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vrijdag 31 juli 2020

#Anarchism from all over the #world - FRIDAY 30 JULY 2020

Today's Topics:


 1.  Greece, bad horse, APO: The Polytechnic was and will remain
      a living field of the struggles for Freedom, Equality, Solidarit
      [machine translation]y (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

 2.  Anarchist Union of Afghanistan and Iran: An article by
      Yannis Contas, a left-wing and prominent Greek journalist on the
      anarchist Abtin Parsa [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

3.  France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #306 -
      Antipatriarchy, Feminism and social transformation: limits of
      individualizing strategies (fr, it, pt)[machine translation]

4.  US, Portland Black Lives Matter: Confronting the feds by
      Nate Cohen (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

5.  "disinios ippos" APO: Solidarity to the Nasa indigenous
      people who fight in Colombia for the "Liberation of Mother
      Earth". (ca) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

6.  Poland, ozzip, Worker Initiative: Bosses' holidays at the
      expense of free work in Warsaw? Give back our payouts!


Message: 1

On June 1, the senator of the National Technical University of Athens announces the restoration and reopening of the Guinness building and
its transformation into a conference center and Museum of Technology. With this decision, for the first time, the NTUA gives its consent to
the state methods , which have been developed since at least 2009 and against which all the previous rectorial authorities were opposed, for
changing the operation of the Polytechnic and paving the way for the reduction of social and political activities within it, but also in
Exarchia .In parallel with the decision of the NTUA administration, Mendoni, the Minister of Culture and Sports of the far-right-neoliberal
government of the N.D. announces the unification of the National Archaeological Museum and the cooperation with Metsovio, a project that,
she says, will regenerate the center. of Athens, in the same way that the Acropolis Museum contributed to the "development" of the area, ie
to the alteration of its physiognomy.

The material expression of the above plan, which was re-launched in  the midst of a pandemic , became more visible after the end of the
traffic ban,  as the expansion of the presence of all types of police forces OPKE, DIAS, DELTA, MAT in Exarchia  was reflected in the
permanent guarded gate of the Polytechnic, with the entry ban and the apprehensions of comrades who went to a meeting in Guinea.

The imposed "development" of the city center and its transformation into a tourist resort, through the Great Promenade, the change of use of
buildings that were part of the social fabric in museums, the sterilization of public universities, the modification of the residential
character of neighborhoods Commodity zones  means the plunder of fields in which everyday life develops . The streets, the neighborhoods,
the hills and the parks, the universities, the cities, will not be to serve the social needs, but will become the prisons in which the
society will provide services under the full control and supervision of the government. This targeting is part of the overall effort
transformation of society, which can only be achieved through the crushing of resistance and the uprooting of the culture of resistance.

The Polytechnic is imprinted in the collective memory as a reference point of great struggles against the Government, from the period of
dictatorship and the post- colonial  period, until the Uprising of 2008.  It is a landmark place for the insurgents, the activists, the
anarchists, as a field meeting and development of a number of political processes, field of expression of social controversy and
disobedience. It is an integral part of the history of the militant neighborhood of Exarcheia from the December of '44, the assassination of
M. Kaltezas to the daily battles in the times of modern totalitarianism against the repressive forces.

And it is these rhizomes that they want, the state and its mechanisms, to uproot from the streets of Exarcheia and bury under the conference
centers and Museums. A long-term goal of all political administrators that evolved in the previous years of the SYRIZA government with the
ghettoization of the region, with the state-methodized gigantism of the minefield in Exarchia and the imposition of eating conditions of the
oppressed, and now continues N. with the repression of the area, as since August 2019 a police occupation army has been permanently
installed in the neighborhood, with continuous checks, patrols, daily thrashings, evacuations of struggle squatters and self-organized
housing structures for refugees and immigrants / repression towards the whole world that moves and acts in Exarchia.

In conditions of capitalist crisis and pandemic, the state develops a  comprehensive strategy of preventive counter-insurgency in the face
of the risk of uncontrolled social explosions. This includes the passage of the bill on demonstrations and the further escalation of the
criminal violence of the repressive forces, as evidenced by the brutal beating of protesters against the burning of rubbish in Volos, the
murderous attacks of the DAL in the bill in Athens, from the arrests and beatings of militants in the anti-fascist anti-concentration rally
in Victoria. In this context, attempts have been made for years to change the physiognomy of the Exarchates - through the degradation of the
neighborhood, with the closure of schools and services that served the needs of the inhabitants,

But the games will not remain in yesterday, nor will they enter a Museum.  We will continue to fight for the Exarchate of Class Solidarity
and Social Self-Organization. The Polytechnic was and will remain an integral part of the struggles against the Government. It was and will
remain a field of questioning, fermentation of political processes, a reference point of yesterday's insurgents and a living part of
tomorrow's uprisings!

