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dinsdag 19 januari 2021

#WORLDWIDE #WORLD #News #Update #Anarchism from all over the #world - MONDAY 18.01.2021


Today's Topics:

1.  US, Trumps Capital Chaos - Short Statement by the Workers
      Solidarity Alliance (WSA) (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2.  UK, 2021 January 14 Class War Daily is Back!
 3.  France, Union Communiste Libertaire UCL - International
      press release, The state is terror, we are not afraid (ca, de,
      it, fr, pt)[machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4.  France, Union Communiste Libertaire UCL AL #312 -
      Anti-fascism, Infiltration: Spot the fascists in the
      demonstrations (ca, de, it, fr, pt)[machine translation]
5.  Poland, zsp: Firma Ksiegarska Jaroslaw Granos has paid part
      of the outstanding salary [machine translation] 
6.  cnt.es: Threat of Prison and fines for unionism in Xixón
      (ca, de, it, pt) [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
 7.  Solidaritat Obrera' of CNT Catalunya: THE KURDISH 
      MYTH: BACK
      WITH DEMOCRATIC CONFEDERALISM -- S.A.C. (ca, de, it, pt)          [machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

On Wednesday, January 6th 2021, an attack organized by a far right wing mob on
Capital Building of the United States took place while congress met to certify
the presidential election results. They were encouraged by a deranged
authoritarian and outgoing President of the United States, Donald Trump and
focused heavily on his corrupt grift and inflated ego. Even though the event was
anticipated and all but announced publicly, the police initially appeared to
treat the mob with "kid gloves" especially when compared to how they have treated
Black Lives Matter protests and others just this year, something even the
mainstream media has commented on.
The take over of the Capital building has long been in the making. The Nixon era
gave a phenomenal rise to the white ultra-right authoritarian. Christian
evangelicals. The rise of the Reagan right was the first "wink and nod" by
elements of the political establishment to ultra-right elements. The wink and nod
to so-called "patriot" groups. Many pretend they are right to bear arms groups,
using them as a cover to arm, train and reach out to young men and women in the
military. Running alongside the shift to the mainstream hard right, there was a
slow growing pro-nazi and white nationalist current developing. The "Tea Party"
within the establishment helped to inspire authoritarianism and to nudge the
floodgates open. Trump, his allies, merely were the final expression of a 40 year
descent into a longing for an open, racist, pro-white supremacist persona to help
manifest and untrue, or at least encourage, an open acceptance, tolerance and
place for an American authoritarianism
Laws used against the "right" today, are the same used against the left and
workers movements yesterday. Defeat the ideas of authoritarianism daily. Because
the laws you may cheer today, may be used against you tomorrow.
The battle against authoritarian ideas (religious, political, racial) within the
working class is part of the class struggle. The battle against the state, right
wing religious power mongers, and the petty bosses manipulating working class
folks is a class struggle. The struggle against hate and bigotry as manipulated
by those in power or wanting to be in power, while crossing class lines, will
ultimately need to be won within the working class. Patient organizing and
education of the issues, against those within the class who will sell it out at
the sniff of money or power (or both) and a place to dominate is a must. In order
to defeat the larger enemy, we must defeat it within our own ranks for starters.
Our struggle will always be a parallel one
Trump isn't the problem. The system is. Organize, educate, overthrow.
  Workers Solidarity Alliance (WSA)



Message: 2

The new issue of Class War Daily is out. In it, you will find:
Rich Cunt Donald Trump
Get Boris Done In
Mohamud Hassan Brutally Murdered by the Cops in Cardiff
Brixton Bash
Rona Law
Fucking Rich Bastards Feeding the Deserving Poor
Support the Colston Four
...and more!


Message: 3

We relay this press release from our comrades from DAF which denounces the
repression of the Turkish state against the students of the University of
Bogaziçi fighting for university autonomy. ---- This morning, the governor of
Istanbul announced that all demonstrations on Besiktas and Sariyer were banned.
Announcing the statement on his Twitter account, the governor said: " Considering
that this may undermine efforts to protect society from the epidemic and prevent
the spread of the epidemic, all kinds of meetings, demonstrations and marches are
prohibited in these districts. " ---- Let's read between the lines. Fear forbids.
The fear of the collapse of the AKP is growing day by day. As his fear increases,
so does his prohibitions. This fear did not appear today. Those who resisted
Gezi, Kobane ; those who took to the streets after the bombs exploded in Amed,
Suruç and Ankara embody the fear of the state. In previous years, the state
attacked and banned them out of fear. The courage of those who resisted turned
into a struggle.

