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vrijdag 25 maart 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) anarres info [Italy]: LET'S WAGE WAR! (ca, de, it, pt)[machine translation]

 Italy is at war. Although the armed forces of the beautiful country have taken an

active part in conflicts in Europe, Africa and the Middle East since 1992, mostpeople are convinced that the last war ended in 1945. Successive governments havecovered war operations tricolors under a cloak of hypocrisy. Humanitarianmissions, international police operations have disguised the dispatch of troopson the war fronts in Somalia, Lebanon, Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya.This summer, for the first time in forty years, a Minister of Defense, on theoccasion of the refinancing of Italian military missions abroad, shamelesslyclaimed the neo-colonial adventures of the armed forces as a means of protectingItaly's interests.As many as 18 of the 40 military missions abroad are in Africa in the trianglethat goes from Libya to the Sahel up to the Gulf of Guinea. They are there towage war on migrants bound for Europe and to support ENI. The yellow flag withthe ENI six-legged dog accompanies the flag hoisted on military vehicles.The imperialist conflict between NATO, which aims to continue the expansion tothe east that began after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and Russia, which,after decades of retreat, decided to counterattack by occupying Ukraine, has seena sudden return to the humanitarian rhetoric typical of the governments of Rome.Since February 24, when Russia attacked Ukraine, the warmongers of the PD havealso taken to the streets, opposing the war by sending weapons to the Zelenskygovernment. In a riot of Ukrainian national flags and rainbows of peace, an armedpacifism is staged, clearly aligned with one of the two imperialisms that arechallenging each other on the skin of those who live in Ukraine and must facedeath, bombs, fear, compulsory conscription.The government has proclaimed a "humanitarian" state of emergency. This decisionconfers extraordinary powers on the executive, which has a free hand in managingItaly's engagement in the conflict in Ukraine. An airlift has transported weaponsdestined for the Zelensky government to Poland since 2 March. Draghi decided tofurther increase military spending and send troops to NATO's eastern front. 500soldiers, chosen from among the raiders of the Navy, Col Moschin, Special Forcesof the Air Force and Task Force 45, are added to the 240 Alpini in Latvia and the138 men of the Air Force in Romania. In the Black Sea there are the FREMM frigate"Margottini" and the minesweeper "Viareggio", as well as the aircraft carrier"Cavour" with the F-35 fighter-bombers.We are not there. We do not enlist either with NATO or with Russia. We rejectpatriotic rhetoric as an element of legitimation of states and their expansionistclaims. Antimilitarism, internationalism, revolutionary defeatism have beencentral to the struggles of the workers' movement since its origins. Exploitationand oppression strike in equal measure at all latitudes, the conflict against"own" masters and against "own" rulers is the best way to oppose state violenceand the ferocity of capitalism everywhere.Borders are just thin lines on a map: nothing that only well-armed military menmake tragically real. Let's delete them!The construction of the City of Aerospace is about to start in Turin, a center ofexcellence for the aerospace war industry promoted by the armory giant Leonardoand the Subalpine Polytechnic. The city of aerospace, which will rise betweenCorso Francia and Corso Marche, has been nominated as the headquarters of aninnovation accelerator in the field of Defense and the regional office for Europeof the Defense Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) , a NATOfacility.Turin is betting everything on the war industry to revive the economy. An economyof death.Blocking the birth of a new pole of research, design and construction of wardevices, preventing NATO from having its base in Turin is a concrete commitmentagainst war.Oppose the state of war emergency, the increase in military spending, the sendingof weapons to the Ukrainian government, fight for the withdrawal of all militarymissions abroad, for the closure and reconversion of the war industry, to openborders to all refugees and migrants it is a concrete and urgent front of struggle.A no is not enough to stop wars. We have to get in the way. Starting from our city.General strike, boycott and blockade of military bases and death factories!antimilitarist assembly - torinohttps://www.anarresinfo.org/disertismo-la-guerra-2/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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