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zaterdag 7 november 2020

#WORLDWIDE #News #Journal - #Anarchism from all over the #world - TUESDAY 3 NOVEMBER 2020


Today's Topics:

1.  Britain, ACG - PUBLIC MEETING: "Labouring in Vain" 4/11/20
2.  France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #309 - History, 1870:
      the insurrection reconfigures the Martinican society (de, it, fr,
      pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4.  Greece, AF: Solidarity with students and teachers persecuted
      for their class trade union activities in Argentina. [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5.  France, Communistes Libertaires CGT - [Chicoutimi] Action in
      front of the offices of the Saguenay Chamber of 
     Commerce (de, it,
      fr, pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
 6.  Poland, rozbrat: SEVENTH DAY OF THE FIGHT - WE WILL 
      NOT BE
      INTIMIDATED [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
7.  Poland, rozbrat: NO MORE MALE VIOLENCE AND NO 


Message: 1

At the Cafe with the Anarchist Communists ---- The ACG is running a series of monthly online meetings under the title At the Cafe with the
Anarchist Communists, with the aim of involving people in discussing key issues of the day. The format is a short presentation from an ACG
member, then we open up the meeting for a 'round table' discussion. ---- Wednesday 4th November, 7pm - Labouring in Vain ---- Many people,
thirsty for social change, have been lured to the Labour Party during the recent wave of Corbynism. Some of those are now reconsidering
their membership of a Party led by Sir Keir Starmer and are looking for alternatives.
We in the Anarchist Communist Group argue that the Labour Party has always been a will o' the wisp,* something that diverts away from real
social change. It has never been a socialist party and has always taken the side of capitalism and imperialism, as we explain in our talk.
Whether controlled by the right, the centre, or the left, the Labour Party has always been an unsuitable vehicle for real radical change.
Neither will the founding of a Labour Party, Mark Two, controlled by socialists, offer a credible alternative. The transformation of this
unfair unequal society to one which is just and equal can never come through Parliament. Only broad movements organising in both the
workplaces and the neighbourhoods can bring this about. In this talk we look at the record of the Labour Party and explain why it is can
never be our ally in the fight for social justice and equality.

*The will-o'-the-wisp is a flame-like phosphorescence caused by gases from decaying plants in marshy areas. In olden days, it was
personified as "Will with the wisp," a sprite who carried a fleeting "wisp" of light. Foolish travellers were said to try to follow the
light and were then led astray into the marsh. Merriam-Webster Dictionary.



Message: 2

In September-October 1870, the south of Martinique caught fire. Part of a banal traffic incident, the insurrection lasts several days and
ends with unfair trials and exorbitant sentences. It involves for the first time not slaves against masters but citizens in principle equal.
Mainly peasant, she reveals the contradictions of Martinican society. ---- We are twenty-two years after the slave revolts of May 1848 and
the second abolition initiated by Victor Schoelcher, which was done in exchange for compensation for the slave owners (Békés), while the
former slaves received no compensation. The colored books refer to themselves as " old books " to distinguish themselves from the " new
books ", those of 1848.

Facing them and hostile to the II e Republic, Békés were satisfied gradually Empire, the promises of abolition were quickly challenged and
they dismantled all possible means of upward mobility: tax forced labor for former slaves, ban on changing employers, association contracts
in the fields to reduce the choice of activities for the "new free ", limitation of travel by passports, heavy personal taxes.

"Former free" from the countryside and peasant-owners suffered a deterioration of their situation in the face of competition from large
colonial agricultural productions. A lack of manpower led to the recruitment of hired workers from Africa (the congos) and India (the
coolies) to put pressure on wages.

II e Republic has not fulfilled its promises of emancipation towards the black and mulatto elite while Bekes made their paid support for the
Republic skirmishes with them were many, and Second Empire policy only encouraged these behaviors.

