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vrijdag 1 oktober 2021

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #CZECH #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Czech, #Ostrava Anarchist Federation: Election 2021: Still the same song by professional beats

 We bring a brief reflection on the forthcoming parliamentary elections. ---- As

Luká? Rychetský writes in Advojka's introductory comment, it's all about again.
As with any election, politicians are now convinced that our participation in
this theater is absolutely necessary and that participation in elections is the
tool by which we take life into our own hands and take responsibility. At the
same time, it is exactly the opposite. They take life into their own hands
everywhere other than in a parliamentary democracy. People are trying to take
responsibility for their lives in Rojava in northern Syria, Chiapas in Mexico, in
the Greek Exarchy or in the French ZAD. But in neither case do they rely on
politicians and their choices, but solely on themselves and on radical direct action.

If we were to be persuaded into an election race, what exactly awaits us? Let's
imagine the strongest parties and movements. According to the current September
model of the STEM agency, the YES movement, ie the political wing of Babi?'s
Agrofert, would win overwhelmingly. No wonder. This oligarch controls key media
in the country, several radios, his empire engulfing almost the entire food
industry. In such an unequal environment, the YES movement has almost unlimited
means to turn around easily with its political opponents. However, the (far)
right breathes on the neck of the oligarchs from the second place. Although Tomia
Okamura's SPD promises direct democracy, it is in fact the political enterprise
of its chairman, who remains in power through populist racist rhetoric. As a
specter of the past, the ODS, which is equally corrupt and antisocial, is also
being dug out of the dustbin of history. as was before the Nagygate case. The
fact that she chose moral creatures like Alexandr Vondra or Zbynek Stanjura as
her leader speaks for itself.

Then we have Pirates, the superstar of a series of "anarchist sympathizers".
However, the seemingly sexy topics that the Pirates deal with cannot obscure the
fact that this party is - like everyone else - part of the political
establishment with everything that goes with it. With the forthcoming elections,
it is so clear that the desire to come to power will be stronger than the need to
define itself against the antisocial ODS or to draw attention to the crimes of
Western governments.

The so-called The "left parties" are likely to fail completely this time. The
reasons are obvious - while the KSCM has almost completely taken over the agenda
of the far right, the CSSD has paid for its support of the government of Andrej
Babi?, where it has been pulling the shorter end of the rope all along. And the
emerging Left and the Future? Only a well-proven group of Marxists and
Bolsheviks, who have been trying in vain to break through high politics since the
1990s. This time enriched with former anarchists, who carefully censor their
previous activities in the party's promotional materials.

In any election, there can also be a clown who - completely without experience
and competence - promises to turn with all the social scandals and annoys the
environment with his massive campaign. He used to be a television entertainer
Radek John, today he is a tractor driver and a physician Robert ?lachta. You choose?

It's about everything again! Direct action instead of an election theater!

Boycott the 2021 election!

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
By, For, and About Anarchists
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