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zondag 6 februari 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Spaine, CNT #Valencia:[28G]NO REPRESSION, NO LABOR REFORMS! FIGHTING IS THE ONLY WAY! (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 The unions CNT, Intersindical Valenciana, CGT and COS call a protest rally

demanding the repeal of all labor reforms that have meant a loss of rights forthe working class. Convened for Friday, January 28, at 6:30 pm in Plaza LosPinazo (Calle Colon). ---- If we look at both the "reform" process and therepressive actions, we can easily see what the real intentions and forms ofmanagement of class conflicts are by the current government. This new laborcounter-reform does not repeal previous labor reforms, nor does it imply anyamendment to the deployment of tanks and uniforms to appease labor and socialstruggles.This new labor counter-reform does not repeal anything. Despite the electionpromises that brought the current government to power, it is clear that theapproved agreement has not led to any repeal, in whole or in part, of the 2012labor reform, or even its "most damaging aspects." . The 2010 labor reform of theZapatero government, which laid the foundations for the great deregulatoryoffensive implemented and promoted in 2012 by the PP, has nothing to do with iteither.The employer is happy with this agreement. It's not weird. So are the big unionsof the Regime and the Ministry of Labor and the parties that support the Spanishgovernment. It's not weird either. The ambiguous tricks achieved will allow theruling classes to apparently comply with the European Commission's demand toattack contractual duality in the labor market. They will do so formally, as inno case does this reform limit the growing power of control of the employer overthe set of working conditions and labor relations, in the day to day of companies.This reform is defined by both what it says and what it does not say. It definesnew types of contracts and new forms of use for existing ones. It seeksartificial statistical success in accounting for the rate of temporality, basedon the fact that fixed-term contracts (despite their fundamentally precariousessence) will not be considered temporary in statistics. He also proclaims assuccess things that the courts were already recognizing, because even the sameemployers in various sectors had seen regulation as an unnecessary nuisance inthese aspects of the 2012 reform, such as the return to ultra-activity of theagreements.He speaks primarily of hiring, unaware (or, even worse, leaving in the shadows),the fact that business fraud in determining applicable contracts has been one ofthe main causes in the savage increase in job insecurity. And that this fraudcannot be understood from an isolated and abstract definition of the types ofcontract, but is a by-product of a set of measures that cover both thetypification of contracts and the possibilities of dismissal, the ability to tomodify the working conditions (schedule, shifts, place...) and the realpossibilities of access to trade union action and impartial courts.That's not what this new counter-reform says. That the fraud in hiring is notcured with higher sanctions (although we all think it is good that they areimposed), because workers in these situations (subcontracting, precariousness,lack of effective union representation) will not be able to report great thing,if they can be fired at any time (because this does not affect the fact that anillegal, illegal, ie unfair, dismissal is something that can be done if you havemoney), they can be relocated from their place of work, changed shifts, subjectedto arbitrary and infernal schedules, see how their contracts are not renewed, beseparated from their colleagues or subjected to hypervigilance favored by newcontrol technologies, and so on.This was recently said by the representatives of the workers of the auxiliarycompanies of the Metal of Cádiz: the problem is not the increase in wages of theagreement, the problem is that there is no longer an agreement, that theagreement is dead letter. To believe that the important thing in a chain ofcontracts of the current dimensions in many sectors is whether the applicableagreement is that of the parent company or that of the contract, is not tounderstand that the agreement has long been turned into an empty carcass inprecarious, essentially brutal labor relations, turned into an effective employerdictatorship without real counterweights.The only possible labor reform against precariousness would be what constitutes amanifest heresy for all the signatories of this agreement: the effectivestrengthening of workers in the workplace, individually and in their processes ofcollective self-organization. . This means ending unfair dismissals (if it isillegal, no dismissal), ending subcontracting chains (if it is in your valuechain, they are your workers), multiplying the possibility of action by theassemblies of workers in the workplace (if it affects you, you decide), re-setthe limits to business decisions on schedules, shifts, teleworking, etc. ( pactasunt servanda, "agreements must be fulfilled" )The trade unions that sign this communiqué are made up of workers who work, whosee what is happening in companies, who suffer from exploitation but who havedecided to face it. We owe nothing to anyone. We don't live up to agreements.We work, we earn our salary, we fight for our rights.We know, therefore, that precariousness is not the product of any isolatedarticle of the Workers' Statute, which is not resolved by renaming contracts,which will not be given to us by those who always sell to us, no matter how muchday before Christmas Eve.And we know, too, that we will have to fight against precariousness, againstexploitation, against injustice, even more so the day after the new labor reformis approved.Neither the employer, nor CCOO and UGT, nor the Ministry of Labor will help us.Their labor reforms are dead lyrics, soft songs to put the girl to sleep, whilethe daily brutality of the workers leaves us no choice but to take our liberationinto our own hands.The trade unions that sign this communiqué will fight and mobilize for the repealof labor reforms that have led to a constant attack on our rights as workers.This new one, the one from 2012 and the one from 2010, to mention the most recentones. Made by both supposedly left-wing and right-wing governments and always inthe service of Capital.Fighting is the only way.Organized we are stronger.https://valencia.cnt.es/blog/2022/01/26/28g-ni-repressio-ni-reformes-laborals-la-lluita-es-lunic-cami/#more-13327_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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