Today's Topics:
1. France, UCL AL #312 - Antipatriarchy, Incest: The earliest
of patriarchal violence (ca, de, it, fr, pt)[machine translation]
of patriarchal violence (ca, de, it, fr, pt)[machine translation]
2. UK, anarchist communist group ACG: Tunisia in revolt
3. Turkey, Devrimci Anarsist Faaliyet: We were at Çaglayan
Court for Gökhan Günes (tr) [machine translation]
Court for Gökhan Günes (tr) [machine translation]
4. AND: Elephant in the room - conversation with anarchists
from Russia on "Freedom to Navalny" protests
from Russia on "Freedom to Navalny" protests
5. Ernesto Araújo and idolatry with Mike Pompeo
by BrunoL (pt) [machine translation] (
by BrunoL (pt) [machine translation] (
6. Canada, Collectif Emma Goldman - Bebye Trump! (ca, de, it,
fr, pt)[machine translation] (
fr, pt)[machine translation] (
7. UK, Anarchist Communist Group ACG: Johnson engages
in mass murder! (
Message: 1
According to a survey carried out for the association Face à inceste in November
2020, one in ten French people would have been a victim of incest, of which 78%
were women. In 96 to 98% of cases, the perpetrator is a man. ---- More than 1033
adults took part in the Ipsos online survey carried out for the association Face
à inceste[1]. The Ipsos report estimates that the survey figures have tripled
since the last poll in 2009, when the number of reported incest victims stood at
two million. According to the survey, this increase is in direct correlation with
the release of speech in recent years. ---- In the absence of therapeutic care,
the individual consequences are terrible: depression, risk of suicide,
addictions, eating disorders. Traumatic amnesias are also frequent, sometimes
preventing incested persons from filing a complaint before the prescription.
To be a victim of incest is to find oneself confused when nocturnal awakenings
confuse reality with nightmares. It's feeling torn: between guilt of having been
raped and that of having to betray a loved one. The acts of incest are often
known to families, who maintain the secrecy. Often it is not the attacks that
blow up families but their denunciation and the families that unite around the
The social and judicial treatment of this crime is deeply linked to patriarchy.
The figures and consequences of incest are known to the general public: in 1986,
Eva Thomas, a victim of rape by her father at the age of fifteen, testified on
television. Yet the subject seems to be an eternal rediscovery.
The family being the backbone of the social order, admitting that it is a place
of violence against children calls this social order into question. To be a woman
victim of incest is to learn submission and silence, it is to be crushed, it is
to prepare for a life as an adult woman in patriarchy. Incest contributes to the
production of dominants and dominated.
The invisible denunciations
The widely accepted theory of the prohibition of incest as the universal basis of
human societies maintains silence. Violence against women is a tool of coercion
of the patriarchy. The fear which inhabits most of the women restricts their
movement, their power, pushes them to the coupling to be under the protection
(quite utopian) of only one man. The crushing caused by incest, whether a woman
has been a victim or a witness, prepares the fear and submission of the adult.
Despite the difficulty of being heard, the fight associations won fights: in
2016, the word incest appeared in the penal code; in 2018, the statute of
limitations (period during which prosecutions can be brought) for the crime of
rape of a minor increases from 20 to 30 years after the victim has reached the
age of majority, even if it is the imprescriptibility that was requested by
A fight remains to be won: that the law establishes an age of consent to sexual
relations. This will mean that a child will always be considered as not having
consented and therefore will not have to " prove " the rape. It is not only in
matters of incest that this threshold is necessary, but for all rapes of children
where the courts find consent if there has not been screaming and violence.
Christine (UCL Sarthe)
[1] See their website:
Message: 2
Trouble has been brewing for a considerable time in Tunisia. The ten years since
the ‘revolution' which overthrew President Zine El Abedine Ben Ali have seen very
little change for the vast majority of the working class. The hopes of 2011, part
of the so-called Arab Spring, have been buried under mass unemployment and a
social security system that sees many workers impoverished. And the working class
is fighting back. ---- The beginning of the year saw strikes by teachers opposed
to the government's imposition of face to face teaching despite increases in
cases of Covid-19. The state responded with a curfew on the 14th January,
anniversary of the overthrow of the old regime. The response to this manipulation
of the Covid crisis for repressive ends (the virus has been increasing steadily
since the first week of December) was rapid as working class areas of the cities
of Sousse, Kasserine and Nabeul exploded in rioting aimed at the police and
forces of repression, with police barracks being firebombed. Fuel was added to
the flames when a viral video circulated showing cops in the rural town of
Siliana brutally beating a farmer whose sheep had wandered into a government
building. The uprising spread to the working class areas of the capitol, Tunis,
not least after a police attack on celebrating football fans. As the revolt has
spread, so have the arrests and by the 23rd of January between 1,500 and 2000
have been incarcerated, with the army being brought onto the streets.
However, the movement in the streets has continued to spread, led, overwhelmingly
by working class semi-employed and unemployed youth. The Tunisian union
confederation UGTT, whilst acknowledging the legitimacy of the anger, condemned
the property destruction and resistance to the police and army, condemning acts
of ‘criminality'. The government and various civil bodies have warned of
‘Islamist' infiltration, domestic and ‘foreign', using the uprising to further
their own ends. Whilst Tunisia has its Salafist parties and groups, they remain
marginal and their influence is presently minimal. The threat of Islamist
manipulation of events is mainly used to create confusion and undermine the
movement. Demonstrators in Tunis, calling for the release of the imprisoned, have
chanted "No Police! No Islamists!" whilst crowds in the capitol chanted slogans
for social justice and a new revolution.
