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dinsdag 3 november 2020

#WORLDWIDE #News #Journal #Anarchism from all over the #world - MONDAY 2 NOVEMBER 2020


Today's Topics:

1.  el miliciano cnt-ait chiclana -- What else has to happen?
2.  France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #309 - Politics,
      Health at work: Macron and the authoritarian escalation 
     (de, it,
      fr, pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3.  Poland, rozbrat: ATTACKS ON WOMEN'S PROTESTS. 
      THE RIGHT WING WANTS TERROR. [machine translation] 
4.  UK, Liverpool Solidarity Federation: Job Support Scheme
5.  Spaine, CGT-LKN EH supports the demonstrations on 
     October 31
      in the four Basque capitals in defense of a model of care for
      dependency, quality public and with enough places 
     (ca) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
6.  Saturday, October 31, day of pan-Hellenic action of
      solidarity with the squatters By APO [machine translation]
7.  Czech, AFED: From Kobanê to the world: Rise against
      fascism! (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

The working class, and the people in general, have always been in crisis, as we have had to sell our workforce to Capitalism in exchange for
paltry wages with which to live badly. But 2008 was unleashed, on the part of the banks, a crisis that, added to the one that we already
dragged endemically, we are still paying, since they were given more than sixty billion euros that all citizens pay because they have not
paid. Returned. Not only do we pay those sixty billion, but also, with the loss of jobs, workers have not been able to meet the payment of
mortgages and banks have kept the money collected from the mortgage until then, they have been remained with the flats and the workers have
been left with the debt that remained to be paid. That is, the banks did the business of the century,

Well, since the poor did not have enough, to all these dragged miseries we were added, at the beginning of this 2020, the COVID19
(Coronavirus) pandemic. This pandemic is a logical consequence, and announced for a long time, of this way of life that the Capitalist
System, and not questioned at all by the Society, in its flight forward in pursuit of the greatest possible benefit, has been imposing on us
what over the years. This pandemic has claimed so far, September 2020, approximately one million lives. And the worst thing is that the
levels of contagion there is no way to stop them for now. The economic crisis as a consequence of the pandemic is incalculable; lost jobs
have once again made those who already were more vulnerable. What worries governments and capitalism most is that the machine does not stop
producing, As a result of which the mobility of workers makes it impossible, at the same time that it extends it, to contain the contagion
of COVID19. It is the fish that bites the tail. There is nothing to do because the most important thing between the working class and
society is missing, that is, there is a lack of awareness and a critical spirit about everything that surrounds us. Without them we are
always pasture of the verbiage of politicians and of the fear that is inoculated through the media, in the hands, almost all, of the banks
and big capital. lack of awareness and critical spirit about everything that surrounds us. Without them we are always pasture of the
verbiage of politicians and of the fear that is inoculated through the media, in the hands, almost all, of the banks and big capital. lack
of awareness and critical spirit about everything that surrounds us. Without them we are always pasture of the verbiage of politicians and
of the fear that is inoculated through the media, in the hands, almost all, of the banks and big capital.

For years we have been allowing, year after year, that the governments of the day, be they of the left or of the right, are cutting the
budgets in health, education and social assistance to the most disadvantaged and now we are paying, as a society, the consequences of all
those cuts . And while the State has been cut in all of the above, if it has had money to put more police, for the increase in the budget
for death investigation (military investigation), for the military budget, which has not stopped growing, and they have I've been buying all
kinds of toys so that those tin soldiers from the barracks can play their war every day, because another doesn't exist.