Again, any ban is a sign of fear. The youth were in front of the university
against the rector of the Bogazici university appointed by the president on
January 4, 2021. The anger of thousands of young people who demanded justice was
manifested in front of the police. This determined anger frightened the
supervising rector Melih Bulu and the people he had appointed. Those who were
afraid attacked the young people ; they attacked them with batons, shields,
flashballs and water cannons. They thought they were going to scare them and
scare them. No one ran away. Young people pushed and pushed, and the police
absurdly tried to protect themselves by desperately blocking the door to Bogazici
University. The resistance ended on Monday, it was said, " We will be back on
Wednesday. ".

Those who had been afraid on Monday could not wait until Wednesday. We - referred
to by the state media as a " terrorist organization " - have repeatedly said that
the state is " the terrorist organization ". The state unleashed police terror
from Monday evening to Tuesday evening, and Wednesday morning. In two days, the
homes of nearly 40 of our friends were searched by the police, those who were
wanted were detained under torture. Tortures and threats against our friends who
were detained for two days continue today. It is terror. Raids, torture and
detentions continue with wanted lists.

We are not afraid of roundups, torture and bans. Your terror will not scare us.
We will walk on you with courage.

You will leave, we will stay ! We will win !




Message: 4

In recent weeks, demonstrations all over France have brought together several
hundred thousand people against the so-called "global security " bill . We have
seen here and there various attempts, fortunately unsuccessful, of the extreme
right to try to fit into these gatherings. Decryption of a strategy. ----
Recurrently in recent years, the far right has attempted to infiltrate a number
of massive demonstrations in several ways. ---- The first is to assume more or
less openly to assert their confused ideas: it calls for a convergence of
demonstrators claiming to be "anti-system" while denying the relations of
domination in our society. Confusionism is based on often real problems, but
simplifies their causes through conspiratorial rhetoric that deflect prospects
from material struggles.

More insidious, these small groups are also trying to interfere in the
demonstrations to blend in with the mobilization. Recently, a small far-right
group, Vengeance patriote, posted itself on social networks to three activists
(Alice Coffin, Assa Traoré and a libertarian activist). Their strategy is simple:
show that they are present and can join processions without being recognized and
/ or released. Otherwise, they play the victimization card: " See, they are the
extremists, the sectarians ". It also allows them to clear themselves of any
violent action subsequently committed by their members.

However, when they have the chance, far-right groups opt for direct
confrontation. Gathering in groups, generally taking up the codes of the
"hooligans", they come directly to confront the social movement, to intimidate
and break it with violence.

Patriotic revenge makes selfies
If they find many anti-fascist activists in their path, this is done at the cost
of physically endangering these same activists. We faced it recently in Paris,
Strasbourg, Lyon and Caen. Even if the fascists do not always attack, the purpose
of rallying around the demonstrations is also to intimidate the participants and
show their "strength". It follows the same logic as police repression: instilling
fear among demonstrators to discourage mobilisations.

The far right only seeks to stifle social protest. It is not opposed to
freedom-killing laws, does not care about the fact that they reinforce repression
against the popular classes: the extreme right is even in favor, it has approved
all the latest repressive and security laws.

It is therefore vital not to fall into their trap. It is necessary to be vigilant
and not to leave them space in our mobilizations. To do this, we owe it to
ourselves to highlight the need for the popular classes to self-organize in order
to defend their class interests.

UCL Antifascist Commission



Message: 5

On Wednesday, December 9, 2020, the Union of Syndicalists of Poland - the Union
of Multiples in Warsaw organized a picket in front of the bookstore belonging to
the Jaroslaw Granos Bookshop (66 Targowa Street). We demanded payment of
outstanding remuneration and receivables for the period of notice for the
unjustly dismissed employee. On the same day, after the picket, we received
information from the injured party that part of the due money had been paid. ----
We have already written about the scandalous employment practices at Firma
Ksiegarska Jaroslaw Granos . ---- The Bookkeeping Company Jaroslaw Granos runs at
least 3 outlets for cheap books in Praga. The company also sells books online and
has magazines in Stara Milosna. This is where Ewa worked, a student who cannot
ask for payment of all the remuneration due to her.

The owner of the business took advantage of a girl who was working to earn the
rent. The catalog of illegal activities is quite typical: first the owner delayed
presenting a written contract, which in itself is already breaking the law. When
she finally received the contract, the number of hours was less than actually
planned. It was supposed to be "on paper only". Unfortunately, many people fall
for such tricks of dishonest employers. During the work, there was no record of
working time. The female worker ended up not getting most of her salary for the
hours she worked.

