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zondag 10 januari 2021

#WORLDWIDE #WORLD #News #Update from all over the #world - SATURDAY 9 JANUARY 2021


Today's Topics:

1.  anarkismo.net: Formation of Anarchist Communists Meanjin In
      Brisbane, Australia (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
2.  awsm.nz: Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement newsletter
      latest issue out now (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
3.  France, Union Communiste Libertaire AL #312 - Libertarian
      network: "links on 5 continents" (ca, de, it, fr, pt)[machine
      translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4.  anarkismo.net - Argentina: It is law for the struggle of
      those below! by FAR - OAC - OAT - FAR - OAC - OAT


Message: 1

The struggle for a new world has been a long one and has been contributed to by
countless individuals and organisations in that time. While the path often seems
long and sometimes hopeless we believe that a new world is not just possible, but
necessary for our survival. We hope that with this new organisation we like so
many before us can play a part in making this vision become reality. ----
Formation of Anarchist Communists Meanjin ---- Brisbane, Australia ---- We are
excited to officially announce the formation of Anarchist Communists Meanjin!
---- We are an organisation of revolutionaries who share a common vision of a new
world - an anarchist communist world - where people collectively control their
workplaces, communities and land, where all needs are met and all people are able
to flourish. A world where power and decision making flow from the bottom up and
society is organised for peoples' aspirations, passions, and needs rather than
profit, where we can live sustainability with the planet and where oppressive
social structures based on racism, imperialism, patriarchy and heteronormativity
are a thing of the past.

We believe that this vision can only be brought about through the revolutionary
power of the working class organised in the workplaces, communities, schools, and
streets in order to overthrow the state and capitalism, thereby enacting a social
revolution and building a new world from below.

As those actively seeking to construct this vision we are inspired by the
traditions of anarchist-communism, Marxism, especifismo, platformism, women's
liberation, queer liberation, decolonisation, abolitionism, anti-racism and the
history of global struggle for liberation. We are inspired by a long tradition of
struggle and by all the revolutionaries before us, whose tireless work and
commitment have laid the path we follow today. Most importantly we acknowledge
that First Nations Peoples fight against invasion and colonisation is the longest
ongoing struggle within So-Called Australia and is central to any possibility of
social change on this continent today.
We believe in the need for a political home from which to organise ourselves and
put forward our vision. We believe in the need to create spaces for the
development of new revolutionaries that allow the grouping together of similarly
minded militants in order to facilitate the development of all.

We see the need to build a specifically anarchist communist organisation united
around a common set of ideas, strategy, and practice. We believe that political
organisations should speak to the needs of our time, and act as a catalyst in
struggles to expand their revolutionary potential. Revolutionary organisation
should be a vehicle to build, contribute to, and learn from social struggles and
eventually act as a motor for social revolution.

While we have formed out of Unite, Anarchist Communists Meanjin is a new and
completely separate organisation based upon a greater unity of theory and action.
Unite will continue on in its amazing work, particularly the running of Common
House, one of the most vibrant centres of radical organising in Meanjin, and one
they hope to open up even more like minded groups in the future. You can follow
their amazing work and get in touch here -

We would like to make clear that the formation of Anarchist Communists Meanjin is
not a split from Unite but rather the result of a group of comrades developing
and expanding their politics in new ways, which eventually required the formation
of an entirely new organisation.

For those interested in getting involved with Anarchist Communists Meanjin we can
be reached either through our facebook or our website https://acmeanjin.org

You can also find out more information about our politics & strategy on our
website, as well as ongoing streams of propaganda and education.

Watch this space for events in the future, we plan to hold regular public reading
groups & discussion nights starting on the 19th where we will be reading and
discussing a range of articles on ‘Especifismo', a variant of anarchist communist
organising birthed in Latin America, from which we are heavily influenced.

The struggle for a new world has been a long one and has been contributed to by
countless individuals and organisations in that time. While the path often seems
long and sometimes hopeless we believe that a new world is not just possible, but
necessary for our survival. We hope that with this new organisation we like so
many before us can play a part in making this vision become reality.