Louis Telga on a horse, with a fighter on his left and Lumina Sophie, pregnant, on his right, holding a torch. The work, installed at the
entrance to Rivière-Pilote, is due to the Moun Art workshop.
vs. memoiredhistoire.canalblog
Saturday February 19, 1870, a violent altercation opposes two men at the exit of the village of Marin. Both file a complaint. One is black,
Léopold Lubin 22 years old, former free of color, the other Augier de Maintenon, naval commissioner very integrated into radical Béké
circles, known for his vexatious behavior towards blacks. Augier would have provoked the fight on the pretext that Lubin was not moving
diligently enough. The prosecutor decides not to do anything Lubin then takes it into his head to take justice on his own: he attacks Augier
and hits him. Arrested on the spot, he risks deportation (discriminatory measure applied only to convicts of African or Asian origin).

Hatred crystallizes against Béké Louis Codé
A movement of solidarity is formed around what becomes the Lubin affair. A subscription is circulating to help with the costs of the trial
which opens on August 19 in Fort-de-France. The jury is made up of pro-Békés, including Louis Codé, notorious nostalgic for the old regime
in Rivière-Pilote, and who will boast of having had Lubin condemned.

Anger will crystallize on him. Between the end of July and September 20, the populations of southern Martinique only speak of Lubin and the
provocations of Codé who is boasting. Lubin is sentenced to five years imprisonment in Guyana, the crowd is outraged. We subscribe to pay
the fine of 1,500 francs and the appeal in cassation, we organize a quasi-clandestine circle (under cultural cover) to organize solidarity.
In order not to arouse suspicion, an important role has been assigned to the networks of rural women and merchants in Marin and
Rivière-Pilote. We petition in the towns where we can read and write. Auguste Villard, 29, a schoolteacher, an influential figure from the
former free and active in the Rivière-Pilote club for young people of color, is an ardent activist for Lubin.

Between the trial of August 19 and September 22, numerous incidents testify to the rise in tensions, while the rumor of the French defeat of
Sedan arrives on the island. This is in Rivière-Pilote begins when the riot announces the proclamation of the III e Republic on 21 September
jubilation expressed chanting "release Lubin" and "death Coded". The crowd demands the disarmament of the Whites. What was then a gathering
grew and turned into an insurrection in less than eight hours.

This acceleration takes the insurgents themselves - at least its leaders - by surprise. Auguste Villard tries to ease the tensions. Codé's
house is set on fire. The garrison arrives, it is riot, 2 dead.

The insurrection spreads on September 22 to the countryside. An insurgent who militated for Lubin, Louis Telga, 45, a small owner born a
slave and freed a year before the abolition, took the head of the insurgents in the countryside. He circulates there, visiting homes,
mobilizes. He tries to unite various groups of insurgents and assembles a small army. In the south, it is above all the resentment of poor
peasants and agricultural workers that mobilizes. Telga tries to bring together demonstrators from the towns and insurgents from the
countryside, by trying to merge the demands rather than juxtapose them. He refuses the division between black and Indian immigrants.

Codé runs away. We are looking for him. He was found on the 24th and shot dead by the crowd. Some mulattoes considered too favorable to the
Whites and not showing solidarity with Lubin were also targeted.

Who are the insurgents ?
The old haunts of maroons (fleeing slaves) in the mountains are reinvested by the insurgents. From these places dominating all the sugar
dwellings, they attack the small valleys where the rich planters nostalgic for the good old days before 1848 thrive. Many and many
insurgents are very young and were not born during the insurrection of the slaves of May 1848. They inherit the traditions of the
anti-slavery struggles, a sense of solidarity and hatred against segregation.

Their knowledge of the terrain and their ability to move quickly will be useful during the revolt. The congos and coolies participate, but
with more difficulty: they live in the huts of the former slaves and depend on their bosses. Prejudice against immigrants results in their
reluctance to participate in the insurgency, unlike women. They are part of the army of Telga, especially in the countryside, and many will
be distinguished as Lumina Sophie, called Surprise: 22 years, leader, accused of having set fire to three houses, treated blasphemous "It
Nothing should be spared, the Good Lord would have a hut on earth that I would burn it down, because it must be an old Béké", she would have
proclaimed. [1]

Coal workers. After the abolition of slavery, the black population remained confined to the hardest jobs.
Takeover and repression
On the 26th, the Békés militias entered into action against the insurgents alongside the government troops. The army makes arrests,
including Auguste Villard and Lumina Sophie. Dams were put in place to prevent the insurgency from spreading to the north.