Now Spain will receive one hundred and forty billion euros in aid from the European Economic Community. This money will be given in exchange
for other compensation, which will be, as always, in cuts that will negatively affect the workers and the entire society. They have already
launched the probe balloons of where the shots will go: freezing of miserable pensions, salary freezes, increase in taxes, etc. That is, the
usual solution, add more misery to misery. And meanwhile, the rich are getting richer, since since the 2008 crisis the number of them has
grown considerably. And meanwhile, the Public Treasury, no matter how much it has been told and demanded, allowing tax fraud to those who
really have the most (banks and companies), at the same time as not doing anything against the companies that have their money in tax
havens, including the Bourbon commissioner emeritus, fled from Spain, with the help of the government, for having become rich at the expense
of all Spanish citizens. This is the situation we have in this Spain, which is not ours, let's not get confused. This Spain is one of the
same few since the time of the Catholic kings, the rest have always been considered as the pawns at the service of their farm, their Spain.
The bad thing is that when they are interested they inflate the national ardor in the mindless masses, who make them believe that Spain is
also theirs. And for this they always have at their service those parties of the recalcitrant and somewhat moderate right or fascist
ideology. with the help of the government, for having become rich at the expense of all Spanish citizens. This is the situation we have in
this Spain, which is not ours, let's not get confused. This Spain is one of the same few since the time of the Catholic kings, the rest have
always been considered as the pawns at the service of their farm, their Spain. The bad thing is that when they are interested they inflate
the national ardor in the mindless masses, who make them believe that Spain is also theirs. And for this they always have at their service
those parties of the recalcitrant and somewhat moderate right or fascist ideology. with the help of the government, for having become rich
at the expense of all Spanish citizens. This is the situation we have in this Spain, which is not ours, let's not get confused. This Spain
is one of the same few since the time of the Catholic kings, the rest have always been considered as the pawns at the service of their farm,
their Spain. The bad thing is that when they are interested they inflate the national ardor in the mindless masses, who make them believe
that Spain is also theirs. And for this they always have at their service those parties of the recalcitrant and somewhat moderate right or
fascist ideology. This Spain is one of the same few since the time of the Catholic kings, the rest have always been considered as the pawns
at the service of their farm, their Spain. The bad thing is that when they are interested they inflate the national ardor in the mindless
masses, who make them believe that Spain is also theirs. And for this they always have at their service those parties of the recalcitrant
and somewhat moderate right or fascist ideology. This Spain is one of the same few since the time of the Catholic kings, the rest have
always been considered as the pawns at the service of their farm, their Spain. The bad thing is that when they are interested they inflate
the national ardor in the mindless masses, who make them believe that Spain is also theirs. And for this they always have at their service
those parties of the recalcitrant and somewhat moderate right or fascist ideology.

And before all this I ask myself: What else has to happen for us to react as a bloody time? How many more dead do we need to react? How many
citizens, including children and the elderly, have to be thrown out of their homes, due to lack of work, to become aware that with more than
a million empty homes there cannot be people living in the streets? When are we going to become aware that occupying an empty home, the
majority belonging to banks and vulture funds, has to be something socially legitimate? When are we going to become aware, once and for all,
that without us workers, Capitalism does not produce anything? When will we be able to see that putting a ballot in a ballot box, every four
years only, only serves to perpetuate the State, which is the faithful and vassal servant of Capitalism?

Without critical social conscience the answer to the previous questions is nil. The most necessary thing today, as it was in the past for
the comrades who preceded us in the fight for a better world, is to do the necessary pedagogy to gradually stir and awaken consciences. That
is, in my opinion, the most important work that we as libertarians have to undertake. Do not forget that the work of training and social
education that the National Labor Confederation (CNT) carried out from its foundation in 1910 until 1936 was the one that made it possible
to create a parallel society in the neighborhoods and make a Social Revolution to the for the fight against the fascist clerical coup of 1936.

The CNT cannot make trade unionism, without more, its way of being and doing, this is a means and not an end. The National Confederation of
Labor must once again be the Organization that continually removes social conscience about everything that affects us as workers and as a
society, and trade unionism is undoubtedly one more thing, not the only one.

What else has to happen? Rafael Sánchez García.

Orto Magazine, nº 198



Message: 2

Macron and his Minister of the Interior maintain the feeling of the "threatened republic" to better push through their reforms and destroy
hard-won social gains. Faced with the rise of the authoritarianism of an incompetent power, the answer must be found in the creation of
places and self-management practices. The counterattack is organized. ---- Friday, September 4, 2020, Macron sounded the defense of the
republic, and he warned those who would attack the police, gendarmes, magistrates, elected officials, in short, the guarantors of the
current social order , threatening them with heavy penalties. The umpteenth attempt to defuse social movements in the face of anti-social
attacks from the government and employers which, despite the yellow vests, have at no time diminished in intensity.

