Today's Topics:
1. London Anarchist Federation: Reading Group - Goodbye (for
now) (
now) (
2. Czech, AFED: Stuart Christie died [machine translation]
3. Holand, vrije bond: On Facebook Banning Anarchist And
Antifascist Pages & The Digital Censorship To Come
Antifascist Pages & The Digital Censorship To Come
4. Anarchist Union of Afghanistan and Iran: We will overthrow
ignorance and rebuild the house - Soheil Arabi [machine
translation] (
ignorance and rebuild the house - Soheil Arabi [machine
translation] (
5. Britain, anarchist communist group ACG: Keep the Ban on
Evictions! (
Evictions! (
6. France, Union Communiste Libertaire UCL - Bioethics law:
access to assisted reproduction, without equal rights (de, it,
fr, pt)[machine translation] (
access to assisted reproduction, without equal rights (de, it,
fr, pt)[machine translation] (
7. Poland, ozzip: Amazon IP: "PLN 4 for everyone!" -- The
union's position on pay rises (
Message: 1
After two studious years we'll now put an end to the London Anarchist Federation's monthly reading group in its current incarnation - it's
been incredibly educational and enjoyable to debate all things anarchism with so many of you! ---- Thank you to each and everyone of you who
attended and to Freedom Bookshop for hosting us every month! ---- We never really anticipated anything when we started and were so glad to
see so many of you not only sharing a read with us, but becoming parts of other actions, too. ---- If you're interested in past meetings and
their reading material, you can find them: Here ---- We
recommend you check out the (currently) online reading groups run by the Green Anti-Capitalist Front ( and the North
East Anarchist Group (
We'll see you around -
Message: 2
The founder of the Anarchist Black Cross, Cienfuegos Press and co-author of The Floodgates of Anarchy, died on August 15, 2020, after a
battle with lung cancer. ---- Stuart Christie was born in Glasgow and raised in Blantyre. He attributed the formation of his political
attitudes to his grandmother, whose moral values and code of ethics he adopted. His determination to follow his own conscience led him to
anarchism: "Without freedom there would be no equality and without equality no freedom, and without struggle there would be none." This also
led him from the anti-nuclear campaign to join the fight against the Spanish to the fascist dictator Franco (1892-1975). He was already a
member of the Anarchist Federation and the British section of the International Workers' Association.
He moved to London and came into contact with the secret Spanish anarchist organization Defensa Interior. He was arrested in Madrid in 1964
when he had with him explosives to be used in the impending assassination of Franco. To disguise the fact that she had an informant in the
group, police claimed that she had deployed agents in Britain - and lied that Christie was conspicuous by wearing a kilt.
The threat of execution and a 20-year sentence drew international attention to the resistance against Franco's government. In prison,
Christie befriended militant anarchists from his and older generations. Under the pressure of the protests, he was able to return to England
in 1967, older and wiser, but still determined to continue the resistance and use his notoriety to help persecuted comrades.
In London, he met Brenda Earl, who later became his political and life partner. He also met Albert Meltzer here and later re-established the
Anarchist Black Cross, promoting solidarity with imprisoned anarchists in Spain, as well as the resistance itself. Their book, The
Floodgates of Anarchy, promoted revolutionary anarchism in contrast to the attitude of individuals who had moved to anarchism since the
peace movement of the 1960s. At an anarchist conference in Carrara in 1968, Christie met a new generation of militant anarchists who shared
his views and approach to direct action.
Political convictions and international ties have made Christie the target of the British secret services. In 1972, however, he was
acquitted in Britain of plotting to assassinate Franco because the jury was able to understand why anyone would want to blow up Franco.
Christie founded the Cienfuegos Press (Sta Bullet Publishing House), where he subsequently published countless books on anarchism and the
Cienfuegos Press Anarchist Review . At, he has collected a number of films about anarchism and the biographies of
prominent anarchists. He used Facebook to create a unique archive of anarchist history, where he recorded memories and events from his own
life and the lives of people around him.
Christie wrote The investigative researcher's handbook (1983) and put it into practice a year later in a book on the Italian fascist
terrorist Stefano delle Chiaie . In 1996, he published the first version of the historical study We the Anarchists: a study of the Iberian
Anarchist Federation (FAI), 1927-1937 . He also published three illustrated stories about his life My Granny Made Me an Anarchist , General
Franco Made Me and 'Terrorist' and Edward Heath Made Me Angry(My grandmother made me an anarchist, General Franco made me a "terrorist" and
Edward Heath me mad), which in 2004 were merged into a single edition called Granny made me an anarchist: General Franco, the Angry Brigade
and Me (Grandmother made me an anarchist: General Franco, the Angry Brigade and me). His latest publications were three issues ¡Pistoleros!
The Chronicles of Farquhar McHarg , stories about an anarchist from Glasgow who joined a group of Spanish anarchists in 1918-1924. Christie
has participated in many anarchist bookfaires and film festivals.
His partner Brenda died in June 2019. He left calmly in the presence of his daughter Branwen and listening to Brenda's favorite song
"Pennies From Heaven".