Naturally, there has been minimal coverage of these developments in the western
media. The uprising is, in part, sparked by the imposition of an austerity budget
on January 1st. The International Monetary Fund has said Tunisia "currently faces
dual challenges of saving lives and livelihoods until the pandemic wanes, while
trying to bring fiscal and external imbalances back to a sustainable trajectory."
Translated, that means the Tunisian working class will have to be gently ground
into the gravel. But the revolt shows that Tunisian proletarians have something
to say about that. The hope must be that the spark in Tunisia will spread across
North Africa and beyond, and this time, the revolution will bring lasting change
that cannot be reversed.
Message: 3
Today, on January 20, we were at the action organized by the family for the
revolutionary Gökhan Günes, who was kidnapped by the government at the Çaglayan
Court. As a revolutionary Anarchist Activity, we have stated that we will find
Gökhan Günes together with revolutionary solidarity and continue the struggle.
We repeat, you will not lose Gökhan Günes. Your pressures can't make us cry. We
will find Gökhan!
Message: 4
We got in touch with several anarchist comrades to talk about the recent protests
on the streets of different cities in Russia: looked into political events of
2020 and how they brought people to the situation with protests. With comrades we
managed to clarify if Navalny is a nazi and the whole protest should be ignored
by the anarchists or leftists. And of course we talked about anarchists and their
participation in protest movement. ---- Music: ----
Message: 5
Ernesto Araújo is the worst chancellor in the history of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs (MRE or Itamaraty). ---- There are two contemporary consensus in the
field of International Relations studies in Brazil. The first concerns the
Bolsonaro "government" (more appropriate would be to call it "misgovernment"),
the most surrendered and colonized since the United Kingdom period with Portugal.
And, guaranteeing consistency in the disaster, the seven-term ex-deputy minister
of foreign affairs and no relevant project is as bad as the incumbent executive.
Going further, Ernesto Araújo is the worst chancellor in the history of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE or Itamaraty).
Bruno Beaklini (@estanalise) - January 2021 - article originally published in the
Monitor do Middle East (
There are two contemporary consensus in the field of International Relations
studies in Brazil. The first concerns the Bolsonaro "government" (more
appropriate would be to call it "misgovernment"), the most surrendered and
colonized since the United Kingdom period with Portugal. And, guaranteeing
consistency in the disaster, the seven-term ex-deputy minister of foreign affairs
and no relevant project is as bad as the incumbent executive. Going further,
Ernesto Araújo is the worst chancellor in the history of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs (MRE or Itamaraty).
The cohesion between the protagonists of this horror show goes further. Bolsonaro
sees himself in Trump, but the mirror is twisted: the ex-captain of the Brazilian
Army, who narrowly escaped being expelled from the Land Force, wants to be the
doormat of the United States, and does not want to generate the conditions to
create surpluses of power as an independent country. The president of the 12th
economy in the world (which has already become the 7th) refuses to rule and, like
a pachyderm ashamed of his own size, proceeded for two years reinforcing the
ravings of the former casino manager who lost to oligarch Joe Biden the indirect
election of the Empire.
Ernesto Araújo, on the other hand, does the same with former Trump defense
secretary, buffoon Mike Richard Pompeo. Early in the Trump administration, back
in January 2017, Pompeo took over as central director of the CIA (the U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency) after six years as a federal deputy for Kansas. In
April of the following year, the former military engineer officer of the United
States Army and a Harvard law graduate graduated from the Empire State
Department. Pompeo's appointment was in March, so Araujo and his American
counterpart coexisted for almost the entire second half of the worst government
in the history of the United States.
Considering the educational level of both, either Pompeo and Araújo have serious
brain damage in order to suffer profound cognitive loss or blatantly lie. Let's
see. The former Secretary of State in his campaign of "total pressure" against
Iran said that the Tehran government is supporting Al Qaeda (
/01/12/pompeo-acusa-o-ira-de-ser-a-nova-base-de-operacoes-do-al-qaeda.htm ). This
is as absurd as Bush Jr.'s statement regarding the presence of weapons of mass
destruction and links between then-ruler Saddam Hussein and the same Salafist
network created by Saudi Arabia ( .br / fsp / mundo /
ft0710200401.htm). Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair reinforced the
position of the liar Bush Jr, son of the oil entrepreneur who promoted the first
invasion of Iraq ( ). All
have been properly exposed, as has Pompeo now.
In introductory training materials in the modern Middle East, such statements are
explained as liars on the first day of school. Often, first semester students
learn to identify the basic socio-cultural groupings of the countries of our
ancestors and learn to at least differentiate them. It seems that this class
Pompeo missed. Another possibility is that the "trumpeter idiot" copied the
script from the film "Lions for lambs" (Lions and lambs in the Portuguese
title, ), where the same absurdity
is repeated by an American politician - also a former career military man - and
such a lie would be given as a "scoop" in the effort to White House war. In other
words, there was not even creativity in the absurd, they just remembered some
argument and went out repeating the lie dozens of times.
Still in January 2021, Pompeo praises Ernesto Araújo on social media, stating
that: "There is no foreign minister in the world who loves freedom more than you
@ernestoarajo. You, me, freedom. Follow the game "( The Brazilian
chancellor, on the other hand, responds with equal intensity of emotions:
"@SecPompeo, his vision, his courage and his dedication to the ideals that we
consider most expensive are a real blessing. American and Brazilian patriots will
be side by side, whatever happens. We know that freedom is at stake worldwide.
Start the game!" ( ).
Cynicism has been a constitutive part of the United States since Philadelphia's
conventional slave traders held both Continental Congresses and declared war on
the British Empire. The State Department, created in 1789, reproduces this
cynical stance already in the alliance with France against the independence of
Haiti, as in the 19th century with the affirmation of the Monroe Doctrine.