There is a "crisis of authority", "a savage of part of society", according to the Minister of the Interior. Thus, Macron asks for the
support of the entire population in order to defend the republic. In reality, this is the umpteenth desire of the government to force its
way through, announcing two more years of anti-social reforms. Except that the level of authority is already high and that the social forces
have not given up on acting. The repression is therefore likely to increase. For the government, this is not the time for de-escalation, the
compromise would be a failure.

We must take into account this authoritarian escalation which will not stop anytime soon and think of a way of responding to it that is
truly effective. In fact, the government has only a military response to the social movements. Saturday September 12 is further proof of
this, with its share of arrests and hundreds of injured, like all yellow vests demonstrations. Demonstrating has become something risky and
dangerous. There are only the convinced, the determined, the crazy and the crazy, to go !

What responses to authoritarianism ?
How to build a force capable of facing such violence, capable of sabotaging the terror machine without finding itself isolated from the rest
of the population ?

An answer is to be found in the construction of self-managed places (places of support for struggles, of refuge, of self-defense, of mutual
aid, of meetings for neighborhood assemblies, etc.) which can be the basis of a popular counter-power. Places that make those who give up,
who are exhausted, that past the demonstrations, the actions of all kinds, there are places where to discuss to release the pressure, the
stress and then consider the continuation, to build together the retaliate. Solidarity must go further than during times of action in order
to build lasting and daily links that strengthen our class.

Finally, we must ensure that we no longer need the police, which is more and more essential in our lives, by relearning to build together
ways of settling our conflicts and ensuring our security.

In the face of contempt for our freedoms, in the face of a government that plays with fears and in the face of a police force that takes
justice into its own hands, we need libertarian spaces, strong self-managers that are in close contact with the local populations to avoid s
'isolate. Social forces need concrete support on which to rely and from which to counterattack effectively.

Alexis (UCL Fougères)



Message: 3

During Wednesday's Women's Strike demonstrations, organized groups of men attacked female protesters in several cities. They were supporters
of the extreme right who use some of the fan circles. Neo-Nazis attacked women with clubs, knives and stun guns. In Wroclaw, someone cut the
face of a boy walking in a demonstration with a knife. journalist. ---- Women at the events of the demonstrations informed each other where
the right-wing militias were moving in order to be able to safely return home. These types of attacks have always been the standard tactic
of the far-right: cheating and terrorizing. ---- Wednesday's attacks are also a harvest of the appeal of Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the deputy
prime minister and PiS head, whose statements were interpreted as inciting violence. The proliferation of acts of aggression, causing panic,
combined with the increasing number of victims and victims, provide a good pretext for an attack on civil rights. The rulers may also invoke
the pandemic, but the reason for political accusations and repression of women is related to the alleged struggle for "churches and
civilization" which increases the extreme right to attack. Either way, the scenario of introducing "right-wing murder" - their last resort -
must be considered.

Celem ugrupowan typu Konfederacja, ONR czy Mlodziez Wszechpolska jest wywolanie sytuacji, która skloni rzadzacych do wprowadzenia stanu
wyjatkowego. Autorytarne panstwo jest ich celem samym w sobie, ale tez gwarantem utrzymania ideologicznej ofensywy - ataku na "pedalów",
"feminazistki" i "lewaków".

It is also difficult to understand the naivety of the liberal media and politicians who talk about support for women's protests by "football
fans". Their "pro-female" banners with demands for unity in the fight against PiS are just empty slogans, which some, unfortunately, fall
into. They do not notice that by demonstrating their aversion to PiS, they do not intend to support or vote for any of the liberal parties.
The core of "kiboli" simply sympathizes with the Confederation. One does not notice that on their anti-PiS banners, published in photos in
the media, they threaten left women anyway that they would "fuck and murder them". And who is a leftist is an open question, subject to
manipulation by, among others, regime television. She became skilled in pointing out "enemies of the nation."

If someone believes in the conversion of "kibola", he will be sorely disappointed. It will be like after the JPII garbage, where they
promised to improve in front of the cameras and withstood their resolution until the next round of football games. Then they continued doing
what they always did - the riots in the stadiums continued.

As soon as the "fans" return to the stadiums, one thing you can expect is singing "about the whore of Legia" or screams that the president
of Poznan, Jacek Jaskowiak, is a "fagot". Alternatively, in the national spirit they will present a beautiful sector show with the image of
Dmowski or a banner about a "Lithuanian chum".

