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maandag 28 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #COLOMBIA #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Colombia, Regional Federation Huila ULET-AIT: About us? (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 The Huila Regional Federation of the ULET-AIT , we are a trade union

organization, in which the Unions of Various Trades and/or unions of thedifferent economic sectors in the territory are organized. We are a unionattached to the International Association of Workers AIT-IWA. ---- We are a unionbased on the principles of Anarcho-syndicalism and revolutionary unionism. Ourgoal is the reorganization of the working class capable of overcoming capitalismand the State. We are a tool that seeks to improve the economic, social andintellectual conditions of the working class within the limits of today'ssociety. Consequently, we are an organization that is organized fromhorizontality, freedom, equality and under anti-authoritarian principles.Who make it up?The SOV and the unions of the different economic sectors of the territory, whichare federated in the FR-Huila of the ULET-AIT confederation. In turn, the SOV andthe unions are made up of people of different shapes, colors, nationalities,thoughts, behaviors, and tastes, which brings together workers from all trades,students, and the unemployed who organize ourselves under the same principles. .Our principlesHorizontality: Because within the ULET there is no hierarchy. The differentfunctions do not give us privileges and all voices have the same importance.Mutual support: Base of our operation and moral principle of the society webuild. It implies a reciprocal benefit, and it is our greatest strength.Self-determination: We decide with autonomy, outside of any domain external toour organization.Direct action: The ULET wields its fighting flags in an integral way, solving ourconflicts without intermediaries. Without expecting anything from the State, thepolitical parties, the Capital or the bosses.Assemblyism: We evaluate and decide everything in spaces of equality. Ourdecision-making bodies are the assemblies, and they are made up of eachaffiliated person, and each part of the ULET, therefore, of the unions that aregrouped in the regional federations. Where we discuss and decide each proposaland action. When one or a few people are appointed to transmit decisions, we callthem delegations. These will only transmit the decisions of each assembly totheir part and without this granting them power to decide for anyone.How do we organize ourselves?Each union coordinates its secretariats, which are made up of volunteers fromeach of these. And no person may occupy more than one secretary at a time, andmust also rotate theirfunction frequently.There are 3 secretariats that make up at least one union:The organization secretariat is the one in charge of carrying out the assemblies,their reports, the economic and material contributions, and everything related tothe affiliation processes.The propaganda secretariat coordinates the dissemination of our ideas, our tradeunion conflicts and our organization.The anarcho-syndical secretariat develops plans for the resolution of unionconflicts, participation in social mobilizations and the study of libertarianideas within our organization.For more information visit the following link:Statutes ULET-AIThttps://huila.uletsindical.org/2022/03/quienes-somos.html_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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