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zondag 26 juli 2020

#Anarchism from all over the #world - SUNDAY 26 JULY 2020

Today's Topics:


1.  Holand, vrije bond: The Vrije Bond Congress is coming soon.

2.  France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #307 - Politics,
      Critical economy (s): The illusion of "European recovery" (fr,
      it, pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

3.  [Indonesia] Tulungagung: Solidarity with anarchist prisoners
      in Makassar and Tangerang By ANA (pt) [machine translation]

4.  Police terrorism in Turkey on the anniversary of the Suruç
      massacre By APO [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)

 5.  [Goiânia-GO] No to return to face-to-face classes! General
      strike for life! By ANA (pt) [machine translation]


Message: 1

Hey Vrije Bonders, In 2 months (September 11-13) it will already be there! And in one month the reader will be done! All very exciting
stuff, but we are not quite there yet. We would like to know from everybody if they want to participate in the congress and whether they
want to receive a physical copy of the reader in the mail. ---- Do you want to participate in the congress? Sign up at
vrijebondcongres@riseup.net ---- It is important to sign up, so we can take into account how many people will show op in our planning. Of
course this is important every year, but this year it is extra important, because of the corona crisis and the measures we are taking
because of this. So please let us know if you want to participate and from when until when you will be there. We also want to take into
account people with specific news, so if this is the case for you, please let us know. The earlier we know what to take into account and
what to plan for the more we can facilitate.

Do you want a physical version of the reader? Let us know at vrijebondcongres@riseup.net

The reader will be done about a month before the congress. When it is done we will mail it to the general members mailing list. We can also
send everybody that wants it a physical copy. We can only do this if you let us know that you want one, so please mail us about it. Next to
the standard version we will also have a bigger version for people who have trouble reading small letters. Do you want a bigger version?
Please let us know. We can also provide an English version of the reader. Do you want this? Please let us know.

Militant snuggles,

Vrije Bond Congres voorbereidingsgroep

Appelscha, Vrije Bond, vrije bond congres

Vrije Bond Secretariaat



Message: 2

On the initiative of France and Germany, a recovery plan was proposed by the European Commission for a total amount of 750 billion euros. It
could therefore be tempting to see it as a decisive step in European construction at the heart of the coronavirus crisis. ---- But in these
kinds of negotiations, the devil is always in the details. It is likely that an agreement will eventually be found, but its meaning will
depend entirely on its terms: will it be spread until 2022 or 2024 ? Will it be subject to conditions of "good governance" on the part of
the countries of southern Europe ? Will it instead be made up of loans or grants? The answer to each of these questions will determine
whether the countries of the North continue to deepen the supervision of the countries of the South or whether the construction of Europe is
really moving towards a new stage in its history. However, the balance of power remains favorable to the countries of the North, and it is
likely that they will succeed in emptying the plan of its federalist meaning despite the reversal of the German position.

Naive commentators who have compared the Franco-German proposal to the historic moment when, in 1790, the United States fully became a
federal state by choosing to issue a common debt, risk being quickly disappointed. At the time of writing, the state of negotiations already
foresees that many "reforms" will be required from the countries of the South to receive the subsidies. In other words, we are still a long
way from a situation where the Member States would be treated by the EU in the same way as France finances its regions or its departments.
Heavy austerity measures will no doubt be required for the release of funds, measures which will undoubtedly deepen the structural economic
weakness of the countries of the South. A large-scale remake of the 2015 Greek crisis is to be feared.

Being above all a single market, the European Union has itself deepened the conditions which today prevent it from defining an ambitious
stimulus policy on a federal scale. By breaking down internal economic borders while maintaining its external borders, it has contributed to
the polarization of European capitalism: like what took place in the 19th centurycentury in each country taken separately, the different
sectors were concentrated in localized regions. The result is very unequal specializations and deep imbalances, to the advantage of
countries like Germany which have been able to maintain or even develop their industrial fabric while the countries of the South, which are
not very competitive, were stripped of their factories. This process has continued to deepen, so that the interests of different European
countries are increasingly divergent economically. The systematic transfer of wealth between territories remains to this day what brings
into play the very existence of European construction.

Mathis (UCL Grand Paris-Sud) - Economy working group



Message: 3

As anarchists believe, direct action and insurrection are the lifeblood of anarchism itself, while imprisonment and humiliation are the
consequences of every direct action we take. ---- If humiliation is the answer to all direct action, is pacifism really the right answer?
Unfortunately not, giving up pacifism means letting our neck be stepped on again! ---- Our comrades in Tangerang and Makassar have decided
to fight against state oppression and must now be arrested in prison, and it is our duty to ensure that they are not alone! We made a small
decoration in an unused building a few days ago in order to show our solidarity, let's make and spread solidarity! ---- Our hugs and love
for the anarchist prisoners of Makassar and Tangerang. Fire for the prisons! There is no anarchy without the abolition of prisons and police!

