Today's Topics:
1. France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #311 -
Antipatriarchy, Violence: the cost of beatings at work (ca, de,
it, fr, pt)[machine translation] (
Antipatriarchy, Violence: the cost of beatings at work (ca, de,
it, fr, pt)[machine translation] (
2. Czech, AFED: 100 names - 100 reasons -- Watch the fates of
the women assassinated by the regime of Turkish President
Erdogan. [machine translation] (
the women assassinated by the regime of Turkish President
Erdogan. [machine translation] (
3. CGT: 27 years of war against oblivion, for life, long live
the EZLN (ca, it, pt) [machine translation]
the EZLN (ca, it, pt) [machine translation]
4. CNT-AIT Madrid City Council Section: We are from Monday to
Friday between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. in Plaza de Tirso de
Molina 5, (ca) [machine translation] (
Friday between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. in Plaza de Tirso de
Molina 5, (ca) [machine translation] (
5. anarchist communist group ACG:2021 - A new year, a new
movement? -- Revolutionary New Year greetings!
movement? -- Revolutionary New Year greetings!
6. anarchist communist group ACG: The Spycops Scandal: The
State and Mass Organised Misogyny (
Message: 1
November 25, 2020 - Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women - marked
the start of the inter-union mobilization for the adoption of the ILO standard
against gender-based and sexual violence at work. Present massively, they are a
scourge still rarely punished. ---- Sixty percent of working European women have
already been the target of sexual violence in the course of their work [1].
Sexist violence is " a permanent sabotage that we experience throughout society"
[2]. Present massively at work, this violence is one of the invisible components
of the class struggle. ---- In 2017, a union member SUD Commerce revealed
gender-based violence to H&M. The first woman to denounce them, she is threatened
with dismissal. In 2020, she makes her fight public. Supportive gatherings in
front of the sign are multiplying, the word is loosened among colleagues and
clients [3]. In this 78% feminized sector[4], male chauvinism is one of the cogs
of precariousness.
78% of part-time workers in the private sector are women [5]. Patriarchy feeds on
the silence of terror. It pursues a double objective: to maintain the domination
of men, to take advantage of women. On average, men earn 34.6% more than women
[6]. Female surplus value is the basis of the chauvinist law of capitalism.
Without violence, the double exploitation of domestic and wage labor for women
could not take place.
47% of female workers are employed in ten occupations [7], all of which are
low-paid [8]. " Women workers are the most exploited among the most exploited, it
is from them that the employers - our class enemy - derive the most profits",
denounced in 1910 the trade unionist Olga Tournade. Among the most exploited,
racialized women are hired mainly in four sectors: nursing assistant, maternal
assistant, personal assistance, maintenance workers. "The chauvinistic violence,
the violence of borders and the violence of exploitation are inseparable "[9].
" My colleagues who experienced great insecurity before becoming a nursing
assistant and having a CDI, even if they are not happy, they dare not say no to
the bosses. They struggled too much before, now they can't defend themselves.»,
Deplores a union nurse. Economic violence makes women vulnerable and reduces
their ability to say "no".
Concentrate workers to better submit them
" May all our female comrades sink into their heads this essential rule of
conduct: we must dare, the strength of men is not their intelligence, their
superior knowledge[...]it is their infinite confidence in themselves- same»wrote
Marie Guillot[10], a revolutionary unionist of the CGT. This political capacity
is our objective, creating the conditions for it is our priority. The workers are
not the class of victims, but the class of those who must resist.
Living free from violence is a right that cannot be begged for but must be taken.
The construction of feminist counter-powers follows the logic of revolutionary
unionism: the increase of well-being through a daily struggle against male
chauvinist violence, combined with action in the service of radical transformation.
Louise (UCL Saint-Denis)
[1] Ifop survey for the European Observatory on Sexism and Sexual Harassment at
Work, 2019.
[2] Mujeres Creando (women who create), Bolivian anarcha-feminists
[3] "All at the rally against sexism at H&M in support of Aline on November 7",
[4] Insee Analyzes Grand Est n ° 35, March 2017
[5] Dares analyzes, 2020
[6] Sophie Binet, Maryse Dumas, Rachel Silvera, Feminist, the CGT ? , The
workshop editions, 2019.
[7] Dares analyzes, 2013.
[8] Cashier, employee, sales assistant, nursery assistant, secretary, nurse,
maintenance worker, nursing assistant, home help, teacher.
[9] Non Una di Meno (Not one less), a collective of Italian feminists.
[10] Slava Liszek, Marie Guillot. From the emancipation of women to that of trade
unionism , L'Harmattan, 1994.
