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zaterdag 19 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #GERMANY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) ruhr.dieplattform: 102 years of the March Revolution in the Ruhr area: commemorative events by FAU and the platform (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 Two events took place in Dortmund this weekend to commemorate the March

Revolution in the Ruhr area of 1920. These events were jointly organized by theEastern Ruhr area section of the Freie Arbeiter*innen-Union Duisburg and thePlatform Ruhr. ---- On Friday evening, a lecture on the events of the MarchRevolution in Dortmund took place in the Black Pigeon anarchist center. A speakerfrom the history workshop in Dortmund was invited. With about 25 people, thelecture was very well attended, after the end there was intensive discussionabout what had been heard. In addition, participation in the second event of theweekend was advertised that evening.This then took place the very next morning at the Dortmund North Cemetery, wherethe common grave of twelve Dortmund workers who were murdered during the Marchfighting is located. A small memorial service was held at the tomb. Arepresentative of our organization and a comrade from FAU spoke at this. We havedocumented our speech on the importance of revolutionary and anarchistcommemorative culture under this report.The common path and the commemoration at the tombAfter two more songs were sung together, flowers, candles and a small banner wereplaced at the graves of the fallen workers. Afterwards we visited the nearbyminers' memorial together, which was erected in memory of a colliery accident in1925.We are happy to be able to carry out a commemoration this year that is worthy ofthe dead comrades. We want to build on that next year: so that the MarchRevolution and the people who fought it are never forgotten!We would like to take this opportunity to express our special thanks to everyonewho made this commemorative weekend possible. The comrades:innen of the FAU, theBlack Pigeon as host, of course the speaker of the history workshop. And last butnot least, of course, to all the comrades who took the time to commemorate ourdead pioneers on Saturday morning.Here is the speech we gave at the grave of the march fighters:"Dear comrades,I am pleased to be able to speak to you here today as a representative of theanarcha-communist federation, the platform. But I am particularly pleased that somany of you have come to the North Cemetery today to commemorate the MarchRevolution in the Ruhr area and the workers murdered by fascists and reaction whofound their final resting place here.It is important that we came here today. I am convinced of that. Importantbecause today hardly anyone in the Ruhr area knows what happened in March 1920 inthe cities, districts and streets where we live today. Which child growing uphere today knows that just 102 years ago, hundreds of thousands of workers wenton a general strike against a fascist putsch? Who knows that they armedthemselves everywhere to fight the fascists? Who knows that some of them havealready started to form councils in the factories and cities in order to build adifferent society out of the anti-fascist resistance? Who knows, that in just afew days and weeks they managed to organize the strongest and most successfulrevolutionary uprising of the working class that Germany has ever seen? And lastbut not least, who knows that the SPD in government, as soon as the workers savedtheir asses, sent the same fascist bloodhounds into the coal pot and drowned thedream of a free future in the blood of over 1000 workers?Yes, that's right. Hardly anyone knows that - neither here in the pot noranywhere else in Germany. And unfortunately that even applies to many people whoare politically active here, who continue to fight for a free future today. Whyis that? It might sound trite, but of course that's because it's the winners whomake history. And the victors of history, to this day, it is not the proletariat,but the capitalist class. After the bourgeois state and capital crushed the MarchRevolution with the help of the fascists, they made every effort to ensure thatthe workers would not think twice about shaking off their chains. This alsoincluded that this topic was given the place of a historical marginal note inhistory and school books. It was the same in my school book, from which I wassupposed to learn about the history of the Weimar Republic at the age of 16.Ellenlang was told about this emperor, this general and that politician. Thefascist Kapp Putsch, which triggered the March Revolution, was of course alsomentioned. As a right-wing extremist threat to the republic. What they didn'ttell us was the rest of the story: that it was the workers and not the finedemocrats who repelled the coup. And that it was every fine democrat who thenformed an alliance with the fascists and let them murder in the pot. There was nomention of the revolutionary uprising of the workers. from which I was supposedto learn about the history of the Weimar Republic as a 16-year-old, it was thesame. Ellenlang was told about this emperor, this general and that politician.The fascist Kapp Putsch, which triggered the March Revolution, was of course alsomentioned. As a right-wing extremist threat to the republic. What they didn'ttell us was the rest of the story: that it was the workers and not the finedemocrats who repelled the coup. And that it was every fine democrat who thenformed an alliance with the fascists and let them murder in the pot. There was nomention of the revolutionary uprising of the workers. from which I was supposedto learn about the history of the Weimar Republic as a 16-year-old, it was thesame. Ellenlang was told about this emperor, this general and that politician.The fascist Kapp Putsch, which triggered the March Revolution, was of course alsomentioned. As a right-wing extremist threat to the republic. What they didn'ttell us was the rest of the story: that it was the workers and not the finedemocrats who repelled the coup. And that it was every fine democrat who thenformed an alliance with the fascists and let them murder in the pot. There was nomention of the revolutionary uprising of the workers. The fascist Kapp Putsch,which triggered the March Revolution, was of course also mentioned. As aright-wing extremist threat to the republic. What they didn't tell us was therest of the story: that it was the workers and not the fine democrats whorepelled the coup. And that it was every fine democrat who then formed analliance with the fascists and let them murder in the pot. There was no mentionof the revolutionary uprising of the workers. The fascist Kapp Putsch, whichtriggered the March Revolution, was of course also mentioned. As a right-wingextremist threat to the republic. What they didn't tell us was the rest of thestory: that it was the workers and not the fine democrats who repelled the coup.And that it was every fine democrat who then formed an alliance with the fascistsand let them murder in the pot. There was no mention of the revolutionaryuprising of the workers. who then entered into an alliance with the fascists andlet them kill in the pot. There was no mention of the revolutionary uprising ofthe workers. who then entered into an alliance with the fascists and let themkill in the pot. There was no mention of the revolutionary uprising of the workers.In the bourgeois historiography between all the great, powerful men of the rulingclass, the experiences and deeds of the workers have no place. They are keptsecret, denied or covered with lies. This applies not only to the MarchRevolution, but to the history of our class as a whole. And because there is noone to remind us of the achievements of our class, we just have to do it ourselves!This cannot only mean that we are working on uncovering the whole picture ofhistory, on virtually completing bourgeois historiography. The focus of ourremembrance work must be to link commemoration of the history of our class withtoday's struggle for our liberation. Let's explore what worked well back then.How could the anarcho-syndicalist Free Workers' Union of Germany organize 20,000people in Dortmund alone? How could the workers form an effective armed force insuch a short time? But let's also take a look at what didn't work! Why did therevolution fail? What were the fatal decisions who were met at that time? We canand must draw lessons from all of this for today's fight for a free future underblack and red flags! And we can find motivation even if the circumstances inwhich we are fighting today are incredibly hostile. Let us be certain: Theconditions for our class after four years of imperialist world war, famine andwith a military occupation of the pot on the doorstep were not easier times. Andyet the workers managed to achieve great things. Famine and with a militaryoccupation of the pot on the doorstep were not easier times. And yet the workersmanaged to achieve great things. Famine and with a military occupation of the poton the doorstep were not easier times. And yet the workers managed to achievegreat things.A comrade once said: There is no revolutionary movement if the people who camebefore it and fought for the same cause are forgotten. So let's remember thefallen workers. Because we are standing at her grave today,https://ruhr.dieplattform.org/2022/03/13/102-jahre-maerzrevolution-im-ruhrgebiet-gedenkveranstaltungen-von-fau-und-plattform_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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