Of course, "hooligans" are not a social monolith, but today the far-right influence in the stands is a fact. The rest of football fans
(probably the vast majority; according to research, 80% are men) treat it as a kind of "kibolska" culture and an integral part of the
football spectacle. For years they have been pretending that it is just sports fun.

We are not interested in "kibolska" culture. However, when this goes beyond the stadiums, especially at a time like today, it poses a great
threat to us, striking women demanding the right to abortion (!!!).



Message: 4

A new government scheme called the Job Support Scheme (JSS) is being brought out on the 1st of November to replace the furlough scheme which
ends on the 31st of October. This scheme is designed to help businesses who are facing less demand to keep on staff.  It is planned to run
for 6 months. ---- The government will pay one-third of an employee's wages if their employer's business has been forced to close due to
restrictions (up to £697.92 a month per employee) if the employer also pays one-third. The employer will have to pay pension contributions
and National Insurance though. ---- Outside of their employer's business closing, their employer can claim part of an employee's wage off
the government if the employee works at least a third of their normal hours. The employer will pay for these worked hours as normal and then
the employee will receive more money on top of that. This is expected to mean that an employee will be able to receive 77% of their normal
wages for only working a third of their normal hours. Their employer will still have to pay pension contributions and National Insurance. It
is important to note that the employer must pay half of this extra money (22% of usual wage) without receiving any labour for it.

This scheme is available for small and medium businesses as well as some large ones if they have been doing badly. You do not have to have
been on the furlough scheme to be eligible for the JSS. It is completely voluntary for an employer to become part of this scheme. Therefore
in some cases it might be necessary for workers to come together and demand the JSS is implemented if they wish to use the scheme.
Hospitality workers at the Pub Invest Group in Liverpool did this to get furloughed, earlier this year. If you want any help with something
like this then send us a message.



Message: 5

Bilbao: 12:00 h. Plaza Moyua ---- Iruña: 12 noon. Main gate of Mercy. ---- Donosti: 12:00 h. Plaza Gipúzkoa-Boulevard ---- Gasteiz: 12:00 h.
Bilbao-Virgen Blanca Square ---- CGT-LKN of Euskal Herria joins this call and will participate in these demonstrations, called by the
associations of relatives of users of residences, Babestu de Araba and Bizkaia, Gipuzkoako Senideak, Irauli Zaintza and Family Members of
People Users of Residences and Day Centers of Araba, as well as the Pensioners' Movement of Euskal Herria, due to the situation experienced
by the most fragile elderly people, many of them users of residences, day centers and home help services, as well as their families.
The pandemic has revealed the deficiencies that had been suffered in residences, such as; depersonalization, overcrowding, lack of
personnel, precarious working conditions,... . As a society, we have allowed care for the elderly to become a mere business niche for large
business groups (Ballesol, Amavir, Domus Vi, AC Hoteles, ...), while the loss of weight in the offer of places has been carnified direct
public management and non-profit institutions, have been the causes for which the Hego Euskal Herria have died in residences 887 people in
the first phase of the pandemic.

It is unacceptable that in this second phase of the pandemic so many infections and another 242 deaths continue to occur on October 24 ,
since sufficient personal and collective quality care is not guaranteed.

The privatization and economic efforts of the different administrations have resulted in a business and profit model, based on commercial
criteria , which seeks economic profitability. This allows these residences to provide private healthcare, clearly precarious. All this
supposes a serious deterioration of the health of the residents. It seems very serious to us that the administrations renounce having a
sufficient number of places of their own, remaining at the mercy of the private supply.

CGT-LKN demands from public institutions more initiatives that facilitate the economic and working conditions necessary so that they can
assume the care that dependents need in residences or in their own homes. In addition, we believe that we need to advance in a different
model of socio-health care, in which the public sector is regaining ground, in which the profit motive, the precariousness and the lack of
protection of the users are stopped.

A model that, in addition to what has been said, can also make residential centers allies of the eco-social transition by putting life in
the center , incorporating renewable energy into its buildings, integrating the centers into the environment with safe and accessible
circuits and walks, enabling orchards and gardens,....