Message: 2
Twenty-fifth of November, which accounts for the International Day against
Violence against Women launched a Kurdish women's movement in Europe (TJK-E)
campaign "100 reasons" ( 100 Reasons ). One hundred reasons are one hundred
Kurdish women murdered directly or indirectly by the Turkish regime of President
Erdogan and his AKP party. We informed about this campaign HERE . ---- Now you
have the opportunity to follow the stories of specific women who were prematurely
terminated by the murderous regime of President Erdogan on the Facebook profile
of the Committee for the Defense of the Revolution in Rojava
( To date, 13 names and stories of state
arbitrariness have appeared here: ---- Sakine Cansiz (55) - assassinated by the
Turkish secret service MIT in January 2013 in Paris,
Fidan Dogan (31) - assassinated by the Turkish secret service MIT in January 2013
in Paris,
Leyla Saylemez (24) - Assassinated by the Turkish secret service MIT in January
2013 in Paris,
Hevrin Khalaf (35) - Assassinated by a Turkish-backed militia in October 2019 in
the agricultural area between the cities of Serê Kaniyê and Girê Spî in Northern
Kevser Elturk(57) - Murdered by the Turkish army in August 2015 in Silopi in
south-eastern Turkey,
Ceylan Önkol (12) - Murdered by Turkish police in September 2009 in the Lice
region of south-eastern Turkey,
Taybet Inan (57) - Murdered by the Turkish army in August 2015 in Silopi in
southeastern Turkey,
Kader Ortakaya (28) - assassinated by the Turkish army in November 2014 between
the city of Suruç in the southern Turkish province of Urfa and the border with Syria,
Solin Hassan (7 months) - assassinated with six members of his family by the
Turkish Air Force in August 2011 Northern Iraq,
Cemile Çagirga (10) - Assassinated by the Turkish army in September 2015 in
Cizre, south-eastern Turkey,
Deryi Koç(25) - Murdered by the Turkish army in February 2016 in Cizre,
Eysê Ehmet Ferhan (17) - Murdered by the Turkish army near the Makhmour refugee
camp in northern Iraq in April 2020,
Dilek Dogan (24) - Murdered by Turkish police in October 2015 in Istanbul.
Other names and the sad stories associated with them will gradually follow in the
coming days.
American author and activist Janet Biehl also joined the "100 Reasons to
Prosecute a Dictator" campaign. Every day, he draws a portrait of one of the
women murdered directly or indirectly by the Turkish state and shares it with
basic information about the victim and the "100 Reasons" campaign on his Twitter
account ( Janet Biehl is a former partner and
collaborator of Murray Bookchin, a prominent American leftist theorist, social
ecologist and activist whose work has fundamentally influenced the thinking of
Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK) founder Abdullah Öcalan and through him the Kurdish
emancipation movement and socio-political order (not only) in Rojava.
Jin - jiyan - azadî!
Women - life - freedom!
Message: 3
From the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) we salute and embrace with great
esteem the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) that tomorrow, January 1,
2021 will commemorate the departure from the Lacandon Jungle to tell the world
that enough is enough! ---- On January 1, 1994, the EZLN insurgents took up arms
in a war against oblivion and demanded " work, land, shelter, food, health,
education, independence, freedom, democracy, justice and peace ." The war
continues to the extent that their demands for all have not yet been met and the
attacks of the bad governments with their paramilitary henchmen continue.
During these 27 years we have been able to learn and follow their times and ways.
Almost two years ago they broke the siege with which the State and its
paramilitaries tried to drown the Zapatista Movement. And in this new year that
begins tomorrow, a Tour for Life will begin, which will begin with meetings with
the CNI-CIG , the Front of Peoples in Defense of Water and the Land of Morelos,
Puebla and Tlaxcala, the EZLN and the European bottom left .
From CGT we have adhered to the joint statement with the EZLN, which will be
made public tomorrow, January 1st at, with
firm support for the trip that will arrive in Europe in July 2021.
We call on the membership and society in general to express their support for
this trip through the publication on social networks of a photograph or image
tomorrow, January 1 at 5:30 p.m. in Madrid. We send you a proposal of tweets
agreed with the rest of the organizations, groups and people of the Europe of
Below and the Left in the annex to this statement.
Long live the EZLN, long live the CCRI-CG!
Long live the Bases of Support, the Good Governance Boards and the Zapatista
Autonomous Municipalities!
Stop the war against the peoples!
Message: 4
2º izq on the telephone numbers 91 704 60 54/744 489 971 and at this email: ---- Congratulation in the form of ERE at the Employment
Agency ---- On December 29, the Management of the Agency for Employment of the
Madrid City Council has sent the entire staff, as a "Christmas greeting", the
recognition by the certification body Cámara Certifica, which has carried out an
audit in relation to to the Charter of Services of the Employment Agency. The
Audit report prepared highlights, among other aspects, the involvement and high
training of the staff and an exhaustive control of the letter and its services.
Well, in gratitude for the work done by many workers, who have been in this house
as work personnel since 1988 without ever having the opportunity to consolidate
or promote in the jobs, and who, according to that report, all carry out so well
their tasks achieving this high qualification, the Agency management announces
that it is going to do without the services of at least 222 PEOPLE (page 80),
giving, yes, thanks for the services provided. All these people, along with the
few colleagues who have been incorporated, are workers who have given their
entire professional life to the Employment Agency, and who in return receive this
stab and this contempt.
