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maandag 4 januari 2021

#WORLDWIDE #WORLD #News #Update - #Anarchism from all over the #world - SUNDAY 3 JANUARY 2021


Today's Topics:

1.  Czech, AFED: A3: People are more than business - The climate
      crisis is deepening, but only a small group of people are
      benefiting. [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2.  Canada, Collectif Emma Goldman -[Kurdistan] The Roboski
      massacre: nine years later, the victims tried in place of the
      perpetrators (ca, de, it, fr, pt)[machine translation]
3.  Sindicato Único de Trabajadores Solidaridad Obrera: LXS
     ZAPATISTAS COME TO EUROPE (ca, de, it, pt) 
      [machine translation]
4.  France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #311 - Culture,
      YouTube channel: Bolchegeek (ca, de, it, fr, pt)[machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5.  icl-cit: The owners of Dragon Group begin payments. But it's
      not enough... (ca, de, it, pt) (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
6.  Vrije bond: Poster promotion at Because We Carry (nl)
7.  Construction of revolutionary unionism in Rio Grande do
      Norte (Colectivo Autonomo Lima Barreto) By ANA (ca, it, pt)
      [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)


Message: 1

Download, print and distribute the December issue of the A3 wall newspaper!
http://www.afed.cz/A3/A3-2020-12.pdf ---- Business above all - this is roughly
the argument of the state-owned company Prague Airport, which has been
unscrupulously promoting its plan to expand the airport in Ruzyne for three
years. He wants to enlarge it so that air traffic reaches the city even more, and
uses the metaphor of "an important gateway to the country." With the audacity of
the traders, he spits rumors into the media about reconfiguration, which is said
to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants around the airport. He demands
55 billion of public money for his visionary increase in profits, he has the
support of Babiš's ministers - all at a time when the local people are unable to
take care of people and ministries threatened and affected by coronavirus. After
all, it fits nicely into the rampage of the local government, which can only
declare a state of emergency in such a way as to push through totalitarian laws
on snooping people and expanding the powers of police officers. The others,

Regardless of the covid-19 epidemic, the plan to expand Ruzyne Airport is so
outdated and absurd that, in addition to the inhabitants of the surrounding
districts, some senators and councilors of the Prague City Hall are against it.
Even they have noticed that in times of climate crisis, the increase in air
traffic is a suicidal step, and they have initiated a petition against it. The
court decision against the construction, justified by the threat to the
environment, is also unprecedented in the local conditions.

 From the beginning, environmental activists have been opposed to the expansion
of the airport, which was further encouraged this year by a London precedent - a
court ban on the expansion of Heathrow Airport.

Another example of how the state gives priority to the interests of business over
the interests of all others is the recommendation of the government's "coal
commission" to end coal mining and burning in the Czech Republic in 2038. over
the past decades. The commission, which is dominated by people connected to an
industry that has long since become a thing of the past, to make life on the
planet at least a little like the one in the future, has, of course, decided in
the interests of coal miners and abused the issue of promoting overpriced nuclear

The future of young people and future generations is being sacrificed so that
several rich people can continue to pan for more and more gains. The ruthlessness
of capitalism, a regime that will calmly cross corpses on the road to profit, can
be beautifully demonstrated on the example of the decision to expand the airport
and the tragically late cessation of coal mining. And there are countless other
examples. They clearly illustrate the connection between the state and the
interests of big business and the unsustainability of the tale of democracy, in
which the people themselves decide the future.

Let's call things by their real names. The current political form of capitalism
as an economic doctrine of the exploitation of wage workers is bourgeois
democracy. That is, a way of governing where people are allowed to vote, but only
under the conditions of preserving the interests of economic elites. Should these
interests be jeopardized, the power of the corporate media, the process of
distraction and the marginalization of the dissatisfied is deployed, and very
often a police baton is put to the fore.

