Today's Topics:
1. Britain, Class War Daily FRIDAY 26 JUNE 2020: Fuck the
Tories (
2. Police killings are not just the domain of the
United States, they are also "on the agenda" in Mexico. [machine
translation] (
3. Britain, Solidarity Federation: What does it mean to change
the world? (
4. Ireland, Derry Anarchists is with Kathleen Mar and 3 others.
5. France, Union Communiste Libertaire UCL AL #306 -
Anticarceral, Prison: confinement is not confinement (fr, it,
pt)[machine translation] (
6. Canada, Collectif Emma Goldman - [Self-managed cooking pot]
Solidarity will never be confined (fr, it, pt)[machine
translation] (
7. Britain, AFED: Tear Gas | Knowledge Exchange
8. Greece, Vogliamo tutto e per tutti: Event for the US
insurgents with the participation of comrades from the US /
Thursday 9 July - Occupation of Dervenia 56 - 7pm [machine
translation] (
Message: 1
Today in Class War Daily: ---- July 25th: Fuck the Tories, Sack Johnson Sack Cummings ---- Three young men are waiting for their execution
in Iran ---- Bojo card ---- THREE YOUNG MEN ARE WAITING FOR THEIR EXECUTION IN IRAN ---- After the fascistic Shia Islamic Caliphate regime,
suddenly tripled the gasoline price there was a huge wave of protests across the country. The working classes rose up. Tired of oppressive
policing, a dire state of mass poverty and government corruptioned, this was the prverbial straw. Led by young people there Iran saw a major
national uprising between 15-21 of November last year in more than 150 large and small Iranian cities. ---- In order for the "security
forces" to brutally crush this rebellion, all Internet communications were first turned off. Then, with the help of electric batons, tear
gas, water cannons, even armored vehicles, tanks and helicopters, the country's streets and squares were transformed into a places of massacre.
The capitalist regime in Iran, as
has been tradition throughout
its 41 years of dictatorial power,
has not yet released any real
statistics on how many were
arrested and killed during the
fighting. Estimates nn this case,
suggest that more than 15,000
protesting people have been
arrested and imprisoned and
about 5,000 have disappeared
or been massacred.
Three of the young protesters in
Tehran: Saeed Tamjidi (born in
1992), Amir Hossein Moradi
(1994) and Mohammad Rajabi
(1994) who had been identified,
among other things by street
cameras, were sentenced by the
"Tehran Revolutionary Court,
Division 15" to execution.
All accused of , among
other things, "Participation
in the destruction of public
property and encouragement of
insurgency against the Islamic
This inhuman judgment has
now been confirmed by the
Supreme Court.
These three young people
are now waiting for the death
Message: 2
Resistance to the phists is also raging in Mexico ---- In recent days, there have been fierce clashes between anarchists and police in
several Mexican metropolises. It is a response to growing police brutality and bullying in the streets. The corporate press, which is again
very difficult to come to terms with the recent impact of the anti-authoritarian agenda on global affairs, describes the rebels as
"anarchist youth." ---- On Thursday, June 11, about four hundred heavily-clothed people clashed in Mexico City protesting against police
brutality and releasing political prisoners, including prominent trade union lawyer Susan Priet, who is being held in a cell to "incite"
wild strikes in Matamoros. The protests began on June 4, after the police assassination of bricklayer Giovanni Lopez, and immediately
encountered headless police brutality. Shots of heavily clothed people kicked the country, kicking a 15-year-old girl and beating her
Tensions between the real anti-system elements of flesh and blood and the repressive elements of the state have been rampant for several
months. In early March, anarchists smashed a luxury neighborhood in Xalapa, including the cathedral. The event was accompanied by slogans
pointing to the church abuse of children and the oppression of the state. Within the women's rights movement, militant resistance has been
growing for several years. On March 8, the anarcho-feminists made it clear what was going on, and no symbol of state or corporate power was
spared on the route of their march. Police reaped one defeat after another.
Social distances and the closures, which began on March 23, were used by police to build a tarnished self-confidence and to crack down on
anti-virus measures. Giovanni López died of a brain injury after a police operation because he forgot his veil. He was beaten and had his
leg covered. After a series of similar killings and beatings with serious consequences, this is the last straw causing new unrest.