In addition, it should be accompanied by budgets and investments , generating and using formulas for the distribution of stable, dignified
and recognized employment , where care work in homes is recognized, largely carried out by immigrant women, subjected to unacceptable
working conditions.

We request a quality model with clear criteria, where the healthcare contract that the centers must sign with each user should include their
knowledge of the minimum services that they should receive  and that are included in the agreements that the entities agree with. the
different administrations.

Finally, a greater participation of families and social agents is necessary , in the evaluation of the measures and protocols that are
adopted to face the pandemic, as well as in the management of visits and outings.



Message: 6

IN FRONT OF STATE SUPPRESSION ---- NO DELIVERY - NO TERMINATION ---- Since August 2019, the far-right government of the Republic of New
Democracy, pressing on the actions of the previous government, declared a new round of attacks against the anarchist movement, the occupied
arenas, the self-organized refugee and immigrant housing structures and the social-class resistors. From the adoption of anti-labor measures
and the criminalization of trade union action, the abolition of university asylum and the recent enactment of the law banning demonstrations
??? from the police occupation of Exarcheia and the increase of repressive forces in the streets, the attempts to intimidate with stripping
young people and violent attacks in the squares where they gather ? from the attempts to terrorize the world of the struggle, with beatings
- anarchist, squatting students,

The culmination of this repressive attack is the onslaught of squatting, as fields of questioning, self-organization and rebellion against
state and capitalist barbarism, as hotbeds of mobilization and organization of social and class struggle. The evolution of the plan to
suppress all the squatters may have come to a temporary halt last winter, due to the great mobilizations and the militant responses on the
part of the fighters, but it did not stop. This is shown by the evacuations of Terra Incognita in Thessaloniki, Rosa Nera in Chania and the
arrest of 16 people, the invasion of Libertatia in Thessaloniki and the subsequent persecution of 12 people who were carrying out
reconstruction work in the area and the evacuation of the occupation of Filolaou in Pagrati.

In a period of systemic crisis of the regime, such as the one we are going through in the midst of a pandemic, the state and capitalism
strike at those who resist barbarism and draw up a plan of preventive counter-insurgency by shielding and upgrading its mechanisms.

The world of the struggle, the youth, the workers, the unemployed, the students, the students in every social field will stand against this
in order to stop the wave of state repression, in order to counter-attack. to claim a world without oppressors and oppressed, a society of
freedom, justice and equality.



Saturday, October 31, day of pan-Hellenic action of solidarity with the squatters
We support the mobilizations in
Thessaloniki: Demonstration in defense of the squatters, Kamara 13.00
Athens: Counter-intelligence gathering, Monastiraki 12.00
Patra: Counter-information gathering, Georgiou square 12.00

site: http://apo.squathost.com/ | Mail: anpolorg@gmail.com | fb: anpolorg | Twitter: @anpolorg



Message: 7

Read the call from Rise Up 4 Rojava and join the International Action Week from 1 to 8 November. ---- World Kobanê Day and the Revolution in
Rojava ---- On November 1, 2014, millions of people took to the streets around the world to express their support for the heroic resistance
in Kobanê. Millions of people of different political views within the progressive spectrum, women, men, old and young, united despite the
differences and clearly sided with the people of Rojava. They expressed their support for them in the fight against the barbarism of the
murderous gangs of the Islamic State. The whole world did not breathe with tension and watched intently as the fighters of the Women's and
People's Defense Forces (YPJ and YPG) stood in the way of darkness and defended humanity in Kobana. House by house, street by street.

With the resistance in Kobana, which marked the beginning of the end of the self-proclaimed caliphate, a global movement of solidarity,
resistance and common struggle began to grow. Today, this movement is organized across borders and defends its hope. The revolution in
Rojava became a hope and inspiration for people all over the world. Then, as now, it is more than just the defense of the country, cities
and villages. Through the Autonomous Administration, the societies of northern Syria have set a living example of a free and democratic
future for the Middle East without local despotism and foreign domination. Autonomous government is based on the equal coexistence of all
local groups, the liberation of women, the ecological and needs-oriented way of life and the economy, and the unprecedented form of radical
democracy. This alternative system is thriving in northern Syria despite the chaos, destruction and suffering caused by the war.