We recall that the CJEU ruled on March 19:
The fraud of the law is proven in its Paragraph - 61: "... consider that there
are no successive employment relationships of a determined duration, in the sense
of clause 5 of the Framework Agreement, for the sole The reason why the affected
employee, even though he has been the subject of several appointments, has
continuously held the same job position for several years and has exercised,
constantly and continuously, the same functions, while maintaining permanent of
said worker in a vacant position on the basis of a service relationship of
determined duration is due to the breach by the employer of his legal obligation
to organize within the foreseen term ... "
And with respect to the selective processes that they intend to carry out, the
European Court of Justice itself, on March 19, 2020, ruled in its points 100 and
101: Indeed, as stated, in essence, the Advocate General in point 68 of its
conclusions, such processes, whose outcome is also uncertain, are also open to
candidates who have not been victims of such abuse. Consequently, given that the
organization of these processes is independent of any consideration relating to
the abusive nature of the use of fixed-term service relationships, it is not
adequate to properly sanction the abusive use of such service relationships or to
eliminate the consequences of the infringement of Union law. So,
Extracted from the report of Sindep's colleagues
Therefore, when the High Court itself recognizes the fraud committed with those
222 PEOPLE , in addition to ruling against the selective processes, it cannot be
argued that consolidation processes are going to be started "once the judicial
vicissitudes have been overcome" (as it says in that damn page 80), since they
have not been overcome, but on the contrary they are not complying with and
contradicting the judicial orders; and all to comply with the agreement with
certain union companies for the dismissal of those 222 people.
We call for the mobilization of the entire workforce and the paralysis of all
processes that endanger the jobs of these people.
Congratulations and action plan sent to the agency workers:
Good Morning,
An audit in relation to the Charter of Services of the Employment Agency has
recently been carried out by the Chamber Certifica certification body. The Audit
report prepared highlights, among other aspects, the involvement and high
training of the staff and an exhaustive control of the charter and its services.
For this reason I want to convey my congratulations for having passed this
process of renewal of the Service Charter certification in accordance with the
UNE 93200 Standard thanks to the good work done by all the workers of the Agency,
which is an incentive to continue providing quality services to citizens.
The Certifica Chamber Certificate obtained is sent in electronic format together
with the link to the 2021 Action Plan where the objectives to be achieved are
ordered and prioritized and the actions to be carried out next year are exposed.
Message: 5
2020 has been a tough year all round. Coronavirus and the UK government's cynical
handling of the pandemic has brought loss and tragedy into many homes. We've also
seen job losses due to Covid, and the restrictions of lockdown have been hard to
bear for many of us. Add to this, the Brexit uncertainty which continues to
overshadow the lives of many working class people, who have to bear the brunt of
any job losses, price rises or any other hardships resulting from this ruling
class faction fight. Meanwhile, class consciousness is at a low level and
nationalism, racism, populism and the politics of conspiracy seem to be on the rise.
Yet it's not all doom and gloom, this summer saw righteous anger and resistance
on a mass scale with the Black Lives Matter movement. We saw examples of real
solidarity with the setting up of hundreds of mutual aid groups in response to
the pandemic. In the workplace, there has been an increase in the number of
successful strike ballots (in spite of the government's anti-strike regulations)
and an upsurge of industrial action in the UK. Overseas, too, there are shining
examples of resistance against the boss class, for example, with the mass strikes
in India which involved millions of workers.
The Anarchist Communist Group is a working class organisation and our members
have faced the same issues as the rest of our class. And though we've been
limited in our activities due to Covid lockdowns and restrictions, we have
continued to hold meetings (online) and publish books, pamphlets and our magazine
Stormy Petrel, as well as produce audio and video propaganda. ACG members are
involved in struggles where we work and where we live. As an organisation, we
have been instrumental in setting up the No Safety, No Work campaign.
But let's not forget, the ACG is a tiny group of anarchist communist militants,
and being a small group limits us in what we can do as an organisation. So yes,
we want new people to get involved with our organisation and help us in our
activities. So if you like what we're about, come to our meetings. Get in touch
and ask about joining the ACG.
But it's not just about the ACG either. We work with others outside of our
organisation because we want to see the development of a wider revolutionary
working class movement that will be better able to take the fight to the ruling
So let's make 2021 the year we work towards building such a movement. Whether
you're an individual who wants to join the ACG or whether you're part of a group
or campaign that would like to work with the ACG, drop us a line at
Anarchist Communist Group
Message: 6
The ongoing Spycops hearing in the Royal Courts of Justice in London reveals the
vile immensity of the crimes committed by the State and the Metropolitan Police,
not least the mass deception of women involved in various radical movements. In
the course of forty years, the shady police unit, the Special Demonstration Squad
(SDS) has sent at least 139 undercover cops into a thousand (1,000) political
parties, organisations, campaigns, defence committees and justice groups. Thirty
plus women were deceived by male police officers into intimate sexual
relationships, having children with some of them, whilst three female undercover
cops also deceived male members of various groups into intimate sexual relations.