There was a toxic atmosphere in the workplace, the employer commented on the
private life of employees in an indiscriminate or even vulgar way, bluntly
implied that he believed that in terms of cooperation regulations he was above
the law, and compliance with it depends on his good will, because ultimately no
one will do nothing to him. He articulated incomprehensible claims, from which it
was impossible to guess whether he had any specific objections to the work he
performed, or whether he was simply in a bad mood and wanted to take advantage of
the employees, eventually he went so far as to make comprehensive assessments
about Ewa, he told her that she was sucked, that she would achieve nothing and
claimed that "by giving her a job" was doing her a great service.

The dismissal took place overnight, when the employee reported the need for a
sick leave. This angered her boss, who told her to choose whether she wanted to
work or take a sick leave, because - as he put it - "you have to fuck in here".

We know that Ewa is not the only employee aggrieved by this dishonest employer
who turned the failure to pay part or all of the last salary into a practice.
Another employee lost her job overnight shortly before Ewa was fired. Our
information shows that she received a small part of her salary for the last
month, and also did not receive the money she was entitled to due to the failure
to observe the notice period.

On Wednesday, December 9, 2020, the Union of Syndicalists of Poland - the Union
of Multiples in Warsaw organized a picket at the bookstore on Targowa Street, on
that day the owner transferred the overdue payment to Ewa, but "forgot" about the
severance pay.

The Union of Syndicalists of Poland intends to further protest against the
employer's unfair practices. We call on the owner of the Bookkeeping Company,
Jaroslaw Granos, to pay the sum due to the employee. We encourage our neighbors
in Praga to avoid using the services of such companies and instead make purchases
where workers' rights are duly respected.



Message: 6

On the 18th of Xineru, in Xixón, a double prosecution is filed against the CNT in
which members of the CNT are asked for prison sentences and additional financial
amounts for carrying out union action ---- From the anarcho-syndicalist central
made a call to spread the casu and to show solidarity with the unionists in the
case ---- Too entered into with delles irregularities and a presumed sexual
harassment at work, a complaint that is filed in the current state. A worker
broke down at the beginning of 2017 with the union to comment on what was
happening at Pasteleríes La Suiza, in Xixón. "In view of the seriousness of the
issue, it acted accordingly," detailed the union that first requested additional
information to soften the version of the worker and, later, the company joined to
deal with the issue, in no way or any result. Three days later, a union
mobilization campaign was launched and concentrations of complaint were carried
out, "nothing that ever saw union action", the unionists declare.
If yes, "you attacked them for one day to other aggressors, as they were
denounced by the employer on numerous occasions," the CNT denounces. "They ask
for almost 600,000 euros from the union and jail penises for the complainant
worker and union members, a total of 8 people," they detail from the
anarcho-syndicalist central, "some penises that are totally toxic."
Three of the claim that asks for years in prison for being a trade unionist could
presumably be taken by the Xixón hospitality employer, people with a clear
conservative orientation, who "accused the CNT of" distorting, being ETA, and
already tried to outlaw the union for criminal offenses. d'association illicit».
In fact, they hired as a lawyer to exercise the private accusation against the
union, the former maxistrate of the National Audience, Mr. Javier Gómez Bermúdez,
"a former star and now a lawyer for Jaime Botín," highlights the
anarcho-syndicalist organization.
"This is one more step towards the illegalization of trade unionism, either
directly or by putting trade unionists in jail and financially condemning them,"
denounces the CNT. Therefore, appeal to class solidarity and to the fraternal
sophistication of all union centrals, in order to try to stop this aggression and
to spread as much as possible what is going to happen as of Monday 18.



Message: 7

Article that is answered:
democratic / . ---- 1. Criticisms of Öcalan to the anarchist and communist
movements. ---- " The criticism that Öcalan pours on the communist and anarchist
movements and currents should be taken as a gift that opens the doors to the
movements and their members to rethink what faults they are having and how they
can improve, and should not feel like an attack that hurts the ego of his
followers. Perhaps this is why many of the anarchist and communist movements in
the 21st century are completely stagnant, obsolete and far from being able to
effect any persistent and incident revolutionary change in their societies. "
(Rojava Azadi).

