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maandag 13 september 2021

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) federazione anarchica FAI [Italy]: Appeal to the basic unions promoting the #strike of 11 October (ca, de, it, fr, pt) [machine translation]

 The general strike called by grassroots unionism for next 11 October represents

an important appointment of the class opposition to government policies, as well
as a unitary moment of grassroots unionism, a harbinger of interesting prospects.
---- Many and many of us will be engaged in the next few days in the workplace,
in the trade union organizations of reference and in the areas of struggle in
which we are active in preparing the strike of 11 October. ---- The Italian
Anarchist Federation has activated an anti-militarist campaign for the immediate
withdrawal of military missions abroad, to stop the increase in military
spending, to convert war production, a campaign to which it invites all the
political, trade union and movement realities that share these goals.
We hope that the day of struggle of 11 October will also be characterized by an
anti-militarist perspective.
The militarization of the territories and social relations in our country and the
imperialist and warmongering politics outside are fundamental characteristics of
the action of the Draghi government, in the context of the more general attack on
the living conditions of workers, unemployed, precarious; action strongly
supported by the European Union.

Military spending in 2021, in full pandemic, increased by 8.1% compared to the
previous year, for a total of almost 25 billion euros, of which 1,254.6 are
destined to finance military missions abroad. approved again by Parliament at the
end of July. It goes without saying that the allocation for the missions includes
only the logistics part, while armaments, salaries, mission allowances fall under
other expenditure items.
The Italian state is engaged in 40 missions, of which 18 in Africa. The war
contingent in Afghanistan was withdrawn this summer: the total cost of this
almost twenty-year intervention was 8.7 billion euros.
Military operations abroad are flanked by 6 police missions outside the Italian
borders, including that of assistance to the notorious Libyan coast guard.
The aims of these missions are: to win the supply of raw materials by
guaranteeing the extraction and passage of strategic resources; control key areas
of migratory movements; to advertise Italian military vehicles and materials to
the governments of the countries where they are engaged.
The occupation troops in Libya, as well as the warships in the Gulf of Guinea,
defend the mining sites and infrastructures of ENI: the official documents
clarify this in a completely explicit way, without any reference of a
"humanitarian" or "detective". The movements that fight against environmental
exploitation, colonialism, the impoverishment of populations and the military
management of migratory flows have denounced this on several occasions.
The epilogue of twenty years of NATO occupation of Afghanistan highlights how the
freedom and well-being of Afghan women and men is just an excuse to justify a
fierce war, which ended with the defeat of the "coalition of the willing".

The increase in military spending, given budgetary constraints, determines a
further cut in resources for health, education and assistance. Essential services
severely reduced for years, which, despite the Covid emergency, have been further
eroded. The purchasing power of wages and pensions has decreased due to the need
to meet expenses for health, education and transport, the real costs of which,
even following progressive privatization processes, have constantly increased,
worsening conditions. of life of the unemployed and the unemployed and of those
who work in conditions of increasing precariousness and blackmail.

The opposition to the war, to the production and trafficking of arms, to military
spending has intersected with the struggles of important sectors of the movement
of workers and of society, just think of the strikes and blockades of the ports
against the trafficking of weapons, the No MUOS movement in Sicily, the repeated
protests against the Aerospace and Defense Meeting in Turin.

It is important to build the strike of 11 October starting from the most crucial
elements of the various sectoral disputes and government policies, but we believe
that the recruitment within the platform of the areas of struggle that see the
movements as protagonists can increase membership of broader sectors at an
important event such as the general strike.

We therefore ask the unions promoting the general strike on 11 October to include
in the platform a clear reference against the government's war-mongering policy:
to stop the increase in military spending, for the immediate withdrawal of
military missions abroad, for the reconversion of war production.

We invite all interested parties to participate in the anti-militarist assembly
to be held in Milan on Saturday 9 October:
appointment from 10 am to 7 pm at the Kasciavit laboratory in via San Faustino 64

https://federazioneanarchica.org/ enforcement archive_2021 / 20210714antimil.html

Italian Anarchist Federation
(Antimilitarist Working Group and Correspondence Commission)

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