Unfortunately, it seems that the pattern is reproduced in the MRE with Araújo at
the head.
Part of that cynical game was played in September 2020, when Pompeo created yet
another diplomatic incident with Venezuela, using Brazil as a platform. The
result was a vexatious situation, when the secretary of state of the government
directed to the ex-reality show presenter went to Roraima and incited the
conflict of the government of the neighboring country. Araújo says the Bolsonaro
government "recognizes Juan Guaidó's self-declared government" with 56 other
countries. Not by chance, the list released by the Trump administration in
November 2019 included the government of Israel ( And,
obviously, the visit of the Empire's foreign minister resulted in an audience in
the Senate, where Bolsonaro's minister and self-styled "defender of the West" was
called to account for the mess of his "idol" carried out with his endorsement (
) .
Araújo without Pompeo? Bolsonaro without Trump?
After the defeat of Donald Trump and the rampant reorientation in Biden's US
foreign policy, moving towards the resumption of global agreements and
multilateralism (without giving up imperial and military presence and arrogance),
MRE de Araújo and Bolsonaro are still more on the hot seat. The blogger
chancellor (he is editor of the publication metapoliticabrasil, a collection of
absurdities and buzzwords from the new extreme right) stated in September that
"it is good to be an outcast" (
.... html) if this is the price of "talking about freedom around the world". A
curious "freedom" is the position of the minister who defends imaginary
"Christianity" and applauds the Israeli genocide and apartheid against the
Palestinian population, including the more than 11% of families of Eastern
Christian beliefs (considering the diaspora in all its phases) .
The same "freedom" of Trump that promotes the economic blockade against Cuba,
Venezuela and Iran. Still in this "logic", he tries to affirm the annexation to
the Agreement of the Century, or the normalization of barbarism in the so-called
Abraham Accords with the establishment of relations United Arab Emirates and
Bahrain with Israeli Apartheid. Araújo is able to praise all of this, in addition
to writing silliness or reinforcing lying positions such as Pompeo's about Iran
and Salafism, reproducing a film script. The same cynicism that hides the fact
that the US (Saudi Arabia) and Israel (United Arab Emirates) allies form a
coalition with Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula acting together in the Yemen war.
It is practically impossible to maintain the position of isolation and praise of
the extreme world right through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil.
Ernesto Araújo had in Mike Pompeo his idol and referent as Bolsonaro adulated
Donald Trump. The tendency is that the dystopia of the disastrous Brazilian
chancellor will be realized, embodying himself the condition of world spokesman
for the country that has become an outcast of its own accord.
This article originally published in the Monitor do Middle East
Bruno Beaklini (Bruno Lima Rocha Beaklini), of Arab-Brazilian origin, is a
political scientist, professor of international relations and journalism and a
columnist for the Monitor of the Middle East. Contacts: Twitter @estanalise /
email: / / / (Telegram) and (Youtube channel)
Photo credit: Marcelo Camargo / Agência Brasil
Photo link:
Message: 6
After playing the law and order card during the election campaign, Trump decided
at the end of his mandate to reconnect with the good old fascist traditions.
Indeed, on January 6, 2021, at a rally called the " Save America March, " he
instigated his supporters to march on Capitol Hill in an attempt to block the
certification of voting results and to pressure his own. vice-president.
Unfortunately, for the followers of " QAnd the Alexis Cossette-Trudels of this
world, the new black shirts have failed to reproduce the feat of Mussolini and
his battles. However, the end of the term of the 45th president does not mean the
end of the Trumpist, even if the second measure of "impeachment" initiated by the
Democrats ends up being successful.
November 2020
January 2021
If in the 2017 presidential election, Hillary Clinton was clearly the candidate
of American capital, a year later, there was little doubt about the latter's
rallying to the 45th President of the United States. In a May 2018 article, The
economist even wondered: " Why does the American private sector love Donald Trump
so much?" (Zetkin Collective, p. 132). The answer can be summed up as follows:
lower taxes, withdrawing regulations, exploding profits and ever more fossil
fuels. For an anti-system candidate, we will come back ...
In addition to being surrounded by racists and notorious sexists, it should be
noted that the 45th president made a large place for climate denial, another
theme dear to conspiracy. In his first year in office, former Trump adviser
Steeve Bannon was the architect of the anti-immigration decree targeting Muslim
countries and the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, Zetkin collective reminds
us in his book Fascism fossil: the far right, energy and the climate. The Trump
administration planned to build a wall " to keep non-whites out; a pipeline
underneath to keep those same non-whites dependent on our oil and gas.(Zetkin
Collective, p. 131). Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, meanwhile, welcomed the
disappearance of the Arctic sea ice by welcoming the economic opportunities to
come. "[...]It is home to 13% of the world's undiscovered oil, 30% of the
undiscovered gas, amount of uranium, rare natural minerals, gold, diamonds and
millions of square kilometers of untapped resources. The continued shrinking of
the sea ice opens up new passageways and new opportunities for trade. (Zetkin
Collective, p. 131).
During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump chose Robert Murray as his informal
adviser to head Murray Energy, which boasts of being: " America's largest
underground coal mining company ." Murray states that: " The global warming hoax
is carried out by developing countries for the purpose of obtaining US dollars. "
([Zetkin Collective, p. 126]. As second energy advisor, Harold Hamm, one of the
first to use the technique of hydraulic fracturing to extract oil from the shale
of the Bakken formation. The latter said in 2016 that: " Our biggest problem is
not climate change. It is Islamic terrorism. "[Zetkin Collective, p. 127].