To further their undercover identities, the SDS stole the names and identities of
at least 80 deceased children, to provide aliases. They spied on 26 justice
campaigns, including the one organised around the murder of Stephen Lawrence. In
addition to this, they organised various provocative actions and activities.
The SDS infiltrated the anarchist paper Freedom, the West Ham Anarchists, the
Anarchist Workers Association, the Anarchist Communist Federation, Class War,
London Greenpeace, etc, as well as Trotskyist groups like the Socialist Workers
The SDS was set up in 1968, by the Met's Special Branch in the context of the two
huge demonstrations against the Vietnam War that happened that year. They did
this with the approval, and we should say, probably at the instigation, of the
Labour government led by Harold Wilson. It was at first known as the Special
Operations Squad, changing its name in 1972. It functioned in liaison with one of
the British secret State bodies, MI5 (Military Intelligence, Section 5).
The first operation of this spy cop group was the surveillance and infiltration
of the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (VSC), the organiser of the demonstrations
mentioned above. One of these cops infiltrated both the VSC and the Revolutionary
Socialist Students Federation, and helped organise the demonstrations! When
questioned at the hearing he said that he had voted against the motion put
forward by a Maoist group within the VSC to have a march to Downing Street, as
his false persona was "a bit anti-Maoist".
The SDS were also responsible for sting operations. In 2007 four spycops posed as
criminals - drug dealers and money launderers - in order to request the lawyer
Azhar Khan as their brief. They did this with the connivance of six other cops.
Azhar Khan was one of the first BAME lawyers. He encouraged other BAME men and
particularly women to enter the profession, and he worked in a working class
area, doing a lot of legal aid defence work. The police had a grudge against him
for this, and there was a large dose of racism in this equation. They set up an
operation known variously as Operation Castration, Castrum and Castro, which
lasted for 18 months.
Khan was offered an opportunity of laundering £50,000. They also offered him big
bags of drugs. Khan turned down all of these offers. They then lied to their
officer in charge saying that Khan had agreed to committing a crime at a meeting
they had had with him. Despite no evidence of any crime being committed, his home
and office were raided in December 2009, and he was charged with conspiracy to
pervert the course of justice. The police later had to admit that the fake
arrests of undercover cops were designed to try and find evidence of criminal
conduct by Khan. These attempts at luring him into committing crimes were
repeated over and over again, despite his spurning of offers to commit crimes on
every single occasion. The judge threw the proceedings out of court.
Khan was singled out precisely because he was an Asian lawyer.
In the case of the Stephen Lawrence defence campaign, instead of looking for the
racist murderers of this black teenager, the SDS sent four undercover cops into
the campaign set up by his family, in order to find dirt on them. When they could
find nothing against the family, they started focussing on other members of the
campaign. The Stephen Lawrence campaign was just one of many such family justice
campaigns infiltrated by the SDS, including that of Jean Charles de Menezes. Not
one of the officers involved in these campaigns has been disciplined.
One of the worst features of the activities of the SDS was the infiltration of
personal lives. It is highly likely that undercover cops were actively encouraged
to enter into sexual relationships with members of the groups infiltrated. They
became fake friends and fake lovers. They deceived women, and a few men, into
sexual relations. They were introduced to the parents of these women, they
attended funerals of their relatives, they continually deceived. They fathered
children with them, and then abandoned them. They actively influenced the
policies and actions of the different groups infiltrated. They stole the
identities of dead children. They conspired to bring about arrests that resulted
in miscarriages of justice.
The Metropolitan Police agreed, on 23rd October 2014, to pay £425,000 to a woman
whose child was fathered by undercover cop Bob Lambert. She was a 22 year old
activist at the time of the relationship. This payout was part of an agreement to
drop legal action alleging assault, negligence, deceit and misconduct by senior
police officers. Lambert disappeared two years after the child was born. This
case is just one of many. The Met has insisted that that "the Metropolitan Police
Service has never had a policy that officers can use sexual relations for the
purposes of policing." This is patently not the case, with the encouragement of
such behaviour at high levels of the Met, and above by its masters in government.
These sexist and misogynist policies, combined with the racism displayed in the
cases cited above, and the undermining of many groups engaged in perfectly lawful
and peaceful activities, point to a poisonous culture reigning in the forces of
the State. These undercover cops weren't rogue cops, naughty boys who got carried
away, they weren't aberrations. Their conduct was rubber stamped by the State.
One undercover cop, "Peter Fredericks" stated during the inquiry that the
deceitful relationships established by spycops were similar to them "sampling the
product" of drug dealers whose operations the police would infiltrate!