Stuart Christie - July 10, 1946 to August 15, 2020. RIP
Message: 3
Today Facebook deleted a variety of far-Right militia and Qanon accounts along with anarchist and antifascist pages, including It's Going
Down and CrimethInc. The following is a joint statement in response. ---- Facebook has taken down multiple Facebook pages they believe to be
connected with and, among other anarchist and anti-fascist publishing projects, officially on the pretext
that they "support violence." This has nothing to do with stopping violence and everything to do with cracking down on social movements and
everyday people getting organized in their communities.
Facebook has always promoted itself as seeking to assist people in creating networks to meet their needs. Facebook representatives proudly
touted their role in the Egyptian uprising. Their decision to ban social movement organizations shows that they are eager to play a role in
ensuring that the only forms of activism that can emerge are the ones that are beneficial to the current authorities. For months, Donald
Trump has demanded this crackdown in a series of social media posts explicitly blaming anarchists and anti-fascists for the countrywide wave
of protests precipitated by persistent police violence in the United States.
The definition of violence is not neutral. The way Facebook defines violence, it is legitimate for police to kill a thousand people per year
while evicting, kidnapping, and imprisoning millions-it is legitimate to drop bombs on civilians, so long as the aggressor represents an
official government-but it is "violence" to prevent a white supremacist from assaulting a crowd or return a tear gas canister to the police
who shot it. Suppressing the voices of those who seek to protect their communities from institutional and white supremacist violence is an
intentional decision to normalize violence as long as the ones employing it hold institutional power.
Lumping anarchists and anti-fascists together with far-right militias who explicitly support the state and especially the current
administration is a strategic move to muddy the issue. This is the same operation that William Barr performed in creating a Department of
Justice task force focused on "anti-government extremists" of all stripes. In the case of the Department of Justice, it enables them to
point to far-right and militia attacks in order to demand resources with which to crack down on those who are on the front lines of
defending communities against such attacks. They are attempting to do the same thing to Black Lives Matter activists, associating them
together with neo-Nazis and white nationalists as "racially motivated extremists."
After a fascist murdered Heather Heyer during the "Unite the Right" mobilization in Charlottesville, tremendous grassroots pressure arose to
remove fascists and white supremacists from social media platforms. This time, the push is coming from the very top of the hierarchy, at a
time when protest movements have been essential to creating a nationwide dialogue about state violence and oppression. This is a
counterattack from those in power against websites that published perspectives from those who mobilized against the fascists in
Charlottesville. It is not a coincidence that it occurs after Trump mobilized federal forces to Portland, Oregon, precipitating weeks of
street conflict. While far-right groups continue to organize on Facebook and millions spread dangerous misinformation about COVID-19,
Facebook is actively cooperating with the Trump administration to suppress dissent.
Make no mistake, if this goes unchallenged, it will not stop here. The more it becomes normalized for governments to be able to determine
which voices social media platforms permit to be heard, the further such censorship will penetrate into every sector of society, and the
more it will shape what it is possible to think, what it is possible to imagine.
If you are concerned about this, please use all the means at your disposal to get this message out far and wide. Facebook should not get to
determine for you what constitutes responsible speech. Together, in solidarity, we can create a better world, in which no one of good
conscience need fear that fascists, governments, or billion-dollar corporations can suppress their freedom of expression.
Vrije Bond Secretariaat
Message: 4
In front of and at the gesture of the doorman, waiting for the narrow corridor in which I have written goodbye, I saw a short opportunity,
and Jankah's journey was unique, and it had no shortage. ---- I, Soheil Arabi, like to shout this from the rooftops. Man is a difficult
task, because it reminds us of a man who said that freedom is a duty and an ability before it is too much. Yes, my friend, anarchism listens
to promises and The slogans are full, so he has no thought but to do his duty. Our duty is nothing but freedom, we deconstruct. ---- We will
overthrow the corrupt criminal, reactionary and chaotic system in order to live in the age of anarchism, the age of justice and equality.
Anarchism lives on the earth in such a poetic way. ---- We will overthrow, overthrow ignorance and rebuild the house.
The abandonment of dogmatism and the deliberate avoidance of systematic theories of inflexibility and, above all, the emphasis on freedom of
choice that never accepts boundaries, and the immediate superiority of individual judgment, make it possible for a variety of perspectives
to emerge. A reactionary and closed-minded system is ineffective.
Anarchism is indeed both diverse and changeable, and in the historical perspective it is not the view of the rolling stream that flows to
the sea of its destiny like Marxism and Islam, but to some extent anarchism has the view of the water permeating the turbulent earth, which
to some extent It forms a strong basement and sometimes swirls in a vortex, sometimes collapses through gaps and sometimes hides from view,
and suddenly again, where gaps in social construction make it possible for it to flow. Appears as a constantly evolving belief as a movement
in constant oscillation rises and disintegrates but never disappears.
