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woensdag 29 juli 2020
#Anarchism from all over the #world - TUESDAY 28 JULY 2020
Today's Topics:
1. France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #307 - Spotlight,
Police violence: Global revolt against colonial racism (fr, it,
pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2. [Chile] Chuchunco City: Bulletin of the Asamblea Libertaria
Chuchunco # 1, July 2020 Editorial: The struggle takes us all By
ANA (ca pt) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4. sierra norte cnt.es: WE'RE 10 YEARS OLD! (ca) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
Message: 1
The murder of George Floyd on May 25 in the United States gave rise to numerous mobilizations around the world. Just like for the MeToo
movement, the internationalization of protest expresses the community of destiny in the face of police violence and negrophobia, and a
definitive desire to break with the symbolic colonial order. ---- In the post-Covid context where African Americans have experienced the
highest number of deaths, the death of George Floyd, crushed under the weight of police officer Derek Chauvin during his arrest, set the
country on fire. Minneapolis went up in flames, police headquarters were torched, and the protest spread to the point where Trump appealed
to the military. Across the world and particularly in France, immense manifestations of solidarity have arisen, expressing a shared
experience of racism.
In the wake of these mobilizations, we saw on an international scale a surge in the questioning of the symbolic colonial order: the
debunking of statues to the glory of the colonialists and the slavers. These actions seem to surprise everyone in France yet here too they
have been worn for a long time (for example during the decolonial ballads initiated by the FUIQP in France which aim to baptize the street
names). Macron's speech of June 14, qualifying these steps as communitarian and revisionist (!), Together with his displayed support for the
police, are the most beautiful demonstration of a state racism which feels shaken in the face of this global surge !
The specificity of negrophobia
The internationalization of mobilizations reveals the permanence of a "black condition", understood as the social experience of being
considered as Black [1]condition historically linked to colonization, but especially to slavery which determines through and through the
place occupied by blacks in social reproduction throughout the American continent, in North Africa and the Middle East as well as in Europe.
The abolitions were made without repairs, and sometimes even, as in France, the slave owners were compensated (this is what motivates the
debunking of the statues of Victor Schoelcher) ; to which are added the remains of racist, inferior and hierarchical representations of this
period, such as for example the " colorism" [2].
In Europe, this black condition is also linked to the status of migrant, which must be linked to the causes of departures, in particular to
imperialist responsibilities with regard to the economic situation of African countries and to wars. In return, let us note that to
ideologically justify Françafrique and the management of colonial overseas territories, there is also a need for negrophobia. Finally, the
systemic discriminations suffered by Afropeans and Afropeans, subject to precariousness and expose more to repression, police violence being
the paroxysm.
This is how the slogan "Black Lives Matter" ("black lives matter") received a large echo in France as well. It is part of the renewal of
pan-African and Afro-feminist movements, which participate in consolidating the mobilizations against the CFA franc, against chlordecone in
the West Indies, the reparations movement, etc. , and to nurture intellectual and cultural production (let us mention the film Open the
Voice of Amandine Gaye for example).
Police domination
If from France one recognizes without problem the racism and the violence of the American police force, on the national territory it would
only be a question of "black sheep"... No ! Here too, this violence is systemic and here too its origin is colonial (on this point, let us
remember the massacre of October 17, 1961, or that of Mé 67 in Guadeloupe [3]: the Anti-Crime Brigade (BAC), largely dedicated in
working-class neighborhoods, has for ancestors the Surveillance Brigades of North Africans, replaced in 45 by the Brigade des aggressions et
violences (BAV), which played a key role in the repression of the slums or the FLN in metropolitan France [4]. The police system set up in
the neighborhoods, the one that locks up, strangles, paralyzes, is directly inherited from the shock techniques applied during the Battle of
This violence is not only inherited from history but also participates in a certain economy: there is a police armament market where we sell
counter-insurgency techniques and the equipment that goes with them, for which the neighborhoods are both a laboratory and a showcase 4. We
also sell and import: the famous Flashballs were tested in the occupied Palestinian territories before integrating the police forces of
Western Europe into an international context of militarization law enforcement.
Demonstration for Lamine Dieng, June 2020.
But above all, we cannot be surprised at the racist and fascist soil that the police constitute, since the missions given to them mainly
target certain minority populations: the undocumented migrants, the Roma, the inhabitants of the neighborhoods. , Muslims and Muslims under
the guise of the fight against fundamentalism ... To this is added the impunity they enjoy, due to the proximity of the police to the
justice system, the regular strengthening of their powers, and support flawless politico-media ; but above all the activism of their unions,
some of which are increasingly virulent and permeable to far-right ideologies. It is indeed a system, here as elsewhere, that must be fought.
