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woensdag 13 januari 2021

#WORLDWIDE #WORLD #News #Update - #Anarchism from all over the #world - TUESDAY 12 DECEMBER 2021


Today's Topics:

1.  Czech, Ostrava Anarchist Federation: Trade union
      demonstration in Ostrava: looking back after 18 years 
      by oafed
      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2.  France, Union Communiste Libertaire UCL - Extreme 
      coup in the United States (ca, de, it, fr, pt)[machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3.  Solidaridad obrera MADRID METRO SECTION: LET'S FIGHT
      (ca) [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4.  Poland, Anachistic Federation p. Poznan: WE ARE STRONG,
      STRONGER TOGETHER![machine translation] 
5.  Indonesia, palanghitam anarkis: Solidarity for Rojava /
      Kurdistan [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

We are reprinting a report from the Ostrava demonstration in May 2003 by a local
group of the Organization of Revolutionary Anarchists - Solidarity (ORA-S), where
anarchists were handing out leaflets among angry workers at the time. The article
appeared on the now canceled website alarm.solidarita.org ---- Although with a
long delay, but still: what was it like on May 22 at the trade union
demonstration in Ostrava? On the stage of moralizing, the pacification of anger
at "life" under the dictatorship of capital, thunderous challenges, for a while
we went to Ostrava, then again to Prague - and down to ratchets and trade union
flags and disinterest... and also growing anger.
So a worker shouted at a man in a blue vest with the inscription "Organizer - OS
KOVO", who angrily left the trade union demonstration in Ostrava. "Volem" meant
the head of the CMKOS Milan Štech. Soon after, our group of communists and
anarchists left with similar feelings to wash away the speeches of the union
bosses with beer. However, all the nearby pubs were already full of people who
could not stand it and ran away even earlier. In short, nothing revolutionary
happened in Ostrava. Only in general is confidence in the meaning of similar
actions and the effectiveness of the numb chatter of trade union leaders
beginning to wane.

Originally, it was to be demonstrated against the dismissal from Nová huta. And
given that the dismissal is also about to fall in Vítkovice and Vagónka Studénka,
we were curious about the mood among the workers and whether they would come to
demonstrate together. When the CMKOS announced that it would currently extend the
demonstration to a protest against the new reform of state finances and that it
would be the largest demonstration in Ostrava since 1989, our curiosity increased
even more... And with it the doubts that were confirmed. In the end, the CMKOS
announced the whole event as directed against unemployment. All the original
statements have been forgotten. They were replaced by a poster with slogans,
clearly indicating that all the real problems that burn people will, as usual, be
buried under humble calls to the government, whose sole purpose is - to maintain
social peace.

On the way to Masaryk Square, where the demonstration took place, we first met a
group of hooligans Baník Ostrava, each in a blue OS KOVO cap, over the shoulder
of the trade union flag and half-empty pints in their hands. The boring speeches
of the union bosses obviously did not impress them or fill them with enthusiasm,
so they left for a beer again. Immediately after them, we were greeted by a
senile Stalinist in a T-shirt with Che Guevara, who forced the leaflets of
Štepán's party (KSCS-CSSP) on us. As we later learned, he was taken out of the
demonstration area thanks to the exemplary cooperation of trade union organizers
and police officers, which we were soon to feel first hand. Its purpose was to
prevent any non-union initiative.

Beneath the grandstand, above which stood a banner with the slogan "Stop
Unemployment," crowded a crowd of about 3,000 carefully organized trade unionists
with flags, caps, whistles, and rattles. He seemed to be hanging on his foremen's
lips. Anyway, we didn't get into their disciplined lines. There were perhaps
4,000 freely scattered people around them, who were not very loyal to the unions.

So we parted to the crowd handing out leaflets and trying to have some discussion
with others. However, there were organizers everywhere and a few gems, so any
communication was limited to offering a leaflet and possibly swapping a few words
- then we had to get lost in the crowd before the more active organizers noticed
us. Nevertheless, one of us was captured and pushed out of the demonstration as a
"provocateur". Others were more lucky and gave away everything, or came across
lax organizers who didn't care and didn't notice anyone - especially when they
saw people gathering around one of us and taking the leaflets themselves. As we
passed two organizers from the miners' union, one called out pleadingly, "Guys,
don't distribute the leaflets here." "Why?" "This is our event and we do not want
any propaganda here," he replied. "And what they slap on you in the stands, isn't
propaganda? " we ask. "Well, I know they're explaining nonsense, but this is a
union action, not yours," he replies - and takes one of the last five leaflets we
have left.