- Givanni López, murdered by Fiz on 4 June 2020 for veil, Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos
- Carlos Andrés Navarro Landa, beaten by Fiz on 2 May 2020 for an unspecified offense, Xalapa
- Oliver López, handcuffed and strangled by Fiz on 27 March 2020 after He allegedly threw stones at gas station customers, Tijuana
The biggest problem, however, is the "forced disappearance" tactic that Mexican physicists have embraced through their close ties to illegal
mafia capitalist structures. Several people disappeared after a June 6 demonstration in Jalisc. The main goals of the police will are
allegedly anarchists.
We wrote:
Message: 3
Where do we start? How do we get masses of people to wake up and rise up? Sometimes it feels impossible. People vote for parties who openly
attack their interests. Most of the time only a handful will join protest marches or do anything more militant. The climate is changing,
wars are raging the world over, and most people don't even want to hear about it. ---- But that isn't the whole story... ---- People do know
about daily life. No amount of facebook ads and news propaganda can convince us that rent is inexpensive, that our streets are clean, or
that our work is fullfilling. Women know that sexism at work exists, people of colour know they face racism. Even if people put it out of
mind to get through the day, it's always there just beneath the surface. So that's where we start. We talk about the things people can see
right in front of them, and what could be done about it. Then we have something to build on. When it comes to daily life half the job is
done already - people know that there are problems. All that's left is to get them together, and convince them something can be done about it.
Aiming high, starting small
What does this have to do with the bigger picture? Well, something happens to us when we stand up for ourselves. We get more sympathetic to
other people. We get more confident. And we start to see things in a new light - that maybe, just maybe, they could be different. This is
the kind of consciousness we need to encourage. It happens when we feel a genuine hope that something could change. When we stop thinking
that we're powerless. And when we realise our best chance to improve things, is to band together with other working class people, not
against each other fighting for the scraps. Instead of blaming other workers for our problems, such as migrants, we can blame the rich
bosses and landlords instead. When we support each other, acting in solidarity, we have a force that will change the world.
Mass rebellion does happen, but we cant just sit around waiting for the next one. All of the small victories we win, all the self-education
and experience in organising, builds towards it. Small-scale organising teaches us to show solidarity with fights that dont directly effect
us, and gives us a base to work from when the chance for mass organisation comes around. So we start very small, with problems we can sort
using direct action from just a few people. For example tennants demanding repairs and stolen deposits back from landlords, or workers
demanding their unpaid wages from bosses. It's about setting an example - when people see that it works and that it can help them, more and
more will get involved. Direct action means doing things ourselves, without any politician or legal expert acting as middle manager. It can
be anything from a community litter-pick, to picketing a landlord's office, to an all-out strike.
Why direct action?
It gives us a sense of our own power. It increases our self reliance and confidence as a class, instead of our dependence on bosses' and
politicians' good will
Everyone involved has to get stuck in - it's naturally democratic
It's repeatable. To win bigger demands, all we have to do is scale up. Involve more people, or be more militant. There's a natural
progression from taking action over something small and personal, to taking action in solidarity with others, to taking action to change our
whole society. Compare that to using laws and regulations - there's only so far they can go and they depend on specialist expertise. Doing
things that way isn't something just anyone can copy for themselves.
It's makes our relationship to authority figures clear, confronting them directly
Direct action is good because it works! The legal and political systems are stacked against us. Taking matters into our hands is often the
fastest and easiest way to get things done
Why SolFed?
SolFed is all about encouraging people to take action. We run trainings on how to organise. We distribute information on peoples' rights, to
encourage them to stand up for themselves. Most important we get stuck in organising and taking action to improve the conditions we find in
front of us. It may be possible to do this alone, but we're stronger together. That's why we have an organisation and why we're in the
International Workers' Association, linked with other federations all over the world. It means we can nurture new organisers, sharing our
experiences together and building on them. It means we have huge support to call on when we need it. We've won many disputes because
pressure from syndicalists all over the world, concentrated on one boss or landlord, sure is effective!