It has existed in Europe since the 1840s and has been revived by its same proteotic character, while many more powerful but incompatible
movements have died out of exactly one voice. Of course, I believe that the task of anarchism is not Making slogans but also
anti-authoritarianism is a struggle against the oppressive and corrupt system that has turned people into slaves and with religion and the
promotion of superstitions and forms of anti-authoritarianism, hard locks on the brains, so the transition from authoritarianism to
authoritarianism provides an opportunity. These locks are unlocked and consciousness replaces unquestioning obedience. Then the people think
that we do not think for the people because we are not mullahs and we do not make slogans for them. Our job is to open the roofs and chains
that the bourgeoisie and the human religion have. Our task is to reconcile mankind with the universe, because human beings are only released
from their two-way relationship with the universe, a relationship that is in the form of unlocking and bad dialogue.Then the people who have
been liberated from governments have the opportunity to use their consciousness and shout themselves, we will create tomorrows and an age in
which love is the only king of the universe. Those tomorrows are the age of anarchism.
Anarchism raises our anger against what we are not, we are no longer free and loving human beings. Anarchism has nothing to do but return us
to our original purpose, which is the end of peace. This pacifism begins with the transition from authoritarianism to authoritarianism.
According to Sebastian Four, anyone who denies and opposes authority is an anarchist. Although this definition is seductive in its
simplicity, he states that Anarchism determines what is in it, not all those who deny authority and fight it can be called anarchists.
He has seen anarcho-syndicalism or modern anarchism. The regime spent billions on Islamic propaganda and failed to absorb them. Today, it
sees that their children, who shouted neither East nor West yesterday, today do not shout louder than death at the Islamic Republic and
think of globalization, secularization and democracy. Yes! Late last year the earth begins again
Glorious years return The
earth renews its winter rags like a snake
Freedom smiles Faiths
and empires
Palaces and bits
flutter like ruins
in a fading dream
The passion of destruction is in fact the creative salinity. The destruction of injustice means the creation of justice. I destroy and I
build freedom, I build settlement, and it is through this destruction of empires and faiths that anarchists always take the radiant glow of
the towers of their free world, which is rising. We show the practical way. That can lead to freedom Anarchism neither rejects the
organization at all nor seeks to perpetuate it. What is important is the fluid persistence of the authoritarian attitude. An organization
with flexibility, especially any organization that curbs the greed that is generated by greed and greed for power, Proudhon believed that
all parties as far asPower is a form of absolute government, anarchists instead of the idea of a militant organization have put their secret
belief in the movement and individual and public motivation, which in practice in the form of groups and confederations instead of leading
the people their duty Enlightenment and setting an example, in this way we show the people the practical path that can lead to their
freedom, according to Bakunin, the revolution is not created by individuals or secret societies. Then it suddenly opens the way, and often
as soon as the slightest opportunity is obtained, such as November 1998, such as January 1996, and the near future when this uprising ends
in revolution.
Peter Kropotkin gave this idea a scientific tendency. Evolution never claims to be so slow and uniform. Evolution and revolution alternate,
and revolution means accelerated periods of evolution just as much as periods of much slower evolution. It belongs to the unity of nature.
Bakunin's secret faith in mass movement and unreasonable motivation, and Protopkin's social Darwinism. They encourage a flexible vision that
sensitizes the torch to currents of desire and dissatisfaction. Therefore, freedom of change and diversity of vision are among the elements
that should automatically expand in the anarchist world and in the age of anarchism. Modern science and anarchism insist that anarchists
build a society in which all the mutual relations of its members are negated.It is not by law or by the authorities and by force, but by
mutual agreement between the members of that society and by a set of social habits that are not led by the rules and the normal flow of
superstitions, but by According to the requirements, it should always be the result of a free life and this globalization, and should be
motivated by the advancement of science, invention, and upbringing, and should be constantly on the path of reform and regulation.
Motivation but constant change and revolution As you can see in nature, this is our two-way relationship with the universe. Society is in
fact a natural growth, so it is clear that those who seek to impose man-made laws or to establish what Godwin calls arbitrary institutions
are the real enemies.They are a society and the anarchist who oppresses them and even goes to the brink of violence and destruction is not
anti-social in any case. In fact, he gives new life and energy to humanity and existence. Anarchist is a person responsible for creating
social balance in the position and He strives for his nature, so he does not chant slogans, but lives poetically and teaches people to live
on earth poetically, as he sings;
Man born incarnation task was
to love and be loved
ability Shnftn, seeing and telling
people the difficulty of the task
in handcuffs I was not free to Hrchshm save the lives of the draw
every song and every spring and every bird
of every full moon and Pegah other
every peak and every tree and every other man to
leave to live the mouth closed left
hand and mouth closed crossed
Ecce short bangs
in front and Ecce tip the doorman waiting
halls stenosis, in which I wrote
the farewell comes back, I look
The opportunity was short and Jankah's journey
was unique and had no shortage
I, Soheil Arabi, like to shout this from the rooftops, man is a difficult task because it reminds us of a man who said that freedom is more
than a duty and an ability, yes, my friend, anarchism listens to promises and The slogans are full. There is no thought except to do our
duty. Our duty is nothing but to break the deconstructive freedom, to overthrow the corrupt, criminal, reactionary and chaotic apparatus, to
live in the age of anarchism, the age of justice and equality. You live.