Co se týce tech pár reakcí, které jsme zachytili a nemeli cas ani prostor
rozvést, lze je nejvýstižneji obsáhnout slovy dvou lidí, kterí se s námi dali
trochu do reci. "Pryc se sociálním smírem," cetl jeden z prítomných delníku na
našem letáku, "no, to je pravda, už by se melo neco udelat." Další si nahlas
procetl první vetu letáku, kde se mluvilo o propouštení v Nové huti, Vítkovicích
a Vagónce Studénka, aby pak další dva odstavce dorekl sám: "Jo, propouštení jsme
u nás na Nové huti zažili už mockrát, je nás tam cím dál mín a všechny tyhle akce
byly vždycky k nicemu."

And in the meantime, (tragi) comic performances by Messrs. Sábel, Štech and
others took place in the stands. At first they thundered that they would not go
to Prague. On the contrary! They want Prague to come after them, and therefore
they are behind the radical demand that the next tripartite meeting take place in
Ostrava! For a while, however, they again threatenedly said that if the
government did not heed their demands, they would invite us to a demonstration in

And what are those requirements? So, unions do not mind cuts in the social field
when it comes to cuts where social security is abused. To leave no one in doubt,
they stressed that they certainly do not defend those who do not want to
"honestly work" and only parasitize on a poor state, including those who work
illegally. We have heard a moral sermon on how beautiful and beneficial it is to
work and how horrible unemployment is, because it burdens the state budget and
leads to an increase in alcoholism and drug addiction. It's hard to say whether
to laugh at the trade union paratroopers or cry over myself when work sucks me as
well as non-work and when I do what I can to rip it off and with it this whole
system based on our exploitation.

Despite the strict organization, the top number of this trade union show was not
taken care of by bureaucrats, but by a group of several workers. With a clear
awareness of the futility and ridiculousness of the whole event, she decided to
take matters into her own hands. Unlike us, they made so much sense that they
reduced the sensitivity of brain cells in the pub in advance to make it easier
for survivors' union gossip. But above all, they came up with their own banner
made of the Soviet flag, on which, next to the sickle and hammer, the inscription
shone: "Every Spidla will go to the soap." And to the considerable nervousness of
the trade union officials, they stood right next to the tribune with him and with
the waved flags of OS KOVO.

The organizers failed to persuade them to pack their banner, so they sent police
officers to them. They came out with a paragraph and began to take their banner
and threaten to take it too. However, the workers did not give up and dragged
themselves over the banner to the Fízlov car, to which the two poor people from
the Police of the Czech Republic pressed and continued the quarrel and push. When
one of the workers went to the cops with the words "If you'd rather chase the
tunnelers, not decent people!" and one secret fizl or trade union official (which
came out in the same way at this demonstration) began to shrug on him, then angry
workers began to shout at each other: "Radek, fire him!" "I'll break their
handle!" Desperate linemen and secrets (?) No longer knew which one - and so they
began to threaten reinforcements. And since the atmosphere did not look like the
riots, the workers soberly decided

The purpose of this whole prank, directed by the CMKOS, was, in the end, nothing
more than to maintain the hegemony of the unions over the working class and to
divert any potential of class confrontation to harmless reformism. Not a word has
been said about our human needs as proletarians. Instead, the trade union bosses
imposed the bourgeois ideology of labor on all as a real blessing. They sought to
encourage the division of the proletariat into those who "work honestly" and
those who do not work honestly, although we are all forced by capital to cope
with the hated reality of wage labor, and unemployment together with undeclared
work is just another form of the same misery it is currently advantageous for
capital. Also in stirring up regionalist sentiments, the leaders found a good
means of diverting attention from the reality of the exploitation of the
proletariat of the bourgeoisie: Ostrava is being exploited by Prague, that is the
problem! They were also careful not to turn this demonstration into an
opportunity to unite the workers of Nová huta, Vítkovice and Studénka and to
start their joint struggle. There was a grave silence over something like this.
At least in the stands...