Despite these difficulties, the movement for climate justice has been born and is
active, represented in our country by several different groups, such as the
Limits initiative. The power of business in terms of influencing various polls
and commissions is enormous. But it should not be something that should
discourage us. On the contrary, we take it as a challenge. However, it is very
important not to compete with the business, which is destroying human lives, the
planet and the future, on its field. This means not acceding to the rules of
bourgeois democracy, which we have no chance to influence because they have been
drawn, maintained and modified according to their needs or violated by those in
whose interest they exist. Instead, in addition to calling for an immediate end
to harmful industries, we must also call for real democracy, where people can
advance their real interests. After real democracy,

A3 ( December 2020) to download HERE . http://www.afed.cz/A3/A3-2020-12.pdf

Download, print, distribute!

The A3 wall newspaper is published by the Anarchist Federation every month. They
are intended mainly for dissemination through stickers in the streets or posting
in workplaces and schools.



Message: 2

On December 28, 2011, 34 civilians, including nineteen minors, were killed by
Turkish air force bombs near the village of Roboski, in the Kurdish province of
Sirnak, on the border between Turkey and Iraq. ---- Text from the Rojinfo
website. Link to the original, here . ---- The 34 victims were targeted by the
Turkish air force as they returned to the other side of the border, carrying
fuel, tea and sugar on donkeys. For decades, the inhabitants of these villages in
the Uludere district, in the province of Sirnak, on the outskirts of Kurdistan,
have been practicing this cross-border activity, their only means of subsistence
in this region voluntarily kept in poverty by the Turkish regime.

In charge of the investigation, the general prosecutor of Diyarbakir declared
himself incompetent after a year and a half, transmitting the file to the
military prosecutor of the general staff. The latter having rejected the request
for prosecution in January 2014, the case was brought before the Turkish
Constitutional Court which also rejected it. The families then lodged an
application with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in 2016. However, the
Strasbourg Court ruled the request "inadmissible", citing the late sending of the

Reverse justice

In Roboski, justice is reversed. The victims are prosecuted and tried in place of
the perpetrators of the massacre. Thus, Veli Encü and Baris Encü, both brothers
of victims, are currently behind bars, sentenced respectively to 5 years and 6
years in prison for their actions and statements concerning the massacre.

Several lawsuits were also brought against the families of the victims for
"violation of borders" and "unauthorized demonstrations", because they went to
the border area where the massacre took place.

34 people prosecuted

According to the Kurdish news agency Mezopotamya (MA), which went to meet
families as the anniversary of the massacre approached, 34 relatives of the
victims, including former deputy of the People's Democratic Party (HDP) Ferhat
Encü , are being prosecuted because of protests against the sub-prefect of
Uludere district, Nafiz Yavuz. They are accused of propaganda in favor of a
terrorist organization, insulting army officials and deliberate assassination

Tried by the Sirnak Criminal Court for participating in the commemorations of the
massacre, sixteen other family members of the victims were sentenced to fines
ranging from 1,000 to 3,000 Turkish Liras (TL).

Zeki Tosun, father of Mehmet Ali Tosun, one of the youths killed in the bombing,
said: "Proceedings have been brought against each of us for insulting a patrol
commander or the president. These procedures are still going on today. Our green
cards[cards for free treatment in hospitals]were suspended and I was fined 22,000
TL. I couldn't leave town for two years because of a statement I made in the press. "

"They are dragging us to court instead of the murderers of our children," said
Leyla Encü, mother of Sirvan. What have we done? They killed our children. And
above all, they are fining us 3000 TL because we went to the place where our
children were killed. And addressing the Turkish President, "Tayyip Erdogan,
wouldn't you go to the place where your child was killed? She exclaimed.

Selemi Encü's mother, Semire, is being prosecuted for holding a banner on the 4th
anniversary of the massacre, although she does not know what was written on it.