Soheil Arabic
Message: 5
Support the London-wide Day of Action on August 24th See: London Renters Union ---- With the decimation of social housing, many people have
been forced into the private rented sector. Property developers and buy-to-let landlords have made a fortune out of this situation,
encouraged by both local and central government. Rents take up a very high percentage of income. Estimates vary and there are differences
across the country with London being by far the worst place for renters but the general picture is one of rents taking up an ever larger
percentage of income, well above the recommended 30%. ---- In England as a whole, rents as percentage of net income have gone up from 28.7%
in 2000 to 45.5% in 2020. In London, the figure was already on 41.1% but this has increased even more to a whopping 74 % (HuffingtonPost
article: income spent on rent UK).
The Covid 19 pandemic has made things much worse because incomes have gone down, often drastically, leaving many people in dire
circumstances and unable to pay their rent. Of course landlords are chomping at the bit to get their hands on the arrears but have been
thwarted by a moratorium on evictions. On August 25th this comes to an end.
The London Renters Union and the Radical Housing Network have launched a campaign to extend the moratorium indefinitely. Half a million
renters are in rent debt, even before the end of the furlough scheme.
You're not alone. Many of us are in debt to our landlords because of Coronavirus. Hundreds of thousands of us could lose our homes if the
eviction ban is lifted on August 25.
We're made to choose between paying rent or buying food and essentials. We feel forced to go out and work in unsafe conditions. Racism means
people of colour and migrants are worst hit by the housing crisis and by Coronavirus.
But together we're powerful. Together we can tell our landlords that we can't pay our rent. Together we can prevent and resist evictions.
We need the government to cancel rent debt and make the eviction ban permanent. We need the government to end migration status checks on
renters and end the benefits ban on migrants.
Many people are being forced back to work in unsafe conditions due to problems in paying rent and the situation will become much worse if
landlords are going to start evictions.
We need to challenge the whole system that allows housing to be a source of profit. Housing, and the land on which it is built, should be
owned collectively by all. As a start we need more social housing under tenant control, more co-operatives and a stop to buy-to-let landlords.
Message: 6
The bioethics bill was validated by the Council of Ministers on July 24 and then adopted at second reading by the National Assembly on July
31. This bill as it has just been voted represents real progress for feminist struggles and for the recognition of the rights of LGBTI
people, but remains very incomplete. ---- Women couples and single women will be able to have access to the assisted reproduction and
benefit from its support by social security. The discriminatory obligation of adoption by the mother who will not bear the child was
ultimately not retained for the recognition of parentage. ---- A project at a discount ---- But this bill remains a low-cost bill which
confirms the discrimination of any family situation that does not comply with the heteropatriarchate. In fact, contrary to the demand made
by many LGBTI collectives and associations, this law does not give female couples access to common law filiation. Co-maternity is only
recognized there through a specific system through a joint advance declaration of parenthood. The method of conception by ART is then
indicated on the birth certificate. Why is this specific annotation necessary? Certainly not in the best interests of the child, since
heterosexual couples benefiting from assisted reproduction remain subject to common law in terms of filiation and do not mention the mode of
conception of their child on the birth certificate.
Discrimination that persists
Second, this bill does not give any recognition to trans people, as if parenthood was not their concern. However, it is family situations
that exist and their non-recognition by civil status keeps these families in extremely precarious and insecure administrative situations.
Another discrimination on sexual orientation, the deputies refused to remove the obligation of four months of abstinence for homosexual men
wishing to donate blood.
A risk of commodification
Finally, we are alarmed against the opening to the commodification of the assisted reproduction procedure ! Rather than investing in areas
that do not benefit from gamete conservation centers (Guyana, Martinique, Corsica, Mayotte, etc.), the bill allows regional health agencies
to authorize the opening of private centers conservation.
We can only be dissatisfied with this bill which keeps lesbian couples in a discriminatory system of filiation, while excluding trans people
from the debate. We demand the recognition of all forms of family and sexual associations based on consent and which take into account the
rights of the child.
This bill will be debated again in the National Assembly on September 23 with a view to its promulgation. Let's continue to mobilize for the
rights of LGBTI people and women in general and to fight against this heteropatriarchal system !
Libertarian Communist Union, August 20, 2020
Message: 7
The Amazon Employee Initiative trade union takes the position that the salary should increase by PLN 4 per working hour. ---- Working in
Amazon warehouses during the coronavirus is a risk for employees and their families. The American giant is aware of this, so at the
beginning of the pandemic - under the pressure of crews from different countries - it introduced a temporary bonus of PLN 4 gross per hour
of work. Many preventive measures and restrictions have been introduced that make our work harder (distance, masks, etc.). The restrictions
remained and the bonus was withdrawn. We believe that Amazon employees should receive decent wages for their work throughout the year! All
the more so recently, expenses for maintenance have increased significantly, e.g. food, garbage collection, electricity. This causes our
wages to drop in real terms.
We are demanding a fair and proportional increase in wages in relation to the company's profits, not as Amazon is trying to do: maintaining
wages in relation to wages in the region. In this way, Amazon keeps wages low in Poland and perpetuates the scarcity. We hear unofficially
that, due to the situation, there may not be any increases at all! At the same time, we are aware of the enormous profits of Amazon,
especially during the pandemic. It would not be possible without the involvement of ordinary employees. Despite the formal suspension of
employee appraisal (feedback / adaptation) and health risks, they fulfill their duties perfectly. As a result, the company is dynamically
developing in Poland, but it does not translate into an improvement in the quality of life of its employees.
