided and impacted each
other. People who suffer from
addiction are more vulnerable
to catching the virus. We must
act quickly or the underlying
faults in our society are going
to catch up with it. In short
people who are addicts and get
the virus are more likely to be
homeless, poor, smoke with
lung and heart problems, and
experience other serious health
and psychological issues from
drug addiction.
There are also thousands of
vulnerable addicts incarcerated,
stuck in jail. For those
struggling virtually all services
and treatment have been
disrupted. People have been
told to stay at home, but what if
you have to go and pick up your
methadone or other medication.
Yes the government (in theory
but not in all cases) has relaxed
chemist daily pick up: They
can give 7/14 day scripts so
people don't have to line up
daily, but unfortunately there
are countless cases of addicts
losing them, having meds
stolen, dropped on the floor,
overdosing or selling. Getting
clean needles has become a
problem, many services have
closed there doors only taking
phone calls.
Try get into a detox or rehab:
Where I live there is a 16 bed
rehabilitation with only four
residents, who are on total
lockdown and can't even go
out for a walk in 12 weeks. Ten
beds are lying empty because
addicts have been forgotten.
Addiction is a disease of
isolation so it stands to reason
social distancing is in every
way, counter productive to try
and engage into a recovery
community. Where people used
with friends they are now using
alone, and nobody aro
Here are three examples I've
had to deal with:
1. A homeless alcoholic, sound
fella, sits outside Tesco begging
all day. In the first week of
lockdown I went into town.
He was rattling for a drink, the
streets were empty. He didn't
want a chat or sandwich, he
needed a drink, so I gave him
a couple of quid, and left him.
An hour later I saw him, the
shakes were gone and he was
not retching. We spoke and he
said he needed 15 quid a day
to stop him fitting or having a
seizure. He only ate if somebody
brought him a sandwich. He
then asked for a rizla and pulled
some dogends from his pocket
that he'd picked up. Covid 19
was the last thing on his mind. I
got him into a B&B but he still
begs every day.
2. A woman in her late 40s
- a mother on her own after
loosing her partner two years
ago. She's not homeless, to all
pretence and purposes she's
your everyday woman you daily
walk past. She's respected liked
and would help anyone. What
people don't know she's been
on an injectable methadone
script for over 20 years. Since
March 12th she hasn't had her
script - the chemist has told her
the suppliers are out of stock
every week. The drug services
gave her a box of water amps,
use these if you get desperate
and need a fix. She told me she'd
tried it and it made her worse.
I fear she will score heroin, a
drug she hasn't touched for over
20yrs. The government have
provided this drug (don't get
me on that one). The inevitable
is waiting in the wings. I'm
meeting her on Monday to go to
the services with her, to find out
why has she been forgotten.
3. Four days ago I met a homeless
couple They'd made up a bed
with cardboard, blankets, quilt,
couple of suitcases and bags
neatly stacked up, and a little
Staffie. All very neat and tidy
but one thing was missing: a
front door - they are living in a
nightclub doorway. I told them
about the street kitchen where
they can get hot food. The girl
told me she'd been clean for
over two years, and had a house.
Five months ago social services
took her child off her and her
partner, and she'd relapsed on
crack and smack and come to
Penzance to try and sort their
lives out. I'm meeting them
Monday to try and get them in
a B&B.
These are just three of many
stories I hear every day, the
forgotten people who have been
let down by the system. I'm
lucky now: over six years clean
- but I with thousands of others
have had their support networks
taken away. On Thursday after
another man was found dead
on Monday from an overdose,
I set up a secret meeting with
others: 18 addicts turned up all
feeling the same, we can't do this
alone. Thousands have relapsed,
hundreds of deaths.
If any good comes out of Covid,
perhaps it will be clear: a bright
light has been shone on the deadly
cracks in society: poverty equals
inequality - access to health care,
homelessness, addiction are
the true social determinants of
health we will need to address as
part of an effective response to
future pandemics.
What is the root of the desire
to be dignified after someone
has done harm to people?
After the first night when
immediate anger from an
incident has to be allowed
then will appear banners
against violence in general
and in particular - we must
show ours are better than
them, not stoop to their
level, people must do what
the organisers tell them -
which is always on message
- and involves condemnation
of any potential violence
community leaders are
warning about.
First get the family on side
- "we don't want the march
marked by any violence" -
then you're half way there
cos who's gonna go against a
bereaved family's wishes?
There's the duplicitous role
of the family liaison officer
who will start to deal with the
press and ingratiate herself
with the family. These cunts
should never be allowed in
the door. Then a whole group
of church and community
leaders will add their weight
and set up facebook and
community sites which they
control from the start. Roger
Sylvester's family vocally
calmed everyone who were
itching to kick right the fuck
off after his death.
A few years down the line,
they said they wished they
hadn't. We need to cut a
swath through this moral
mush. Let's say it - there are
no reasons why the relatives
wishes are paramount or
should be a bar to action. The
dead person may have hated
their fucking family for all
we know.
The community at large is
entitled to act on its own
analysis. Take the Mark
Duggan 2011 riots; Were
people out and about saying
Mark wouldn't have wanted
this - well maybe he would
have - maybe he would be
thinking "I hope it all kicks
off every fucking night but
bigger. I hope they shoot
fucking helicopters down full
of fucking coppers." So if we
are led by pacifist community
leaders who speak for the
families - or imagine they do
as their claim to credulity -
we'll end up with the monthly
Grenfell walk which is like a
weekly clap of defeat while
assuaging some need in us and
keeping florists in business
Many situations require a
violent response - such as
the murder of black man
after black man in the USA.