Assembly for the Re-appropriation of the Exarchates

July 2020



Message: 2

I was 16 years old with anarchist views and atheistic beliefs. I was arrested and tortured (by the Revolutionary Guards) for having
atheistic views and anti-government positions while a student in Zarghan, Iran. " ---- This was the (similar) story, today Abtin Parsa (22),
a (political) anarchist refugee in Greece since 2017, describes the treatment of him by the Iranian authorities between 2014 and 2015. ----
In January 2019, he was arrested in Patras while trying to escape to Italy with a fake passport (pending trial), while in August of that
year he was arrested and convicted primarily of disobedience (carrying a weapon). ???. ---- A person with open political activities in the
anti-authoritarian movement (authoritarianism) in recent years, from time to time publishes his signed texts through the Internet (site of
the local movement).

In one of them, posted on the Athens anti-authoritarian information site (Indy Media on March 9), he conducted an extensive analysis of the
issue of immigration and solidarity with immigrants.

"I believe that changing the rules will not solve the problem of immigration because capitalism and the government are creating an
immigration crisis," he said. "

He concluded: "For this reason, solidarity with immigrants should have anti-government and anti-capitalist characteristics."

"As immigrants, we have to fight for our needs, and right now our biggest need is to survive, so we have to destroy those who are killing
us," he said. "

"We (immigrants) are not dangerous to society," he said. The police are dangerous for the society and the only terrorists are the government
and capitalism. "

However, it was a special phrase from him that was artificially separated from the rest of the text, everything that was done at the
discretion of the regime media was interpreted. As a call for migrants to take up arms in Urus (Turkish-Greek border where migrants were
shot dead by Greek police)

The term was coined extensively to describe the power and mechanisms of the dangerous "terrorist" character, an immigrant.

In a March 23 online complaint, he specifically accused Star News of "explicitly manipulating" his remarks and focusing on his status as an

Almost three weeks after the text was published, on March 29, in the midst of unprecedented restrictive measures due to or under the pretext
of the Corona epidemic, Abtin Parsa was arrested by an anti-terrorist unit in Victoria Square.

The next day (the counter-terrorism unit) he was transferred to a three-member court (two prosecutors and a judge) in Athens.

However, due to the defense protests against reading the news in the case, the court session was postponed to Thursday, April 9.

A case whose exact content is still unknown to the persecutor (this anarchist).

He was then charged with "promoting an armed uprising" under Article 187A (Counter-Terrorism Article), precisely because of its
"controversial" publication.

This is the first time in recent years that such an accusation has been made against 187A.

This is an obvious attempt by repressive mechanisms to criminalize anti-regime political discourse, no matter how "controversial" or
"inflamed" it may be by some.

Of course, the same is not true of anti-immigrant / xenophobic rhetoric and its illegal practices. Not only is he rewarded and admired, but
the reflection of political strategy (also in this case) prevails.

In a social and political situation, the emergence of a postmodern aggressive totalitarianism that conquers the rights of the "sweeper"
through bloody struggles, the case of Abtin Parsa certainly finds wider extensions.

It sees itself as a "weak link" to the authorities as a multi-purpose anarchist and immigration political issue.

The next "links of weakness" may be those workers (proletariat) who soon decide to demand their rights, who are brutally destroyed
(suppressed), suspended under the cover of an ongoing epidemic. Is.

For this reason, cases such as Abtin Parsa are important mosaics of the "mosaic" of the war of the oppressed sections of society against the





Message: 3

Changing the world requires linking individual empowerment (understanding and taking back) and collective empowerment (fighting to transform
social structures). In an era dominated by the neoliberal spirit where collective struggles struggle to obtain victories, it is tempting to
fall back only on strategies linked to individual behavior. This question runs through two recent works: La Révolution feministe , by Aurore
Koechlin, and La Conjuration des ego , by Aude Vidal. ---- Each and every one of us is crossed and reproduces structures of domination.
Wanting to transform society requires us to deconstruct ourselves, to decolonize our minds and our practices from the social norms and
relationships that have been inculcated in us: to become aware of them, for, and this is not the easiest, to succeed in getting rid of them.
And together, to build other non-oppressive standards. Single sex is a tool for this. Coming together among the oppressed is necessary to
free our speech, our thought and our capacity to act.