The Trump administration canceled the "c lean power plan, " a plan to help the
power generation sector reduce co2 emissions by 32% from 2000. This
administration also lifted the moratorium on leasing of federal land for new coal
A past guaranteeing the future?
The new president Joe Biden has once again announced the suspension of the
Keystone XL pipeline in order to satisfy the left wing of his party[1].
Nevertheless, it must be remembered that the Obama administration[of which Biden
was No. 2], a week after COP 21, lifted the 40-year-old ban on the export of
crude oil. This administration has also approved all export permits for liquefied
fossil gas, accelerated permits for pipeline construction and opened the Alaskan
coast to offshore drilling.[Zetkin Collective, p.133].
In Canada, we also talk about both sides of the mouth. Prime Minister of Canada
Justin Trudeau said in 2017 to a rally of oil and gas leaders in Houston: " No
country that finds 173 billion barrels of oil will leave them underground. We
will develop this resource. Our job is to ensure that this is done in a
responsible, secure and sustainable manner. "[Zetkin Collective, p. 296].
There is not much to expect from these governments. It may have become a little
cliché, but in this matter, as in many other things, only the fight pays!
1) Suspended for the first time in 2015 after a major mobilization of the
American environmental movement.
by Collectif Emma Goldman
Message: 7
UK now has worst death rate in the world. Why? ---- As the official death tolled
passed 100,000 on the 26th of January, the government's disastrous Covid strategy
is coming into some scrutiny by the mainstream press. It is about time, though
they still miss the main point; the needs of the economy i.e. capitalism, have
been put ahead of people's health. What the government calls a "balancing act" is
clearly weighted in favour of the economy and profits. In the UK, as in many
other countries, the concern for ‘the economy' has meant that the rich have done
very well. A recent report from Oxfam concludes that current economic policies
have enabled "a super-rich elite to amass wealth in the middle of the worst
recession since the Great Depression, while billions of people are struggling to
make ends meet". The wealth of the world's 10 richest individuals has risen by
£400bn since the start of the pandemic. That sum could apparently vaccinate every
adult on Earth, as well as restore the income lost in 2020 to the world's poorest
Meanwhile, the working class is not only dying, especially those in the lowest
income groups, often from Black and ethnic minority groups, but also suffering
both financial and mental hardship. One of the key issues during this third
lockdown is the amount of people going into work: approximately 20 million
people. As a result, Covid cases rose by 70% in the first week of lockdown with
175 Covid clusters in English workplaces, not including care homes, hospitals and
schools. According to Susan Michie from the Independent Sage group of scientists,
the definition of essential has greatly expanded from the first lockdown. The
government has "effectively handed over responsibility to employers to say
whether they are essential or not". So, millions of workers are forced into work;
refusing to come in means loss of income or the sack. Giving employers power to
define essential is literally giving them power over people's lives.
Non-essential shops are open with click and collect (now banned in Scotland),
many firms decide that they don't trust their staff to work from home so they
force them to come in, and industries such as construction (shut during the first
lockdown) are still allowed to operate, with thousands of workers having to
travel into places like central London in order to build luxury apartments or
high rise office blocks. They might work outside for some of the time but inside
refurbishment will involve close contact. And, if you are working closely with
someone or having lunch with mates without social distancing then Covid can also
spread. In Scotland, the government has put more restrictions on construction but
the UK government has done nothing. Though the UK government says that people
should work from home where possible, there is no legal obligation for employers
to make this happen - another difference with Scotland.
One of the biggest outbreaks has been in a government department: the Driver and
Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA). "More than 500 cases have been recorded at the
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency's offices in Swansea, where employees claim
people with symptoms were encouraged to return to work while vulnerable workers
have had requests to work from home turned down".
Another key issue is the fact that no company has even been issued with an
enforcement notice by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) since the start of
the lockdown, despite being contacted 2,945 times between January 6th and 14th.
Overall, with the 97,000 Covid safety cases dealt with by the HSE since the start
of the pandemic, only 0.1% have resulted in an improvement or prohibition safety
notice, and not a single company prosecuted.
Some quotes from workers say it all:
"Every single facet of what we're doing could be done in the comfort of our own
homes. But we are forced to go in. It's an irresponsible act, for the sake of a
little bit of profit for a multibillion-pound company."
"All we are doing is assisting the virus to spread. They are putting financial
gain ahead of people's lives."
The other problem is that many workers would not be eligible for furlough if
their workplace did close. This is true for many construction workers who are on
temporary and zero-hour contracts. There have been many problems with workers
getting furlough in any case. According to the Independent Sage Jan 22nd
briefing, 71% of working mothers were refused furlough. Employers would rather
sack workers. And it is questionable whether the furlough money is even getting
through to workers but instead is going in the pockets of the bosses.
The lack of adequate income is also an issue for those who are diagnosed with
Covid or are told to self-isolate because of contact. Many workplaces, including
care homes, do not have proper sick pay - a key demand of the striking care
workers at a north London care home. According to the January 22nd briefing of
Independent Sage, only 18% of those who test positive stay at home for the
required time. One of the main reasons given is that they cannot afford to stay
at home. In fact, many from low-paid families do not take a test at all if they
have symptoms, afraid of the cost of isolation. The Test and Trace isolation
system is hampered by red tape and inadequately funded.
It is pretty obvious what needs to happen. The No Safety, No Work Campaign, the
Hazards Campaign and Independent Sage have been arguing for months that the only
way to actually get permanently out of lockdown is to have a Zero-Covid strategy.
