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zondag 26 juli 2020
#Anarchism all over the #world - SATURDAY 25 JULY 2020
Today's Topics:
1. France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #307 - Politics,
Science: Pseudo social Darwinism is a falsification (fr, it,
pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2. Canada, Collectif Emma Goldman - Welcome to the parallel
world of the conspiratorial far right! (fr, it, pt)[machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3. [Italy] A man, an anarchist By ANA [machine translation]
4. alas barricadas: [Volos-GR] - Farewell to comrade Vassilis
Mangos by the Solidarity Assembly inside and outside the walls
[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5. US, black rose fed: Art is Not Revolutionary, the People Are
Message: 1
On the occasion of the Covid-19 crisis, expressions such as "Darwinian", "natural selection" or "struggle for life" have multiplied in the
media and social networks . The transposition of the conclusions of a scientific theory into social space is indicative of an attempt to
naturalize social relations. In this case, behind this misuse of Darwin, and his theory of natural selection, hides a political discourse
historically linked to liberalism. ---- The use of metaphors reminiscent of Darwin seems particularly entrenched in the media, the current
pandemic has been an opportunity to see them multiply. Thus the so-called group immunity strategy promoted at the start of the pandemic by
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was described as "Darwinist" while a few weeks later we could read in Le Point that the latter "
[had]had to quickly give up the Darwinian but dangerous path he had mapped out to fight the pandemic". Elsewhere it is mentioned that "in a
good logic of business Darwinism, the Trump administration would let the weakest companies die"[1]. Regarding the exclusion of "fragile"
people, for lack of artificial respirators, resuscitation services, we can read: "none of the French doctors in question shares the
Darwinist ideology of eliminating unnecessary mouths ... But the euthanasia remains euthanasia."[2]. In short, Darwin is put to all the
sauces ... the most indigestible ! [3]
Darwinism versus Social Darwinism and Eugenics ...
According to Patrick Tort, "nothing that concerns Darwinism can be expressed in indifference"[4]. About the misconception on Darwin's theory
of evolution: "Because Darwin is the author of the theory of the evolution of living species through the mechanism of natural selection -
involving the defeat of the less adapted in the struggle. for existence within a determined environment - he was tirelessly declared
responsible for the worst "applications" of this scheme, apparently simple and systematizable, to human societies: defense of the "law of
the strongest" and its consequences , "Social Darwinism ", Neo-Malthusianism, eugenics, racism, brutal colonialism, ethnocide or slavery
domination - finally sexism" [5]. Confronted with churches, Darwin did not extend his theory to humans and society until 1871, in his work
"The Descent of Man" , twelve years after the publication of "On the Origin of Species" . In the meantime, interpretations of his theory
have been developed which will have dramatic social and historical repercussions, Spencerism as well as eugenics, founded by a contemporary
of Darwin, his cousin Francis Galton.
"Pseudo social Darwinism" ?
Social Darwinism, as understood today, is only a pseudo social Darwinism, an ideology whose foundation is Malthusianism, a doctrine
developed by Thomas Malthus in his "Essay on the principle of population" published in 1798. This theory postulates that the population
tending to grow faster than the available resources, "natural obstacles" (famines, infant mortality, epidemics, etc.) restore a balance
between populations and means of subsistence. Granting financial aid to the poor - the poor laws - would therefore be dangerous in the long
term for society. Indeed, if the laws of the population are the laws of nature, any help given to the disadvantaged can only encourage the
poor to " proliferate"to the detriment of social balance. Clearly, "the inevitable laws of human nature condemn some individuals to live in
need", so life is a "lottery", too bad for those / those who have "drawn zero", there is no point in assisting them, the only outcomes:
work, self-sacrifice, virtue, savings ...[6]This reactionary moralist doctrine will be widely relayed in particular by the Anglican priests
of the time. Darwin certainly read Malthus, a reading that contributed to his reflection, but he never validated his political conclusions.