With its radical approach to solving the existing social problems, the revolution in Rojava shines far beyond the borders of the Middle
East. At a time when people all over the world are looking for new solutions and ways out of the abyss where humanity has thrown the
capitalist system, the people of northeastern Syria are providing very practical answers to the important questions of our time.

Whether against femicide and violence against women, to stop the ongoing destruction and unrestricted plundering of the environment, against
state killings and racist police violence, or to stop the global growth of fascism, millions of people around the world are taking to the
streets to express their anger and dissatisfaction. . Opposition is rising in all corners of the world to a system that has ruled humanity
and nature for too long.

The revolution in Rojava / northern Syria is gaining real significance only against this background. Despite all the adversity of fate and
despite all the obstacles during the war and during the covid-19 pandemic, people in Rojava are building their own alternative day by day
and giving us a practical example of the fact that another world is possible. Life without state oppression and capitalist exploitation,
self-governing and free, has become a living reality step by step. The Rojava revolution in northern Syria therefore embodies hope for a
dignified, just, and free life in the 21st century.

Kurdistan - War and resistance

However, the self-determination of nations is a thorn in the side of regional rulers and imperialist powers, which are trying to reshape the
Middle East according to their interests. With the help of an embargo imposed by all parties, political and diplomatic exclusion and a broad
concept of psychological warfare, it seeks to plunge liberated territories and movements into a crisis and deprive them of their autonomy.
The fascist Turkish state, led by dictator Erdogan, is attacking the revolution in Kurdistan, whether in Turkey, Syria or Iraq, with all its
toughness and brutality. Since 2016, the Turkish occupying army, together with its Islamist allies, has repeatedly invaded the liberated
territories and has since occupied much of northern Syria from Africa to Serekaniye. However, the attacks of Turkish fascism are not limited
to northern Syria. The regime in Ankara strikes everywhere

Also in the north of Iraq, in southern Kurdistan, the Turkish occupiers have been trying to take hold for many years. In June this year,
they launched a large-scale attack on the Heftanin area. The guerrilla forces of the Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK) have since stubbornly
resisted to stop the invaders and defend southern Kurdistan. The Makhmur self-governing refugee camp in northern Iraq, as well as the
Shingal Mountains, where the Yazidis took their own lives and established self-government following the example of northeastern Syria after
liberation from Islamic state supporters, are the target of Turkish airstrikes almost every week. The goal of the fascist Turkish state is
not the occupation of a single region, but the destruction of the revolution and the shattering of hope for freedom.

Turkish fascism is a global threat - it must be faced globally

The occupation war they waged against the people of the region under the hypocritical term of "fight against terrorism" would be unthinkable
without the political, economic and military support that the Republic of Turkey enjoys from its partners, from NATO to the Russian
Federation. Without outside support, billions of euros in financial aid from the European Union, without weapons systems from Germany,
Italy, the United States and many other countries, and without the political legitimacy that Turkish fascism receives from its allies, the
regime would have long since fallen. In Turkey, Kurdistan, Syria, Iraq, Libya, the Mediterranean and elsewhere, we still see the same thing:
the fascist system, which today not only keeps the Kurdish people and peoples of Turkey captive, but is increasingly becoming a threat to
the region, is kept alive only by the world. support. That is why it must be fought at international level.

Proponents of the war on revolution, those who profit from massacres and atrocities, and those who legitimize invasions, sit in a safe haven
and profit from murder. It is time to name those responsible and let them take responsibility.

Globally for a better future: Let's rise up against fascism

We will no longer watch him try to suppress our hope. We call for participation in the week of international resistance between November 1
and 8. We know that the fight against fascism and for another world can only be won by a united struggle.

* Let's express our solidarity with the fighting inhabitants of Rojava together and take to the streets on November 1, World Kobanê Day!

* From November 2nd to 5th, let us highlight together the struggles and goals that unite and move us globally, and that strengthen the
common alliance in our diversity.

* From November 6 to 8, let us disrupt - block - occupy places connected with the international support of the Turkish state together in a
decentralized way.

We call for a week of solidarity, a week of global strengthening of the anti-fascist struggle, a week of civil disobedience against the
fascist government, capitalist exploitation and the imperialist devastation of our lives!

Rise Up 4 Rojava! - Rise Up Against Fascism!



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