The insurrection was crushed on the 28th, but the repression on the countryside would continue until November: the owners wanted it to be
fierce. The governor finds himself in a tense situation, caught between the republican mulattoes and the Békés fanatics who reproach him for
his leniency. What worries the governor therefore is the possibility of an alliance of blacks and mulattoes, who until now have been trying
to reconcile with the whites. Faced with the great popular emotions, the authority persists in seeking premeditation, leaders and plotters ...
The tension remained high in the months that followed, raising fears of the resumption of the insurgency. A certain Lagrange, Blanc
progressiste publishes a letter criticizing the repression and the management of the island "which has not been able to erase the
consequences of the slave system[...]everything that takes place in Martinique is only justice and the Whites have only what they deserve".
He was arrested and a popular riot left one dead, two months after the uprising.

There will be 176 indicted and 98 convictions including 8 to death. Auguste Villard, designated as "leader of the conspiracy" was sentenced
on April 17, 1871 to life imprisonment and deportation. On August 10, 1873, he was deported to New Caledonia on Virginia, alongside Louise
Michel, Henri Rochefort and other Communards and Kabyle insurgents. Pardoned in 1880, he remained in Kanaky and died in Nouméa in 1902.
Lumina Sophie, arrested on September 26, was sentenced to life imprisonment in Cayenne on June 8. Two months pregnant during the
insurrection, she is presented to the judge as a monster, "under the guise of a woman who wants to dominate men[...]who appropriates the
role of men. ". Her baby died seven months after being deported. Louis Telga, he will never be arrested. He would have escaped to Saint
Lucia, adding further to his legend. Lubin's sentence is commuted to five years of simple imprisonment.

Teaching this struggle
At the end of the revolt, many things will change: it is from 1870 that the current Martinican society is formed. On the one hand, the
Creole whites have chosen to withdraw, to isolate themselves, as historian Gilbert Pago explains, "to no longer participate in the social
and political life of the island but to act directly on the center of the island. colonial power in Paris".[...]On the other hand, the
middle class (mulattoes, mixed-bloods) has embarked on the path of assimilation.[...]The voluntary segregation of some, the optimistic
assimilation of others have come together to strengthen the political and administrative supervision of the island".

So if the revolt shook the contradictions and socio-racial hierarchies (blacks / mulattoes, peasants / townspeople), frightening the white
power, the latter also knew how to exploit them by trying to turn and instrumentalize immigrants, young people and women against the
insurgents during the trials.

If the revolts can make it possible to overcome internal divisions, not dealing with them beforehand can be costly, during and after... Some
aspects of these contradictions still exist today in the Caribbean world. However, long forgotten, this revolt and its spontaneity, part of
a mobilization demanding justice for Lubin, knew how to crystallize the global protest, proof that in a colonial situation, the slightest
injustice can ignite the powder.

Nicolas Pasadena (UCL Montreuil)

Stampede, revolt, deportation
1848: abolition of slavery.

February 19, 1970: collision between Noir Lubin and Béké Augier.

April 25: Lubin takes justice, arrests and begins his trial.

August 19: trial of Lubin, sentenced to 5 years in prison in Cayenne.

21 September: announcement of the proclamation of the III eRepublic, first riot in Rivière-Pilote.

September 22: extension of the insurrection in the countryside.

September 28: the insurrection is put down, repression and grid of the region.

November: Lagrange riot.

March 16, 1871: start of the Mokrani revolt in Algeria.

March 18, 1871 start of the Paris Commune.

August 10, 1873: deportation of Auguste Villard in Kanaky alongside Louise Michel.


[1] Gilbert Pago, The Insurrection of Martinique (1870-1871) , Syllepses, 2011.