The current inquiry into these nefarious activities, presided over by retired
judge John Mittingis a complete whitewash. Mitting has granted anonymity to many
of these spycops, and he has refused to allow livestreaming. As Kate Wilson, one
of the women deceived into a relationship with undercover cop Mark Kennedy wrote:
"In allowing officers to maintain their anonymity, Mitting appears to believe
that police evidence is more valuable than victims', and his bias when it comes
to deciding what the public needs to know puts control of the narrative in the
hands of a sexist, racist, politically prejudiced institution that carried out
anti-democratic operations without public oversight for decades."
Police Spies Out of Lives:
Undercover Research Group:
State and Mass Organised Misogyny (
Message: 1
November 25, 2020 - Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women - marked
the start of the inter-union mobilization for the adoption of the ILO standard
against gender-based and sexual violence at work. Present massively, they are a
scourge still rarely punished. ---- Sixty percent of working European women have
already been the target of sexual violence in the course of their work [1].
Sexist violence is " a permanent sabotage that we experience throughout society"
[2]. Present massively at work, this violence is one of the invisible components
of the class struggle. ---- In 2017, a union member SUD Commerce revealed
gender-based violence to H&M. The first woman to denounce them, she is threatened
with dismissal. In 2020, she makes her fight public. Supportive gatherings in
front of the sign are multiplying, the word is loosened among colleagues and
clients [3]. In this 78% feminized sector[4], male chauvinism is one of the cogs
of precariousness.
78% of part-time workers in the private sector are women [5]. Patriarchy feeds on
the silence of terror. It pursues a double objective: to maintain the domination
of men, to take advantage of women. On average, men earn 34.6% more than women
[6]. Female surplus value is the basis of the chauvinist law of capitalism.
Without violence, the double exploitation of domestic and wage labor for women
could not take place.
47% of female workers are employed in ten occupations [7], all of which are
low-paid [8]. " Women workers are the most exploited among the most exploited, it
is from them that the employers - our class enemy - derive the most profits",
denounced in 1910 the trade unionist Olga Tournade. Among the most exploited,
racialized women are hired mainly in four sectors: nursing assistant, maternal
assistant, personal assistance, maintenance workers. "The chauvinistic violence,
the violence of borders and the violence of exploitation are inseparable "[9].
" My colleagues who experienced great insecurity before becoming a nursing
assistant and having a CDI, even if they are not happy, they dare not say no to
the bosses. They struggled too much before, now they can't defend themselves.»,
Deplores a union nurse. Economic violence makes women vulnerable and reduces
their ability to say "no".
Concentrate workers to better submit them
" May all our female comrades sink into their heads this essential rule of
conduct: we must dare, the strength of men is not their intelligence, their
superior knowledge[...]it is their infinite confidence in themselves- same»wrote
Marie Guillot[10], a revolutionary unionist of the CGT. This political capacity
is our objective, creating the conditions for it is our priority. The workers are
not the class of victims, but the class of those who must resist.
Living free from violence is a right that cannot be begged for but must be taken.
The construction of feminist counter-powers follows the logic of revolutionary
unionism: the increase of well-being through a daily struggle against male
chauvinist violence, combined with action in the service of radical transformation.
Louise (UCL Saint-Denis)
[1] Ifop survey for the European Observatory on Sexism and Sexual Harassment at
Work, 2019.
[2] Mujeres Creando (women who create), Bolivian anarcha-feminists
[3] "All at the rally against sexism at H&M in support of Aline on November 7",
[4] Insee Analyzes Grand Est n ° 35, March 2017
[5] Dares analyzes, 2020
[6] Sophie Binet, Maryse Dumas, Rachel Silvera, Feminist, the CGT ? , The
workshop editions, 2019.
[7] Dares analyzes, 2013.
[8] Cashier, employee, sales assistant, nursery assistant, secretary, nurse,
maintenance worker, nursing assistant, home help, teacher.
[9] Non Una di Meno (Not one less), a collective of Italian feminists.
[10] Slava Liszek, Marie Guillot. From the emancipation of women to that of trade
unionism , L'Harmattan, 1994.