In The Feminist Revolution , Aurore Koechlin [1]details the different waves of feminism. It shows that although they have experienced
changes, feminist movements have long practiced single sex, in a more or less chosen and claimed way. And it has been at least half a
century that it has been thought and defended as a tool for the "  first concerned  ".

Mirages and risks of the inter-self
However, single sex cannot be seen as an end in itself. Now it happens that activists concentrate all their energy on the issue of
deconstructing themselves, sometimes disdaining that of transforming society beyond themselves and themselves. On this point, Aude Vidal, in
La Conjuration des ego [2]notably questions the tendency of queer movements to prefer subversion to struggle.

It could even, that " there[was]in queer theory some anti-feminism " [3], ringardisant " that feminism in which women always are crying ."
The author wonders: " Abolishing gender involves questioning gender identities at the individual level... Just as we save the planet from
ecological disaster by turning off the tap when we brush our teeth? ".

Lifestyle strategies are attractive because they create the impression of being engaged in a practice ; but are they sufficient ? We cannot
deny the coercive power of social relations ; So what does it mean to "  choose  " to extricate oneself from one's gender and social camp,
as do people who call themselves non-binary ?

Believing that one can extricate oneself from one's condition as a woman is extremely individualizing and blaming. It may also mean "
locking women into their agreed role ", since leaving this role could only be done by refusing to be a woman. As for the men, " their
dubious desertion from the other camp does not necessarily make them allies ".

With intersectional feminism, single sex is sought as a safe space, a space where one can extract oneself from the domination suffered.
Except that, as Aurore Koechlin points out, dominations necessarily continue to be exercised and are very often denied.

But things become counterproductive when, to guarantee the safe character of these spaces, certain groups carry out " an endless witch hunt
" in their own ranks: the safe space is then reduced more and more. This criticism of Aurore Koechlin joins that of Aude Vidal: safe space
practices put " benevolence " at the center of their principles, but when this becomes an end in itself, it disqualifies any attempt at
debate by qualifying it as " Violence ". As said bell hooks quoted by Aurore Koechlin: " A fight is rarely safe and pleasant " [4].

These extreme practices pose an additional problem, that of making radicalism an end in itself, as well as a " form of social selection ", a
" culture of election and distinction ". In the inter-self, we accumulate symbolic capital based on radicalism, and we are all the less
confronted with reality as " the political message that we defend becomes inaudible, we cut ourselves off from everyone, including people
mainly affected ".

Single-sex as a tool
Another feminist strategy that can backfire on women is one that values choice, contract, consent. Indeed, as Aude Vidal underlines, the
concept of consent acts " the individualization of social relations ". Liberal doctrine considers the contract to be the supreme form of
relations between individuals, superior to collective protections.

In doing so, she denies the fact that these individuals are rarely equal, and she establishes a " co-responsibility of the victims and their
executioners ": she had only to say no! Likewise, continues Aude Vidal, " the feminism of choice postulates, on an individual level, that
the informed choices made by free women are in fact feminist choices ".

However, although it may happen that women choose to become "  sex workers  ", their choice cannot be considered as feminist given that "
all social relations between the sexes suffer from the recognition of prostitution, made available to women. women in need to solvent men ".

Finally, we are talking more and more about "the first people concerned ". The progression of the recognition of their particular legitimacy
to speak about their situation and, even more, to lead the struggle which concerns them, is a real victory over paternalistic practices.

However, the legitimacy of speech should not be confused with the impossibility of discussing it. Let us beware of all essentialization:
being a woman is not enough to be a feminist. Protecting the voices of those first and foremost concerned is above all a necessary measure
of self-defense after centuries of oppression.

In conclusion, Aurore Koechlin and Aude Vidal invite us to lead our struggles in society, to use single sex as a tool but not as an end in
itself. The feminist struggle feeds its struggles with different strategies. But each of them has limits, and in the neoliberal era we must
especially beware of tendencies to overinvest in individual issues and to neglect the importance of structures and the collective.