So how about working with SolFed to make a better future? You don't have to be an expert or an experienced activist, everyone is welcome. We
are directly democratic and oppose all oppression within and without our organisation. All members are valued and important. Working with
others who aren't members is important to us too. We concentrate less on recruiting people and more on spreading our tactics and ideas,
helping people to win disputes. We believe action should be run directly by the people involved, without any outside organisation managing
it - including ours. Even though we are a minority, SolFed is structured like a union. This helps us to focus where we are most needed -
taking action at work and in our neighborhoods.
If you're interested, get in touch
Message: 4
A solidarity action at Free Derry Wall took place this evening as an international gesture of solidarity with the creation of Capitol Hill
Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in Seattle. ---- Despite being under constant pressure from authorities in Seattle and those in the Whitehouse
following daily Black Lives Matters protests, many seek to continue with CHAZ to see it develop into something more sustainable. ---- Over
the last number of weeks of its existence, many have equated CHAZ with similar revolutionary periods of historical significance from the
Paris Commune, the Communes of revolutionary Spain and that of the events which took place here during Free Derry. ---- What is for sure is
that the act itself has opened up room for free debate and discussion which has assisted the current climate of relvot taking place across
north America. The possibilities of future changes within society and how this can happen directly as communities organise at grassroots
level and building horizontally.
Again today's action is a solidarity call in support of the people of Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone from Free Derry!
Message: 5
In recent months, the confinement newspapers have flourished: tales of confinement in a country house contemplating the sunsets with
nostalgia. But would an inmate tell us about the ballet of rats in his promenade or the conditions of his imprisonment? It is time to take
stock of the prison situation during a pandemic. ---- At the start of confinement, there were around 70,000 detainees in French prisons,
often overcrowded and unsanitary. In a judgment of January 30, 2020, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) moreover condemned the State
"for the absence of a remedy allowing an end to inhuman and degrading conditions of detention" .
The confinement hardened the living conditions of the detainees. The cessation of activities (work, lessons, sport ...) means being locked
up 22 hours a day in a cramped and overcrowded cell. In some prisons, canteens (paid deliveries of tobacco and food) have been stopped and
access to healthcare has become more complex. Communication with the penitentiary services for integration and probation (SPIP) has become
scarce or has become impossible. The closing of the visiting rooms increased the pressure. The visiting room maintains family ties during
the sentence, and allows detainees to receive clean linen, books, CDs, etc. Coronavirus concern is felt on both sides of the bars: prison
guards and prisoners do not wear masks or gloves and have no information. In front of this situation, [1].
When the parlors were closed, some prisons exploded. As in Italy a few weeks earlier, the detainees rebelled and refused to go back to their
cells. Very quickly repressed by the regional intervention and security teams (ERIS, the equivalent of CRS in prison), mutineers are
condemned to months or more years for example.
Prisons already unlivable outside the pandemic
The Ministry of Justice resolved to release 5,300 detainees in the face of the impossible implementation of barrier gestures and the lack of
protective equipment available. The prison occupancy rate is now less than 100% (unlike some remand centers which still have an occupancy
rate of 150%). The controller general of places of deprivation of liberty (CGLPL) estimates that this spectacular drop was made possible by
two phenomena: 5,300 prisoners came out of prison and fewer prisoners entered it (the activity of the courts being reduced).
However, when judicial activities resume their normal rhythm, the prisons will fill up again. As sociologists Gilles Chantraine[2]and
Grégory Salle[3]have shown , dry outings without preparation, as was the case during confinement, entail a greater risk of recurrence.
It took a global pandemic for the state to temporarily end prison overcrowding. The easy comparison between prison and confinement is
therefore only an illusion because what distinguishes a prisoner from one or another member of society is not the deprivation of coming and
going, but the absence of dignity.
Pauline (Génépi)
[1] "OIP call log in the time of the coronavirus", on
[2] Gilles Chantraine, Beyond the walls, experiences and trajectories in remand , 2004, PUF.
[3] Grégory Salle, Utopia prison, a little history of "model prisons" , 2016, Amsterdam.
Message: 6
With the Covid-19 pandemic, it is still the most disadvantaged and vulnerable people who suffer. As in every crisis, these people bear the
brunt of the social and economic repercussions generated by these "special moments". Many of them fall "between the cracks" and are not
entitled to the Canada Emergency Benefit or the Canada Emergency Student Benefit. There are, among others, people who are on social
assistance and who have to survive on less than $ 700 per month in addition to having access to fewer services because of the pandemic
(reduction in hours of work of some community groups, reduced frequency of city buses, emergency food only, etc.). For the government, these
people are non-producing bodies who do not deserve help. You have to work to exist.