Message: 2
Twenty-fifth of November, which accounts for the International Day against
Violence against Women launched a Kurdish women's movement in Europe (TJK-E)
campaign "100 reasons" ( 100 Reasons ). One hundred reasons are one hundred
Kurdish women murdered directly or indirectly by the Turkish regime of President
Erdogan and his AKP party. We informed about this campaign HERE . ---- Now you
have the opportunity to follow the stories of specific women who were prematurely
terminated by the murderous regime of President Erdogan on the Facebook profile
of the Committee for the Defense of the Revolution in Rojava
( To date, 13 names and stories of state
arbitrariness have appeared here: ---- Sakine Cansiz (55) - assassinated by the
Turkish secret service MIT in January 2013 in Paris,
Fidan Dogan (31) - assassinated by the Turkish secret service MIT in January 2013
in Paris,
Leyla Saylemez (24) - Assassinated by the Turkish secret service MIT in January
2013 in Paris,
Hevrin Khalaf (35) - Assassinated by a Turkish-backed militia in October 2019 in
the agricultural area between the cities of Serê Kaniyê and Girê Spî in Northern
Kevser Elturk(57) - Murdered by the Turkish army in August 2015 in Silopi in
south-eastern Turkey,
Ceylan Önkol (12) - Murdered by Turkish police in September 2009 in the Lice
region of south-eastern Turkey,
Taybet Inan (57) - Murdered by the Turkish army in August 2015 in Silopi in
southeastern Turkey,
Kader Ortakaya (28) - assassinated by the Turkish army in November 2014 between
the city of Suruç in the southern Turkish province of Urfa and the border with Syria,
Solin Hassan (7 months) - assassinated with six members of his family by the
Turkish Air Force in August 2011 Northern Iraq,
Cemile Çagirga (10) - Assassinated by the Turkish army in September 2015 in
Cizre, south-eastern Turkey,
Deryi Koç(25) - Murdered by the Turkish army in February 2016 in Cizre,
Eysê Ehmet Ferhan (17) - Murdered by the Turkish army near the Makhmour refugee
camp in northern Iraq in April 2020,
Dilek Dogan (24) - Murdered by Turkish police in October 2015 in Istanbul.
Other names and the sad stories associated with them will gradually follow in the
coming days.
American author and activist Janet Biehl also joined the "100 Reasons to
Prosecute a Dictator" campaign. Every day, he draws a portrait of one of the
women murdered directly or indirectly by the Turkish state and shares it with
basic information about the victim and the "100 Reasons" campaign on his Twitter
account ( Janet Biehl is a former partner and
collaborator of Murray Bookchin, a prominent American leftist theorist, social
ecologist and activist whose work has fundamentally influenced the thinking of
Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK) founder Abdullah Öcalan and through him the Kurdish
emancipation movement and socio-political order (not only) in Rojava.
Jin - jiyan - azadî!
Women - life - freedom!
Message: 3
From the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) we salute and embrace with great
esteem the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) that tomorrow, January 1,
2021 will commemorate the departure from the Lacandon Jungle to tell the world
that enough is enough! ---- On January 1, 1994, the EZLN insurgents took up arms
in a war against oblivion and demanded " work, land, shelter, food, health,
education, independence, freedom, democracy, justice and peace ." The war
continues to the extent that their demands for all have not yet been met and the
attacks of the bad governments with their paramilitary henchmen continue.
During these 27 years we have been able to learn and follow their times and ways.
Almost two years ago they broke the siege with which the State and its
paramilitaries tried to drown the Zapatista Movement. And in this new year that
begins tomorrow, a Tour for Life will begin, which will begin with meetings with
the CNI-CIG , the Front of Peoples in Defense of Water and the Land of Morelos,
Puebla and Tlaxcala, the EZLN and the European bottom left .
From CGT we have adhered to the joint statement with the EZLN, which will be
made public tomorrow, January 1st at, with
firm support for the trip that will arrive in Europe in July 2021.
We call on the membership and society in general to express their support for
this trip through the publication on social networks of a photograph or image
tomorrow, January 1 at 5:30 p.m. in Madrid. We send you a proposal of tweets
agreed with the rest of the organizations, groups and people of the Europe of
Below and the Left in the annex to this statement.
Long live the EZLN, long live the CCRI-CG!
Long live the Bases of Support, the Good Governance Boards and the Zapatista
Autonomous Municipalities!
Stop the war against the peoples!
Message: 4
2º izq on the telephone numbers 91 704 60 54/744 489 971 and at this email: ---- Congratulation in the form of ERE at the Employment
Agency ---- On December 29, the Management of the Agency for Employment of the
Madrid City Council has sent the entire staff, as a "Christmas greeting", the
recognition by the certification body Cámara Certifica, which has carried out an
audit in relation to to the Charter of Services of the Employment Agency. The
Audit report prepared highlights, among other aspects, the involvement and high
training of the staff and an exhaustive control of the letter and its services.
Well, in gratitude for the work done by many workers, who have been in this house
as work personnel since 1988 without ever having the opportunity to consolidate
or promote in the jobs, and who, according to that report, all carry out so well
their tasks achieving this high qualification, the Agency management announces
that it is going to do without the services of at least 222 PEOPLE (page 80),
giving, yes, thanks for the services provided. All these people, along with the
few colleagues who have been incorporated, are workers who have given their
entire professional life to the Employment Agency, and who in return receive this
stab and this contempt.
