Who is leading the people with mathematical precision back to the slaughterhouse
of war, from where the countries and people who were not fortunate enough to beborn in the so-called "developed" West never escaped? Is it Putin and Easternauthoritarianism, are they the war-torn hawks of the United States, or theneoliberal paperheads of the European Union? The answer is simple: EVERYONE •because what gives birth to wars, conflicts, injustices, the dead and the untoldtragedies of humanity is the globalized capitalist system. In peacetime itsubjugates and exploits workers all over the world, oppresses and abuses theweakest, and accumulates untold wealth for world oligarchs - alike everywhere: inthe US, in the EU, in Russia, in Russia.This savage attack that societies are experiencing today, in conditions of deepand total systemic crisis and delegitimization of the global political system,escalates and highlights both the incurable contradictions of thestate-capitalist model of organization and the absolute inability to produce fromabove any coherent social vision, perspective and hope. The roots of thisever-increasing aggression lie in the very nature of the oppressive andexploitative system. The need to deepen and expand power extends to theenterprise of control of every human activity, with the aim of the completesubordination of society to the demands of the state and the bosses. Thestate-capitalist system has been built on the basis of the irrationality ofsocial and class oppression, which seeks by all means its perpetuation andconsequently the perpetuation of its destructive effects on society and nature.Its decay so visible today is not the result of a multifaceted crisis. On thecontrary, the multifaceted crisis is the result of the deep disintegration andbankruptcy of the system at the social, political and value levels. It isprecisely this disintegration and total bankruptcy of the world of the state andcapitalism that is the limit for the era of its global integration and at thesame time the cause of the sharpening of intra-imperialist contradictions and theconsequent increase of the threat of war. The state-capitalist system carrieswithin it its contradictions, the competition between the civilian staffs for thebest placement on the chessboard for the looting and sharing of valuable andlimited natural resources, the extension of their "sphere of influence" is whatmakes the sirens of war sound again and again. Because as long as societies arecaptive to the so-called "national interest", private profit and capitalistaccumulation, war will be the only way for conflicting empires. This capitalistrule, however, does not mean at all that the system of oppression is heading forits own annihilation, through its impasses and contradictions. If the people donot claim to take matters into their own hands then the overall living conditionswill become even worse, with the main threat being that of war,While globalized capitalism unifies the fields through the colonization of spaceby the relations of power it carries, at the same time the nationalist narrativein every nation-state is preserved as the apple of our eye either as a supposedlynecessary condition of defense against the invisible and the invisible invisiblefor their participation in the war machine of the sovereigns. Everywhere the samethousand-played scenarios: the cultivation of separatist nationalist forces inYugoslavia, civil strife, the involvement of the strongest imperialist pole inthe field, war, bombing, poverty, impoverishment of the masses with the solepurpose of imposing their will. In Ukraine again in the same work spectators, thewell-known western bastards are taking advantage of social protest, divert it toa manipulative political event, finance the far right that has developed in thecontext of the rise of anti-Russian nationalism, succeed in imposing on thepolitical arena a Western liberal government that legitimizes the neo-Nazis asvanguards for the very dirty people. in Odessa... On the other hand, the Russiansexploit the suspicion of the Russian-speakers in the region, support theirsecessionist efforts militarily and finally invade the whole country from one endto the other under the guise of supporting minorities and "living space". toachieve a new political upheaval and return Ukraine to their sphere of influence.Civilians are bombed, people are killed, infrastructure and lives aredestroyed... Choosing a side is like putting a pistol to your head. Choosing aside for a poor person, a worker, someone who has absolutely no interest in doingso is an unlimited tragedy not only because it is moving faster in the doom ofwar annihilation, but because it means that it does not understand the enormousimportance of doing , what goes through his hand to stop this war and every war.As it turned out in Ukraine, peace is not in the voluntary embrace of one or theother imperialist pole, nor in pre-militarization, it is not in nationalism, inmilitary equipment, in battalions and armored brigades. Peace lies in the commoninternational struggle against the rulers,Let us not become meat for the shells of the bosses, let us fight militarism, letus block the war here and everywhere on the planet. Greece is a member of NATOand the EU and is deeply attached to the chariot of Euro-Atlanticism, responsiblefor so many criminal interventions in recent years and not only. Also, therenewal of the Greek-US defense cooperation with the upgrade of the NATO base inSouda and its role in the wider region, the transfer of "special" weapons to theAraxos air base and the expansion of the existing military bases in a number ofregions of the country. , including Larissa, Stefanovikeio and the helicopterbase in Alexandroupolis, is another example of the ratification and expansion ofrelations between the Greek and American states, confirmation of the attachmentof the domestic bourgeoisie to the chariot of interests of the dominantinternational political-economic elite and strengthening of the role of the Greekstate in the crucial region of the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean. Sotoday the footnote of the Western Coalition, which bears the title of primeminister of the country, began missions of military equipment with C-130, itscretinism can be written in indelible letters in the history of the country. Itis our duty to fight against the country's official involvement in the war.However, this position is by no means the hypocritical pretext for the indirectsupport of any authoritarian camp. With the same belief in the principles ofproletarian internationalism that we call for anti-war mobilization here againstall military coalitions with the same intensity we support anti-war rallies inRussia and where elsewhere people understand that the battlefield is theslaughterhouse of the weak. Because we can act on this piece of land, but theenemy is everywhere is the state and world capitalism in all its versions.But there are also anarchists and people everywhere who want to fight against thestate and capitalist war machine. The anarchists in their long history have neverstopped fighting against the rulers no matter what sheep they wore to satisfytheir particular interests: the interests of the bosses. Whether Britishimperialism, American "counterterrorism war" or Soviet "socialist andanti-imperialist" intervention, the anarchists sounded the alarm against war andmilitarism, trying to silence the sirens of the impending bombing. This is whatwe will do today! Because either we will stop the war or we will have to sufferthe terrible consequences. Consequences that will have a direct impact on thelives of the poor and the weak, whether they relate to the cost of living or tolife itself, the value of which is beginning to be degraded on European soil asmuch as it has been degraded by the planetary bosses in the capitalist peripheryand in the bodies of refugees and uprooted immigrants. It is our duty asanarchist revolutionaries to fight for the strengthening of the ruthlesscharacter of the anti-war movement that will fight for the rights of thedownstream as opposed to the hypocritical calls of the liberals who are trying toplunder humanity to fuel it for the new war. their plans. Against the dystopia ofmodern totalitarianism, where the vast majority is impoverished and subjugated,to oppose the liberal society organized through the federal social councils "forthe Freedom of everyone and the Equality of all". No trust in anyone holds theflag of proletarian internationalism high - and only that!SOLIDARITY TO THE PEOPLE OF UKRAINE - IMMEDIATE TERMINATION OF THE RUSSIANINVASION & WAR CONFLICTSSOLIDARITY TO THE REFUGEES AND THE ABROADEDSOLIDARITY TO THOSE WHO PROTEST AGAINST THE WAR AND ARE REPRESENTED BY THERUSSIAN STATEAGAINST NATO, THE EU AND THEIR DESIGNS, NO TOLERANCE TO ANY WAR INVOLVEMENT OFGREECE, CLOSURE OF AMERICAN BASES - TO BLOCK THE WARAGAINST STATES, BORDERS, NATIONALISM & WARSSOLIDARITY THE WEAPON OF THE PEOPLE - WAR IN THE WAR OF STATE AND BOSSESSTRUGGLE FOR THE WORLD SOCIAL REVOLUTIONNEITHER WITH RUSSIA OR WITH NATO - I ASK FOR THE WORLD PROLETARIAN!Anti-War Rally: Saturday, March 26, Propylaea, 12.00Athens Local Coordination(Anarchist Political Organization - Federation of Collectivities)https://landandfreedom.gr/el/agones/741-apo-topikos-syntonismos-athinas-antipolemiki-sygkentrosi-sav-26-3-propylaia_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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