Threats from the authorities

"After the massacre," said Fehime Encü, mother of Karker (killed at the age of
16), the state kept threatening us. The authorities threaten us at the slightest
word. We have gone to different forums to hold criminals to account, to no avail.
Perhaps we would be relieved if one of those responsible was punished. Our
children were young, they were innocent. This is a great massacre and a great
injustice. We did not deserve this. "

Perpetuate memory

"After the death of our son, we gave his name to our grandson, so that the
massacre was not forgotten", confided the mother of Sivan Encu, killed by the
bombs of the Turkish army at the age. 16 years old. Many others in the village
are trying to perpetuate the memory of the massacre. Holding his son Nadir's
scarf, Azime Alma said: "I don't want to wash it so that my son's scent stays
on... After I die, I want my daughter to keep her things. Time has stood still in
Roboski since that terrible night of December 28, 2011. Those who have left will
not come back, but the people of Roboski want justice. Maybe then they can heal
their wounds.

by Collectif Emma Goldman



Message: 3

Dear friends, girlfriends, girlfriends, ---- We do not know if you have heard
rumors that there is a ship loaded with Zapatistas that is crossing the Atlantic,
on its way to Europe. ---- Well it's true. Well, actually, almost ... What
happens is that, as they say in Zapatista lands, when you dream something, it
already exists. So now it only remains to start it. ---- So... ---- Back in April
2021, a ship will set sail from Mexican lands whose first destination will be the
European continent and that, the Zapatistas say, "after traveling through various
corners of Europe below and to the left, we will arrive in Madrid, the Spanish
capital, on August 13, 2021 -500 years after the supposed conquest of what is now
Mexico. And that, immediately afterwards, we will continue on the road. " (EZLN
statement "A mountain in the high seas", of October 5, 2020)
Yes, we already imagine that when you get to this paragraph of the letter, you
will have a lot of questions ... most of which we could answer with a we don't
know yet "; yes, now, the thing is confusing, diffuse, imprecise and a bit crazy
... but that is the material that dreams are made of and this is it, and a lot,
No, we do not know how many Zapatistas will come; Or rather, we do not know
exactly because we are the whole of Rebel Europe who have to see how many
colleagues we can host and for what activities. What we do know is that 75% of
the delegation that comes will be colleagues.
No, we don't know when they will come to the State and more specifically to
Madrid; Or rather, we know that, at least, they will arrive in the hot month of
August, not to threaten, reproach, insult or demand and if to say that they were
not conquered and that they continue in resistance and rebellion, as they tell us.
And yes, we do know that; we do know what they come to Madrid for and what they
come to Europe: to walk and navigate "to remote soils, seas and skies, seeking
not difference, not superiority, not affront, much less forgiveness and pity. We
will go to find what makes us equal ". And the Zapatistas add: "Not only humanity
that animates our different skins, our different ways our languages and different
colors. Also, and above all, the common dream that, as a species, we have shared
since, in Africa, it seems far away, we start walking on the lap of the first
woman, the search for freedom that animated that first step ... and that
continues to walk. " (They tell it in the Communiqué already mentioned)
As dates, agendas and tours are in our hands, from Madrid people and groups that
for a long time have accompanied the Zapatista struggle from the Spanish State,
we have thought that, beyond the reception we give them in August, we would like
to have space to encounter between us and us with them, in which for several
days, back in May or June, we can talk about our struggles, our demands, share
our successes and difficulties and hear first-hand the experiences of the
Zapatista struggle,
And although we cannot adjust the dates further, given the current situation of
the Coronavirus pandemic, and because it is an open proposal that must also be
coordinated with the rest of the State and Europe, if we want to propose to
advance collaboratively, in the organization of that meeting in a self-organized
way around seven lines of work that we would like to materialize in work tables
and discussions to be held, as we have commented before, perhaps in May, perhaps
in June ...
We anticipate the proposal that we have thought of 7 transversal and
non-exclusive axes that integrate our different struggles in Madrid: Social
rights; Anti-racist and decolonial struggles Defense of the land, resources and
territories: Censorship, repression and memory: Gender identities Art, culture
and the media and Migration.
Twenty years after the Earth Color March, in which the EZLN toured a part of
Mexican territory, together with the National Indigenous Congress, to claim a
place in that country that is now crumbling amid assassinations (many linked to
drug trafficking but not all), femicides, poverty and betrayal of the peoples by
the bad government, the Zapatistas propose to navigate and walk "to tell the
planet that, in the world that we feel in our collective heart, there is room for
everyone, everyone, everything Simple and simply because that world is only
possible if all, all, everything, we fight to raise it ". (They say in the
statement of October 5).
For all this that we have told you, we wanted, first of all, to know if you are
interested in participating, with your proposals and your doubts (contact email
below) and if so, propose a meeting by videoconference, so that you can tell us
what do you think and how we can build, together, the heart of this proposal
You can write to us at ezinenmadrid@riseup.net
There is a hug.
Coordination space for the Encounter with the Zapatistas in Madrid