Message: 3

Poster issued by APO in response to the call for international week of international solidarity in the Rojava revolution from 1-8 November
PEOPLES WILL BE DEFEATED! ---- The example of democratic confederation continues to take root in NW Syria and Rojava, effectively
challenging the state organization of society. It develops in the colonial, imperialist and nationalist lands of the Middle East, based on
the historical experience of society and its collective heritage, proposing an organizational structure where society is self-governing and
where all social groups and all cultural, religious and Ethnic identities can participate, express and function together through local and
supra-local direct democratic council decision-making structures, seeking unity through diversity. In contrast to the process of
nation-state formation, through a history of four centuries of violence, wars,

The hard struggle that is being waged in the Kurdish areas of Rozava under the auspices of the democratic confederation does not seek the
establishment of another nation-state and the replacement of the old chains with new ones. Focusing on the local level, with pillars of
ecology and feminism, it builds today structures of social organization and self-defense against state, capitalist and fascist attacks and
re-makes the political part of social life. It is currently being grounded in Rojava and is trying to find a foothold in Kurdish-populated
countries (Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Iran) with the aim of inspiring and influencing the peoples of the Middle East and, more broadly, building
global democratic confederation structures.

In today's conditions, where modern totalitarianism seeks to impose oppression and exploitation as the only possible living conditions, the
example of the anarchist comrades fighting in Rojava has the dimension of the material expression of the revolution we envision, in a
process where Kurds, Arabs and Westerners, women and men, fighters with different starting points, fight and build. Faced with the lifeless
present and future promised by the state and capitalism. International solidarity is that crucial point for the oppressed to respond to the
impending generalization of the power struggle. At this critical juncture, the presence of internationalists in the Kurdistan Region
demonstrates that internationalism, in addition to being an urgent and necessary political target, is already a process in motion. Our
comrades from all over the world, who are fighting there, are fighting a battle in a small corner of the world, but it is a battle for the
whole world. And we want to deepen and spread this process of international solidarity, but also of the connection of the struggles, until
the global regime of exploitation and subjugation finds itself against it, wherever it attacks.

The example of the federal democratic organization of communities in Rosava proves that the self-organization of the lower classes and of
social life through collective self-government is not an abstract or forgotten idea, but a living history. The living history of the
struggles that invades with momentum the present to change the future, with all those who gave their lives for our common struggle at the




site: http://apo.squathost.com/ | Mail: anpolorg@gmail.com | fb: anpolorg | Twitter: @anpolorg



Message: 4

The class student movement in Argentina gave tough fights in 2018 to defend public and free education. The neo-liberal policy of the then
president of the country, Mauricio Macri, had aimed at the privatization of education based on the requirements imposed by capital. The
students were not left with folded arms. Massive demonstrations - the largest in recent years - flooded the streets of Argentina's major
cities with the participation of pupils, students and workers. At the universities the students held mass general assemblies and proceeded
to occupy more than 60 academic institutions across the territory.
Among the universities occupied by the students at the time was the National University of Cordoba (UNC). With the clear political
responsibility of the Makri government, police forces suppressed student mobilization, attacked the occupiers and arrested a total of 27
students, who then "fell into the hands" of Judge Miguel Hugo Waka Narvah, who is otherwise known as an "activist". advocacy of human rights
(these are the short legs and contradictions of institutional, liberal and ultimately harmless and embedded "activism"). All 27 students are
unionized and present in the class struggles of the student movement. They are members of the Barricada class student organization and the
student coordination of the National University of Cordoba. Some of them are also members of the Anarchist Organization of C?rdoba
(Organización Anarquista de Córdoba). A professor at the National University of C??rdoba was also prosecuted following a federal court
ruling for standing in solidarity with the student struggle and supporting the occupation. He was eventually acquitted in court. Similar
persecutions were carried out against 14 students who participated in the occupation of the National University of Rio Negro (UNRN), but
also against 2 professors who supported their struggle.