In short, there was nothing to do about this demonstration other than to express
our own rebellion against capital and to attack the unions in the leaflets, which
in all their forms will always lead us to integration into the capitalist system.
And it seems that we were far from the only ones who felt the same way in
Ostrava. However, the next class struggles will show how much the confidence in
the unions is really collapsing and there is room for the autonomous
self-organization of the proletariat. And even in them, it is revealed whether
the autonomy of our class will lead only to new reformist activity or question
wage labor as the basis and part of the capitalist system.



Message: 2

As the US Congress was preparing to validate the election of Joe Biden, the
demonstration by supporters of Donald Trump invaded the Capitol. In front of the
building at the heart of US parliamentary power, militiamen destroyed Associated
Press material openly calling for civil war while inside, covered in neo-Nazi,
Confederate and anti-Semitic symbols, these people took pictures of themselves
with cops, complicit in letting them invade the square, and threatened a coup.
Explosive material was discovered at the scene. ---- Trump tried to appease by
throwing fuel on the fire ---- During his speech, the president called on his
supporters to return home and themselves while perpetuating the lies that
galvanized them. Overwhelmed by the turn of this historically tragic event, he
announced, with undisguised pride, that he loved the militiamen and continued to
fuel them with his fantasy of massive fraud in a largely lost election.

This event is in the continuity of the murders perpetrated by the American
extreme-right in Charlottesville (Viriginie), during an anti-fascist
demonstration, or Kenosha (Wisconsin), in full demonstration of the movement
Black Lives Matters, and with the rise in power of the militias. armies like the
Proud Boys, which Trump had encouraged to mobilize during the election.

Trump's entire tenure is summed up in these words and in this coup.

In France, the fascosphere is excited
Identitarians, negationists and nationalists from all walks of life rejoice and
exult or try to create a diversion by vomiting on the Black Live Matters movement
and its alleged violence. The neofascists know how to recognize each other and
confirm that in France, they are ready to support a coup d'état. Trump and his
strategy have indeed been emulated since the European tour of his special adviser
Steve Bannon in 2018. The unwavering support, the elements of identical languages
and hazy theories have punctuated the speeches of the leaders of the right and
the French extreme right. And the strategy is paying off if we judge by the
meetings of Macron's advisers with the Le Pen or the still worrying
trivialization of reactionary terminology in the mouth of the French president.

Anti-fascist and international solidarity
Our thoughts are first and foremost with our American comrades who, despite
several mobilizations and movements of different natures and importance, have
resisted this rise in power by far-right forces. We want to recall that the
anti-fascist struggle was, is, and will remain internationalist and that our
solidarity knows no borders. It is therefore important to mobilize against all
reactionaries, in Europe, the United States and everywhere else in the world.

This is why the UCL calls for mass mobilization during regional demonstrations on
Saturday January 9 against the religious ultranationalism of Erdogan who in
addition to oppressing and massacring the inhabitants of Kurdistan regularly
causes wars as recently in Haut -Karabakh.

Libertarian Communist Union on January 7, 2021.



Message: 3

We must go back to January 1992 to see the first mention made by the Labor
Inspectorate of the possible existence of this carcinogen in Metro de Madrid.
This mention was then used by a deputy (MTLC) of the PP in the Madrid Assembly,
then in the opposition, to ask about the measures to be adopted by the
Environment Agency with respect to the problem posed by the handling of asbestos
fiber in the works of some Metro Madrid stations. This should have been forgotten
by both her and her party when two years later they became the top managers of
Metro de Madrid until today. For this reason, we classify as unacceptable that
there has not been any politician accused since the presence of this carcinogen
is known in this company, which only uses cheap political propaganda.

Governments of the Popular Party, CEOs, Investigation Commissions, complaints to
the Labor Inspectorate, affected colleagues and deceased continue to follow. It
is even well known that there is a report from 2003 in which the company admits
the presence of Asbestos in classic trains, 5000 1st series and 64 stations of
the network. Despite all this, to this day we continue to hope that they will
comply with the last "commitment" agreed with the social part in the Homelessness
Commission, on September 24, 2020. Supposedly we would be enrolled in the RERA on
the 15th of December 2020, with the consequent improvements in our job security
that after so many years fighting for it opened a light of hope, but it has
become another promise in vain.