Message: 4

YouTube channels have become an artistic format in their own right, humorous and
fun. It is also a format requiring scenario, aesthetic video sampling game, etc.
Some channels are linked to what is called geek culture, which is now popular
culture. Many YouTubers approach it while articulating it with social subjects:
let us quote Les chroniques de Vesper, which takes a feminist look at
cinematographic subjects. ---- The Bolchegeek channel has stood out for six
years: Benjamin Patinaud, 33, and his friend "the little voice in my head"
decipher popular and geek culture through affordable and entertaining
socio-political analyzes, and a reading grid Marxist. Being able to last from 10
to 40 minutes, these extremely well mastered videos evoked for example for the
centenary of the Russian revolution, iconoclastic proposals like... collectiviser

Pop-culture, sometimes taken from the top to the left, is rehabilitated in
Bolchegeek, understood that it constructs us, that references are appropriated to
it, while being clear about its ideological ambivalences and its production
conditions. A magnificent decryption of the contradictions that run through
culture in general.

Collectivize Hollywood
Let's quote a few of these videos: Magneto Syndrome explains how the villain
figure is always that of the most radical when the good guys are the moderates
who save the status quo , like Luther King-Malcolm X opposition. Ending Christmas
plunges us into the ambivalence of this imaginary; between the solidarity values
proclaimed by the Christmas spirit and the capitalist reality of the holiday.

The entertainment industrialist , this particular kind of capitalist through John
Hammond (character from Jurassic Park ), but also Spielberg, Barnum or even
Disney, is deciphered in its contradictions, where artistic creations and
industrial interests mix and end up impacting the world by his imagination.
During the retirement movement, Bolchegeek was part of the Le Stream
reconductible collective which raised 130,000 euros for the strike fund, by
making agit'pop on video game platforms.

Nico Pasadena (UCL Montreuil)

Benjamin Patinaud, "Bolcheek", 48 videos available on YouTube.



Message: 5

August 29th: Rally held in front of shopping center Mercado (NewYorker) in
Hamburg. ---- In a victory to workers, the owners of Dragon Group begin payments.
But it's not enough... ---- International Solidarity gains victory in workers
struggle in Bangladesh  ---- RelatedPosts ---- NO TO EVICTION! DEFEND THE
International solidarity against racist violence and murders in Brazil ----
Supporting suffering textile workers in Bangladesh ---- After months of protests
and international solidarity actions, the owner of two big garment factories
finally pays owed wages and severance payments. As has been reported, the workers
of Dragon Sweater factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh, were laid off illegally during
the pandemic (March 2020) without payment of outstanding wages and benefits. The
workers campaigned tirelessly to demand payment from the owners and have been
supported all along by international organizations and initiatives, like
Global May Day and the International Confederation of Labour, ICL.

In October, after a campaign of physical intimidation and attacks by the bosses'
thugs, the workers agreed to give up some of their demands in exchange for
payment in instalments, starting as soon as November. However, the bosses failed
to honour the agreement, made no payment at all, and the workers began their
campaign again.

This time, considering the militancy and protracted nature of the workers'
struggle along with the unyielding attitude of the owners, the Labour Minister
herself was forced to be
present at the meetings.

In early December, a new agreement was reached to pay due wages and benefits to
workers who had been hired on a monthly salary. They have been paid since.
However, the large majority of workers, who worked on a per-piece rate, and floor
and quality control managers, were not included.

A panel was formed to work out the amounts owed to workers on a per-piece rate.
However, it was heavily biased in favour of the owners and put forward a figure
that is 50% lower than the real amount, therefore placing workers' salaries below
the minimum wage as stipulated by the Bangladesh Labour Act 2006. After protests
from the workers and the union GWTUC, and the Minister's intervention, a higher
figure was proposed and payments were due to begin on December 22. GWTUC still
plans to go to court to win Dragon workers their entire unpaid wages.

