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maandag 20 september 2021

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #CNT #News #Journal #Update - (en) CNT Newspaper nº 428 - July to September 2021 - Dossier: Social Action and Solidarity (ca, de, it, pt) [machine translation]

The CNT is not naive, but it is radically genuine in its ideology, in its history

and in its ways of being and doing. We contribute to social emancipation what
defines us and what we fight for: autonomy and solidarity. ---- In this number:
---- EDITORIAL ---- The CNT is not naive, although it is genuine ---- UNION ----
Strike in the Alonso Group, ports of València and Sagunto ---- The fight for
decent hospitality in Xixón ---- Lumbar area: Empathy ---- Trade unionism in
Madiapro: the strength of the Organization ---- The reality of scholarship
recipients ---- Economic Words: The Covid-19 Force. The abolition of patents and
property ---- The case of the union section in Hispánica de Limpiezas, S.A.
Lumbar area: Empathy
Carlos Taibo: Autonomous Spaces
The dark room: Between them and us
Why is the European Social Charter not enough?
One year of Minimum Vital Income
Right to school
The non-rights to housing
We are bodies that live in a medium, and health is the state of our bodies
Tightrope walkers: Edatism
De rositas: De arrobas, x and elles
Pandemic and crisis of care
Zapatista Journey Through Life: The Faceless Revolution
Interview with Julián Vadillo: "The FAI became, in many cases, a scapegoat"
The truncated cypress that keeps the memory of the men and women who died in the
conquest of freedom
Militants with tradition: Miguel Íñiguez


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