To this day, this company, despite the victims caused by Asbestos and the fact
that this carcinogen does not stop appearing in facilities and trains, continues
to put production before the Prevention of Occupational Risks for workers. There
are already several occasions in which representatives of our union have had to
appear in warehouses to stop work that entailed a manifest exposure to Asbestos.
It is hard to believe that this line is followed in a company in which 6 workers
have alre



Message: 4

On December 6, 2020, another Women's Strike took place on the market in
Pobiedziska under the slogan "Common Anger in Pobiedziska", which was hosted by
MEP Katarzyna Ueberhan, who discussed the rule of law of the European Union in
the context of the human rights crisis in Poland. As Poznanians Against Hunters
and the Gniezno Anti-Hunting MovementWe raised the problem of breaching European
standards in the context of women's social and animal rights, referring to the
abuses related to hunting organized by hunting clubs. During the speeches we made
an attempt to connect the issues of women's rights, ecology, animal rights and
anti-fascism. Our speeches were warmly received, which does not change the fact
that our aim was not to depart from the overarching topic, which is the inhumane
prohibition of abortion, but only to shed light on topics no less important for
local plots standing literally "on the line of fire" day after day. Activists
from the Gniezno Anti-Habitat Movement defend women's rights on a daily basis and
engage in the fight for animal welfare in the vicinity of Pobiedziska, in a place
considered by hunters to be one of the best hunting grounds in Poland
(Czerniejewo and its vicinity),
FacebookFacebook MessengerTwitterWhatsAppExcavationPocket
Forum: Activism
Keywords Poznanians Against Hunters Women's strike animal rights Social ecology
Animal rights are violated in Poland and a policy of environmental degradation is
pursued. Last Friday (04/12/2020), the European Commission decided to refer the
case against Poland to the Court of Justice of the European Union due to breaking
the law during the so-called forest management. It was in 2016 during the PiS
term of office that the late Minister Jan Szyszko, contrary to EU directives and
the Constitutional Tribunal of the European Union, started cutting old trees in
the Bialowieza Forest, using the argument of the bark beetle. We know very well
that infected, diseased spruces were not cut down. Instead, healthy old
hornbeams, oaks and beeches with huge trunk diameters were cut. For the enormous
profit of the State Forests corporation, nature is destroyed, animals are killed
and valuable plant species are degraded, Habitat directives are violated, birds
are killed. Disgrace!
This year, the PiS government showed its worst face in the form of the abortion
ban, limiting our abortion rights, which strikes the foundations of human
existence: sense of security, health and life. He showed his worst face by
attacking women and LGBTQiA + people and openly calls for support of fascist and
national groups promoting such sick slogans as "death to leftists and LGBT".
animals, old trees are cut down This is a disgrace!

The social movement called the Women's Strike has been operating in Poland since
2016. It was four years ago that Black Protests passed through the streets of
Polish cities. In Poznan, after the Black Protest near the PiS headquarters,
several of our colleagues were groundlessly accused by police officers of
violating their inviolability. They fought in court for an acquittal for four
years. It was not easy. As usual, the scapegoat was found, and therefore the
Anarchists were blamed. Only the district court in Poznan decided to acquit them.
We want to tell you that it is not enough to just criticize PiS, but to overthrow
this sick government! We are fed up with the government's anti-social and
anti-worker policies. We are fed up with exploiting cheap female labor on junk
contracts or through temporary employment agencies.

This power has put far too many problems on the shoulders of women. Limiting the
right to an abortion procedure is another PiS cut in medical services. The
current situation is not only due to the neglect of a particular government, but
also how patriarchal and classy the whole system is. We need to reorganize the
system so that it is not oriented towards exploitation of the worker, but is
based on social security. You will say that 500+ is a invention of Pis. Yes!
Various sources show that 500plus made women feel safer. In Europe, however, such
social benefits are much higher and are not subject to additional requirements.
As usual, the poorest and needy women will suffer from the abortion ban, and as
you know, the richer women, the easier it is for them to perform such an
operation abroad.

Why is this happening? Why is the government mostly male, many of whom are
hunters? Why are there daily hunts in the vicinity of Pobiedziska and why can we
hear shots even at night? Why are hunters and priests who dictate rules to women
and say what is good for them?