We thank Öcalan for the great gift he offers us with his criticism, and for
opening the way to the true and definitive political paradigm... Of course, I can
agree with you on one thing: lack of self-criticism. And incidentally, moderate
the cult of personality a bit. At this point, it will not be difficult to
understand why the analyzes focus on the figure of Öcalan. Of course, that does
not mean that he deeply regrets the detention of the Kurdish leader, sentenced to
life imprisonment by the Turkish government. It is more than evident that he is a
political prisoner, and I would celebrate his prompt release. How could it be
otherwise. However, his political condition cannot always be used as an argument
to avoid criticism that may arise about his thought, or the praxis resulting from it.

Öcalan's opinions are entirely less respectful. He criticizes Marxists for their
supposed economic reductionism, but not only that, but he even classifies them as
"the left of liberalism and the most useful tool of the system."[1]He not only
tells anarchists that "they lack a correct political philosophy"[2]and "a
political alternative."[3]He goes further when he describes anarchism as a "sect
that protects itself from the evils of the system."[4]Basically all these
movements represent in his eyes instruments at the service of the system.[5]The
messianism of his political proposal is more than evident, it seems that his
project is the only possible way. On the other hand, from Rojava Azadi it is
argued that "many of the organizations and collectives of the western spectrum,
clinging to the purism of their ideological theory, they ignore and forget the
reality that surrounds them, condemning themselves to political failure ". Of
course, you should not know what a trade union organization like CNT does, which
operates precisely in the field of concrete realities (in this case, labor). I
would like to see what the militancy of your group does. I will not go into these
types of questions further, since it is evident that they are argumentsto a person .

2. The myth of the anarchist revolution

" I am not denying the role of the State in the administration of society and
neither do I believe the anarchist anti-State conception is significant or
applicable" (Abdullah Öcalan)[A].

"We totally agree that the Rojava revolution should not be called an anarchist
revolution ...", you say from Azadi. And yet you have for years been continuously
proselytizing among our militancy using the supposed similarities of democratic
confederalism with anarchism, or of the so-called "Rojava revolution" with the
Spanish revolution of 1936. Now you clearly say that Öcalan "has never maintained
that its main objective is the immediate fall of the State "but not long ago it
was sold that democratic confederalism was synonymous with democracy without a
State. Öcalan himself argued in this regard. You have played confusionism to
attract followers. In the same way that you address anarchists or
anarcho-syndicalists with a certain speech, you go with another totally different
for example to the independentistas of the CUP or Endavant. With the former you
extol anti-state rhetoric, with the latter the similarities of the struggle of
the Kurdish people with that of the Catalan. It is a chameleonic and
opportunistic speech. It was not necessary to create a myth to request solidarity
with the Kurdish people. "Democratic confederalism frames the abolition of the
State as a deterioration of it." This rhetoric is not even new; It is what since
Marxism has been called the extinction of the State. "Democratic confederalism
frames the abolition of the State as a deterioration of it." This rhetoric is not
even new; It is what since Marxism has been called the extinction of the State.
"Democratic confederalism frames the abolition of the State as a deterioration of
it." This rhetoric is not even new; It is what since Marxism has been called the
extinction of the State.

Political or armed structures are necessary, of course. No one has said
otherwise. But what is really key here is not that, but the agents that are
involved. The state is an instrument of the ruling class; let's not forget it.
Beyond pure anti-state rhetoric, it is clear that behind democratic confederalism
are political parties. The Democratic Union Party (PYD) bureaucracy is the true
ruling caste in Rojava. Although there are communes and popular councils, there
are also governments in each canton (autonomous administrations), with their
respective Parliaments (legislative councils), executive councils and municipal
councils; finally the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES),
and its respective constitution ("social contract"). That is, a bourgeois
representative democracy,Not to mention that the police are centralized, the
"militias" are arms of the PYD (really representing a full-fledged Army), and
these parties also control the communes and councils. Regarding the supposed
alternative economic model, it is openly recognized that cooperatives - mainly
agricultural - represent a marginal part of the economy.[5]The economic structure
of society has not been transformed, least of all in a revolutionary sense. And
of course, social classes have not been abolished, nor has private property
ceased to exist, as you now well admit.

3. Class struggle and the working class political subject

" We are deeply dismayed at the constant rejection by many activists of any
change in the vanguard political subject. The text reveals a disregard for the
achievements of the revolution in Rojava in the areas of gender and a profound
invalidity of the theory of women as the first oppressed nation and, therefore,
the necessary vanguard political subject ". (Rozava Ajadi).