Adeline (UCL Paris north-east)


[1] Aurore Koechlin, The Feminist Revolution , Amsterdam, 2019.

[2] Aude Vidal, La Conjuration des ego . Feminism and individualisms, Syllepse, 2019.

[3] Judith Butler, Human, Inhuman , Amsterdam, 2005.

[4] Bell hooks, From the margin to the center , Cambourakis, 2017.



Message: 4

Hey all, So update from the Portland front. Before I go any further I want to say that I'm gonna be ok and it was close but I am luckily not
critically injured. And Black Lives Matter. Feel free to share this post. ---- A little after 1 AM last night the feds decided to try and
push Portland out of the park across from the courthouse (which has been the focal point of the demonstrations since the feds arrived). ----
They came out hard with tear gas, pepperballs, and baton rounds and people scattered. I ended up down the street from a line of them, and
began moving my way back and forth across the front line of protestors, helping evac a couple injured people and checking on others. I was
clearly marked as a medic, with red crosses on both my legs, both my shoulders, two different places on my hat and across my med-pack. After
a few minutes of standoff the Feds tossed a tear gas canister at a group of reporters and LOs that were at the corner of 3rd and Salmon
filming them, about 15' away from the Feds line. I doused the canister with water from my bottle and stood up and began to check if any of
them had been hit by the gas. I straightened up and was immediately struck directly in the chest just above the heart by a launched and
burning tear gas canister. It took me off my feet and knocked the air out of my lungs.

My crew saw me go down and came and got me and carried me a block away to where other medics could start checking me out (get yourself some
comrades who will run through a teargas cloud and a hail of rubber bullets to come get you, they're the best kind of friend in the world)
and quickly determined I needed to go to the ER.

One of my boys was livestreaming when it happened, and while you can't see me get hit you can see me in the video before hand several times
and then you can hear them running to me and moving me after he stuffed his phone into his pocket. It's intense but not overly graphic, so I
think I encourage people to watch (and maybe more importantly listen as most of the video after I'm hit is just sort of indiscernible motion
but the audio is super clear), so you can understand what is happening here and what the government of our country is unleashing on its
people. If you don't want to watch the whole 10 minute clip I'd start it around the 7:30 mark.

One of the Wall-of-Moms Mom's bundled me into her car and drove me across the river to the ER at Legacy Emanuel (god love
a mom). I got an extensive check-up, xrays and ekgs and the good news is nothing is broken or permanently damaged (and my heart held up like
a champ and is all good for those of you worried about that!) so the official diagnosis is a severe chest wall contusion. I'm in a lot of
pain but managing it (shoutout to vicodin), and immensely grateful it hit me where it did and not a couple of inches higher. Shoutout to
James Krane for riding it out with me in the ER in the midst of a pandemic. And the photos below are his too, his insta is ripcityview (some
of the best protest pics in the biz if you're looking!). First is me after I got hit, then the ER last night and the injury this morning.

I also want to note that I was one of at least five medics who was injured by the feds last night. They are clearly going after us
incredibly intentionally, and they are using weapons that aren't designed to be shot at people to shot us with. There was absolutely no
reason for them to view me as a threat. I wasn't yelling, I wasn't being aggressive, I wasn't doing anything threatening. I was standing off
to the side on the sidewalk with some journalists holding a water bottle in my hand.

It was terrifying and scary. But here's the thing. Portland is kicking these fuckers ass right now. Since the feds arrived the protests have
grown to almost 30x the size they were when the feds showed up. They come out with batons and pepper-balls and portlanders show up with
hundreds of shields and form phalanxes and hold the line. They launch tear gas and people scoop the cans up with lacrosse sticks and toss
them back at the feds while other people blow the gas back at them with leaf blowers and industrial fans. Gas masks and respirators are out
of stock at every major supplier on the west coast (I got this from a hardware store owner in town who is trying to help supply
demonstrators and is having to source his respirators from a company in Ohio because so many Portlanders are buying them up). They put
snipers on the roof and they get chased down with flashlights and lasers. We are having ABSOLUTELY NONE of their white supremacist fascist
bullshit. The RiotRibs people fire up the grills around 6 every night and they keep cooking til 4 or 5 AM and when the tear gas comes out
they just put on respirators and keep on grilling, bumping old-school hip hop tunes on a portable sound system. The Feds are in way over
their heads. There are 114 of them, and there are thousands and thousands of us. Every night I've been out they've escalated the scale and
ferocity of their attacks and Portland just keeps showing up harder and harder, and staying clear and loud on the message that we are out
here because Black Lives Matter. Despite all the violence and injuries and pain, people aren't scared. We believe that we will win, and
there is solace in that certainty.