Regarding managers, the negotiations have stalled. The union estimates that
millions of Tk are owed, going back decades. Only the amounts relevant to their
Provident Fund have been paid this far, which is in itself a victory, since the
owners had also refused to acknowledge these. Again, GWTUC will take the matter
to the labour courts.

International Solidarity

Workers for the Dragon Group always had to fight to receive their full wages and
benefits. They have toiled in unsafe working conditions for years, culminating in
their illegal termination by the owners, using the excuse of the Pandemic.

But the workers never gave up. GWTUC informs that their struggle can be
considered a victory, with the overall situation of the garment workers struggle
in Bangladesh. The unprecedented internationalism and solidarity displayed by
trade unions, workers organizations and comrades around the world to stand beside
the workers of Dragon Sweater is specially outstanding.

In the long history of the garment workers struggle in Bangladesh, this is the
first time, when international actions have taken place with such unprecedented
coordination and solidarity. The Global May Day initiative, Free Workers Union
(FAU), Industrial Workers' of the World, the International Confederation of
Labour (ICL), CNT, FOB, FORA, FGWM, SAC and friends from all across the world
played their part in achieving the just demands of the Dragon workers.

Likewise, holding international brands accountable, through constant actions and
demonstrations, played a vital role in forcing the local garment owners into the
negotiating table, which wouldn't have happened otherwise.

Also, ICL's fundraising efforts and comrades' contributions from around the world
especially helped Dragon workers keep their resolve strong and provided much
needed food, medical supplies and legal aid during the struggle.

Overall, we must say that the international solidarity and comradeship displayed
in the struggle will forever remain a milestone in the history of the workers
movement in Bangladesh.

News Link:


In solidarity
Mahmood Sadaat Ruhul_
International Affairs Department

Garments Workers Trade Union Center (GWTUC)



Message: 6

Last night, a group of people postered the door of the front office of the
organization Because We Carry and put a toilet in front of their door. ----
Because We Carry is an organization that claims to help migrants at Lesvos, but
the reality is that they only harm people by their practices and the way that
they talk about refugees.The organization has been active in Moria, and its
successor camp Kara Tepe, for almost 5 years. In a recent interview with Het
Parool, the founder of the NGO Because We Carry Steffi de Pous has suggested that
three quarters of the residents come from the mountains in Afghanistan, they have
never had a toilet. (...) Those people had to learn how to use a toilet.'
However, according to Moria Corona Awareness Team, Noone in Afghanistan has ever
seen a toilet so dirty and unclean and horrible as the ones you NGOs put in our

The organization has consistently used rhetoric of white saviorism, thinking they
are needed on Lesvos and that without their presence people will not be able to
survive. In fact, however, the organization is doing harm in many ways, which was
recently demonstrated again by the fact that the volunteers of Because We Carry
upon arriving on Lesvos immediately went to the camp without undergoing any form
of quarantine and/or testing for COVID-19. This is completely unacceptable,
especially considering the fact that conditions in Kara Tepe (Moria 2.0) are
unsafe and unhygienic, and on top of which it was strongly adviced to keep travel
on the island to a minimum of essential stuff only and to keep volunteers away
until the situation improves'. Also, according to Stand By Me Lesvos,
Distributing carpets,' like Because We Carry recently did , can very well be done
by resident volunteers themselves'. Because We Carry, whose shortterm volunteers
were seen dancing and publishing selfies, is clearly not essential and poses a
risk to spread COVID-19.

Because We Carry is an organization that is providing fake solidarity towards
migrants. They are taking up space with their rhetoric of white saviorism and are
painting refugees as uncivil and unhygienic, thereby being actually more harmful
than helpful. Moreover, they are completely ignoring the responsibility of Europe
in these horrible circumstances. We need real solidarity with migrants. We do not
need Steffi de Pous's fake solidarity, since it does more harm than good. It is
therefore that we put posters with the statement from refugees in the camp itself
on their door. One of the posters is a letter from the Afghans in the camp who
cannot use a toilet' and another statement of the organization Stand By Me Lesvos
about the lack of quarantining of Because We Carry. Because We Carry is an
organization that shows fake solidarity with migrants and we hope this action
will function as a wake up call.

