Against all fratricidal wars! ---- Against the Invasion and Occupation of Ukraine
by Russia! ---- Against NATO/NATO extension and intervention! ---- Let's blockPortugal's participation in the war and in NATO! ---- End the shipment of weaponsto Ukraine! ---- Recently, the State of Russia formally declared war on Ukraine,setting the stage for an invasion after 8 years of conflict and civil war. Forus, any military invasion of one state by another state will never be in theinterests of the people. We fully condemn the Russian invasion, and theescalation of arms both in Russia and in Europe, as well as the resurgence ofxenophobic, chauvinist and anti-socialist sentiments that accompany it, a trendof our times and of capitalism that comes to materialize with the "crisis" ofrefugees, pandemic and now in the global economic conditions of the war.Capital, State and Imperialism: Foundations of a New Cold War"Conquest is not only the origin, but also the supreme development of all states,powerful and weak, despotic or liberal, monarchical, aristocratic, democratic,and finally "socialist"[...]a more or less avowed object of conquest. But themedium and especially small states can only defend themselves, even if it is noless their dream, as is that of the small owner who wants to increase hisproperty even at the cost of that of the neighbor;" - Mikhail Bakunin, OperaComplete, Vol VII, The Principle of the State (1870-1871).The Russian state, like all states, cannot fail to have an interest in war andimperial expansion, and this is no less than the interest of the Ukrainian stateif it were only possible, nor of the NATO/NATO and EU countries, who use theUkrainian people as a disposable pawn to advance their interests in ageo-strategic chess game. Furthermore, if we look at the capitalist classstructure of Russian and Ukrainian society, and at the allies of theirgovernments, we cannot be under any illusion that a victory for any of them canbe a victory for the dispossessed, for the status of dominated by the Ukrainianpeople, whether by this or that foreign or domestic elite, will remain unchanged,and no less far from changing.Capitalism is driven by a logic of expansion and continuous accumulation ofwealth, inevitably generating successive crises. Because resources are finite,and because the exploitation of populations does not happen without resistance,the search for new markets and resources is never peaceful, which generatesconflicts, expropriations, internal and external colonial wars. Thus, theNation-State is by necessity a warlike state, since in addition to seeking newresources in a non-peaceful way, it is still supported by its apparatus of policeand military repression, financed by the elites, which makes it a subservientrepresentative and defender of capital and the ruling classes. The relationshipbetween the State (legal institutions,The role of the State, similar to capitalist expansion, is the accumulation ofpower (military, financial, cultural-propagandistic) necessary to maintaincontrol of strategic resources in the hands of its national-dominant classes,such as mineral and fossil resources, industries profitable, ports and militarybases in prime locations. For this, they use Imperialism, the subordination ofthe popular classes of one country by the elites of another (in parallel withthat of the national-elites), as Mikhail Bakunin explains in his theory of theState, to consolidate, internally or externally, their dominion, either throughcoercion, diplomacy, or "temporary peace", or through war.By this logic, the present Russian invasion is just a continuation of thedynamics of competition between elites and markets, of class domination, of statepower, and the only way to oppose it, yesterday as today, is the organization ofthe exploited classes. . And with State and Capitalism being two dialecticallyco-dependent, and fiercely anti-popular, expansive systems, defeating imperialismnecessarily involves the defeat and violent annihilation of both systems by thepeople, the working class.A particular development of this concept necessary to understand theRussia-Ukraine conflict highlights the role of the transnational bourgeoisie, inparticular the one that controls finance and investments, which tends to supportthe formation of transnational blocs governed by institutions, legal, political,financial. and military, which facilitate capital accumulation and a morestrategic recourse to warfare. It is these organizations such as the EU/EU,NATO/NATO or OTSC/CSTO (Russian alliance) that we will characterize later on.Contrary to the idea that the formation of blocs suspends rivalry between states,states continue to maintain and reproduce power relations even between states ofthe same bloc, even using the integration of their markets and new frontiers forthe domination of the popular classes of one country by those of another countryor multinationals. The member states of a bloc remain united only for theircolonial and imperial attacks on third parties, to counter the possibility ofinsurgencies against capitalism (as is the case of Turkey's invasion of Rojava),or by coercion (the threat of war). ). With the emergence of a new Sino-Russianbloc, which fights for hegemony in the international system, the conflict withthe current hegemonic bloc during the restructuring of this system becomesinevitable. to counter the possibility of