Increasing the salary at Amazon by PLN 4, proposed by our union, which is still in a collective dispute with Amazon, could constitute the
basis for signing an agreement between the parties. In the current pandemic situation and the intensive development of the company, an
agreement between the unions and management can facilitate and improve cooperation, for the benefit of all.
Trade union Amazon Employee Initiative
August 21, 2020
Join us! - - tel. 736 850 536
union's position on pay rises (
Message: 1
After two studious years we'll now put an end to the London Anarchist Federation's monthly reading group in its current incarnation - it's
been incredibly educational and enjoyable to debate all things anarchism with so many of you! ---- Thank you to each and everyone of you who
attended and to Freedom Bookshop for hosting us every month! ---- We never really anticipated anything when we started and were so glad to
see so many of you not only sharing a read with us, but becoming parts of other actions, too. ---- If you're interested in past meetings and
their reading material, you can find them: Here ---- We
recommend you check out the (currently) online reading groups run by the Green Anti-Capitalist Front ( and the North
East Anarchist Group (
We'll see you around -
Message: 2
The founder of the Anarchist Black Cross, Cienfuegos Press and co-author of The Floodgates of Anarchy, died on August 15, 2020, after a
battle with lung cancer. ---- Stuart Christie was born in Glasgow and raised in Blantyre. He attributed the formation of his political
attitudes to his grandmother, whose moral values and code of ethics he adopted. His determination to follow his own conscience led him to
anarchism: "Without freedom there would be no equality and without equality no freedom, and without struggle there would be none." This also
led him from the anti-nuclear campaign to join the fight against the Spanish to the fascist dictator Franco (1892-1975). He was already a
member of the Anarchist Federation and the British section of the International Workers' Association.
He moved to London and came into contact with the secret Spanish anarchist organization Defensa Interior. He was arrested in Madrid in 1964
when he had with him explosives to be used in the impending assassination of Franco. To disguise the fact that she had an informant in the
group, police claimed that she had deployed agents in Britain - and lied that Christie was conspicuous by wearing a kilt.
The threat of execution and a 20-year sentence drew international attention to the resistance against Franco's government. In prison,
Christie befriended militant anarchists from his and older generations. Under the pressure of the protests, he was able to return to England
in 1967, older and wiser, but still determined to continue the resistance and use his notoriety to help persecuted comrades.
In London, he met Brenda Earl, who later became his political and life partner. He also met Albert Meltzer here and later re-established the
Anarchist Black Cross, promoting solidarity with imprisoned anarchists in Spain, as well as the resistance itself. Their book, The
Floodgates of Anarchy, promoted revolutionary anarchism in contrast to the attitude of individuals who had moved to anarchism since the
peace movement of the 1960s. At an anarchist conference in Carrara in 1968, Christie met a new generation of militant anarchists who shared
his views and approach to direct action.
Political convictions and international ties have made Christie the target of the British secret services. In 1972, however, he was
acquitted in Britain of plotting to assassinate Franco because the jury was able to understand why anyone would want to blow up Franco.
Christie founded the Cienfuegos Press (Sta Bullet Publishing House), where he subsequently published countless books on anarchism and the
Cienfuegos Press Anarchist Review . At, he has collected a number of films about anarchism and the biographies of
prominent anarchists. He used Facebook to create a unique archive of anarchist history, where he recorded memories and events from his own
life and the lives of people around him.
Christie wrote The investigative researcher's handbook (1983) and put it into practice a year later in a book on the Italian fascist
terrorist Stefano delle Chiaie . In 1996, he published the first version of the historical study We the Anarchists: a study of the Iberian
Anarchist Federation (FAI), 1927-1937 . He also published three illustrated stories about his life My Granny Made Me an Anarchist , General
Franco Made Me and 'Terrorist' and Edward Heath Made Me Angry(My grandmother made me an anarchist, General Franco made me a "terrorist" and
Edward Heath me mad), which in 2004 were merged into a single edition called Granny made me an anarchist: General Franco, the Angry Brigade
and Me (Grandmother made me an anarchist: General Franco, the Angry Brigade and me). His latest publications were three issues ¡Pistoleros!
The Chronicles of Farquhar McHarg , stories about an anarchist from Glasgow who joined a group of Spanish anarchists in 1918-1924. Christie
has participated in many anarchist bookfaires and film festivals.
His partner Brenda died in June 2019. He left calmly in the presence of his daughter Branwen and listening to Brenda's favorite song
"Pennies From Heaven".
Stuart Christie - July 10, 1946 to August 15, 2020. RIP
Message: 3
Today Facebook deleted a variety of far-Right militia and Qanon accounts along with anarchist and antifascist pages, including It's Going
Down and CrimethInc. The following is a joint statement in response. ---- Facebook has taken down multiple Facebook pages they believe to be
connected with and, among other anarchist and anti-fascist publishing projects, officially on the pretext
that they "support violence." This has nothing to do with stopping violence and everything to do with cracking down on social movements and
everyday people getting organized in their communities.