" One of the main errors of Marxism is to consider the industrial bourgeoisie and
the working class as progressive, and the rest of society as reactionaries; when
reality is the opposite "(Abdullah Öcalan)[B]

My consternation is greater at your insistence on imposing this creed on class
organizations, with the consequent absurdity that this implies. The union
practice that we carry out leads us precisely to see the value of the working
class subject, which plays a key role in the production process. That a union
organization has as its reference the working class should not lead to anyone's
consternation. But let's make something clear: all this sentimental rhetoric is
nothing more than a means of moral coercion in the absence of solvent arguments.
In fact, the struggle for the liberation of working women - the main agent of
reproductive work - can be perfectly conceived from the perspective of class
struggle. For something there were Free Women, and there is no reason to speak of
anti-capitalist feminism today. "In order to destroy capitalism and the state,
first the patriarchy has to end," you say. You establish here a hierarchy of the
struggles that is meaningless. Ending patriarchy without destroying capitalism
and the state will, of course, lead to a very egalitarian society... with
businesswomen, bankers, soldiers or policemen. The correct thing would be to
affirm, therefore, that capitalism, the State and patriarchy must be destroyed.
And thus we avoid a regrettable interclassism. But my mistrust towards the
supposed anti-capitalist and anti-state character of your movement has its
reasons. Ending patriarchy without destroying capitalism and the state will, of
course, lead to a very egalitarian society ... with women entrepreneurs, bankers,
soldiers or policemen. The correct thing would be to affirm, therefore, that it
is necessary to destroy capitalism, the State and patriarchy. And thus we avoid a
regrettable interclassism. But my mistrust towards the supposed anti-capitalist
and anti-state character of your movement has its reasons. Ending patriarchy
without destroying capitalism and the state will, of course, lead to a very
egalitarian society... with businesswomen, bankers, soldiers or policemen. The
correct thing would be to affirm, therefore, that it is necessary to destroy
capitalism, the State and patriarchy. And we thus avoid a regrettable
interclassism. But my mistrust towards the supposed anti-capitalist and
anti-state character of your movement has its reasons.

What is truly disturbing here is your disinterest in the class struggle, the
working class, trade unionism or anything minimally related, which makes me once
again doubt the goals of democratic confederalism. Öcalan is because he denies
the role of the class struggle as the engine of history or considers the
interpretations based on historical materialism as reductionist, but allows
himself to affirm that "the logic of confronting class against class supposes a
voluntary integration in the new power system (civilization) ".[7]But let's not
forget, when he says things like that the working class is reactionary, that he
is the leader of the PKK, a party that represents the petty bourgeoisie. Marking
distances from Öcalan's thought and the praxis resulting from it is not
dogmatism, but the only coherent answer that a revolutionary unionist can give.
Having said all this, it is clear that your main interest is not to destroy
capitalism either. From a trade union organization like CNT we verify the theory
of the class struggle daily in our praxis. And all this, I repeat, without
denying the struggle of working women. In fact, in the workplace we can find
dismissals of women for becoming pregnant, situations of harassment, brutal
precariousness of feminized sectors, etc., situations that we constantly fight
against; against which the trade union organizations themselves are fighting. So
that later they come to tell us that we despise the female question! We do not
really need anyone outside to talk to us about "vanguard political subjects",
whatever type they are. Our union action is enough for us to reaffirm our horizon.

4. Democratic Confederalism as Democratic Socialism or Social Democracy

" The claim that democratic confederalism is a practice of social democracy is
simply absurd. Reducing the deep meaning that Öcalan gives to the concept
'democratic socialism' to make it synonymous with 'social democracy' is at least
a clumsy play on words. The constant efforts to make the communes and base
assemblies the main decision-making force and political and social organization,
encouraging direct participation in all the institutions, are the opposite of the
delegationism of the social democracy ". (Rojava Azadi)

The first party of this type, the Social Democratic Workers 'Party of Germany
(SDAP), would include in its Gotha program (1875) the "establishment of
state-assisted production workers' societies, under the democratic control of the
working people." It is not unusual to find this type of proposal in social
democratic parties. Be that as it may, with the schism represented by the Third
International (1919), people began to speak of democratic socialism in opposition
to Bolshevism or "communism", understood as a democratic path (constitutional and
parliamentary) towards a classless society. The parties that after the Second
World War use terms such as social democracy or democratic socialism, they no
longer usually use them as an alternative to capitalism, but from the acceptance
of the existing system. The German SPD, for example, he speaks of democratic
socialism in his Godesberg program (1959). Nor can we lose sight of the fact that
the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), along with many other communist parties of
the 1990s, began its ideological transformation caused by the failure of the
so-called "real socialism", symbolized by the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989).
Gorbachev himself had presented perestroika as an attempt to democratize Soviet
socialism. Therefore, it does not seem accidental that Öcalan opts to equate
democratic confederalism with democratic socialism, nor can the ideological
transformation of the PKK be dissociated from the historical context in which it
occurs. As this party is currently an illegal organization,

