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zaterdag 30 april 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #GERMANY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Germany, Feminist May Day - Completely finished with patriarchy. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 May 1st is the day of labor, not only of paid wage labor. It is the day of

struggle not only of certain workers, but of all wage-dependent, proles andprecarized people. So it is also our day as proletarian lesbians, women, inter,trans, non-binary and agender people. ---- We work in precarious jobs thatdestroy our bodies and psyches, are dependent on the Jobcenter, are (solely)responsible for children, care for relatives and friends. Our work is not valued,not seen, it is poorly paid or not paid at all. We are constantly filling caregaps and are structurally poorer than others. Our bodies and minds are exploited,even more so when we are also subjected to racist or other / multiplediscrimination, even worse when we are directly confronted with war or currentlyfleeing.Crises have always been dumped on our backs. We are already completely finishedwith the patriarchal normal state anyway. Ecological crisis, Corona, war, flight,inflation come still on top of it. When everything becomes more expensive,housing, heating, food; and when public money flows into the Bundeswehr insteadof into social and ecological backup structures, we bear the double and triple brunt.We will show our strength not by managing and carrying and standing and bearingmore and more. But by stopping together to continue under these circumstances.Because we can't work like this, because we don't want to live like this!Therefore, let us prepare together for big strikes and their possibleconsequences, step by step. (For the current occasion: solidarity greetings tothe colleagues in the social and educational service!).With big transnational strikes we can not only achieve higher wages or bettercollective agreements, but also more general political goals, for example:Rich people (in the majority still white cis men) should pay for the economic andecological crises.Immediate end of the war actions by the authoritarian regimes of Russia and TurkeyWelcoming and supporting all refugees regardless of nationality or gender.End violence against queers and women (Take back the night!).Care work to be distributed equitably - both on the small and large scale.Less work for all, with full pay, i.e. no more than 20 hours a week!In the end, to overcome these crises, we must overcome the capitalist economicsystem as a whole, and take our lives and work into our own hands in aself-determined way. What would you like to enforce, what needs to change? OnMarch 8, there was far too little time for feminist utopias, so we will continueon May 1. Come with your friends, families, colleagues, comrades and loved ones,with pillows, stalls, books, snacks etc. to Albertplatz (Artesischer Brunnen) at2pm, at the Anarchist May Day Rally.We look forward to the exchange with you.Proles of all genders, unite!Your AG Feminist Struggles in the trade union FAU- GlobalMayDay - Call to Action / as PDF- Call to strike against the war: "1st of May. Strike the War. For aTransnational Politics of Peace" (via Transnational Social Strike Platform)https://fda-ifa.org/feministischer-1-mai-proletinnen-aller-gender-vereinigt-euch/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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