Related Link: https://acmeanjin.org/



Message: 2

Hi Comrades ---- Solidarity from Aotearoa / so-called New Zealand ---- Our latest
newsletter is out now - we are hoping to make this a more regular thing going
forward, so we are open to any contributions
An anarcho-communist new year's message ---- Commentary on the election ----
Commentary on the marijuana referendum ---- You May Already Be an Anarchist ----
Book reviews
On-line pdf: https://awsm.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/solidarity-4.pdf
Printable booklet https://awsm.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/solidarity-4-booklet.pdf


Message: 3

A year and a half after the creation of the UCL, its international commission
draws up an initial assessment of activity, which has accelerated with the
Covid-19 pandemic and the global economic crisis which make a global analysis and
response crucial. ---- We are internationalists, the social revolution cannot
survive in one country. When a major social struggle or revolution affects one or
more countries, it is often too late to realize the usefulness of
internationalism. This is why, faced with this large-scale task, we strive to
organize our political movement on this scale over the long term. The merger
between Alternative Libertaire and the Coordination of Anarchist Groups which
gave birth to the Union Communiste Libertaire (UCL) had a beneficial effect for
the international involvement of French libertarian communism.

After its creation in 2019, UCL continued its political development from the
collective positions inherited from our two previous organizations, for example
on the self-determination of peoples and against colonialism in Palestine. The
merger also helped us in our work by pooling our forces to build the libertarian
communist current at the international level. We produce analyzes and press
releases on the struggles in other countries such as those of the Belarusian
working class against Lukashenko [1], of the Lebanese popular classes [2]or on
the health and social crisis against the Covid in Latin America [3].

We are also trying to bring internationalist solidarity to life in France. Last
year we organized a feminist tour in many cities with comrades from the
Federation of Basic Organizations (FOB) [4]of Argentina.

We are also continuing our relations with organizations of our political
movement, particularly in Europe and Latin America, but also in other regions of
the world. A map and a list on our site identify political organizations around
the world with which we have relations.

The libertarian communist current has been equipped since 2005 with an
international online media, Anarkismo.net, which brings together organizations
from Europe, America, Africa and Oceania and publishes analyzes and statements on
the political situation from their respective countries, individual contributions
and also develop common positions. This is the most lasting and concrete effort
of cooperation and structuring of our current.

During the health and social crisis of spring 2020, international coordination
was initiated, bringing together twenty libertarian communist and social
anarchist organizations on five continents which are members of the Anarkismo
network, such as UCL, or which are close to it. From our discussions came
analyzes of the international situation, for example on the period of the health
and economic crisis linked to Covid and on the resistance of our social camp [5].

This coordination made it possible to produce common expressions on the role of
women's struggle during confinement, on the news of anti-racist movements during
the summer of 2020 across the world [6]and recently a declaration of solidarity
for the release of prisoners and political prisoners of revolts in Chile signed
by more than twenty organizations [7].

The October 2019 protests in Chile forced the government to begin a process of
revising the ultraliberal constitution inherited from the Pinochet dictatorship.
During the spring 2020 containment we also participated in a discussion broadcast
live on social networks with libertarian communist organizations such as Black
Rose / Rosa Negra (United States) and Solidaridad (Chile), to discuss our social
and health situations respective nationalities and our perspectives of struggle.


The structuring of our current on an international scale is far from having
reached the stage of a libertarian communist international. We are moving step by
step. Our links allow us to support libertarian communist or social anarchist
organizations in their development, such as the recent German organization Die
Plattform, by benefiting from the political and strategic experience accumulated
in other countries. And also by transmitting and sharing among us our practices
of self-management animation in the counter-powers and in the struggles. It is
the self-management of the struggles of workers and of all the oppressed that
will be the prelude to the self-management of society as a whole.

The international commission of the Libertarian Communist Union


[1] UCL press release, "Belarus, the working class against Lukashenko", August
25, 2020.

[2] UCL press release, "Victims fall, imperialisms collide and popular anger
overflows", August 11, 2020.

[3] "Pandemic, crisis: the popular classes are still in struggle", Alternative
libertaire, January 2020.

[4] "UCL-Argentina tour: The FOB at the forefront of class feminism", Alternative
libertaire, December 2019.

[5] "On the front line, always on the side of the exploited ! », Joint
declaration of 14 libertarian communist organizations in Europe, Africa, Asia,
America and Oceania, July 2020.

[6] "The peoples stand up against racism and discrimination", joint declaration
of 20 libertarian and anarchist communist organizations from the five continents,
July 2020.

[7] "Chile: For the liberation of political prisoners of the revolt", joint
declaration of 22 libertarian and anarchist communist organizations, December 2020.