Today, the persecution of struggling students and teachers continues with the new government of President Alvaro Fernandez, who claims to be
"a friend of the people and a progressive." However, it continues in the same anti-social-anti-labor direction as its predecessor, promoting
the neoliberal reforms that capital needs to reorganize, attack the social base and increase its profits. The state, as a mechanism of class
oppression and domination, has continuity, even if its current administrators are baptized, because the bourgeois parties are merely the
political representatives of the capitalists. These persecutions have as their sole purpose to suppress the class rage of the student
movement and to silence every anti-capitalist and anti-state voice of resistance. These are political persecutions that criminalize the
students' union action and their militant practices. These persecutions demonstrate once again the class character of civil justice and its
biased bias in favor of the camp of those in power and economic and political power.

The state of Argentina - like any state - bets that repression will terrorize the social base, that it will discourage it and limit it to
introversion and electoral commission. At the same time, however, on Thursday, October 29, universal mobilizations have been called in many
cities of Argentina with the main demands being the defense of public and free education and the cessation of the persecution of struggling
students and teachers. The class movement does not give in to the repressive attacks, threats, intimidation and propaganda mud of the state
and its support mechanisms. It is organized, reorganized, defended and counterattacked together and combatively.

We express our solidarity with the comrades who are being persecuted for their union action in the class student struggles. We also send our
militant greetings and our solidarity to the comrades of the Anarchist Organization of C??rdoba. The struggles of the class student movement
in Greece and Argentina actually have a common ground, ie common material interests, but also common enemies, namely the state and capital.
The internationalist connection of our common struggles and the political expression of solidarity between us is a key issue in the class
struggle today. We want to strengthen these bonds of international class solidarity. We declare, therefore, that we will support in every
way the struggle of our comrades and students in Argentina, as respectively we support the mobilizations and struggles of the class
pan-educational movement in Greece. The internationalization, massification and intensification of these struggles can create significant
rifts in the state and capitalist hegemony and give victories that on the one hand will satisfy the basic and immediate material needs of
our class and on the other hand will revive its morale for the continuation of the revolutionary class. fight with more combative terms and
maximalist goals.

We think internationally, we act locally. The only border is class.


The CLASS TRADE UNION ACTION NOT criminalize IS NEED AND DUTY OF ALL oppressed and exploited

internationalist class solidarity IN THOSE resisting AND FIGHTING AGAINST STATE AND CHAPTER


Anarchist Federation
Site: anarchist-federation.gr
email:  anarchist-federation@riseup.net
Twitter: twitter.com/anarchistfedGr
Fb: facebook.com/anarxikiomospondia2015
Youtube: Anarchist Federation

*  As an Anarchist Federation, we posted outside international institutions, in Thessaloniki, Athens and Patras, banners of international
class solidarity to the students and teachers who are being persecuted for their class trade union action in Argentina.



Message: 5

We are informing you of this press release, which has reached us by email. Don't hesitate to do the same and send us your news and opinion
letters. ---- Monday morning, in Chicoutimi on the Nitassinan, a banner reading "Proud to ransack the territory for a few dollars" was
displayed on the facade of the building in front of the Saguenay Chamber of Commerce, at the corner of Labrecque streets and Racine. ----
We, the members of the urban re-education project, demand an immediate and clear position against the LNG project of Saguenay Energy; it is
a large-scale industrial project, which, hidden behind a facade of virtuous claims, is part of a logic of commodification of our ecosystems
and our collective wealth. In a global context of biodiversity crisis, major and irreversible climate change - and ecological transition
requested by the majority of union and student groups across the province - the Saguenay region deserves better than to lower itself to the
feet of market logic imposed by big American capital. This extractivist project will only contribute to accentuating social and economic
inequalities in the decades to come, to concentrate power in the hands of a handful of investors divested of the real interests of our
region, and to wreck our environment. In short, the project is completely against the tide of collective dreams, and the future projects of
the young generation, who want a regional transition to a more sober, ecological and sustainable society. This is a pivotal moment to
preserve our human dignity, and to demonstrate that we still have the collective well-being at heart. wants a regional transition to a more
sober, ecological and sustainable society. This is a pivotal moment to preserve our human dignity, and to demonstrate that we still have the
collective well-being at heart. wants a regional transition to a more sober, ecological and sustainable society. This is a pivotal moment to
preserve our human dignity, and to demonstrate that we still have the collective well-being at heart.