And this means a firm commitment to put health before profits by shutting down
most workplaces with full furlough, forcing firms to allow people to work from
home, and providing a living income for all who have to self-isolate or how are
not eligible for furlough.
However, despite calls for this to happen, the government continues on its deadly
course. It needs to be forced to change course and this can only happen if
workers take action. The pandemic makes it hard for people to take to the streets
in anger but workers, if organised, have the power to bring the government to its
knees. Just the threat of strike action pushed the government to close schools
and now it is time for other workplaces to follow.
Contacts for support:
No Safety, No Work:
United Voices of the World:
Industrial Workers of the World:
Message: 1
According to a survey carried out for the association Face à inceste in November
2020, one in ten French people would have been a victim of incest, of which 78%
were women. In 96 to 98% of cases, the perpetrator is a man. ---- More than 1033
adults took part in the Ipsos online survey carried out for the association Face
à inceste[1]. The Ipsos report estimates that the survey figures have tripled
since the last poll in 2009, when the number of reported incest victims stood at
two million. According to the survey, this increase is in direct correlation with
the release of speech in recent years. ---- In the absence of therapeutic care,
the individual consequences are terrible: depression, risk of suicide,
addictions, eating disorders. Traumatic amnesias are also frequent, sometimes
preventing incested persons from filing a complaint before the prescription.
To be a victim of incest is to find oneself confused when nocturnal awakenings
confuse reality with nightmares. It's feeling torn: between guilt of having been
raped and that of having to betray a loved one. The acts of incest are often
known to families, who maintain the secrecy. Often it is not the attacks that
blow up families but their denunciation and the families that unite around the
The social and judicial treatment of this crime is deeply linked to patriarchy.
The figures and consequences of incest are known to the general public: in 1986,
Eva Thomas, a victim of rape by her father at the age of fifteen, testified on
television. Yet the subject seems to be an eternal rediscovery.
The family being the backbone of the social order, admitting that it is a place
of violence against children calls this social order into question. To be a woman
victim of incest is to learn submission and silence, it is to be crushed, it is
to prepare for a life as an adult woman in patriarchy. Incest contributes to the
production of dominants and dominated.
The invisible denunciations
The widely accepted theory of the prohibition of incest as the universal basis of
human societies maintains silence. Violence against women is a tool of coercion
of the patriarchy. The fear which inhabits most of the women restricts their
movement, their power, pushes them to the coupling to be under the protection
(quite utopian) of only one man. The crushing caused by incest, whether a woman
has been a victim or a witness, prepares the fear and submission of the adult.
Despite the difficulty of being heard, the fight associations won fights: in
2016, the word incest appeared in the penal code; in 2018, the statute of
limitations (period during which prosecutions can be brought) for the crime of
rape of a minor increases from 20 to 30 years after the victim has reached the
age of majority, even if it is the imprescriptibility that was requested by
A fight remains to be won: that the law establishes an age of consent to sexual
relations. This will mean that a child will always be considered as not having
consented and therefore will not have to " prove " the rape. It is not only in
matters of incest that this threshold is necessary, but for all rapes of children
where the courts find consent if there has not been screaming and violence.
Christine (UCL Sarthe)
[1] See their website:
Message: 2
Trouble has been brewing for a considerable time in Tunisia. The ten years since
the ‘revolution' which overthrew President Zine El Abedine Ben Ali have seen very
little change for the vast majority of the working class. The hopes of 2011, part
of the so-called Arab Spring, have been buried under mass unemployment and a
social security system that sees many workers impoverished. And the working class
is fighting back. ---- The beginning of the year saw strikes by teachers opposed
to the government's imposition of face to face teaching despite increases in
cases of Covid-19. The state responded with a curfew on the 14th January,
anniversary of the overthrow of the old regime. The response to this manipulation
of the Covid crisis for repressive ends (the virus has been increasing steadily
since the first week of December) was rapid as working class areas of the cities
of Sousse, Kasserine and Nabeul exploded in rioting aimed at the police and
forces of repression, with police barracks being firebombed. Fuel was added to
the flames when a viral video circulated showing cops in the rural town of
Siliana brutally beating a farmer whose sheep had wandered into a government
building. The uprising spread to the working class areas of the capitol, Tunis,
not least after a police attack on celebrating football fans. As the revolt has
spread, so have the arrests and by the 23rd of January between 1,500 and 2000
have been incarcerated, with the army being brought onto the streets.
However, the movement in the streets has continued to spread, led, overwhelmingly
by working class semi-employed and unemployed youth. The Tunisian union
confederation UGTT, whilst acknowledging the legitimacy of the anger, condemned
the property destruction and resistance to the police and army, condemning acts
of ‘criminality'. The government and various civil bodies have warned of
‘Islamist' infiltration, domestic and ‘foreign', using the uprising to further
their own ends. Whilst Tunisia has its Salafist parties and groups, they remain
marginal and their influence is presently minimal. The threat of Islamist
manipulation of events is mainly used to create confusion and undermine the
movement. Demonstrators in Tunis, calling for the release of the imprisoned, have
chanted "No Police! No Islamists!" whilst crowds in the capitol chanted slogans
for social justice and a new revolution.
Naturally, there has been minimal coverage of these developments in the western
media. The uprising is, in part, sparked by the imposition of an austerity budget
on January 1st. The International Monetary Fund has said Tunisia "currently faces
dual challenges of saving lives and livelihoods until the pandemic wanes, while
trying to bring fiscal and external imbalances back to a sustainable trajectory."
Translated, that means the Tunisian working class will have to be gently ground
into the gravel. But the revolt shows that Tunisian proletarians have something
to say about that. The hope must be that the spark in Tunisia will spread across
North Africa and beyond, and this time, the revolution will bring lasting change
that cannot be reversed.