What scares me is these officers have no clue what they're doing. They are highly trained Border Patrol tactical troops and US Marshals, but
most of them don't have protest training, and most of them haven't been trained on the weapons they're being asked to use either (this is
per an internal DHS Memo by the way, not just random hearsay). Many of them at any given time are carrying live-round AR-15s. It makes them
unpredictable, not because they are being clever but because they are doing shit that is illogical and makes no tactical sense. They're
shooting weapons designed to explode overheard directly at people's chests. They're firing into crowds with things they can't aim. And
they're doing it to black youth, and vets, and moms, and clergy members, and reporters, and medics. The first night I was there a vet at the
fence around the courthouse went into a PTSD-induced catatonic attack when the first flashbang went off. Another medic and I ran to him and
when we realized we couldn't move him (he was a big dude and clenched up tight in a ball), we tried to cover him with our bodies as the tear
gas was going off. The feds response was to toss 7 more grenades over the fence directly at us, even though we were clearly no threat to
them. All seven exploded within five feet of me. Later that evening I was treating a young woman who'd been hit in the hand with a canister.
She told me she'd been hit in the head with a baton round two days before but came back because "what they don't understand is I'm ready to
die for this shit. It's been too long, we're not letting it go away this time. I don't want to die, but if these fuckers kill me I'll know I
died for something that fucking matters." It made me cry and she and I held each other for a minute as we moved out of the advancing cloud
of tear gas. Despite Chad Wolfe's claim in a recent press conference that there were "no reports of injuries to demonstrators" hundreds of
people each night are requiring medical care for gas, and dozens more for impact and burn injuries. But we keep coming. I've been treating
anywhere from 15-50 people a night and I'm just one of the dozens of medics out here. You can taste the tear gas as soon as you get within a
few blocks of the courthouse, it's been used so much it's just lingering in the air now. (Someone out there with an environmental or public
health degree, there is a case study here with your name on it!)

These guys are out of control, they have no clear end goal, and they're losing. That's a scary combo.

So what is there to do?
1) If you can show up, show up. If you've never been before shoot me a message and we can talk safety. But if you can't show up on the
ground (and there are a million valid reasons that may be) find another way to help. Every little bit counts.

2) Donate to orgs doing the work. Don't Shoot Portland is the best social justice group in town, the ACLU and Rosehips Medic collective are
both doing powerful work. I'm also happy to take money directly and I'll make sure it goes to medical supplies and protective gear for folks
on the ground. We're going through N95s and respirator filters faster than we can keep up with, and we keep running out of stuff like gauze
and cold packs. (The first night I was here I actually ran out of supplies in my med bag, which has never happened to me before in the
hundred some odd protests I've been to). My venmo is Nate-Cohen-3.

3) Call your congressional reps. The city of Portland gov isn't super useful at the mo, as the feds are just ignoring them, but call your
congresspeople and senators and beg them to do something before these fuckers kill someone. The Oregon Congressional Delegation is working
on various tactics to try and get it to stop, ask your reps to support whatever Senator Ron Wyden Senator Jeff Merkley and Congressmen Earl
Blumenauer are working on.

4) Find Black-led orgs and businesses in your area and support them however you can. The big media narrative at the moment has been about
the federal occupation, but on the ground for us this fight has always and continues to be a fight for Black Lives.

I'm gonna be out of commission for a couple days probably, but I'm gonna be back out as soon as I can. I'm so fucking proud of this city I
could weep. Stay together stay tight, we'll do this every night. Black Lives Matter.


Message: 5

Liberation is not alone ---- Companions of Colombia informed us through a message they sent that the situation for the social movement and
especially for the movement for the liberation of Mother Earth is very complicated. Agribusiness and the State have declared war, a war that
manifests itself even more cruelly towards the Nasa people, who since 2014 has started the process called Liberation of Mother Earth, which
consists of actions to recover lands that are in hands of private companies. ---- The liberation of Mother Earth fights with stones and
sticks against the security guards of the companies, the police and the army, enters the plantations of the landowners and destroys the
monocultures to plant food. Despite the attacks he receives, he does not stop fighting.