Facebook has always promoted itself as seeking to assist people in creating networks to meet their needs. Facebook representatives proudly
touted their role in the Egyptian uprising. Their decision to ban social movement organizations shows that they are eager to play a role in
ensuring that the only forms of activism that can emerge are the ones that are beneficial to the current authorities. For months, Donald
Trump has demanded this crackdown in a series of social media posts explicitly blaming anarchists and anti-fascists for the countrywide wave
of protests precipitated by persistent police violence in the United States.
The definition of violence is not neutral. The way Facebook defines violence, it is legitimate for police to kill a thousand people per year
while evicting, kidnapping, and imprisoning millions-it is legitimate to drop bombs on civilians, so long as the aggressor represents an
official government-but it is "violence" to prevent a white supremacist from assaulting a crowd or return a tear gas canister to the police
who shot it. Suppressing the voices of those who seek to protect their communities from institutional and white supremacist violence is an
intentional decision to normalize violence as long as the ones employing it hold institutional power.
Lumping anarchists and anti-fascists together with far-right militias who explicitly support the state and especially the current
administration is a strategic move to muddy the issue. This is the same operation that William Barr performed in creating a Department of
Justice task force focused on "anti-government extremists" of all stripes. In the case of the Department of Justice, it enables them to
point to far-right and militia attacks in order to demand resources with which to crack down on those who are on the front lines of
defending communities against such attacks. They are attempting to do the same thing to Black Lives Matter activists, associating them
together with neo-Nazis and white nationalists as "racially motivated extremists."
After a fascist murdered Heather Heyer during the "Unite the Right" mobilization in Charlottesville, tremendous grassroots pressure arose to
remove fascists and white supremacists from social media platforms. This time, the push is coming from the very top of the hierarchy, at a
time when protest movements have been essential to creating a nationwide dialogue about state violence and oppression. This is a
counterattack from those in power against websites that published perspectives from those who mobilized against the fascists in
Charlottesville. It is not a coincidence that it occurs after Trump mobilized federal forces to Portland, Oregon, precipitating weeks of
street conflict. While far-right groups continue to organize on Facebook and millions spread dangerous misinformation about COVID-19,
Facebook is actively cooperating with the Trump administration to suppress dissent.
Make no mistake, if this goes unchallenged, it will not stop here. The more it becomes normalized for governments to be able to determine
which voices social media platforms permit to be heard, the further such censorship will penetrate into every sector of society, and the
more it will shape what it is possible to think, what it is possible to imagine.
If you are concerned about this, please use all the means at your disposal to get this message out far and wide. Facebook should not get to
determine for you what constitutes responsible speech. Together, in solidarity, we can create a better world, in which no one of good
conscience need fear that fascists, governments, or billion-dollar corporations can suppress their freedom of expression.
Vrije Bond Secretariaat
Message: 4
In front of and at the gesture of the doorman, waiting for the narrow corridor in which I have written goodbye, I saw a short opportunity,
and Jankah's journey was unique, and it had no shortage. ---- I, Soheil Arabi, like to shout this from the rooftops. Man is a difficult
task, because it reminds us of a man who said that freedom is a duty and an ability before it is too much. Yes, my friend, anarchism listens
to promises and The slogans are full, so he has no thought but to do his duty. Our duty is nothing but freedom, we deconstruct. ---- We will
overthrow the corrupt criminal, reactionary and chaotic system in order to live in the age of anarchism, the age of justice and equality.
Anarchism lives on the earth in such a poetic way. ---- We will overthrow, overthrow ignorance and rebuild the house.
The abandonment of dogmatism and the deliberate avoidance of systematic theories of inflexibility and, above all, the emphasis on freedom of
choice that never accepts boundaries, and the immediate superiority of individual judgment, make it possible for a variety of perspectives
to emerge. A reactionary and closed-minded system is ineffective.
Anarchism is indeed both diverse and changeable, and in the historical perspective it is not the view of the rolling stream that flows to
the sea of its destiny like Marxism and Islam, but to some extent anarchism has the view of the water permeating the turbulent earth, which
to some extent It forms a strong basement and sometimes swirls in a vortex, sometimes collapses through gaps and sometimes hides from view,
and suddenly again, where gaps in social construction make it possible for it to flow. Appears as a constantly evolving belief as a movement
in constant oscillation rises and disintegrates but never disappears.
It has existed in Europe since the 1840s and has been revived by its same proteotic character, while many more powerful but incompatible
movements have died out of exactly one voice. Of course, I believe that the task of anarchism is not Making slogans but also
anti-authoritarianism is a struggle against the oppressive and corrupt system that has turned people into slaves and with religion and the
promotion of superstitions and forms of anti-authoritarianism, hard locks on the brains, so the transition from authoritarianism to
authoritarianism provides an opportunity. These locks are unlocked and consciousness replaces unquestioning obedience. Then the people think
that we do not think for the people because we are not mullahs and we do not make slogans for them. Our job is to open the roofs and chains
that the bourgeoisie and the human religion have. Our task is to reconcile mankind with the universe, because human beings are only released
from their two-way relationship with the universe, a relationship that is in the form of unlocking and bad dialogue.Then the people who have
been liberated from governments have the opportunity to use their consciousness and shout themselves, we will create tomorrows and an age in
which love is the only king of the universe. Those tomorrows are the age of anarchism.
