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zondag 27 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #GERMANY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) [Germany] anika Anarchismus in Karlsruhe: March 18: Participation in the rally on the day of political prisoners in Karlsruhe! (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 It is almost 100 years since the "International Day of Aid to Political

Prisoners" was established in 1923 to commemorate the crushing of the ParisCommune in 1871 and the repression that followed. From 1933 with the ban on theRed Aid forgotten, the 18.03. since 1996 on the initiative of Libertad! and theRed Aid regularly remembered the comrades in prison here with us and worldwide.Many Communards were murdered in 1871 or imprisoned for life. Repression haschanged over the years, the methods and the rulers have changed, the mechanismsbehind it are the same.Due to imprisonment for individuals and a piecemeal tightening of the legalsituation, repression and jail have become increasingly important issues withinthe left-wing movement in Germany in recent years. While some movements aroundthe world have had to deal with prison as a reality for decades, this experienceis still relatively new for other movements. Ella, as part of the progressiveclimate movement, has been in prison in Frankfurt for over a year. In Stammheim,Jo and Dy have to serve long prison sentences. Lina is on trial in Leipzig. Notto forget the countless Kurdish comrades who have to struggle with §129b("formation of terrorist groups abroad") procedures or the increasingly used§129a ("formation of terrorist groups").It is clear to us that all those imprisoned, regardless of the allegations, arein prison as representatives of a militant movement. Wherever we as leftistsfight for an emancipatory society, we face repression and persecution. Butrepression doesn't just mean clicking handcuffs, every little harassment is partof it. Whether unprovoked filming of demos, pepper spray, identity checks,spying, beatings or house searches. We cannot expect justice from the police andthe judiciary as political actors.Any resistance from the left, no matter how small, is criminalised, the statehits at our structures because we are working to change what already exists. TheLeft's enemy image still works, but our struggles are legitimate and necessary.In order to be able to withstand these repressive attacks, a militant left isneeded that stands together in solidarity, even across political and ideologicalcontradictions."I don't want to defend myself and I don't want to be defended. I takeresponsibility for all my actions. ... I am accused of having been an accompliceof the Commune. Of course I was, because what the Commune wanted above all wassocial revolution, and social revolution is what I want most." (Louise Michel,member of the Paris Commune, defense speech before the court-martial)https://anika.noblogs.org/2022/03/15/18-maerz-beteiligung-an-der-kundgebung-zum-tag-der-politischen-gefangenen-in-karlsruhe/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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