Because men, mainly hunters, policemen and priests, satisfy some need of their
own, some hunger through the sense of belonging to the elite of guys. What? Of
course, such a hunter or priest, when he belongs to the hunting club or the
episcopate - and has the support of the elite - his well-being improves. But only
for a moment. It turns out that in the world of hunters, police and priests low
self-esteem, lack of self-respect, meaning in life and fulfillment are common,
they are simply complex. It is a very sad and most sympathetic image of men. Male
friendship ceased to exist. The same "dudes" are trying to do with women. They
try to argue us and push us onto the tracks of competition in the name of
corporate and business profit. But we will not give up!

Let the women speak for themselves!!! Women exploited for reproductive and caring
work in households often suffer in hiding. Despite doing unpaid domestic work,
they go into low-paid, hard-paid work. They are exhausted after work and still
have to cook dinner for the whole family, and sometimes endure the violence of
their husband / partner, who is also a hunter. In small towns it is more
difficult for them to obtain psychological or legal help. Two months ago, in
November 2020, a tragic accident happened. Despite the fact that the woman
established the so-called "Blue card" (for domestic violence and alcohol abuse) -
he, using his gun license, as a member of a hunting club, in the dark killed a
16-year-old boy picking apples in an orchard by the boarding school. The hunter
explained that ... "he mistook the boy for a boar." Often it is the hunters who
use the advantage over women in the form of a hunting rifle and ... it happens
that they shoot their wives. Disgrace!

For example, hunters' wives often complain that after a whole week of work, her
husband disappears for the weekend and hunts, and she, tired of caring for
children and the elderly, has to subordinate her life to dressing the bodies of
the hunted animals. Unfortunately, this is how the everyday life of most women in
smaller towns in Poland looks like, and in addition they have been denied the
right to abortion! Disgrace!
It is said that people with rifles often have a sense of power and authority
coupled with such a strange, pleasant tickling inside. A man wearing a rifle or
dressed in a cassock with a clerical collar sends a subliminal signal "It's worth
showing me respect." We are well aware of the psychological mechanism which says
that it is very difficult to part with the received admiration and respect that
is obtained through power and violence. We are sick of this!

In Poland, healthy animals are killed by telling the public to fight the ASF
virus. We know very well that the shooting of healthy wild boars will not stop
the ASF epidemic in pig farms. We know well that the vector of virus transmission
is not the wild boar, but most of all the hunter and farmer who, not respecting
biosecurity, infects healthy pigs in pig farms. Recent studies also show that
coronaviruses mutate through pollution caused by industrial livestock farming.
More and more women are starting to work in mink farms and slaughterhouses for
very low wages. This is the exploitation of both women and nature! Disgrace!
We do not agree to any form of domination, and we wish to emphasize that it
should not matter whether it occurs between a man and a woman or between people
and animals. The fight for women's reproductive rights should be as strong as the
fight for the rights of wild and industrially bred animals - animals that are
raped and fertilized only to be milked and killed. We have enough!

Poznanians Against Hunters Anti-
hunting Gniezno Movement Anachistic
Federation p. Poznan



Message: 5

We try to understand the situation of each of the Rojava combatants who have long
fought for their land and resisted invasion from all sides. In recent weeks, the
incursion of Turkish fascist occupation forces into independent areas in
Northeast Syria has been rapidly increasing. From Afrin, the Afehba resistance
area, to front of Manbij and Ayn Issa, to Temir and as far as Derik in the
North-East, the Turkish occupation forces intensified their attacks on the
civilian population and their revolutionary defense forces. ---- Almost every
day, Turkish artillery fire hits the homes of hundreds of thousands of refugees
from the occupied Afrin region. Not a day goes by without reports of further
kidnappings and murders; extortion, looting, robbery, and rape are no exceptions.
With a bloody struggle and with the slogan "destroy Turkish fascism," we also
support Rojava's liberation and the efforts being made to destroy Turkish fascism!
Several individuals took action in solidarity by putting up banners reading: "Get
rid of Turkish fascism! Long Live the Rojava Liberation! Rojava / Kurdistan
international solidarity. "

We call for more massive solidarity for Rojava's struggle against Turkish fascism
and its parasitic alliance!

Indonesia, January 2, 2021



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