We are workers and workers of the land: laborers, farmers, multifunctional
agriculture operators, collectors and hobbyists. Stable, seasonal and occasional. From the land we derive income, income support or self-subsistence. ---- We aredaughters and sons of our territories, we are well aware of the closerelationship between agricultural, industrial and service work. In variousgeographical areas, many families supplement their wages with food and wineself-productions. Brave resisters and new pioneers try to live as a small farmer,escaping the economic and chemical poisons of multinationals and agro-industry.Some young people gain experience in the fields to pay for their studies. Manycarry out periodic agricultural tasks, exploited, poorly paid and often even inblack (with days that are "downloaded" in envelopes at the will and whim of theowner), in the alternation of the most varied jobs to which they are condemned bypermanent precariousness. Others have worked in the food industry for years but,instead of being hired as factory workers, they are annually blackmailed withshameful and incongruous agricultural contracts. A minority, a narrow minority,manages to live (or survive?) On stable and regular agricultural work, hired atleast in compliance with the scandalous and oppressive national contract thatexpires just this year. In this context, indeed, in these fields, the phenomenonof illegal hiring has arisen!CONTRACT: We would have much to say about the agricultural contract and we willdedicate ourselves to this by producing special material; here it is enough topoint out that it does not offer any protection to those who work, and that themechanism of minimum working days allows the most absolute blackmail (after your70 days, if you just say "to" you can be left at home for the other 295 days )and it does not matter if to produce a certain amount of wine (or any otherproduct) you necessarily need a number of days of work with a number ofemployees: no one will check how the company has produced so much without thenecessary manpower ... let alone, illegal work does not exist!! In these days thenew CCNL is being discussed: let us feel our anger!PESTICIDES AND HERBICIDES: We want to ban glyphosate and other molecules that areharmful to biodiversity, health and the peasant economy. Biodiversity isdevastated by the use of pesticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilizers, somuch so that in the fields cultivated with these methods the earth is practicallydead, inert material: research shows that in these fields there are fewer formsof life than in the Sahara desert! Several studies reveal the toxicity ofglyphosate and other carcinogenic substances: these not only can infect foodproducts, but are absorbed by the body through contact, inhalation and pollutionof the aquifers, endangering the health of those who work and those who live incountryside.CONTADINANCE AND LARGE DISTRIBUTION: We support small farmers who try to make aliving from their work, throttled by the prices imposed by the large-scale retailtrade and unable to transform their products on their own, given the exorbitantcosts for setting up laboratories in accordance with the law. We work to findsolutions that favor access to land, aiming at a new agrarian reform that breaksthe phenomenon of land ownership.AGROINDUSTRY: We denounce the working situation of the many workers in the foodindustry who are framed with the agricultural contract while carrying outcontinuous industrial duties. We highlight how the phenomenon of illegal hiring,rather than being eradicated from the countryside of southern Italy, has spreadeverywhere through the use of agencies that provide labor at bargain prices forthe food industry and new estates. We oppose the policy of prices to the maximumreduction established by the large-scale retail trade that throttles smallproduction and destroys biodiversity, allowing gains only to those who minimizethe cost of labor, leading to forms of true slavery.ALTERNATIVES: Building alternatives to the agro-industry model is possible, aswell as necessary. Protect common goods (agricultural land, woods, forests,rivers, lakes, seas etc ...) claim civic uses and collective land ownership,promote community, life and work experiences, such as self-managed municipalitiesand community cooperatives . Defending and spreading peasant agroecology as anagricultural model aimed at respecting and defending the land, people,biodiversity and food sovereignty.The demands we bring from the world of agricultural work are connected with thoseof those who work in industry, as well as in services. Our closeness to theworkers' struggles is certainly the fruit of a class consciousness, of theawareness of the necessary union between all those who are pressed to increasethe income and profits of others; but even before that, our closeness is animmediate, daily closeness, made up of faces, listening, acquaintances andrelationships.While the political, economic and media powers struggle to blind reason andpoison souls by spreading hatred, divisions and fears (divide et impera, the gameis always the same), we work to build relationships, exchanges, freedom, mutualsupport and self-management.The struggle to live in dignity through a liberated agriculture, unhooked fromthe overwhelming conditions of multinationals and large-scale distribution, isthe same struggle for any job: it must be safe, rewarding, sustainable, fair anddignified!FULL SUPPORT TO THE WORKER FIGHT!INTERSECTION AND MUTUAL SUPPORT BETWEEN SOCIAL BATTLES, ECOLOGISTS, FEMINISTS,ANTI-AUTHORITIES AND ANTIMILITARISTS!EXPROPRIATION WITHOUT INDEMNITY TO THOSE WHO DISPLACE FOR MORE PROFIT ANDMANAGEMENT OF THE WORKER OF FACTORIES!TRANSFORMATION OF THE PRODUCTION APPARATUS IN FORCE ACCORDING TO THE NEEDS OF THECOMMUNITY, IN FULL RESPECT OF ECOLOGICAL BALANCES!GENERALIZED AND SOLIDARITY SELF-MANAGEMENT!Peasant Union (USI-CIT)https://usi-cit.org/insorgiamo-26-3-firenze-noi-ci-mettiamo-la-falce/_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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