We also invite the population, everyone, to learn about the project and its ramifications, to mobilize and demonstrate to the authorities
their frontal opposition to its installation in our territory.



Message: 6

The seventh day of protests is behind us - in defense of women's rights - their strength is by no means waning. During these seven days we
have had various forms of protests, from long marches, to rallies, city blockades, to calls for a strike. In these various forms, there was
also one that suited the young people who participated in large numbers in the current protests. Therefore, at 4:00 pm, platforms, cars with
sound systems appeared in the city center and the Techno Blockade began. After all, as anarchist Emma Goldman said, "If I can't dance to it,
it's not my revolution!" The crowd blocked the Kaponiera roundabout again and the intersection of Aleja Niepodleglosci with St. Marcin
Street. They played a DJ with sets specially prepared for this occasion, there were also slogans "Fuck Pis" "Fuck out" "We are strong,
together stronger".

Published in Poznan
Keywords abortion Women's strike Constitutional Court
Unfortunately, around 18:00, when the crowd slowly thinned out and headed towards Wolnosci Square, it was attacked at the Kaponiera
roundabout, min. using telescopic batons. The day before, Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski actually urged PiS politicians and
supporters to mobilize, called for defense, incited and threatened. Apparently, his appeal failed in vain and mobilized modern-day ORMOs. No
matter if they are neo-fascists, nationalists, nationalists, football fans, we know that they are useful idiots, allies of the current
government and the police. Just as the police attacked protesters with gas, these self-proclaimed police forces attacked the female
protesters. A lot of people fled, but a few suffered, fortunately most of them managed to safely move towards Plac Wolnosci. The same group
that attacked Caponier unfurled a banner allegedly supporting the strike under the round log while shouting about the red rabble. Some media
have picked up this "gesture" to support the women's strike, we will leave it without comment. Fortunately, the participants in the strike
aptly assessed them as a force that is trying to suppress our actions.

 From 7 p.m. on the square there was already a crowd of thousands. The first speeches began, a car with a sound system was positioned to the
side of the square to facilitate the subsequent march.
Leaflets were distributed among the gathered, which you can read here

At the beginning of the rally, Magda Malinowska from OZZ IP and Anna Karolina Klys took the floor on the initiative in our case. Both
clearly reminded that the fight is for women's rights and so we jerk PiS, but so that women regain subjectivity. As people shouted in the
square, "Revolution is a woman"!

Finally, in the formed procession, chanting the slogan "This is our revolution", the mass of people moved forward, heading for the Cyril
Ratajski Square. The slogans "Freedom, Equality, Abortion on Demand" and "I think, feel, decide" were loudly raised. At the same time, music
was playing from the speakers, engaged pieces full of feminist rebellion (listen to Ania Sool , Zdrada Palki , Miraz). At the level of the
City Hall building on Libelta Street, there was a stop for further speeches. The following spoke, among others Adrianna, who has been
helping a person who needs abortion every day for many years. She explained to everyone how important it is to provide each other with
information and help, and reminded that there would be no punishment for having an abortion. Everyone was informed about the telephone
number of the Abortion Without Borders initiative: +48 22 292 25 97. Then Marta from the Poznan Inter-Enterprise Committee of the OZZ
Employee Initiative took the floor. She recalled that today many of her union friends went on strike and did not go to work in protest. She
emphasized the importance of fighting for women's rights in workplaces where exploitation and discrimination are in full swing. Women
actually work at least two jobs, because apart from their professional work, they often have all the homework and are often the only single
carers. They cannot count on real social assistance, all benefits and support are simply insufficient. She stressed that we should fight not
only against the government whose resignation we are calling for, but also against any government that attacks women's rights, including
social rights. These rights should not only be defended, but to fight to expand them, otherwise we will be crushed by exploitation and
forced to constant sacrifice. As women fight for their rights in the streets, others get rich at the expense of their hard work. That's why
it's important to shout "Fuck capitalism" - a slogan once again picked up by the crowd.