As they mentioned a few months ago:

" The situation is very ugly. Constantly we receive threats and these days and scuchamos that the dangers are increased with our process. "

Faced with this dangerous situation, various processes and struggles have expressed solidarity with the process of liberation of Mother
Earth. Some compas launched a letter and campaign to collect supporting signatures.


At this moment it is very important that the Power in Colombia (State, paramilitary groups, landowners) knows that the liberation of Mother
Earth is not alone.

The comrades have also created an auditory means of information in English, through which you can report in more detail about the current


Furthermore, it is important that Asocaña, the agribusiness union, the Incauca sugar mill (sugar cane products company), the government and
the right-wing congress, know that the liberation of Mother Earth is not a limited or supported process only. by the indigenous movement.
They do not know the strength that exists worldwide in the relationships between comrades. It is very important that at this time it becomes

"We wish them great strength and wisdom to move forward in these difficult times, when the monster is handling the consequences of the
pandemic. The liberation of Mother Earth does not go into quarantine! "

More information can be found here

On our part, we have responded to the call of the liberators of Mother Earth, sending a message of solidarity to their fight against the
Colombian State, the parami-military groups and the guards of the landowners.

 From northern Cauca to Chile, Mexico, and Greece, resistance and struggles for life, land, and freedom remain alive.
Solidarity is our weapon!
Anarchist group "disinios ippos" / APO (Anarchist Political Organization)

Patras, July 25, 2020




Message: 6

A picket at the Poznan City Hall (23/11/2018) ---- Continuation of the struggles of Warsaw security guards. Others, deceived by their
bosses, come to us. The combined bill of unpaid wages and unpaid hours is growing. As of today, we have been notified of a total of 3,748
hours of unpaid work and almost 50,000 zlotys of salaries unpaid since September 2019 by the management boards of related security companies
operating in Warsaw. This is the tip of the iceberg and we are waiting for more applications. Only together can we count on the final
victory against the cheaters. ----  The Employee Initiative will seek to recover due payments and withdraw licenses and contracts for
security activities for companies whose management boards have the same names involved in the procedure based on free work. The blacklist of
security companies includes: City Perfect Service 1, City Best Protect 6, City Advanced Technologies 8, City Projekt 2, Ava Security A2. The
names of Tadeusz Jeglinski and Sebastian Michalkiewicz are currently appearing on the boards of these companies.

The same surnames appear in the register of a number of other companies with confusingly close names, whose management boards, apart from
Michalkiewicz and Jeglinski, include, among others, Beniamin Krasicki. The new project of Michalkiewicz and Krasicki is Polski Holding
Ochrony. The name of this company is almost identical to the public company Polski Holding Obronny. Today, Polski Holding Obronny deals
with, among others protection of strategic facilities, after scandals related to the protection of these facilities by private companies,
including to ... today's heads of Polski Holding Ochrony - Michalkiewicz and Krasicki. Obviously, Polski Holding Ochrony is counting on
contracts from Polskie Holding Obronny, impossible after the scandals with past incarnations of the company.

The bosses of the companies described here, sometimes coming from the circles of the police and other services, have chosen as their
business model to multiply the names of security companies and not to pay wages to their employees. In the capital city, in addition to
protecting private apartment buildings, the fraudulent companies also operated in public facilities, subject to e.g. The Minister of
Culture. Under the pressure of employees, the authorities of the protected facilities break contracts with companies based on free work. The
workers themselves, however, are left unpaid for the work they have done for these facilities, and company bosses are looking for new
"suckers" using another company name.

The Employee Initiative is planning a number of activities aimed at recovering outstanding wages and curbing the practice of unpaid work in
the security industry. Employees of fake companies appeal to other deceived: JOIN US! TOGETHER WE WILL WIN!

There is no doubt that the pathologies described above result directly from the fictitious regulations of the security industry in Poland.
The companies on our "black list" also feed on the practice of harmful outsourcing by public institutions. The purpose of outsourcing in
these entities is to optimize their own budgets, and at the cost: to ruin the modest budgets of many ordinary people. Enough of that!

Below is a list of security companies on the boards of which a small group of people associated with companies based on free work in Warsaw
sit or have sat. Due to the very similar names of many of these companies, we have reasonable suspicions that they employ equally
reprehensible practices. We appeal to the deceived employees to apply for the Employee Initiative. Strength in the group.



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