Obviously, it is not just people on social assistance who have been affected by the impact of the pandemic. The students, the workers who
earn poverty wages and who very often they have no money "on the side", all those who already had precarious jobs and who lost them, etc. In
addition to this, the informal economy is also affected, thereby reducing small incomes on the sidesome people like those who collect
hundreds of dollars from empty bottles to make ends meet or others who beg on the streets to afford a bite to eat. With the fear of
contamination and the almost disappearance of the use of cash during the pandemic, the latter had it hard.
For several years, we have been organizing actions that aim to solidify the solidarity network in downtown Chicoutimi, to share our
realities with each other and to try to meet our needs by helping each other. Despite the pandemic, we have never stopped being united. Our
network has always continued to "function" even though there were many fears and poverty was hitting even harder. We continue in this same
direction by organizing a self-managed pot under the theme Solidarity will never be confined on Sunday, July 5 from 11:30 am at Christ-Roi
Park (next to the former 21 Price site) in downtown from Chicoutimi. It is an event open to alland we invite you to respect the precautions
for physical distance . A transportable meal will be distributed free on site and there will be a free market for you to pick up and give
"in the heap" essential clothing and products.
by Collectif Emma Goldman
Message: 7
Let's be clear about this. ---- Tear gas is a weapon of terror which is used to intimidate and disperse. ---- It is neither a "none lethal"
nor "less lethal" option. ---- "Lacrimator Agent" as they are prone to call various chemicals which the police use was developed for use in
war, it's very invention was to skirt The Hague Conventions of 1899 which restricted "projectiles filled with poison gas". The Great War saw
it's first use to clear trenches of unfortunate working class lads in the wrong uniform and along with an array of horrific weapons it's use
in warfare was outlawed by international agreement under the Geneva Gas Protocol of 1925 which prohibits the use of "asphyxiating gas, or
any other kind of gas, liquids, substances or similar materials". It currently stands listed as part of the international trade in tools of
torture by Amnesty International and yet remains a popular weapon of oppression by the majority of the worlds states.
However no one bothered to outlaw a countries use of such a horrific weapon on their own people and in the following years it became a
standard tool of police to maintain order and obedience. It's use as such first rose into the public consciousness when the Israelis used it
during the first Intifada and it was discovered that the US had exported $6.5 million worth of tear-gas guns, grenades, launchers, and
launching cartridges to Israel. The "less lethal" option took 40 lives during that conflict and left thousands others to suffer illness.
More recently we've seen prodigious use on the streets of Hong Kong, Paris and Seattle to the much less documented use by U. S. Customs and
Border Protection (CBP) against émigrés more than once a month since the start of the Obama administration.
It's become a favourite of despots as gas has a psychological impact that has long been utilised to control the victims of an attack since
day dot. This effect was noticed by Amos Fries of the U.S. Chemical Warfare Service who commented "It is easier for man to maintain morale
in the face of bullets than in the presence of invisible gas." A truth then as it is now a hundred years later as I was entire blocks of
Seattle drowning in noxious gas. It's use was not to clear out any violent mob, but to assault peaceful protestors, mostly teenagers. Time
and time again in protest footage we see police use tear gas canisters themselves as weapons, launching them directly into peoples bodies
and faces. The results, horrific. A study from Iran observed the high rate of Vascular inurioes caused by such reckless brutality from the
police "with high rates of associated nerve injury (44%) and amputation (17%)" in the study.
While ostensibly a last option tool to disperse violent mobs it has overwhelmingly become the weapon of choice of law enforcements seeking
to harass and stymie any assembly with a mind to protest whether radically or peacefully. It may be banned as a weapon of war but it is
seeing plenty of use as a weapon of fear and control.
Protests can be uncompromisingly disorganised. This is especially so when is has come together as a peaceful protest and the police have
decided to turn it into a riot either by pushing tensions higher or simply by straight up attacking people. The best defence against the use
of tear gas in this situation as it is in more conflict prone campaigns is the prepared comrades and autonomous affinity groups who are
ready to deal with this specific threat.