Social Darwinism is "Spencerism"
This Malthusian conception of an unequal society but in equilibrium, static, did not allow an evolutionism which would place economic and
social laws on the laws of nature. After Malthus, it will be up to Spencer to conceive of an "evolutionism" which associates natural
selection and unhindered economic competition allowing the "survival of the fittest", the social hierarchy being thus a direct projection of
the natural hierarchy.
Spencerian evolutionism met with great success in the United States at the end of the nineteenth century. It is conceived as a doctrine of
progress, modern, which makes it possible to supplement the weakening credibility of Protestant ethics to legitimize capitalist
laissez-faire, by appealing to "science". An "elective affinity " is thus formedbetween the struggle for life and free competition, survival
of the best suited and economic victory of the most capable, natural elimination of the unsuitable and social elimination of the poor,
natural inequality and social hierarchy, intangibility of the laws of nature. and the "natural" laws of economics, improvement of the
species and social progress through economic selection. [7]
Marx and Engels after having read and commented positively on The Origin of Species then sided with the critique of Social Darwinism, but
without relying on Darwin himself. The latter being considered by them as the founder of the theory of social selections, thus helping to
legitimize the annexation of Darwinism by an unequal social theory. [8]Of course, liberal capitalist ideology today does not claim the
reference to social Darwinism / Spencerism, for all that it draws heavily on it. The current crisis reveals an otherwise well established
trend. On November 26, 2019, Antoine Petit, President of the CNRS, speaking on the future research programming law, affirmed that " We
needed an ambitious, unequal law, a virtuous and Darwinian law, which encourages[...]the most efficient" . Orientation dubbed by Macron
himself during his speech for the 80th anniversary of the institution. Macronism, like liberalism, is only contemporary neo-Spencerism !
P. Contesenne (UCL BSE)
Message: 2
We are sharing this text with you, which has reached us by email. Don't hesitate to do the same and send us your news and opinion letters.
PS in order to make it easier to put some events in context, we have added links to further reading. ---- The friends of the Emma Goldman
Collective have just published the book Fighting the Far Right and Populism: The Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Experience . In this book, they
recount, among many other very instructive things, the escapades of Eric Proulx, this white supremacist and former leader of La Meute, whose
members had given him the nickname "Ti-loup fourre- all "for his tolerated sexual misconduct in senior management. On a more personal note,
he was also the one who launched a witch hunt and offered a reward to anyone who could identify the famous mole of klan 02 ( A mole in La
Meute: Their violence has reached a very worrying stage). As you can imagine, he was finally kicked out of the Council and the Pack, before
he even found any clue to identify me.
With the recent release of the book, I had the taste to see where all these pretty people were. A few weeks ago, I therefore decided to
reconnect, in a certain way, with my former members of the Pack and their associated club, I named Storm Alliance (SA) .
We will not be surprised that an aggressor coupled with a conspirator saw in it an xth plot.
The different trajectories of the old Meutons and SA
First observation, the luster of yesteryear fueled by unhealthy media attention seems to have faded. According to the latest news, Sylvain
Brouillette, now undisputed chef of La Meute, has managed to disgust a lot of meutons. With the media attention over, there is little more
than Sébastien Chabot left to wear his wolf-paw sweater and maintain the few remaining embers of this flash in the pan that was La Meute.
The Facebook group has fallen so far into oblivion that subordinate Chabot no longer even has to defend body and soul the controversial
outings of a radicalized leader ...
On the side of the SA, the leaders sounded the general withdrawal. Eric Trudel, a man as charismatic as a 2x4, hung on his skates like Dave
Treg and many "Stormers". As for the SA page, it has become an xth page on Facebook where it is shared everything and anything, including a
variety of conspiratorial theses.