Message: 4

We translated a note of December 31, 2020, signed by the Anarchist Federation of
Rosario, the Anarchist Organization of Córdoba and the Anarchist Organization of
Tucumán on the approval of the law that legalizes abortion in Argentina. ---- The
green wave that has been growing for years in Argentina and Latin America
yesterday was able to celebrate the approval of the Voluntary Interruption of
Pregnancy Law. It is a very felt demand for all women and pregnant bodies in our
class, since we are the poorest people who have an abortion in the worst
underground conditions, risking our bodies to serious health problems, prison and
death. This historic struggle has the green light for the strength of those below
to advance the fundamental rights of life, and not only to survive but also
imposes the machinery of capitalism and its destructive voracity.

Argentina: It is law for the struggle of those below!
The green wave that has been growing for years in Argentina and Latin America
yesterday was able to celebrate the approval of the Voluntary Interruption of
Pregnancy Law. It is a very felt demand for all women and pregnant bodies in our
class, since we are the poorest people who have an abortion in the worst
underground conditions, risking our bodies to serious health problems, prison and
death. This historic struggle has the green light for the strength of those below
to advance the fundamental rights of life, and not only to survive, but also
imposes the machinery of capitalism and its destructive voracity.
On this dawn of December 30, the Argentine Senate finally had to definitively
approve the Law on Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy, after years of social
pressure exerted by the feminist movement, political parties, unions, social and
student organizations; as well as by the group of women and pregnant bodies, on
the streets, in the historic National Women's Meetings, today Plurinational of
women, lesbians, trans, transvestites and non-binaries, as in each workplace,
study, in each territory, doing debate and the struggle for the autonomy of our
bodies and our right to decide.

Since the end of the 19th century in this region, our fellow anarchists have been
taking a stand, organized from below with their working class sisters, building a
history of resistance against patriarchy and capitalism. From Virginia Bolten
with La Voz de la Mujer, María Collazo, Juana Rouco Buela, Luisa Lallana, Julia
García among many other companions, including those who faced the repression face
to face in the 1960s and 1970s, Elsa Martínez, María Esther Tello, Hilda Forti,
Pirucha Ramos among others. All of them are part of the great history of feminist
struggles in this country, which today manages to uproot legal abortion from the
political class, and through the immense organization and mobilization that has
been driving the Campaign for Safe and Free Legal Abortion formed in 2003,
managing to bring together the action of union organizations,

Undoubtedly the government of Alberto Fernández, and a large part of Peronism,
will try to draw a political balance from this feat, it is something that is
already seen with speeches that present this law as a gift resulting from the
"political will" of the shift workers who they administer the patriarchal state.
Even more cynical is the attempt on the part of the progressive to constantly
reconcile with the most reactionary, conservative and sexist sectors, such as the
Catholic and Evangelical churches, having dealt with a project that includes
conscientious objection and with the attempt to negotiate conditions for the
legal abortion. Although it is an immense joy to know that from now on it will be
an obligation for the health system to contemplate the decision of pregnant women
at the time of interrupting or continuing with the pregnancy, we must not let our
guard down. There is still a long journey of struggle ahead for the real
implementation of Safe and Free Legal Abortion in all corners, it remains to
fight against the conscientious objection, but legal pitfalls that can present
themselves and the obstacles that these reactionary anti-right sectors want to
interpose. And, of course, a long way to end all types of patriarchal violence.

That is how we understand this necessary step as part of a process of struggle
that will not end or will end in the near future. Seeing the results of our
constant organization, over the decades, reaffirms the path of collective,
sustained, solidary and class action. We know that nothing truly transformative
will come from the State and its structures, but this necessary step further
allows us to see the realization of new demands on the horizon. As politically
organized anarchists, we understand that the only possible course in this period
is the organization and struggle for more and more significant demands for the
oppressed and those who can change this capitalist and patriarchal system in the bud.

Thus, legal abortion is a victory as a result of historical mobilizations,
assemblies in the neighborhoods, organized teachers who apply ESI (Integral
Sexual Education, established by law) in schools, giving space for classes to be
vehicles of information, emancipation and discovery; from the union and student
organization, from the more than 30 today Plurinational Meetings of women,
lesbians, trans, transvestites and non-binaries.

It is an achievement for those below, thanks to popular struggle and committed
and constant militancy amidst so much resistance to the harsh coups of
governments and capital. We deserve to celebrate all this huge fight against
clandestinity, to strengthen and consolidate ourselves for the battles that lie
ahead. We claim this path of building popular power, with the strength of our
predecessors and our history of struggle. With the power we have from the bottom,
the marginalized, the exploited, the oppressed to build our own destiny and end
the patriarchal, colonial and capitalist oppression. For socialism and freedom.

Anarchist Organization of Córdoba
Anarchist Federation of Rosario
Anarchist Organization of Tucumán
Translation: Brazilian Anarchist Coordination
Related Link:



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