One of the indirect defensive tools you have is fire. While not particularly great for the environment burn bins and tires create smoke, and
specifically heavy smoke. This acts as a barrier for teargas, meaning that you can block it from going towards the demo/rioters/you name it.
If able you will want to ensure that the cops will not use teargas in the first place and the best method here is to to disable their masks.
In Greece, they do this by spraying lines of cops with powdered fire extinguisher, which cloggs up their gas masks and makes them think
twice before using it. In Catalan protestors covered the police in paint. This can be used to reduce visibility of gas masks and riot helmet
alike and if it's a weapon being used they are less likely to deploy tear gas as it will mean they could be trapped with zero visibility.
Effective ways to do this are with water bombs filled with paint solutions, or even water guns or garden spraying equipment. Make sure to
use none toxic paint tho, for legal and environmental concerns.
If you are partaking in unrest where you know the police are liable to use chemical agents consider volunteering yourselves to be "gas
response". That is, protestors who are armed with devices to cover tear gas canisters and drown them in water. They is best done in teams of
three or four. You'll need someone to hold the container and someone to pour the water with preferably a couple of friends dedicating their
energy to locating canisters and spotting police about to fire them. Ideally you want to respond immediately and minimise the spread and the
effect on others. You will need respirators or at the very least masks,goggles and good thick gloves. Cannisters can be hot and will burn you.
The basic methodology is to quickly cover the canister and pour water all over it. A popular container is a traffic cone or for the prepared
the top half of a plastic milk container. However the former is very water inefficient and the later can be quite fiddly, especially in the
heat of the moment. It you have the resources and want to come prepared consider using the Printable "Anti Gas Kettle" as developed by
Corgian which solves both issues at the expensive of a sizeable printing project. Download the files here on sketchfab.
Corgian asks that anyone looking to provide some material support do so to FOR THE GWORLS who helps black trans women get reaffrimative
surgery as well as help them pay rent.
If you are operating solo you'll was a water battle with a wide opening and put the tear gas cannisters inside preferably using tongs of
fire retardant gloves.
Either way you'll want several bottles of water ready to go (preferably with a good source nearby to top up) and a separate water proof bag
with water in for collecting empty cannisters.
If you're not able to dowse cannisters you can always remove the immediately threat by returning to sender. Either quickly grab the
canisters and chuck them back - not very safe mind and use gloves! Heck if you're sporting go Greek and get in some tennis practice by
bringing along a racket or just be give it a good punt like this Palestinian lawyer...
If you are attending an action where you think you are likely to be attacking with chemical agents consider doing some prep the day before.
Respirators which cover the eyes are a must, any Charcoal lines filter will do the job Tho ideally you'd have one rated to FFP2 (N95). If
you shave your hair, do so the day before to allow micro-cuts to heal. If you have signicant facial hair, consider cutting it down or
shaving it o to help your respirator achieve a better seal. There is a reason the army are limited to moustaches and this is it.
Before going out for an event where you expect teargas you should shower, and then do not apply makeup or other greasy stuff to your skin
(like moisturisers etc) Teargas binds with grease so it is a fucker if you come to riots well-moisturised and with makeup.
Especially makeup is bad, as people tend to apply it to sensitive areas such as eyes
There are an array of compounds and blends used to the similar effect. the two primary agents are CN (phenacyl chloride or
chloroacetophenone) and CS (2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile) tho notable amongst the rest are CR (dibenzoxazepine) and DM (diphenylaminechlorarsine)
Exploding tear gas grenades as well as launched cannisters that are improperly or maliciously red can cause injuries beyond the intended
chemical irritation. Patients struck by cannisters may have thermal burns, contusions, bone fractures, lacerations, avulsion, amputations,
or concussions. A hit to the torso, neck, or head can kill a protester.
CS is the most commonly used tear gas. Because it is so common, the literature that discusses the effects of different tear gasses typical
does so by comparing their effects to CS. CN, also known as mace, is less common as it is more toxic than CS gas. CR is less toxic than CS
but a stronger irritant. CR can be identified by its pale, yellow colour and pepper-like odour. Patients whose skin is contaminated with CR
may experience severe pain when wet, either during decontamination with water or due to sweating. DM is also known as adamsite and "green
gas" due to its noticeable green colour. DM's effects are similar to that of CS. The onset of symptoms is slower, but the duration of
symptoms is longer, sometimes lasting over 12 hours.