Build a balance of power
The mobilization in the United States brings new things, including the creation of the autonomous area of Capitol Hill in Seattle (an area
from which the police are temporarily excluded), and the dissolution of the Minneapolis police with the desire to invent management of
public order under the control of the population ... While waiting to see what will come out of it, this act offers a strong message: the
police are not untouchable. This boiling point of protest in the United States takes on a radical scent of global questioning of society
from which we must be inspired. Symbolic victories such as Gone with the Wind's withdrawal may seem secondary, but they initiate a
generational desire for a deep break with the dominions of the past.
In France, on the other hand, the situation remains tense. It is in France that the colonial divide is surely the biggest and the most
violent reaction: touching colonial history is touching the permanence of dominations, but especially the Republic. If in the United States
the situation of blacks and Indians undermines the myth of the American dream, in France the colonial question overturns the founding myth
of France as acountry of human rights. ". The actors of the long and violent colonial wars that France chose to wage are not dead (some
called and returnees from Algeria are still alive) with political consequences still alive. Loudly favorable to the extreme right, they also
challenge the left and the workers' movement in its responsibilities and failures of yesterday and today: in recent years, the social
movement has been accused of underestimating the question of police crimes in working-class neighborhoods. Solidarity seems to be there this
time around, but it must be long-term ; our collective survival is at stake in the face of a state that will not let go of its police with
the looming economic crisis. As the FUIQP says, it's time to unite so as not to suffer!
Nicolas Pasadena (UCL Montreuil)
[1] Pap Ndiaye, La Condition noire , Paris, Folio, 2009.
[2] Colorism is discrimination internal to a community which differentiates individuals according to the lightness of their skin - lighter
skin being considered "prettier" - and distributes social positions according to - mulattos and mestizos benefiting from a higher status
[3] See Théo Rival, "'Mé 67', colonial massacre in Guadeloupe" , in the special dossier of Alternative libertaire , May 2008.
[4] Mathieux Rigouste, Police domination: Industrial violence , Paris, La Fabrique, 2012.
Message: 2
Without a doubt, these were difficult times. The first of this government's lies:better times will come . For businessmen, politicians and
the owners of this country, it is clear. For those who have to earn bread day by day, for those who do not manage the means of production,
for those who must sell their labor power in exchange for money, life becomes increasingly difficult within this systemthat falls apart. The
October 18 revolt is a clear example of this deterioration: necessity, anger, and an endless number of contradictions made us go out into
the street to take everything, to recover food, to set up barricades, to face the police, to resist and to take care of ourselves between
companions and neighbors. Because that's enough. What do you think? Until when do they steal from us? How long will we live like this?
In these days we find solidarity, mutual support, direct action and horizontality as actions and values that were lost in this society. And
how could it not be, if capitalism only wants to have us isolated, each with its own life as if the others do not matter? The community
reappears there where it was believed lost, where there was only separation and indifference, where our social relations were only
mercantile relations. Is there life outside capitalism?
The emergence of Covid-19 and quarantine in our territory has failed to erase solidarity or foster individualism. Quite the contrary. Faced
with the negligence of the government and its null policies to care for us, it was the residents who, throughdirect action,solved their own
problems without the need of the State. This makes us ask: Is the State necessary in our lives? What is so good for us?
These and other questions are not resolved, they appear and disturb us, just as they also disturbed several companions who for many years
(including centuries) fought against any form of authority. Thepresent in which we find ourselves is one of struggle , and only through
struggle will we find the answers, recover our life, our community and our true freedom.
This little bulletin was born out of a group of comuna members of the commune who propagate and demand anarchist ideas,understanding that
anarchy exists here and now in all the beautiful actions that the people have carried out since October 18th to this date. This bulletin is
born from the territory to the territory in a self-managed, autonomous manner, outside the State and the municipality, and seeks to be a
means of free circulation where we meet and communicate through words and drawings.
In this first issue of the bulletin we add reflections on the pandemic followed by the context of revolt, history of Chuchunco, importance
and objectives of the organization in assembly, infographics on food sovereignty, poems and finally, drawings of a fellow arrested in the
The invitation is open. Anyone who wants to participate in this initiative can do so with complete freedom! We fight it all.
With nothing more to add, we invite you to read and share this little gesture of love, resistance and freedom.
Chuchunco Libertarian Assembly
Mapocho Valley
Autumn, 2020
>> To read-download the newsletter, click here:
The assembly is conceived as a space that allows us to organize ourselves without the mediation of leaders, leaders or political parties,
based on anarchist principles and ideas, that is, from horizontality and self-management.