They are not wanted, they are not needed, they should leave.



Message: 7

The current political problem in Brazil and the world lies in the colonization of
the organizational imagination. This being dominated by the limits of Social
Democracy, or conservative lines as an "alternative" and inherent vices of these,
namely: economism (in the SD field), apoliticism (in the conservative field),
immediate and finalist programs, "pragmatism" and idealism. Economicism performs
a simplistic separation between economics and politics, as if mere reforms of
people in the administration of the latter would resolve the class inequality
issues of the former. Conservative apoliticalism tries to organize the working
class by category for direct negotiations with the employer, claiming that the
class does not have political involvement. The immediacy programs proclaim
victories in conquests of specific categories of labor branches, generating an
alienation from the class problem as a whole. The finalist programs advocate that
changes, in the social reality, are only enforceable by a party or government
through electoral channels, maintaining the "struggle" in the field of the
bourgeois game. The "pragmatism" defends a pseudo-objectivity via wage gains
disputes in office negotiations, relegating direct actions of class organizations
(or ignoring them completely) to the background. Idealism denies the economic
struggle at the expense of a party program, the relationship with the classes is
alienated and the organizations become mere platforms for disputes by the
bureaucratic directions. It is imperative to identify with the broader class
cause, be it economic (exploited), ethnic, gender or sexual orientation, in order
to create bonds of solidarity and mutual support, via an organization that
identifies, without mediation, the source of the oppressions of all these
categories, in a proposal to eliminate them by the revolutions of its associative
paradigms. By changing the ways we associate and organize ourselves, we can
revolutionize our living conditions.

For that, we believe that the methods of Revolutionary Unionism, worked and
perfected by the Federation of Revolutionary Union Organizations in Brazil (FOB),
are the necessary tools to give cohesion, objectivity, strength and combativeness
to an increasingly guided and focused class struggle. in direct action by the
grassroots, according to principles of class solidarity and mutual support that
can bring effective gains to the most vulnerable populations, namely, black
people on the periphery, indigenous and quilombola peoples, those bordering
beaches, rivers and lakes , to the LGBTQIA + community, to the underemployed, to
the population living on the streets and to prison populations victimized in
State dungeons, just as we believe that these combative direct action
methodologies are, in themselves,pedagogical and bring to consciousness the taste
for emancipation through the experimentation of struggle processes organized

We also believe that the methods of Direct Democracy by associative bases, of
direct action (such as the general strike), give back to the bases the
protagonism of the organization and the struggles, constituting an important
obstacle and impediment of the self-promotion practices of pseudo leaders who
want to guide us through some avant-garde that would know better than the people
what would be better for this people, being an organic counterpoint to the
electoral parliamentarism of the institutional left. Being an effective
methodology to fight against local and international Capitalism as much as the
State and its institutions alienating the popular powers.

We believe that the current global context of the pandemic further aggravates
social inequalities and deepens the negative effects on the most vulnerable in
favor of enriching and increasing the power of minority elites. This fact is
evidenced by the increase and escalation of domestic violence against women and
the number of femicides, structural and institutional racism against black people
on the periphery and the escalation of fascism nationally and internationally. We
also understand that the pandemic opened up to the injustices of the totalitarian
commodity system that prevails in the world. The privileged classes, in their
eagerness to remain in such a position, are able to put pressure on Governments
(which exist all over the world to safeguard their privileges) to save the
economy at the expense of the lives of those who generate their wealth, the
worker who has stolen his life to produce the inequality that oppresses him, in
exchange for insufficient wages for a dignified life. The oppressed are trapped
in this condition by the triple theft they suffer, namely, the surplus they
produce (for added value), their lifetime (spent on production) and consumption
(ideologically induced). In Brazil, the tactics applied to achieve this objective
act on several fronts: the delay in the payment of emergency aid (by the
government), the campaign "Solidariedade / SA" (giving a false impression of
humanity to the system), which blinds the oppressed in relation to how much it
achieves when it organizes itself (a practice that has been the true salvation of
the people, but that is, every day, more silenced by hegemonic media channels)
and the privatization of resources essential to life (such as the recent
privatization of water). All of this contributes to a totalitarianism of forms of
social organization, supported by the lives of the exploited. We understand that
the basic work, proposed and pointed out, by Revolutionary Unionism are more
pertinent methods to the well-being of human and non-human beings from the
countryside and the city, especially when compared to the administrative measures
adopted by managers of the most varied levels, municipal, state or Federal, who
used this context to spend their "cattle" and projects to destroy the economy,
environment, social security, public education and retirement (social security).
sustained by the lives of the exploited. We understand that the basic work,
proposed and pointed out, by Revolutionary Unionism are more pertinent methods to
the well-being of human and non-human beings from the countryside and the city,
especially when compared to the administrative measures adopted by managers of
the most varied levels, municipal, state or Federal, who used this context to
spend their "cattle" and projects to destroy the economy, the environment, social
security, public education and retirement (social security). sustained by the
lives of the exploited. We understand that the basic work, proposed and pointed
out, by Revolutionary Unionism are more pertinent methods to the well-being of
human and non-human beings from the countryside and the city, especially when
compared to the administrative measures adopted by managers of the most varied
levels, municipal, state or Federal, who used this context to spend their
"cattle" and projects to destroy the economy, the environment, social security,
public education and retirement (social security).