insurgencies against capitalism (as inthe case of Turkey's invasion of Rojava), or by coercion (the threat of war).With the emergence of a new Sino-Russian bloc, which fights for hegemony in theinternational system, the conflict with the current hegemonic bloc during therestructuring of this system becomes inevitable. to counter the possibility ofinsurgencies against capitalism (as in the case of Turkey's invasion of Rojava),or by coercion (the threat of war). With the emergence of a new Sino-Russianbloc, which fights for hegemony in the international system, conflict with thecurrent hegemonic bloc during the restructuring of this system becomes inevitable.In fact, the only salvation of the Ukrainian people lies in theirself-organization and preparing the offensive against domestic elites, Russian orEuro-American, during or after the war, since the reactionary government in Kievwill only seek peace by submitting to the Russia, NATO/NATO, or both to someextent to self-preservation.Roots of Inter-imperialist Conflict: The Restructuring of Global Capitalism andthe European "Security" ArchitectureWe must then characterize Europe's security architecture in the post-Cold Warperiod, and the current moment of profound changes in the internationalgeopolitical system. This includes NATO's policy of eastward military expansion;the economic and political expansion of the European Union; the EU's and UK'seconomic dependence on the US, Russian fossil fuels and wheat from the Black Seabasin; the decline of US hegemony, leader of the Western NATO-Allied bloc; andthe rise of a new imperialist bloc headed by Russia, China and their allies -which together form the various roots of the European and global stage of a newcold war, that is, of an economic-financial war, in support of armed conflictswithout a direct confrontation of the main geopolitical powers and there-emergence of the nuclear threat.On the one hand, the Russian invasion marks the final break of the ceasefire,which has never been fully complied with by both parties (pro-Russian separatistsand the Ukrainian army) since it was agreed in Minsk (2014) and the abandonmentof diplomacy with the West, replaced by an expansionist and markedlyinterventionist policy, with strategic precedents in the wars in Kazakhstan,Georgia and Moldova (Transnistria region), or in its intervention in the warbetween Armenia and Azerbaijan, where in all these cases, similar justificationsand republics -puppet were spiked to your sphere of influence-domain. This largerwar is only possible due to the crisis climate of American hegemony, evidenced byits withdrawal and defeat in Afghanistan, and the realignment of Russian policyon the Moscow-Beijing axis, since through bilateral agreements with China, Asia'sregional hegemonic power at the economic and geopolitical level, Russian economyand politics can find in emerging markets and bilateral (China) and multilateral(OTSC/EAEU) security pacts a more advantageous for its medium-term objectives.The threat of using nuclear weapons in the event of open war must be seen as areal danger of apocalyptic dimension. Although quite improbable, it is remarkablesince its strategic and mainly tactical use (bombs of relatively small size) isincreasingly considered by policy makers. Russian economy and politics can findin emerging markets and bilateral (China) and multilateral (OTSC/EAEU) securitypacts a more advantageous situation for its medium-term objectives. The threat ofusing nuclear weapons in the event of open war must be seen as a real danger ofapocalyptic dimension. Although quite improbable, it is remarkable since itsstrategic and mainly tactical use (bombs of relatively small size) isincreasingly considered by policy makers. Russian economy and politics can findin emerging markets and bilateral (China) and multilateral (OTSC/EAEU) securitypacts a more advantageous situation for its medium-term objectives. The threat ofusing nuclear weapons in the event of open war must be seen as a real danger ofapocalyptic dimension. Although quite improbable, it is remarkable since itsstrategic and mainly tactical use (bombs of relatively small size) isincreasingly considered by policy makers.The USA, convinced of its exceptionality and manifest destiny (ideology of theprimitive colonial expansion of the USA that still figures in the conservativediscourse), allowed itself a series of actions in foreign policy that do nottolerate the other powers. This goes in the opposite direction of theGorbachev-Baker and later non-East NATO-NATO expansion agreements, an agreementthat has been ignored 14 times since 1990. More concretely we have to realizethat by placing around 150 of their tactical nuclear bombs 5 European countries,using the Black Sea and eastern European territories to conduct militaryexercises, but also, by placing air bases capable of supporting nuclear missions,ballistic facilities, and the presence of NATO and US military on the borderswith its rival, the USA has done everything to intentionally escalate thisconflict. The expiration and non-renewal of the INF treaty (1988-2019) on armscontrol that banned missile launch sites - short-medium and intermediate range,ballistic and remote-guided - by the Donald Trump administration, potentiates asituation increasingly most dangerous for the people of europe the other hand, the goals of the Russian state, with its own