Message: 3
The anarcho-feminist libertarian front (in) appears at the roots of the metropolis of Rio de Janeiro. Organization autonomous and horizontal
in order to strengthen and boost the spread of anarchist content and direct action against patriarchy. ---- Understanding that capitalism is
the material basis of all inequalities, and female emancipation will only happen through the extinction of the State and the class system,
we continue to fight for the right to autonomy over our bodies and potential, the right to our LIVES. ---- While mainstream thinking says
that social life, specifically in a complex society, could not exist without structures of authority combined with a coercive power to
impose it, anarcho-feminism, as part of an anarchist movement, abhors the need for political authority able to guide the population;
stresses the need to deepen the intersectionality of oppression by gender, ethnicity, class and sexual identity - the end of these
structures is the path to women's liberation .
We understand democracy and horizontal forms of organization as the only genuine path to liberation, and only from the ruins of capitalism
will freedom germinate .
Anarchists, Survivors and Combatants against ALL types of domination and exploitation!!
For the Popular Organization, Self Defense and Direct Action! (A)
FLARJ - Anarchofeminist Libertarian Front of Rio de Janeiro
Message: 4
This July we celebrate our tenth anniversary, we are very happy and proud of this time and eager to continue fighting, not only for decent
working conditions, but for a freer and less unfair world. Today we share the article published by the colleagues of Senda Norte on the
occasion of our anniversary, we want to thank the colleagues for the support they always give us. ---- Let's go for another 10! ---- This
past July, CNT Sierra Norte has completed a decade of existence. We would have liked to celebrate it with our compañerxs and friends from
this Sierra that surrounds us and imposes so much on us. This geography of mountains and towns where getting around is sometimes a major
effort. But in these strange times that we are living, we choose to continue weaving networks from prudence and putting life and freedom at
the center of everything.
We have experienced many things and from Buitrago to Colmenar Viejo, passing through our premises in La Cabrera, we can say that we have not
gone unnoticed. Our First of May in the Plaza Mayor de la Cabrera, next to the local, our soup kitchens, our days of poetry or social
demands, have seen diverse and enriching people pass by, with whom we have shared unforgettable moments.
Also our assemblies, our premises, converted into a care space during 8-M, our booth at the Medieval Fair in Buitrago, a very fun activity
that has helped us to self-manage and thus be able to face maintenance costs.
Direct action, together with mutual support and self-management, are essential tools for our way of doing and organizing horizontally.
It is good to remember that this historic union does not have subsidies, nor does it accept donations from companies or political parties.
The men and women of the CNT do not have union hours, nor are they part of the "company" committees, because they are more of the companies
than of the workers, which does not mean that, organized in union sections, we do not have strength to defend ourselves, both legally and
using one of our basic principles: direct action, which has nothing to do with mistreating urban furniture. Direct action, together with
mutual support and self-management, are essential tools for our way of doing and organizing ourselves horizontally.
He said that in these times, everything is strange, the networks become more important and we have to learn to live with fake news and the
lack of freedom of movement. These are confusing times. For this reason, we have wanted to share these lines with all of you, eager to see
you again, beyond the networks, and to be able to hug you.
We have not been alien to this hard time of layoffs, ERTES, ERES, or vulnerable people who have been left without income, with nothing. We
certainly have not been bored during confinement. We have had the invaluable support of our lawyers, of other unions, such as the comrades
of Villaverde and Madrid, we have made pineapple, and we hope to gain strength in these summer months. It will come in handy after so much
We will not forget what has happened in the nursing homes, in the hands of builders and vulture funds, nor the sanitarixs and cleaning staff
who have taken care of us, and we will continue to defend our union rights and denounce the abuses, among all and without looking the other
way. Together.
We are convinced that there is no other way. Climate change, this dystopia of the coronavirus crisis, the economic crisis, the looming
social crisis, there is no doubt that difficult times are coming, that is why we want to tell you to count on us, that we are where we have
always been.
We have turned ten years old, and although we cannot have a party, as we would like, we are satisfied with the road we have traveled and the
achievements we have achieved. We have always thought and dreamed of contributing, even if only a little, to the task of building a
different world, without domination, with respect for diversity and the common goods of all, and, of course, putting life at the center.
We like to work horizontally, without hierarchies, and we are nothing without the collective intelligence and strength of the common. That
is why we want to send from these pages of the mountains a hug of solidarity to all your friends with those who we hope to meet again sooner
rather than later. Health, more than ever.
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