Message: 3
Today, on January 20, we were at the action organized by the family for the
revolutionary Gökhan Günes, who was kidnapped by the government at the Çaglayan
Court. As a revolutionary Anarchist Activity, we have stated that we will find
Gökhan Günes together with revolutionary solidarity and continue the struggle.
We repeat, you will not lose Gökhan Günes. Your pressures can't make us cry. We
will find Gökhan!
Message: 4
We got in touch with several anarchist comrades to talk about the recent protests
on the streets of different cities in Russia: looked into political events of
2020 and how they brought people to the situation with protests. With comrades we
managed to clarify if Navalny is a nazi and the whole protest should be ignored
by the anarchists or leftists. And of course we talked about anarchists and their
participation in protest movement. ---- Music: ----
Message: 5
Ernesto Araújo is the worst chancellor in the history of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs (MRE or Itamaraty). ---- There are two contemporary consensus in the
field of International Relations studies in Brazil. The first concerns the
Bolsonaro "government" (more appropriate would be to call it "misgovernment"),
the most surrendered and colonized since the United Kingdom period with Portugal.
And, guaranteeing consistency in the disaster, the seven-term ex-deputy minister
of foreign affairs and no relevant project is as bad as the incumbent executive.
Going further, Ernesto Araújo is the worst chancellor in the history of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE or Itamaraty).
Bruno Beaklini (@estanalise) - January 2021 - article originally published in the
Monitor do Middle East (
There are two contemporary consensus in the field of International Relations
studies in Brazil. The first concerns the Bolsonaro "government" (more
appropriate would be to call it "misgovernment"), the most surrendered and
colonized since the United Kingdom period with Portugal. And, guaranteeing
consistency in the disaster, the seven-term ex-deputy minister of foreign affairs
and no relevant project is as bad as the incumbent executive. Going further,
Ernesto Araújo is the worst chancellor in the history of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs (MRE or Itamaraty).
The cohesion between the protagonists of this horror show goes further. Bolsonaro
sees himself in Trump, but the mirror is twisted: the ex-captain of the Brazilian
Army, who narrowly escaped being expelled from the Land Force, wants to be the
doormat of the United States, and does not want to generate the conditions to
create surpluses of power as an independent country. The president of the 12th
economy in the world (which has already become the 7th) refuses to rule and, like
a pachyderm ashamed of his own size, proceeded for two years reinforcing the
ravings of the former casino manager who lost to oligarch Joe Biden the indirect
election of the Empire.
Ernesto Araújo, on the other hand, does the same with former Trump defense
secretary, buffoon Mike Richard Pompeo. Early in the Trump administration, back
in January 2017, Pompeo took over as central director of the CIA (the U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency) after six years as a federal deputy for Kansas. In
April of the following year, the former military engineer officer of the United
States Army and a Harvard law graduate graduated from the Empire State
Department. Pompeo's appointment was in March, so Araujo and his American
counterpart coexisted for almost the entire second half of the worst government
in the history of the United States.
Considering the educational level of both, either Pompeo and Araújo have serious
brain damage in order to suffer profound cognitive loss or blatantly lie. Let's
see. The former Secretary of State in his campaign of "total pressure" against
Iran said that the Tehran government is supporting Al Qaeda (
/01/12/pompeo-acusa-o-ira-de-ser-a-nova-base-de-operacoes-do-al-qaeda.htm ). This
is as absurd as Bush Jr.'s statement regarding the presence of weapons of mass
destruction and links between then-ruler Saddam Hussein and the same Salafist
network created by Saudi Arabia ( .br / fsp / mundo /
ft0710200401.htm). Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair reinforced the
position of the liar Bush Jr, son of the oil entrepreneur who promoted the first
invasion of Iraq ( ). All
have been properly exposed, as has Pompeo now.
In introductory training materials in the modern Middle East, such statements are
explained as liars on the first day of school. Often, first semester students
learn to identify the basic socio-cultural groupings of the countries of our
ancestors and learn to at least differentiate them. It seems that this class
Pompeo missed. Another possibility is that the "trumpeter idiot" copied the
script from the film "Lions for lambs" (Lions and lambs in the Portuguese
title, ), where the same absurdity
is repeated by an American politician - also a former career military man - and
such a lie would be given as a "scoop" in the effort to White House war. In other
words, there was not even creativity in the absurd, they just remembered some
argument and went out repeating the lie dozens of times.
Still in January 2021, Pompeo praises Ernesto Araújo on social media, stating
that: "There is no foreign minister in the world who loves freedom more than you
@ernestoarajo. You, me, freedom. Follow the game "( The Brazilian
chancellor, on the other hand, responds with equal intensity of emotions:
"@SecPompeo, his vision, his courage and his dedication to the ideals that we
consider most expensive are a real blessing. American and Brazilian patriots will
be side by side, whatever happens. We know that freedom is at stake worldwide.
Start the game!" ( ).
Cynicism has been a constitutive part of the United States since Philadelphia's
conventional slave traders held both Continental Congresses and declared war on
the British Empire. The State Department, created in 1789, reproduces this
cynical stance already in the alliance with France against the independence of
Haiti, as in the 19th century with the affirmation of the Monroe Doctrine.
Unfortunately, it seems that the pattern is reproduced in the MRE with Araújo at
the head.