The group that initiates the activities of FOB in RN, has an experience in
libertarian, autonomous, independent and horizontal organizations that dates back
to the emergence of the Movimento Passe Livre (MPL) in the city of Natal (in
2005), and have acquired a wide experience in the fight for the right to the
city, in the fight against the fares that carry out the class exclusion of the
people from culture, leisure and education, the group was also directly involved
in the radicalized struggles that prevented the increase in the price of urban
buses for three consecutive years, 2011; 2012 and 2013, a popular revolt that
begins in the fight against the corrupt and degrading management of former mayor
Micarla de Souza (PV) and evolves into the tariff struggle. As well as being in
the fight against the "PEC of the End of the World", in occupations of school
environments in 2016, and went to the caravan in Brasilia in November of that
same year, to fight against the spending ceiling, and they have also been
fighting against the Bolsonaro / Mourão government and its policy of dismantling
quality public education, regularly organized since last year. Given this long
trajectory, we realize that eventualism, depending on the deepening of degrading
living conditions to radicalize the struggles, is not beneficial for the
construction of the prolonged and effective struggle, as much as the activism,
which is intermittent and incipient, is also shown to be a problem. problem for
the advancement of struggles and political emancipation of the most vulnerable,
therefore we defend the organization by the methods of Revolutionary Unionism.
and they have also been fighting against the Bolsonaro / Mourão government and
its policy of dismantling quality public education, regularly organized since
last year. Given this long trajectory, we realize that eventualism, depending on
the deepening of degrading living conditions to radicalize the struggles, is not
beneficial for the construction of the prolonged and effective struggle, as much
as the activism, which is intermittent and incipient, is also shown to be a
problem. problem for the advancement of struggles and political emancipation of
the most vulnerable, therefore we defend the organization by the methods of
Revolutionary Unionism. and they have also been fighting against the Bolsonaro /
Mourão government and its policy of dismantling quality public education,
regularly organized since last year. Given this long trajectory, we realize that
eventualism, depending on the deepening of degrading living conditions to
radicalize the struggles, is not beneficial for the construction of the prolonged
and effective struggle, as much as the activism, which is intermittent and
incipient, is also shown to be a problem. problem for the advancement of
struggles and political emancipation of the most vulnerable, therefore we defend
the organization by the methods of Revolutionary Unionism.

It is necessary to expand the practice of mutual support for those who experience
this condition of exploitation, through the effective articulation of
communication networks and exchanges (materials and techniques) that involve the
most varied solidarity initiatives between, by and for those below . The exchange
and popularization of knowledge fundamental to life, such as food production,
housing, health maintenance (physical and mental), clean energy generation, for
example, when added to these networks of solidarity and mutual support, are
emancipatory gestures and that expand social freedom and popular organization. So
that we don't depend on professional managers who just relieve the pressures of
(and in) the system? Wild strike and widespread self-management.

Only the people save the people!

anarchist news agency-ana


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