Regarding the HDP you say: "It does not seem correct to criticize the usage as if
the HDP were a traditional party of Western social democracy, since its members
confront repression in a radical way that we do not see in other political
parties on this spectrum, and who are not intimidated despite the arrests and the
difficult circumstances that confront him ". This is a fallacy; the fact that a
party is repressed is not relevant to clarify or establish its ideological
affiliation. The militants of the German Social Democratic Party (SDP) were
repressed during the Nazi regime, and those of the Spanish Socialist Workers
Party (PSOE) during the Franco regime, to give a few examples. But if this does
not convince, we can add that the HDP, ironically, together with the SDP, the
PSOE and other similar parties, It is part of the Party of European Socialists
(PES), a party that presents itself as SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC OR SOCIALIST DEMOCRATIC
(terms considered synonymous). What has been commented is easily verifiable in
the PES search engine:https://www.pes.eu/en/members/parties-map/#list .
Therefore, establishing links between democratic confederalism and social
democracy is a logical consequence, and not a simple play on words as suggested.

5. Conclusions

" We believe that the criticisms that any individual or organization pour out
should be adapted to a political framework of the reality in which they live and
not based on exclusive and reductionist ideological dogmas." (Rojava Azadi)

I fear that the exclusionary and reductionist ideological dogma has ended up
being, however paradoxical, democratic confederalism, and the entire
philosophical conception that this political project entails. Your aggressive
proselytizing is beginning to elicit reactions, and my article is but one symptom
of it. You carry out political propaganda within our organization through the
most varied methods, trying to control our activity, and attract our militants
with formations that more closely resemble indoctrination. My initial article was
not a reflection aimed at your group or any other external group, but rather at
the CNT militancy, so that they take extreme precautions against what can be
considered a clear case of entryism. The CNT is not going to become the
transmission belt of any political party, which includes the PKK and its long
shadow. Our organization already has its own "confederalist" political project
based on libertarian communism. We belong to a long tradition that goes back to
the first workers' associationism, to the revolutionary syndicalism that picks up
the baton, and which finally leads to anarcho-syndicalism. And, as has always
been characteristic of this tradition, we are addressing the working class, no
matter how much your leader calls it reactionary. Selling other types of stories
in our own home as not appropriate. We belong to a long tradition that goes back
to the first workers' associationism, to the revolutionary syndicalism that picks
up the baton, and that finally leads to anarcho-syndicalism. And, as has always
been characteristic of this tradition, we are addressing the working class, no
matter how much your leader calls it reactionary. Selling other types of stories
in our own home as not appropriate. We belong to a long tradition that goes back
to the first workers' associationism, to the revolutionary syndicalism that picks
up the baton, and which finally leads to anarcho-syndicalism. And, as has always
been characteristic of this tradition, we are addressing the working class, no
matter how much your leader calls it reactionary. Selling other types of stories
in our own home as not appropriate.

I have surely missed some questions in your answer, but I think I have already
answered the main aspects. Regarding the pamphlets 'Democratic Confederalism' and
'War and Peace' I don't know what your point is, honestly. If what is being
suggested is that the International Initiative association has deliberately
manipulated the thinking of the Kurdish leader, Rojava Azadi should publicly
denounce it. Be that as it may, if a future article appears -attacking, in this
case, Öcalan's philosophical conception- I only need the first two volumes of the
'Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization', for which I am glad that this
translation has passed your process of authentication and present the seal of
quality. It is what I have already done in this answer.

We can show solidarity with the Kurdish people, of course, but it is also
necessary to distance ourselves from this political project, and this is what I
have done in this article and in the previous one. I have nothing more to add (at
the moment).


[1]Öcalan, A. (2009). Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization. Origins of
Civilization (Volume I) . Editorial Descontrol, p. .117.

[2]Öcalan, A. (2017). Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization. Capitalist
Civilization (Volume II) . Editorial Descontrol, p. 60.

[3]Ibid., P. 274.

[4]Öcalan, A. (2009). Manifesto for a Democratic Civilization. Origins of
Civilization (Volume I) . Editorial Descontrol, p. 118.

[5]Information dossier - Cooperatives in North and East Syria: developing a new
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