We recall that the CJEU ruled on March 19:
The fraud of the law is proven in its Paragraph - 61: "... consider that there
are no successive employment relationships of a determined duration, in the sense
of clause 5 of the Framework Agreement, for the sole The reason why the affected
employee, even though he has been the subject of several appointments, has
continuously held the same job position for several years and has exercised,
constantly and continuously, the same functions, while maintaining permanent of
said worker in a vacant position on the basis of a service relationship of
determined duration is due to the breach by the employer of his legal obligation
to organize within the foreseen term ... "
And with respect to the selective processes that they intend to carry out, the
European Court of Justice itself, on March 19, 2020, ruled in its points 100 and
101: Indeed, as stated, in essence, the Advocate General in point 68 of its
conclusions, such processes, whose outcome is also uncertain, are also open to
candidates who have not been victims of such abuse. Consequently, given that the
organization of these processes is independent of any consideration relating to
the abusive nature of the use of fixed-term service relationships, it is not
adequate to properly sanction the abusive use of such service relationships or to
eliminate the consequences of the infringement of Union law. So,
Extracted from the report of Sindep's colleagues
Therefore, when the High Court itself recognizes the fraud committed with those
222 PEOPLE , in addition to ruling against the selective processes, it cannot be
argued that consolidation processes are going to be started "once the judicial
vicissitudes have been overcome" (as it says in that damn page 80), since they
have not been overcome, but on the contrary they are not complying with and
contradicting the judicial orders; and all to comply with the agreement with
certain union companies for the dismissal of those 222 people.
We call for the mobilization of the entire workforce and the paralysis of all
processes that endanger the jobs of these people.
Congratulations and action plan sent to the agency workers:
Good Morning,
An audit in relation to the Charter of Services of the Employment Agency has
recently been carried out by the Chamber Certifica certification body. The Audit
report prepared highlights, among other aspects, the involvement and high
training of the staff and an exhaustive control of the charter and its services.
For this reason I want to convey my congratulations for having passed this
process of renewal of the Service Charter certification in accordance with the
UNE 93200 Standard thanks to the good work done by all the workers of the Agency,
which is an incentive to continue providing quality services to citizens.
The Certifica Chamber Certificate obtained is sent in electronic format together
with the link to the 2021 Action Plan where the objectives to be achieved are
ordered and prioritized and the actions to be carried out next year are exposed.
Message: 5
2020 has been a tough year all round. Coronavirus and the UK government's cynical
handling of the pandemic has brought loss and tragedy into many homes. We've also
seen job losses due to Covid, and the restrictions of lockdown have been hard to
bear for many of us. Add to this, the Brexit uncertainty which continues to
overshadow the lives of many working class people, who have to bear the brunt of
any job losses, price rises or any other hardships resulting from this ruling
class faction fight. Meanwhile, class consciousness is at a low level and
nationalism, racism, populism and the politics of conspiracy seem to be on the rise.
Yet it's not all doom and gloom, this summer saw righteous anger and resistance
on a mass scale with the Black Lives Matter movement. We saw examples of real
solidarity with the setting up of hundreds of mutual aid groups in response to
the pandemic. In the workplace, there has been an increase in the number of
successful strike ballots (in spite of the government's anti-strike regulations)
and an upsurge of industrial action in the UK. Overseas, too, there are shining
examples of resistance against the boss class, for example, with the mass strikes
in India which involved millions of workers.
The Anarchist Communist Group is a working class organisation and our members
have faced the same issues as the rest of our class. And though we've been
limited in our activities due to Covid lockdowns and restrictions, we have
continued to hold meetings (online) and publish books, pamphlets and our magazine
Stormy Petrel, as well as produce audio and video propaganda. ACG members are
involved in struggles where we work and where we live. As an organisation, we
have been instrumental in setting up the No Safety, No Work campaign.
But let's not forget, the ACG is a tiny group of anarchist communist militants,
and being a small group limits us in what we can do as an organisation. So yes,
we want new people to get involved with our organisation and help us in our
activities. So if you like what we're about, come to our meetings. Get in touch
and ask about joining the ACG.
But it's not just about the ACG either. We work with others outside of our
organisation because we want to see the development of a wider revolutionary
working class movement that will be better able to take the fight to the ruling
So let's make 2021 the year we work towards building such a movement. Whether
you're an individual who wants to join the ACG or whether you're part of a group
or campaign that would like to work with the ACG, drop us a line at
Anarchist Communist Group
Message: 6
The ongoing Spycops hearing in the Royal Courts of Justice in London reveals the
vile immensity of the crimes committed by the State and the Metropolitan Police,
not least the mass deception of women involved in various radical movements. In
the course of forty years, the shady police unit, the Special Demonstration Squad
(SDS) has sent at least 139 undercover cops into a thousand (1,000) political
parties, organisations, campaigns, defence committees and justice groups. Thirty
plus women were deceived by male police officers into intimate sexual
relationships, having children with some of them, whilst three female undercover
cops also deceived male members of various groups into intimate sexual relations.
To further their undercover identities, the SDS stole the names and identities of
at least 80 deceased children, to provide aliases. They spied on 26 justice
campaigns, including the one organised around the murder of Stephen Lawrence. In
addition to this, they organised various provocative actions and activities.