Waving a "keep it dignified
and non-violent" placard
about is doing the state's
work for them.
Message: 5
We at " die Platform - anarchakomunist Organization " from Germany send our best black and red greetings to our comrades of " Grupo
Libertario Vía Libre ", who are celebrating the 10. th year of their existence these days. With respect and joy, we see your successes in
the last decade and hope that we can strengthen our cooperation with you in the next ten years. In the times when we live now, with state
and capital oppression and also with the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, organizing social anarchism is an essential factor in creating
revolutionary counterpower like never before from below, in our countries and also across borders! In global unity with all struggling
people, we will build this power step by step to move forward to another, a better and fairer world. Off to anarchist communism! Up with
those who fight!
Anarchists and solidarity greetings from Germany to Colombia!
We from ´´ die platform - anarcha-communist organization ´´ from Germany send our best regards black and reds to our compasses of the
Libertarian Via Libre Group that these days are celebrating the tenth year of their organization. With respect and joy we see your successes
in this last decade and hope that we will strengthen our cooperation in the next ten years. In the times we live today with oppression for
the state and capital and also the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic like never before organising social anarchism is an essential factor in
creating a revolutionary counterpower below, in our countries And also across borders! In global unity with all the fighting people we will
build this power step by step to move to another world better and just. We're going to anarchist communism! Up the and the fighting!
Message: 6
What about celebrating times we no longer want to experience and people whose views and actions dislike us? Download, print and distribute
the June issue of the A3 wall newspaper! ---- As it turns out, a stone has become one of the centers of discussion in recent weeks. It is
not some natural rubble on the side of the road, but modeled artifacts to celebrate various figures in history or period epochs. ---- When
we start in the navel of our peripheral navel of the world, ie in Prague, then in its navel, on the Old Town Square, a relic of times grew,
which everyone thought were long ago. The Marian Column, perceived in its time as a "pillar of shame" symbolizing ecclesiastical darkness
and the domination of the Habsburg court, is again in place. Someone dusts the volume of Jirásek's Darkness while looking at itto dust off
his head as well as what awaits him under the shadow of the pillar. Someone mischievously hopes that anarchists will come out from one
corner and the fire brigade from behind another, and together they will tear down the horror, as was the case in 1918. At that time, the
tearing down of the column became a direct action that constituted the newly emerging republic from below. The black assholes and their
political representations squeaked, but they did not try to erect the pillar again. Now the Catholic clique led by the clerical-fascist Duka
is symbolically consolidating its influence. Without a priest in history, the church has usurped huge assets anyway, and now she enjoys his
return and boldly lobbies for abolishing abortions and denying the rights of non-heterosexuals.
Other heaps of worked stone, on which bronze-clad planks stand in bronze, are debated in English and Welsh cities. The winners of their time
have their monuments here. They are a symbol of business success. But there is one catch, they traded in slaves and came to their wealth
through the trade in suffering and death. Thus, the local people rightly demand that such a celebration of slavery be removed from the streets.
The debate intensified following global protests in response to the assassination of African-American George Floyd, who was strangled by a
Minneapolis police officer on May 25 with the attention of his colleagues. In the United States alone, 1,500 similar police killings are
documented each year, which are not only a manifestation of the de facto impunity of violent dementia in uniform, but also of institutional
During one of the protests in London, an inscription appeared on the statue of Winston Churchill drawing attention to the racist thinking of
the man and the suffering he caused with this conviction. It didn't take long and a similar inscription appeared on his statue in Prague.
Hysteria immediately broke out as to how one could afford to desecrate the memorial and that Churchill had defeated Hitler's Germany.
However, Marshal Konev, whose statue was recently removed with reference to his further work, also advocated the defeat of the Third Reich.
That would be a double meter? Nothing unusual in a fucking Czech basin. Moreover, it was as if someone had touched property had only one
meaning, and the victims of racist politics were completely pointless.
Churchill was no Samaritan. Let us forget that he spoke very openly about other nations and races as inferior. He is responsible for the 3
million victims of the famine in Bengal in 1943, the deployment of chemical weapons against demonstrators in Iraq in 1921, the shooting at
striking Welsh workers in 1910, or the concentration camps in Kenya, where brutal torture and murder of prisoners took place. people.
It should come as no surprise that Cardinal Dominik Duka appeared at Church's statue with a flower in his hand to pay his respects. In some
attitudes, they are obviously very close.
Maybe it's time to abandon old myths and not create new ones. Maybe it's time to stop being snuggled up in someone's ass (formerly the East,
now the West). Maybe it's time to remove Churchill with Konev. Maybe it's time to look at history in its entirety and not just through the
eyes of the ruling ideology and the victors. Maybe it's time to stop celebrating those who held power and wealth in the past. And it is
definitely time to send those who hold this power and wealth at the expense of the rest of society today.
A3 ( June 2020) to download HERE .
Download, print, distribute!
The A3 wall newspaper is published by the Anarchist Federation every month. They are intended mainly for dissemination through street
stickers or posting in workplaces and schools.
Message: 7
During the first day of the Conference and for specific procedures, the presence of observer groups is foreseen.
To express interest and contact:
Anarchist Political Organization - Federation of Collectivities
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