Tulungagung Individual Anarchist Network


Translation> A. Padalecki

Related contents:




anarchist news agency-ana


Message: 4

On Monday, July 20, 2015, members of Turkish socialist and anarchist organizations gathered in the city of Suruç on the Turkish-Syrian
border to head to the city of Kombani and help rebuild it, as it had been liberated from fighting ISIS Islamists. During a press conference
at a cultural center in the city, a suicide attack took place resulting in the death of 33 fighters and the injury of dozens of others.
There is good evidence that the Turkish intelligence service - MIT - knew about the planned attack and did not prevent or even allow it.
---- Honor forever to the witnesses of Suruts. ---- In Turkey, militants take to the streets every year on July 20 to honor the memory of
their dead comrades and to shout that the state is the murderer and that the 33 anarchists and socialists killed in Suruç live in our
struggles. This year, this tradition of the race continued.

The Youth Organizations, with the central slogan "Justice for Suruç, Justice for All", took to the streets in Ankara and Kand?k?y (Istanbul)
and found the terrorist act of the police against them.

In Ankara, youth organizations gathered in Kizilay Square and, despite police raids that resulted in arrests and torture of protesters,
carried out the planned mobilization with slogans.

A large number of protesters, 12 of whom were revolutionary anarchists from Karala magazine, were arrested as a result of police attacks.
Some of the detainees reported having broken bones due to police beatings. Late at night the detainees were released.

In Kadiköy (Istanbul), the police provocation began after the end of Suruç's meeting. Youth organizations, which wanted to gather in front
of the Süreyya Opera House and walk to Mehmet Ayvalitas Park, started a demonstration shouting the slogan "Outside the police, these streets
are ours" in Kadiköy despite police barricades.


Fascist attacks also took place on the occasion of Suruç's anniversary in Kadiköy, but these attacks were repulsed by the militants'
resolute stance.

The police violence, through which an attempt was made to quell the anger of the rebels, was answered by blocking the streets of the area.
With slogans and roadblocks against the methodical police attacks, Kadiköy was once again a field of resistance and struggle. In all, 55
people were arrested for honoring the memory of the 33 slain comrades and for resisting police terrorism on the streets of Kadiköy.

Their detention continues, while 4 competing lawyers have been arrested.


The struggle of the thirty-three anarchist and socialist revolutionaries slaughtered in Suruç is our struggle. The journey of the "dreamers"
does not end with bombs, attacks, imprisonment and intimidation.

Their struggle is also ours, our struggle continues! Long live the revolution! Long live Anarchy!

With information from https://meydan.org/



Message: 5

The health crisis motivated by Covid-19, but amplified by the Bolsonaro / Mourão genocidal project, has increased social contradictions and
inequalities. The working class is at risk of dying from illness or hunger, facing unemployment, partial or total reduction in wages, family
breakdown, violence, exposure to the virus, stress, anxiety, among others. ---- The virus does not choose hosts, but governments and
employers fulfill the mission of exposing and killing across class, race and gender divisions. The number of cases in Goiás exceeds 40
thousand, with another 100 thousand suspected cases, without considering underreporting. Lethality is higher in peripheral regions. In
Goiânia, the Vera Cruz Complex, Jardim Nova Esperança, Residencial Vale dos Sonhos, Vila Finsocial and Parque Atheneu are the five
neighborhoods with the highest rate of deaths from confirmed cases. Among the five in number of cases are Jardim Guanabara and Jardim Novo

Far from being a passing "storm", the Covid-19 pandemic is on the rise in Goiás, due to the conservative, negligent and anti-popular stance
of bosses and governments. In the first half of July, the state registered an increase of 106% in the number of cases and 310% in deaths,
compared to the first two weeks of June. In fifteen days a person died every 43 minutes.

In the midst of chaos, Caiado / DEM, Iris Rezende / MDB and other municipal governments are giving in to business interests for the total
opening of trade and return to face-to-face classes in public and private schools. Instead of investing in health and care policies as
guarantees for social isolation, employers and governments "wash their hands" and force jobs to be resumed through the threat "choose the
virus or starve".

Nos CMEIs, escolas e universidades a tragédia é anunciada. Estudantes e trabalhadores da educação serão obrigados a se abarrotarem em
ônibus, salas de aula, áreas administrativas, cozinhas e outros espaços que favorecem a propagação do vírus. Ademais, a tendência é que o
retorno presencial ocorra simultaneamente ao trabalho remoto, sobrecarregando professores e estudantes. O trabalho será dobrado, mas sem
garantias sociais e trabalhistas.

In an opportunistic way, employers and governments use educational impacts in times of pandemic as a "justification" for the return of
face-to-face classes. They "forget" - or pretend to forget - that educational contradictions stem from social inequalities. Little has been
done to provide health, food, safety and housing guarantees for students and their families. The only action taken by the education networks
was the imposition of remote work, wiping out investments in education and reconciling with the employers' interests of digital companies /
platforms. A training model that disregards the social reality of students, burdens the work of education professionals and widens
educational inequalities.

In view of this scenario, the Autonomous Federation of Workers - FAT / GO is opposed to the return of face-to-face activities. In the midst
of the health crisis, we demand the right to social isolation for students and education workers, ensuring jobs and rights. We demand that
the process of pedagogical accompaniment in times of pandemic be defined by students and workers, in democratic spaces of the categories,
without interference and decisions coming "from above" from state departments and unions. In addition, we demand the creation and expansion
of assistance policies that offer decent conditions of food, health and safety to students and their families. The above rights will only be
secured through popular mobilization. We call on students, education categories and other workers for a GENERAL STRIKE FOR LIFE,


federacao autonoma FAT


anarchist news agency-ana


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