From one plot to another
The rise in Canada of this conspiratorial far right coincides with the election of Donald Trump to the American presidency. The latter did
not hesitate to join forces, to gain access to the White House, with Breitbart News (the platform of the Alt-right) and its executive
chairman Steve Bannon. Even though he thanked Steve Bannon after the events in Charlottesville ( "We mourn the dead, fight tirelessly for
the living" ), Trump continued the agenda of white supremacists as demonstrated by his speech on July 4:
" We are defeating the radical left, the Marxists, the anarchists, the agitators and the looters ".
The same speech is repeated here
The demonstrations (March 2017) surrounding the adoption of motion M-103 against Islamophobia by the House of Commons, the anti-immigration
mobilizations at the borders (2017 to 2019) and the current protest movement against the wearing of masks and physical distancing measures
have more in common than they might suggest at first glance. We find in these mobilizations the same desire, that of opposing a so-called
globalist conspiracy embodied by the UN / WHO, George Soros (see the return of the so-called plots orchestrated by Jewish financiers), Bill
Gates, etc.
We are therefore not surprised to see Steven Dumont, one of the former proud arms of the SA, to recycle himself into a pseudo guru
advocating civil disobedience. Our former SA even pushes the plug by daring to compare his ridiculous actions to the civil rights movement
in the United States. All this of course, between two songs by a group of extreme right skinheads from the Sainte-Foy district of Quebec.
Like what, the ridiculous does not kill.
from this first song:
" You call us fascists, neo-Nazis.
A communist skinhead ... who advocates anarchy? Ah! Ah! Ah!
You run to your loss, you know our reputation.
A blade that pierces you, a noise an explosion!!! "
In the profile photos, many wolf's paws have been exchanged in recent months by the logo of Stéphane Blais' foundation, see the one who
incidentally replaced Bernard Rambo Gauthier as leader of the ruling Citizens party of Quebec, a populist coalition
-identitarian-racist-conspiratorial. If in their imagination, they still identify a lot as patriots on a saving mission against the
globalists, cybermilitants have on the other hand put aside the bogus quotes of the former leaders of La Meute to broadcast videos of the
Meute in their place. conspiratorialists of all kinds, just as they traded for a time the theories of the "great replacement" by those of
QAnon (1) and their "pedo-satanic" plot.
Even the former leaders of La Meute took off their wolf sweater.
And we are never too far from dubious and xenophobic amalgamations.
A mole
(1)Among others popularized in Quebec by Ken Pereira, ex-unionist and star candidate of the People's Party of Canada, as well as the
youtubers André Pitre and Alexis Cosette-Trudel (former candidate of the ruling Citizens Party).
Posted 17 hours ago by Collectif Emma Goldman
Message: 3
Yesterday, Monday, July 20, Paolo Finzi, one of the founders of "A-Rivista Anarchica", editor and editor in chief, left. A piece of our
history and our hearts will also go away. ---- Professor of anarchy and ethics, dialogue and confrontation. Bright, intelligent, sensitive
and kind man. He taught us doubt and reflection, listening and deep and sincere respect. ---- We will continue sailing in an obstinate and
contrary direction, carrying out a project that was your home and your life, in the wake of your commitment and your ideals of freedom and
justice. ---- We will keep your teachings. He will be with us forever. ---- A-Rivista Anarchica ---- Translation> Liberto ---- Related content:
anarchist news agency-ana
Message: 4
At the time of writing, the first results of the coroner's report have just been announced. Respecting the desire of his family to separate
his death from his barbaric blows and emphasize the enormous psychological collapse that our partner experienced because of him, we want to
distance ourselves from what has been heard in the last 24 hours about our partner and provide an essential point to open this great chapter
called Vassilis Mangos and that does not fit in any forensic report, much less the words of ministers and other journalists. ---- Vassilis,
Evamer, from adolescence joined the lines of the anti-authoritarian movement in the city. Punki, as a young child with a sincere and sincere
love for freedom, walked through all the squares, turned all squats and meeting places and danced pogos into concerts. But he did something
extremely important from the start: he chose a place. Without an academic analysis, without fanfare, without big words, but always with more
precise political criteria and taking a position, he asked to put into practice here and now his desire for a more just world. He didn't
want to soften his words, adapt and fit into this world, change to be loved. Never hiding his identity, he fought his daily battles. In the
streets, in the squares, in the petals, Vasilis was a moving challenge for the police and the fascists.
