During the pandemic, riders, bicycle and scooter delivery drivers are doing an
important job in delivering food, especially food, and are allowing manybusinesses to survive. A real subordinate job, even if not recognized, governedby an algorithm that decides who to call and who not by creating a ranking basedon the amount of responses to calls through an app. Hard, tiring and poorly paidwork often paid with atypical contracts almost completely devoid of protectionregarding the health and safety of the worker.The supplementary contract signed by CGIL CISL Uil on 29/3/21 must be modifiedmainly in these terms:Confirmation of application of art. 14 of the supplementary contract, withreference above all to the commencement of the salary increase according to thedictates of the national collective labor agreement "logistics, transport, goodsand shipments" with an essential promise that at the expiry of the supplement,scheduled for 31/3/24, can no longer derogate from the contractual pay of theaforementioned ccnlFlat rate reimbursement for use of your mobile phoneFlat rate reimbursement for use of own vehicle, in addition to the mileagereimbursement already paidElimination of the concept of starting point (departure from home or macro area)and the detection of the current presence (verification through a colleaguehierarchically superior) with the possibility of using multimedia equipment asindicated in the agreement 18/7/18 of the national collective labor agreementElimination of the rules inherent in the company regulation which are in contrastwith the aforementioned national collective bargaining agreementForecast of a rain bonusForecast of the use of the car (now prohibited) to deliver to the total economicdetriment of the worker but by virtue of greater safety at workInserting the meal voucherRecognition of subordinate work also to accrue the right to a pension and anyperiod of paid illnessNo to corporate welfare but real increases in paychecks or spendable money.No to supplementary pensionsIf the requests are not acceptedAppeal for the full application of the national collective labor agreement"Logistics, Transport, Goods and Shipping" as the supplement of 29/3/21 wassigned by trade unions and movements that did not have significant representationamong the riders.USES CIT ROMA PINELLIusicitromapinelli@gmail.comAgreement of the confederal unions and the government on the legal recognition ofthe work of riders: only smoke and mirrors:https://usi-cit.org/riders-non-solo-sfruttati/_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca
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