Anarchism raises our anger against what we are not, we are no longer free and loving human beings. Anarchism has nothing to do but return us
to our original purpose, which is the end of peace. This pacifism begins with the transition from authoritarianism to authoritarianism.
According to Sebastian Four, anyone who denies and opposes authority is an anarchist. Although this definition is seductive in its
simplicity, he states that Anarchism determines what is in it, not all those who deny authority and fight it can be called anarchists.
He has seen anarcho-syndicalism or modern anarchism. The regime spent billions on Islamic propaganda and failed to absorb them. Today, it
sees that their children, who shouted neither East nor West yesterday, today do not shout louder than death at the Islamic Republic and
think of globalization, secularization and democracy. Yes! Late last year the earth begins again
Glorious years return The
earth renews its winter rags like a snake
Freedom smiles Faiths
and empires
Palaces and bits
flutter like ruins
in a fading dream
The passion of destruction is in fact the creative salinity. The destruction of injustice means the creation of justice. I destroy and I
build freedom, I build settlement, and it is through this destruction of empires and faiths that anarchists always take the radiant glow of
the towers of their free world, which is rising. We show the practical way. That can lead to freedom Anarchism neither rejects the
organization at all nor seeks to perpetuate it. What is important is the fluid persistence of the authoritarian attitude. An organization
with flexibility, especially any organization that curbs the greed that is generated by greed and greed for power, Proudhon believed that
all parties as far asPower is a form of absolute government, anarchists instead of the idea of a militant organization have put their secret
belief in the movement and individual and public motivation, which in practice in the form of groups and confederations instead of leading
the people their duty Enlightenment and setting an example, in this way we show the people the practical path that can lead to their
freedom, according to Bakunin, the revolution is not created by individuals or secret societies. Then it suddenly opens the way, and often
as soon as the slightest opportunity is obtained, such as November 1998, such as January 1996, and the near future when this uprising ends
in revolution.
Peter Kropotkin gave this idea a scientific tendency. Evolution never claims to be so slow and uniform. Evolution and revolution alternate,
and revolution means accelerated periods of evolution just as much as periods of much slower evolution. It belongs to the unity of nature.
Bakunin's secret faith in mass movement and unreasonable motivation, and Protopkin's social Darwinism. They encourage a flexible vision that
sensitizes the torch to currents of desire and dissatisfaction. Therefore, freedom of change and diversity of vision are among the elements
that should automatically expand in the anarchist world and in the age of anarchism. Modern science and anarchism insist that anarchists
build a society in which all the mutual relations of its members are negated.It is not by law or by the authorities and by force, but by
mutual agreement between the members of that society and by a set of social habits that are not led by the rules and the normal flow of
superstitions, but by According to the requirements, it should always be the result of a free life and this globalization, and should be
motivated by the advancement of science, invention, and upbringing, and should be constantly on the path of reform and regulation.
Motivation but constant change and revolution As you can see in nature, this is our two-way relationship with the universe. Society is in
fact a natural growth, so it is clear that those who seek to impose man-made laws or to establish what Godwin calls arbitrary institutions
are the real enemies.They are a society and the anarchist who oppresses them and even goes to the brink of violence and destruction is not
anti-social in any case. In fact, he gives new life and energy to humanity and existence. Anarchist is a person responsible for creating
social balance in the position and He strives for his nature, so he does not chant slogans, but lives poetically and teaches people to live
on earth poetically, as he sings;
Man born incarnation task was
to love and be loved
ability Shnftn, seeing and telling
people the difficulty of the task
in handcuffs I was not free to Hrchshm save the lives of the draw
every song and every spring and every bird
of every full moon and Pegah other
every peak and every tree and every other man to
leave to live the mouth closed left
hand and mouth closed crossed
Ecce short bangs
in front and Ecce tip the doorman waiting
halls stenosis, in which I wrote
the farewell comes back, I look
The opportunity was short and Jankah's journey
was unique and had no shortage
I, Soheil Arabi, like to shout this from the rooftops, man is a difficult task because it reminds us of a man who said that freedom is more
than a duty and an ability, yes, my friend, anarchism listens to promises and The slogans are full. There is no thought except to do our
duty. Our duty is nothing but to break the deconstructive freedom, to overthrow the corrupt, criminal, reactionary and chaotic apparatus, to
live in the age of anarchism, the age of justice and equality. You live.
Soheil Arabic
Message: 5
Support the London-wide Day of Action on August 24th See: London Renters Union ---- With the decimation of social housing, many people have
been forced into the private rented sector. Property developers and buy-to-let landlords have made a fortune out of this situation,
encouraged by both local and central government. Rents take up a very high percentage of income. Estimates vary and there are differences
across the country with London being by far the worst place for renters but the general picture is one of rents taking up an ever larger
percentage of income, well above the recommended 30%. ---- In England as a whole, rents as percentage of net income have gone up from 28.7%
in 2000 to 45.5% in 2020. In London, the figure was already on 41.1% but this has increased even more to a whopping 74 % (HuffingtonPost
article: income spent on rent UK).