Present at the forefront of all the great social struggles of the last decade, he fought against exploitation and injustice from the field
of the exploited. Coming out of the popular strata, he found no opportunity for self-promotion in the fight. For Vassilis, fighting at all
levels of his life was a one-way street. The only way to defend everything was to fight violence and marginalization. Vassilis was a man of
action, of battle. He did not assess the situation based on his personal interest, did not weigh whether it led him to do what he wanted or
not. Because of what he did, what his existence meant, his clothing, his identity was repeatedly attacked by the police and he fought with
the fascists.
The culmination of all this is the three days of demonstrations by thousands of Volos citizens against burning garbage. Vassilis actively
participates, protesting the fresh air against the interests of multinationals and the local municipal authority of the mafia. This
particular protest receives an unprecedented repressive attack from the authorities. The next day, while the detainees of the march were
taken to court, Vassilis unknowingly accidentally sees his transfer. He spontaneously protests and accepts the multiple blows of the MAT and
OPKE[N. del tr: riot and antiterrorist]. When he was arrested and taken to the police station, he heard the humiliating descriptions and was
tortured. He was seriously injured and was transported to the hospital in solidarity. There he is hospitalized and then publishes his case
in Greece. Despite the seriousness of his complaint, there are no sweats, no police officer is responsible. On the contrary, in the
following days, what follows is the systematic silencing of incidents by the media and coordinated police-judicial terrorism in the city of
Volos, with irregular procedures and mafia methods, with raids on the protesters' houses, surveillance of comrades, open cases and simple
crimes, attacking activists and 'chatting' in their social and family environment, exerting even greater psychological pressure both in
Vassilis and throughout the film world of the city. A campaign is underway to establish and takeRetaliation to take revenge and set an
example for those who have challenged the elections of their multinationals and local governors. A tactic that goes hand in hand with the
theory of the two extremes and the slander of unmediated and 'below' social struggles of which Vassilis was an integral part.
We have no illusions that justice will someday be served through civil justice and that the state will kill its dogs through this blind
woman. We also believe that the state and its exponents will again insult a genuine social activist by trying to hide her responsibilities,
but such is the deadly nature of the state's repressive mechanism. After all, the situation we are experiencing and the options of the
authorities are clear. The system is protected by new laws such as the one it lists against demonstrations and constantly equips and covers
its uniformed vanguard. He buries in his dungeons those who dare to challenge him and assassinate. The doctrine of 'law and order' The
beloved son of the CIA and minister of public order is a prerequisite for maintaining the existing exploitation system both locally and
globally. In a situation in which a new world economic recession is approaching, where with increasing frequency and for various reasons
(such as that of the coronavirus) full measures are being taken and in many parts of the world hot spots are created or rekindled, the
system invests once again in the most extreme, regressive, and lethal theorems. Nationalist-religious hatred, intolerance, privatization,
hatred of the different and cannibalism accompanied by heavy doses of fear and terror increasingly recall the interwar period and its
consequences. Where increasing measurements are being taken more and more frequently and for various reasons (such as that of the
coronavirus), and in many parts of the world, sources of tension are created or rekindled, the system invests once again in the most
extreme, regressive and lethal. Nationalist-religious hatred, intolerance, privatization, hatred of the different and cannibalism
accompanied by heavy doses of fear and terror increasingly recall the interwar period and its consequences. Where increasing measurements
are being taken more and more frequently and for various reasons (such as that of the coronavirus), and in many parts of the world, sources
of tension are created or rekindled, the system invests once again in the most extreme, regressive and lethal. Nationalist-religious hatred,
intolerance, privatization, hatred of the different and cannibalism accompanied by heavy doses of fear and terror increasingly recall the
interwar period and its consequences.