CS, CN, CR, and DM are not actually gasses. They are aerosols (a suspension of fine particles in a secondary gas). They are distributed by
dissolving them in a solvent, evaporating them through thermal reaction, or turning them into a micro-powder.
Symptoms of exposure to all tear gasses are generally similar. Under low concentrations, tear gas causes a burning sensation in mucous
membranes, especially the eyes. Other effects are tearing of the eyes, increase nasal mucus production, and coughing. Moderate
concentrations and longer exposure lead to profuse coughing, blepharospasm (involuntary closing of the eyelid), increased salivation,
difficulty breathing (dyspnoea), prostration (doubling over), burning and stinging sensations on the skin, disorientation, dizziness,
syncope (fainting), headache, tachycardia, and vomiting. Heavy concentrations, especially in enclosed spaces, can lead to death by
asphyxiation or pulmonary edema. Patients with pre-existing respiratory disorders such as asthma are more sensitive to tear gas and exposure
to even small quantities can be life-threatening.
The following steps should be followed for treating patients exposed to "Riot Control Agents" or RCAs.
Introduce yourself to the patient. The patient may be blinded or disoriented, so will need to clearly introduce yourself before touching and
treating them. This is true in general, but doubly so when they are alert but incapacitated. Failure to do so can lead to them striking out
at you.
Remove the patient from the RCA. Pepper spray is short range and exposure happens during brief usage, but tear gas often makes air noxious
for many minutes. Patients need to be moved away from tear gas before treatment can begin. Attempt to move the patient upwind from clouds of
tear gas or burning cannisters. Tear gas is heavier than air, so if possible, move your patient to higher ground. In urban settings, you may
be able to enter the foyer or courtyard of an apartment or building where the air is fresher.
Remove contact lenses. If the patient has RCA on their face or eyes, they should remove their contact lenses. Flushing the eyes can push
contact lenses up into the eye socket. Ask your patient if they are wearing contact lenses, and if so, direct the patient to remove them
before treatment. If the patient cannot open their eyes or is incapable of removing the contacts, you may need to flush their eyes until
they can open them to remove the contacts. Some patients will attempt to save their contact lenses and reinsert them after you have
decontaminated their eyes. You should advise them against putting the contacts back in and suggest they dispose of them immediately.
However, they may have significantly impaired vision without lenses and will not be able to get home or continue participating in the action
without their contacts. They may also have financial restrictions and not want to dispose of a new pair of lenses. Whatever the case may be,
they may put the contacts in regardless of what you say, so your job is to help minimize recontamination and associated pain. After
treatment, assist the patient with cleaning their lenses. Have them wash their hands using the solution from your bottle. Then, have them
them rub their contacts together between their finger and thumb as your slowly stream water onto the lenses for at least 30 seconds. This
will help remove a majority of the RCA before they put their lenses back in. After they put their lenses back in their eyes, you may need to
help them gently flush out residual RCA.
Prevent the patient from touching the effected area. A patient's instinct will be to rub the effected body part, especially the eyes and
face, while contaminated and after decontamination. This can make the contamination worse and spread it to other body parts. When RCAs are
deployed, no one should touch their eyes at all except to remove contact lenses.
Allow tear and mucus production. If water or saline are not available, natural tear and mucus production will eventually remove the RCA. RCA
on the skin breaks down and washes o over time. Even without intervention, patients will recover, albeit much more slowly. Remove
contaminated clothing. If the patient is heavily contaminated with pepper spray or tear gas, they may need to remove their clothes to
prevent continued irritation. Masks and bandannas need to be removed before decontaminating the face, but other clothing can be removed after.
Decontaminate the body part. If the RCA is CR, attempt to brush and dust o as much RCA as possible. Avoid use of water or other liquids to
decontaminate the patient unless they are already wet or sweaty, or the RCA is in their eyes (which are already wet). For other RCAs, flush
the body part with large amounts of water. For parts of the body other than the eyes, spraying large amounts of water on the effected body
part is sufficient. Specifics techniques for decontaminating the eyes are covered later in this chapter. Because pepper spray is oily, it
may be useful to gently dab or wipe the effected area with gauze to remove the bulk of the pepper spray. Vigorously rubbing and scrubbing
will exacerbate the pain. During treatment for both pepper spray and tear gas, attempt to prevent run off from spreading the RCA to other
parts of the patient's body or your body, especially mucous membranes or open wounds.