The crowd moved on, chanting the slogans of the female revolution and listening to music encouraging to fight. At the intersection of Aleja
Niepodleglosci and Solna, another stop and speeches. Bozena, who spoke, spoke about the importance of regaining power over decisions about
your own body, about the importance of sisterly solidarity and not giving up despite unfavorable circumstances

The crowd moves on, apart from the music from the car, we are accompanied by the sounds of Samba Halastra (remember they are with us also on
the 7th day). People occupy both lanes, drivers greet the protesters, everyone knows that now you need to "Fuck PiS"

The demonstration reaches Mlynska Street, but bypasses the offices of PiS MPs and stops at the height of the Court.

Here, Katarzyna Czarnota once again reminds us of what the fight is about. It absolutely must not be allowed to publish the disgraceful
judgment of the Constitutional Court. The judges of the politicized Tribunal should resign, just as the current government should be
dismissed. We do not allow men, bishops, politicians, and judges to decide for us. She stressed that women would not allow the
responsibility for organizing protests during the ongoing pandemic to be shifted onto them. It is the government that is responsible for
making women take to the streets at such a difficult time. Therefore, the call for his resignation was shouted again!
Next, an appeal from the group helping to perform the abortion " Ciocia Basia " was read. Full expressions of solidarity and support to
fighting women. We are fighting together and we must show solidarity in it and the slogan "Freedom, equality, abortion on demand.

Agata - the rescuer - who helped the person treated with gas in front of the Cathedral and on Mlynska Street, reminded us of how to react to
the actions of the police. She said the importance of mutual help and the lack of trust in the police, which are there to discipline, not to
protect. We are the best protection for ourselves, not the police.

The protest was directed to Wolnosci Square again. As the crowd occupied the square, more speeches began. Agata Wilkowska emphasized how
important it is not to be afraid and how important it is to act together to overthrow this government. She emphasized how important it is to
support each other also during returns from action, because it is getting more and more dangerous, and we still have a long fight ahead.
However, we can always count on ourselves and we must help each other, come back in larger groups, support each other. Together, we can blow
that row onto the pavement, because "Cobblestone in a row, row on pavement".
At the end of the action, the plans for further actions were reminded. One of them is to be a trip to Warsaw on Friday for a nationwide
protest. Women fight together and they are stronger together!

Unfortunately, after the end of the assembly, another attack by nationalist bandits took place. Attacking from the rear side of the Arkadia
building, they mauled a dozen people using gas and truncheons. According to the information, no one was fortunately seriously injured. You
can read about the context and assessment of this cowardly attack in a separate text.

We will not be intimidated! We fight for women's rights! And we will be relentless in this fight!



Message: 7

We do not agree to the fact that in the fight for our rights it is men who take the floor. We do not accept that they build their political
careers on our harm, work and rage. We are fed up with the guys at demonstrations telling us what to do, orchestrating us as if we were
their subordinates. Get the fuck out! One of such people is Slawomir Majdanski from the Poznan KOD, who by participating in our fight wants
to build his own political capital. Majdanski came up with the idea that he would "protect" our demonstrations through his fans, completely
forgetting that some of them probably belong to militias "protecting" "faith" and "tradition" from us. It has been known for a long time
that the fan community in Poznan maintains contacts with nationalists. Moreover, it was Majdanski who introduced abusers to our demonstrations,

Forum: Activism
Keywords Women's strike abortion CODE
It is he who now wants to be protected by people who repeatedly shouted and shouted about murdering anti-fascists! By telling us: "let's
forget for a moment who is in favor of abortion and who is against" Majdanski strives for political power and a male revolution, during
which he will be able, together with his boys, to subjugate women at demonstrations. We strongly oppose the participation of such people in
our fight!

We will also not allow these socially dangerous demands to "murder" us anti-fascists as oxygen to pursue a political career for channels
such as Slawomir Majdanski. No more male violence and no more building political capital on women! For you, we also have one, popular word -



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