Part of that cynical game was played in September 2020, when Pompeo created yet
another diplomatic incident with Venezuela, using Brazil as a platform. The
result was a vexatious situation, when the secretary of state of the government
directed to the ex-reality show presenter went to Roraima and incited the
conflict of the government of the neighboring country. Araújo says the Bolsonaro
government "recognizes Juan Guaidó's self-declared government" with 56 other
countries. Not by chance, the list released by the Trump administration in
November 2019 included the government of Israel ( And,
obviously, the visit of the Empire's foreign minister resulted in an audience in
the Senate, where Bolsonaro's minister and self-styled "defender of the West" was
called to account for the mess of his "idol" carried out with his endorsement (
) .
Araújo without Pompeo? Bolsonaro without Trump?
After the defeat of Donald Trump and the rampant reorientation in Biden's US
foreign policy, moving towards the resumption of global agreements and
multilateralism (without giving up imperial and military presence and arrogance),
MRE de Araújo and Bolsonaro are still more on the hot seat. The blogger
chancellor (he is editor of the publication metapoliticabrasil, a collection of
absurdities and buzzwords from the new extreme right) stated in September that
"it is good to be an outcast" (
.... html) if this is the price of "talking about freedom around the world". A
curious "freedom" is the position of the minister who defends imaginary
"Christianity" and applauds the Israeli genocide and apartheid against the
Palestinian population, including the more than 11% of families of Eastern
Christian beliefs (considering the diaspora in all its phases) .
The same "freedom" of Trump that promotes the economic blockade against Cuba,
Venezuela and Iran. Still in this "logic", he tries to affirm the annexation to
the Agreement of the Century, or the normalization of barbarism in the so-called
Abraham Accords with the establishment of relations United Arab Emirates and
Bahrain with Israeli Apartheid. Araújo is able to praise all of this, in addition
to writing silliness or reinforcing lying positions such as Pompeo's about Iran
and Salafism, reproducing a film script. The same cynicism that hides the fact
that the US (Saudi Arabia) and Israel (United Arab Emirates) allies form a
coalition with Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula acting together in the Yemen war.
It is practically impossible to maintain the position of isolation and praise of
the extreme world right through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil.
Ernesto Araújo had in Mike Pompeo his idol and referent as Bolsonaro adulated
Donald Trump. The tendency is that the dystopia of the disastrous Brazilian
chancellor will be realized, embodying himself the condition of world spokesman
for the country that has become an outcast of its own accord.
This article originally published in the Monitor do Middle East
Bruno Beaklini (Bruno Lima Rocha Beaklini), of Arab-Brazilian origin, is a
political scientist, professor of international relations and journalism and a
columnist for the Monitor of the Middle East. Contacts: Twitter @estanalise /
email: / / / (Telegram) and (Youtube channel)
Photo credit: Marcelo Camargo / Agência Brasil
Photo link:
Message: 6
After playing the law and order card during the election campaign, Trump decided
at the end of his mandate to reconnect with the good old fascist traditions.
Indeed, on January 6, 2021, at a rally called the " Save America March, " he
instigated his supporters to march on Capitol Hill in an attempt to block the
certification of voting results and to pressure his own. vice-president.
Unfortunately, for the followers of " QAnd the Alexis Cossette-Trudels of this
world, the new black shirts have failed to reproduce the feat of Mussolini and
his battles. However, the end of the term of the 45th president does not mean the
end of the Trumpist, even if the second measure of "impeachment" initiated by the
Democrats ends up being successful.
November 2020
January 2021
If in the 2017 presidential election, Hillary Clinton was clearly the candidate
of American capital, a year later, there was little doubt about the latter's
rallying to the 45th President of the United States. In a May 2018 article, The
economist even wondered: " Why does the American private sector love Donald Trump
so much?" (Zetkin Collective, p. 132). The answer can be summed up as follows:
lower taxes, withdrawing regulations, exploding profits and ever more fossil
fuels. For an anti-system candidate, we will come back ...
In addition to being surrounded by racists and notorious sexists, it should be
noted that the 45th president made a large place for climate denial, another
theme dear to conspiracy. In his first year in office, former Trump adviser
Steeve Bannon was the architect of the anti-immigration decree targeting Muslim
countries and the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, Zetkin collective reminds
us in his book Fascism fossil: the far right, energy and the climate. The Trump
administration planned to build a wall " to keep non-whites out; a pipeline
underneath to keep those same non-whites dependent on our oil and gas.(Zetkin
Collective, p. 131). Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, meanwhile, welcomed the
disappearance of the Arctic sea ice by welcoming the economic opportunities to
come. "[...]It is home to 13% of the world's undiscovered oil, 30% of the
undiscovered gas, amount of uranium, rare natural minerals, gold, diamonds and
millions of square kilometers of untapped resources. The continued shrinking of
the sea ice opens up new passageways and new opportunities for trade. (Zetkin
Collective, p. 131).
During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump chose Robert Murray as his informal
adviser to head Murray Energy, which boasts of being: " America's largest
underground coal mining company ." Murray states that: " The global warming hoax
is carried out by developing countries for the purpose of obtaining US dollars. "
([Zetkin Collective, p. 126]. As second energy advisor, Harold Hamm, one of the
first to use the technique of hydraulic fracturing to extract oil from the shale
of the Bakken formation. The latter said in 2016 that: " Our biggest problem is
not climate change. It is Islamic terrorism. "[Zetkin Collective, p. 127].
The Trump administration canceled the "c lean power plan, " a plan to help the
power generation sector reduce co2 emissions by 32% from 2000. This
administration also lifted the moratorium on leasing of federal land for new coal
A past guaranteeing the future?
The new president Joe Biden has once again announced the suspension of the
Keystone XL pipeline in order to satisfy the left wing of his party[1].