Rinse the patient's mouth. Patients should rinse their mouth with water or saline to remove the RCA. Even in the absence of burning or
irritating sensations in the mouth, a mouth rinse is encouraged as it helps remove the taste and it helps them feel cleansed.
Allow coughing and sneezing. If your patient is coughing or sneezing, allow them to continue as this is the body's natural response and it
will help remove the RCA. Give your patient tissue or gauze, and have them blow their nose.
Use refrigerant spray. For patients who have been contaminated with pepper spray, spray the effected areas with refrigerant spray. Use of
refrigerant spray does not have an effect on pain levels beyond the immediate treatment, but it psychologically helps patients feel treated.
Spray the effected areas for 3 to 5 seconds. Beware the refrigerant spray with cause a burning sensation on open wounds an mucous membranes.
If the patient's face was contaminated, instruct them to close their eyes and mouth and exhale slowly through their nose while your spray
them. Consider use of an inhaler. If your patient is asthmatic, remind them to use their inhaler. If you carry a Salbutamol inhaler in your
medic kit, consider suggesting they use it to self-medicate.
Consider treating for hypothermia. Patients may remove contaminated clothing, and clothing may be wet from treatment. On cool or breezy
days, this can contribute to hypothermia. Consider wrapping the patient in an emergency blanket so they do not have to put back on their
contaminated clothes.
Consider other complications. Patients may appear to be generally fine when you begin treatment, but you should still pay attention to their
respiratory rate and overall complexion as you treat them. Patients may develop delayed respiratory distress or hyperventilation, or they
may go into shock as their adrenaline wears off.
Instruct the patient on how to decontaminate at home. When you discharge the patient, direct them on how to safely decontaminate when they
get home. Clothing should be removed before entering their home. Tear gas residue, especially CR, should be vacuumed o clothing and the body
before entering the home. If it is available, an ultra-low particulate air (ULPA) or high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuum should be
used to suck up as much tear gas residue as possible. The patient should throw out the vacuum bag after use to prevent spreading tear gas.
Clothing should be washed separately from other items, twice, and with a harsh detergent. If clothing cannot be immediately washed, direct
them to put it into a sealed plastic bag until they can wash it. The patient should shower in a well ventilated room using the coldest water
possible for at least 20 minutes. Warm water opens pores and may cause additional burning sensations, so patients should shower with the
coldest water they can tolerate until the feeling of burning stops. Likewise, scrubbing effected areas should be avoided until burning stops.
For further information download Riot Medicine here.
It's worth adding that several solutions have been developed, some of these such as Viniger or Baby Shampoo solutions are dubious and there
is little reason to think they are effective and may act as an irritant themselves. Comrades in Greece however have long used milk of
magnesia, specifically Maalox brand but any will do.
Message: 8
On May 25, 2020, African-American George Floyd is assassinated by cops in Minneapolis, USA. Another state assassination as a result of the
anti-social and racist policies of the American state. Countless murders, class inequalities, racist discrimination, exclusion and
marginalization of indigenous peoples and African-Americans as second-class citizens, the war against immigrants, the brutal police
brutality and the mechanistic rewarding of fascist parasites. ---- UNTIL GREECE... ---- The concentration camps, the deportations, the
humiliations, the tortures, the murders at the sea borders, at the fence of Evros, at the AT. ---- THE REALITY FOR THE OCCUPIED / THE WORLD
IS INSURANCE. ---- USA, Chile, Mexico parts of the world that are on fire from the uprisings of the oppressed and the exploited . Uprisings
are the place and time of those from below, where authoritarian regimes collapse, utopia marks its mark on the now and opens the way for the
total overthrow of the world of exploitation and oppression.
Thursday, July 9, 2020 - Occupation of Dervenia 56 (Exarchia) - 7pm
Manifestation of the insurgent events in the USA with the participation of a comrade from the collective and a comrade from
the Oa kland of California.
anarchist collectivity Vogliamo tutto e per tutti
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