The SDS infiltrated the anarchist paper Freedom, the West Ham Anarchists, the
Anarchist Workers Association, the Anarchist Communist Federation, Class War,
London Greenpeace, etc, as well as Trotskyist groups like the Socialist Workers
The SDS was set up in 1968, by the Met's Special Branch in the context of the two
huge demonstrations against the Vietnam War that happened that year. They did
this with the approval, and we should say, probably at the instigation, of the
Labour government led by Harold Wilson. It was at first known as the Special
Operations Squad, changing its name in 1972. It functioned in liaison with one of
the British secret State bodies, MI5 (Military Intelligence, Section 5).
The first operation of this spy cop group was the surveillance and infiltration
of the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign (VSC), the organiser of the demonstrations
mentioned above. One of these cops infiltrated both the VSC and the Revolutionary
Socialist Students Federation, and helped organise the demonstrations! When
questioned at the hearing he said that he had voted against the motion put
forward by a Maoist group within the VSC to have a march to Downing Street, as
his false persona was "a bit anti-Maoist".
The SDS were also responsible for sting operations. In 2007 four spycops posed as
criminals - drug dealers and money launderers - in order to request the lawyer
Azhar Khan as their brief. They did this with the connivance of six other cops.
Azhar Khan was one of the first BAME lawyers. He encouraged other BAME men and
particularly women to enter the profession, and he worked in a working class
area, doing a lot of legal aid defence work. The police had a grudge against him
for this, and there was a large dose of racism in this equation. They set up an
operation known variously as Operation Castration, Castrum and Castro, which
lasted for 18 months.
Khan was offered an opportunity of laundering £50,000. They also offered him big
bags of drugs. Khan turned down all of these offers. They then lied to their
officer in charge saying that Khan had agreed to committing a crime at a meeting
they had had with him. Despite no evidence of any crime being committed, his home
and office were raided in December 2009, and he was charged with conspiracy to
pervert the course of justice. The police later had to admit that the fake
arrests of undercover cops were designed to try and find evidence of criminal
conduct by Khan. These attempts at luring him into committing crimes were
repeated over and over again, despite his spurning of offers to commit crimes on
every single occasion. The judge threw the proceedings out of court.
Khan was singled out precisely because he was an Asian lawyer.
In the case of the Stephen Lawrence defence campaign, instead of looking for the
racist murderers of this black teenager, the SDS sent four undercover cops into
the campaign set up by his family, in order to find dirt on them. When they could
find nothing against the family, they started focussing on other members of the
campaign. The Stephen Lawrence campaign was just one of many such family justice
campaigns infiltrated by the SDS, including that of Jean Charles de Menezes. Not
one of the officers involved in these campaigns has been disciplined.
One of the worst features of the activities of the SDS was the infiltration of
personal lives. It is highly likely that undercover cops were actively encouraged
to enter into sexual relationships with members of the groups infiltrated. They
became fake friends and fake lovers. They deceived women, and a few men, into
sexual relations. They were introduced to the parents of these women, they
attended funerals of their relatives, they continually deceived. They fathered
children with them, and then abandoned them. They actively influenced the
policies and actions of the different groups infiltrated. They stole the
identities of dead children. They conspired to bring about arrests that resulted
in miscarriages of justice.
The Metropolitan Police agreed, on 23rd October 2014, to pay £425,000 to a woman
whose child was fathered by undercover cop Bob Lambert. She was a 22 year old
activist at the time of the relationship. This payout was part of an agreement to
drop legal action alleging assault, negligence, deceit and misconduct by senior
police officers. Lambert disappeared two years after the child was born. This
case is just one of many. The Met has insisted that that "the Metropolitan Police
Service has never had a policy that officers can use sexual relations for the
purposes of policing." This is patently not the case, with the encouragement of
such behaviour at high levels of the Met, and above by its masters in government.
These sexist and misogynist policies, combined with the racism displayed in the
cases cited above, and the undermining of many groups engaged in perfectly lawful
and peaceful activities, point to a poisonous culture reigning in the forces of
the State. These undercover cops weren't rogue cops, naughty boys who got carried
away, they weren't aberrations. Their conduct was rubber stamped by the State.
One undercover cop, "Peter Fredericks" stated during the inquiry that the
deceitful relationships established by spycops were similar to them "sampling the
product" of drug dealers whose operations the police would infiltrate!
The current inquiry into these nefarious activities, presided over by retired
judge John Mittingis a complete whitewash. Mitting has granted anonymity to many
of these spycops, and he has refused to allow livestreaming. As Kate Wilson, one
of the women deceived into a relationship with undercover cop Mark Kennedy wrote:
"In allowing officers to maintain their anonymity, Mitting appears to believe
that police evidence is more valuable than victims', and his bias when it comes
to deciding what the public needs to know puts control of the narrative in the
hands of a sexist, racist, politically prejudiced institution that carried out
anti-democratic operations without public oversight for decades."
Police Spies Out of Lives:
Undercover Research Group:
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