Such a dystopian configuration has long been established in the city of Volos, a city that in recent years has become, in essence, a field
of application for a dystopian-authoritarian power model, with direct, crude and without restrictions from the local media, mayors of the
mafia, police-braves and oligarchs. Comrade Vassilis, along with local groups, assemblies and local filmmakers, along with his friends and
the world of struggle, always resisted it and against any authoritarian law.
It is logical that the death of a man like Vassilis takes such a large dimension. Highly politicized, loved by many people, with a presence
in the anti-fascist movement, with a smile and a hug for everything, it was a fact that hearing his death will bring us great sorrow.
It stands to reason that his death raises questions and speculation about whether it is directly related to his beating by the police. The
violence he received was so intense and the blows so strong that such a connection is inevitable.
However, it makes no sense that the case of his torture remains unanswered and is not in itself an occasion for action and struggle. Under
no circumstances should we get used to a normality in which one has to die to clear up a case of beatings and torture. And while the open
attacks by police officers in the squares, shops, demonstrations and demonstrations increase, while false accusations are made against the
protesters, at the same time the criminalization of demonstrations law is approved, which gives even more power. to state sponsors. So, at
this moment, we will be in the squares as before, we will take to the streets as before and we will shout for each comrade that we lost
early. Always a fist, always all together against the state and repression.
Our partner's fight against the dream eaters continues.
Comrade Vassilis will always be in our hearts, in our struggles and in the passion of each person who struggles with self-denial and
disinterest in anarchy and social liberation. The unjust and premature loss of this true companion should strengthen the will to fight and
the passion for freedom!
Goodbye Comrade Vassilis!
Assembly of anarchists for solidarity inside and outside the walls, Volos, 7/16/2020
Message: 5
"Art is not revolutionary unto itself; it is people who are revolutionary"
Artist statement and featured work by Cesar Montero, a cultural worker and Black Rose/Rosa Negra member in Los Angeles, CA. ---- "My artwork
is dedicated to the experiences of the working class; it explores the possibilities of a new society and the contradictions between classes
and ideas. While I do place value on how an art piece looks, I'm not as interested in what we consider to be or not be art but instead in
how we use that art and how we will continue to use it in the years ahead. Art and propaganda in the US is highly individualized. At times,
artist collectives consist of friends who happen to be artists and want to put forward their own individual style together instead of
artists pushing forward a communal art style, developing their politics together and serving as the propaganda wing of social/political
organizations.Art is a tool we use, but with all tools, they themselves are not inherently political. Art is not revolutionary unto itself;
it is people who are revolutionary. It has been said that the role of the artist is to make revolution irresistible but I believe that the
role of the revolutionary artist is not only to paint it, but to change it."
-Cesar Montero, Puntorojo
Cesar Montero is a cultural worker living in Los Angeles, CA and a member of Black Rose/Rosa Negra.
Rent Strike #3 (2020)
Acrylic, solid paint marker on canvas, 18 x 24 inches
Black Trans Lives Matter (2020),
2048 x 2048 px, digital print.
Build Tenant Power (2020)
12 x 5 feet, flat exterior paint on canvas
La Historia La Escriben Los Pueblos (2020)
Acrylic on vinyl tablecloth, 54 x 108 inches
Landlord Subsidies Are Not Enough (2020)
2048 x 2048 px, digital print
Community Outreach (2020)
2048 x 2048 px, digital print
El Arte No Es Revolucionario (2020)
2048 x 2048 px, digital print
La Fabrica (2017)
16 x 12 inches, acrylic on canvas
La Hoz (2020)
2048 x 2048 px, digital print
Bandido (2020)
9 x 4.5 inches, tempera paint, crayon, marker on construction paper
Cesar Montero is a cultural worker living in Los Angeles, CA and a member of Black Rose/Rosa Negra. Connect with him on Instagram @prolemex
to follow his work.
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