The Covid 19 pandemic has made things much worse because incomes have gone down, often drastically, leaving many people in dire
circumstances and unable to pay their rent. Of course landlords are chomping at the bit to get their hands on the arrears but have been
thwarted by a moratorium on evictions. On August 25th this comes to an end.
The London Renters Union and the Radical Housing Network have launched a campaign to extend the moratorium indefinitely. Half a million
renters are in rent debt, even before the end of the furlough scheme.
You're not alone. Many of us are in debt to our landlords because of Coronavirus. Hundreds of thousands of us could lose our homes if the
eviction ban is lifted on August 25.
We're made to choose between paying rent or buying food and essentials. We feel forced to go out and work in unsafe conditions. Racism means
people of colour and migrants are worst hit by the housing crisis and by Coronavirus.
But together we're powerful. Together we can tell our landlords that we can't pay our rent. Together we can prevent and resist evictions.
We need the government to cancel rent debt and make the eviction ban permanent. We need the government to end migration status checks on
renters and end the benefits ban on migrants.
Many people are being forced back to work in unsafe conditions due to problems in paying rent and the situation will become much worse if
landlords are going to start evictions.
We need to challenge the whole system that allows housing to be a source of profit. Housing, and the land on which it is built, should be
owned collectively by all. As a start we need more social housing under tenant control, more co-operatives and a stop to buy-to-let landlords.
Message: 6
The bioethics bill was validated by the Council of Ministers on July 24 and then adopted at second reading by the National Assembly on July
31. This bill as it has just been voted represents real progress for feminist struggles and for the recognition of the rights of LGBTI
people, but remains very incomplete. ---- Women couples and single women will be able to have access to the assisted reproduction and
benefit from its support by social security. The discriminatory obligation of adoption by the mother who will not bear the child was
ultimately not retained for the recognition of parentage. ---- A project at a discount ---- But this bill remains a low-cost bill which
confirms the discrimination of any family situation that does not comply with the heteropatriarchate. In fact, contrary to the demand made
by many LGBTI collectives and associations, this law does not give female couples access to common law filiation. Co-maternity is only
recognized there through a specific system through a joint advance declaration of parenthood. The method of conception by ART is then
indicated on the birth certificate. Why is this specific annotation necessary? Certainly not in the best interests of the child, since
heterosexual couples benefiting from assisted reproduction remain subject to common law in terms of filiation and do not mention the mode of
conception of their child on the birth certificate.
Discrimination that persists
Second, this bill does not give any recognition to trans people, as if parenthood was not their concern. However, it is family situations
that exist and their non-recognition by civil status keeps these families in extremely precarious and insecure administrative situations.
Another discrimination on sexual orientation, the deputies refused to remove the obligation of four months of abstinence for homosexual men
wishing to donate blood.
A risk of commodification
Finally, we are alarmed against the opening to the commodification of the assisted reproduction procedure ! Rather than investing in areas
that do not benefit from gamete conservation centers (Guyana, Martinique, Corsica, Mayotte, etc.), the bill allows regional health agencies
to authorize the opening of private centers conservation.
We can only be dissatisfied with this bill which keeps lesbian couples in a discriminatory system of filiation, while excluding trans people
from the debate. We demand the recognition of all forms of family and sexual associations based on consent and which take into account the
rights of the child.
This bill will be debated again in the National Assembly on September 23 with a view to its promulgation. Let's continue to mobilize for the
rights of LGBTI people and women in general and to fight against this heteropatriarchal system !
Libertarian Communist Union, August 20, 2020
Message: 7
The Amazon Employee Initiative trade union takes the position that the salary should increase by PLN 4 per working hour. ---- Working in
Amazon warehouses during the coronavirus is a risk for employees and their families. The American giant is aware of this, so at the
beginning of the pandemic - under the pressure of crews from different countries - it introduced a temporary bonus of PLN 4 gross per hour
of work. Many preventive measures and restrictions have been introduced that make our work harder (distance, masks, etc.). The restrictions
remained and the bonus was withdrawn. We believe that Amazon employees should receive decent wages for their work throughout the year! All
the more so recently, expenses for maintenance have increased significantly, e.g. food, garbage collection, electricity. This causes our
wages to drop in real terms.
We are demanding a fair and proportional increase in wages in relation to the company's profits, not as Amazon is trying to do: maintaining
wages in relation to wages in the region. In this way, Amazon keeps wages low in Poland and perpetuates the scarcity. We hear unofficially
that, due to the situation, there may not be any increases at all! At the same time, we are aware of the enormous profits of Amazon,
especially during the pandemic. It would not be possible without the involvement of ordinary employees. Despite the formal suspension of
employee appraisal (feedback / adaptation) and health risks, they fulfill their duties perfectly. As a result, the company is dynamically
developing in Poland, but it does not translate into an improvement in the quality of life of its employees.
Increasing the salary at Amazon by PLN 4, proposed by our union, which is still in a collective dispute with Amazon, could constitute the
basis for signing an agreement between the parties. In the current pandemic situation and the intensive development of the company, an
agreement between the unions and management can facilitate and improve cooperation, for the benefit of all.
Trade union Amazon Employee Initiative
August 21, 2020
Join us! - - tel. 736 850 536
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