Nevertheless, it must be remembered that the Obama administration[of which Biden
was No. 2], a week after COP 21, lifted the 40-year-old ban on the export of
crude oil. This administration has also approved all export permits for liquefied
fossil gas, accelerated permits for pipeline construction and opened the Alaskan
coast to offshore drilling.[Zetkin Collective, p.133].
In Canada, we also talk about both sides of the mouth. Prime Minister of Canada
Justin Trudeau said in 2017 to a rally of oil and gas leaders in Houston: " No
country that finds 173 billion barrels of oil will leave them underground. We
will develop this resource. Our job is to ensure that this is done in a
responsible, secure and sustainable manner. "[Zetkin Collective, p. 296].
There is not much to expect from these governments. It may have become a little
cliché, but in this matter, as in many other things, only the fight pays!
1) Suspended for the first time in 2015 after a major mobilization of the
American environmental movement.
by Collectif Emma Goldman
Message: 7
UK now has worst death rate in the world. Why? ---- As the official death tolled
passed 100,000 on the 26th of January, the government's disastrous Covid strategy
is coming into some scrutiny by the mainstream press. It is about time, though
they still miss the main point; the needs of the economy i.e. capitalism, have
been put ahead of people's health. What the government calls a "balancing act" is
clearly weighted in favour of the economy and profits. In the UK, as in many
other countries, the concern for ‘the economy' has meant that the rich have done
very well. A recent report from Oxfam concludes that current economic policies
have enabled "a super-rich elite to amass wealth in the middle of the worst
recession since the Great Depression, while billions of people are struggling to
make ends meet". The wealth of the world's 10 richest individuals has risen by
£400bn since the start of the pandemic. That sum could apparently vaccinate every
adult on Earth, as well as restore the income lost in 2020 to the world's poorest
Meanwhile, the working class is not only dying, especially those in the lowest
income groups, often from Black and ethnic minority groups, but also suffering
both financial and mental hardship. One of the key issues during this third
lockdown is the amount of people going into work: approximately 20 million
people. As a result, Covid cases rose by 70% in the first week of lockdown with
175 Covid clusters in English workplaces, not including care homes, hospitals and
schools. According to Susan Michie from the Independent Sage group of scientists,
the definition of essential has greatly expanded from the first lockdown. The
government has "effectively handed over responsibility to employers to say
whether they are essential or not". So, millions of workers are forced into work;
refusing to come in means loss of income or the sack. Giving employers power to
define essential is literally giving them power over people's lives.
Non-essential shops are open with click and collect (now banned in Scotland),
many firms decide that they don't trust their staff to work from home so they
force them to come in, and industries such as construction (shut during the first
lockdown) are still allowed to operate, with thousands of workers having to
travel into places like central London in order to build luxury apartments or
high rise office blocks. They might work outside for some of the time but inside
refurbishment will involve close contact. And, if you are working closely with
someone or having lunch with mates without social distancing then Covid can also
spread. In Scotland, the government has put more restrictions on construction but
the UK government has done nothing. Though the UK government says that people
should work from home where possible, there is no legal obligation for employers
to make this happen - another difference with Scotland.
One of the biggest outbreaks has been in a government department: the Driver and
Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA). "More than 500 cases have been recorded at the
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency's offices in Swansea, where employees claim
people with symptoms were encouraged to return to work while vulnerable workers
have had requests to work from home turned down".
Another key issue is the fact that no company has even been issued with an
enforcement notice by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) since the start of
the lockdown, despite being contacted 2,945 times between January 6th and 14th.
Overall, with the 97,000 Covid safety cases dealt with by the HSE since the start
of the pandemic, only 0.1% have resulted in an improvement or prohibition safety
notice, and not a single company prosecuted.
Some quotes from workers say it all:
"Every single facet of what we're doing could be done in the comfort of our own
homes. But we are forced to go in. It's an irresponsible act, for the sake of a
little bit of profit for a multibillion-pound company."
"All we are doing is assisting the virus to spread. They are putting financial
gain ahead of people's lives."
The other problem is that many workers would not be eligible for furlough if
their workplace did close. This is true for many construction workers who are on
temporary and zero-hour contracts. There have been many problems with workers
getting furlough in any case. According to the Independent Sage Jan 22nd
briefing, 71% of working mothers were refused furlough. Employers would rather
sack workers. And it is questionable whether the furlough money is even getting
through to workers but instead is going in the pockets of the bosses.
The lack of adequate income is also an issue for those who are diagnosed with
Covid or are told to self-isolate because of contact. Many workplaces, including
care homes, do not have proper sick pay - a key demand of the striking care
workers at a north London care home. According to the January 22nd briefing of
Independent Sage, only 18% of those who test positive stay at home for the
required time. One of the main reasons given is that they cannot afford to stay
at home. In fact, many from low-paid families do not take a test at all if they
have symptoms, afraid of the cost of isolation. The Test and Trace isolation
system is hampered by red tape and inadequately funded.
It is pretty obvious what needs to happen. The No Safety, No Work Campaign, the
Hazards Campaign and Independent Sage have been arguing for months that the only
way to actually get permanently out of lockdown is to have a Zero-Covid strategy.
And this means a firm commitment to put health before profits by shutting down
most workplaces with full furlough, forcing firms to allow people to work from
home, and providing a living income for all who have to self-isolate or how are
not eligible for furlough.
However, despite calls for this to happen, the government continues on its deadly
course. It needs to be forced to change course and this can only happen if
workers take action. The pandemic makes it hard for people to take to the streets
in anger but workers, if organised, have the power to bring the government to its
knees. Just the threat of strike action pushed the government to close schools
and now it is time for other workplaces to follow.
Contacts for support:
No Safety, No Work:
United Voices of the World:
Industrial Workers of the World:
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