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zaterdag 15 augustus 2020

#World - HIV-Positive Kids Weighing at Least 44 Pounds Can Take Adult Dose of Dolutegravir

GayNewsNet Daily
RickArtz50 News, Politics & Religion Relating To Gay Issues!
Publié par
13 août 2020
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HIV-Positive Kids Weighing at Least 44 Pounds Can Take Adult Dose of Dolutegravir
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POZ Global
thumbnailpoz­.com - Children living with HIV who weigh at least 44 pounds can safely take the adult dose of the key integrase inhibitor dolutegravir. This finding from a new study conducted among children in sub-Saharan…
'Harmful and unethical' conversion therapy finally banned in parts of Australia. Meanwhile, the UK twiddles its thumbs
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thumbnailpinknews­.co­.uk - Queensland has become the first Australian state to ban the torturous practice of conversion therapy after lawmakers voted on Thursday to make it illegal. Under the new law, any Queensland therapists…
USPS says Pa. mail ballots may not be delivered on time, and state warns of ‘overwhelming’ risk to voters
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Dennis Koch
thumbnailinquirer­.com - The U.S. Postal Service has warned Pennsylvania that some mail ballots might not be delivered on time because the state’s deadlines are too tight for its “delivery standards,” prompting election offi…
Ivanka Trump Continues Women Empowerment Agenda Amid Pandemic
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Rick Wilson
thumbnailvoanews­.com - WASHINGTON - This week the Trump administration announced $122 million in new programs and partnerships under the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity (W-GDP) initiative, and the release of 10 i…
People Left Baffled By Katie Holmes’ Bizarrely Suggestive Photo To Celebrate The Biden/Harris Ticket
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George Takei
thumbnailcomicsands­.com - When Joe Biden announced on August 11 that California Senator Kamala Harris would be his choice for Vice President in the 2020 Presidential race, there were many reactions. Many online were excited a…
Trump Sues Iowa Blue Counties Over Absentee Ballots
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Virginia mayor urged to resign after saying Biden picked 'Aunt Jemima as his VP'
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Maine congressional delegation demands end to mail delays, answers from Postmaster General
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Joe Sudbay
Trump’s prime-time convention plan: A D.C. ballroom and government backdrops
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Barbara Malmet
Federal officers remove 2 men in ICE custody from Bend standoff
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Barbara Malmet
USPS warns Pennsylvania it can’t deliver all mail ballots by the legal deadline
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R. Saddler 📎🗽🌊🌊🌊
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Discharged coronavirus patients to be treated via digital technology to help deal with symptoms
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Coronavirus cases at McDonald's, Taco Bell, among 80 "active workplace outbreaks" in Oregon
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Uniquely Me #Resist #FBR 🇺🇸#FBRParty🌊
2020 Gets Even Worse as Citrus and Potatoes Are Recalled Over Potential Listeria Outbreak
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Donald Trump Has Spent the Day Attacking Basically Every Woman He Can Think Of
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Fox News host baselessly claims that 'something's going to happen' to Joe Biden, forcing her colleague to walk her comment back
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Dennis Koch
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