militaryalliance, are no longer moral or progressive - it aims to maintain its military,economic and political hegemony in the region. After the annexation of Crimea in2014, the State of Russia is now seeking to bring two Russian-majority puppetrepublics, Lughansk and Donetsk, into its sphere of influence-domain. In thisway, the imperialist war against a weaker State is inevitable and part of thevery nature of nation-states as warlike states, where non-submission to astronger power, integrating into an imperial bloc, implies their subjugation bythe force of a of these blocks.Finally, the EU's economic dependence on the US market, on wheat from the BlackSea basin to feed people and animals, unable to leave the country either by seaor by land, and even on Russian fossil fuels, puts it at a disadvantage in thiswar. The cancellation of economic agreements with Russia, sporadic serviceinterruptions of oil and gas pipelines such as Yamal-Europa, or the canceledNordstream 2, foreshadow a worsening of economic conditions in western-alignedcountries. The elites of the countries of the Organization of Petroleum ExportingCountries(OPEC) and the USA (whose standard currency, the petrodollar, has untilnow always involved its economy in the export of oil) will be the mainbeneficiaries of this sudden increase in European indebtedness. Still, noteverything is so clear about how this war will affect oil markets. Saudi Arabia,an ally of the US, has shown interest in starting to use the Chinese currency,the Yuan, and simultaneously, India, has shown interest in using the Russiancurrency , the Ruble, for transactions related to the oil business between thesecountries. nation states. This situation makes clear the discontent of states inthe external sphere of the West, given the perceived weakness of the Westernbloc, especially after its recent defeat in Afghanistan.This conflict demonstrates how the concerns of various socialist militants andanti-war scholars, about the fragile foundations of the European securityarchitecture, founded on NATO/NATO, which has always excluded and sought toexclude Russia from collective pacts, proved to be correct. The yearnings forgreater financing of the war industry and military missions by the high militarydignitaries of both blocs, is in accordance with their chauvinist and imperialistclass interests, added to the perpetuation and expansion - of territory andinfluence - of the states that these represent. They manage, in the exercise oftheir essential function to capitalism, to control the external agenda of thestates and sustain the existence of their executives, legislatures, judiciariesand capital accumulation.Chronology of the Ukrainian Civil War and Characterization of Military ForcesTo better proceed to the analysis of what led to the invasion of Ukraine, we mustcharacterize the present conflict based on the material reality that the peoplesof Ukraine face today, establishing a link between what is happening now and howwe got here. We know that those who are persecuted, suffer and die in this warare not the elites who ordered it, but the peoples of Ukrainian territory:Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians, Tatars, Bulgarians, Roma, Hungarians,Moldovans, Poles, Jews, Armenians, Greeks and the various Circassian peoples,among others, who have suffered at the hands of Russian and Ukrainian far-rightarmies and militias. There are also students, economic migrants and peoplerefugees from imperialist, African, Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian wars whohave arrived in Eastern Europe,it has been difficult for them to leave thecountry . It is trans women prevented from crossing the border . Are those whoare recruited or forcibly recruited, legally or paralegally, including childsoldiersused by both forces, and all civilians prevented from fleeing Ukraine,male and between 18 and 60 years of age, under penalty of imprisonment. Wereiterate that our party is neither that of the imperialist war of Russia and itsalliance, the CSTO-CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) that comes tohelp, nor that of the equally imperialist interests of the power established inKiev aligned with NATO. -NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), organizationthat has been supporting the Ukrainian state, supremacist armed groups andescalating the situation with Russia. Our party fights for a Ukrainian peoplefree from the influence of NATO, the extreme right, the bourgeoisie, and againstPutin and his United Russia Party government.During EUROMAIDAN (2014), which began as a just movement of protest andinsurrection against the Ukrainian government aligned with the Russian state ofYanukovych, in a situation of acute economic and social crisis for the people,there was a use of extreme right groups in the Ukraine who sought to redirecttheir economic concerns towards their nefarious objective - to sharpen relationsbetween Russian and Ukrainian citizens, but also of other cultural and nationalgroups, with particular emphasis on the Roma-Roman people , resulting inaggressions and deaths, the attacks on the LGBT population and trade unionists .Similar to the support with weapons and resources that the US gave to jihadistgroups in the Arab Spring, replacing socialist and liberal movements withIslamo-fascist movements, NATO decided to repeat the recipe for the cake inUkraine in 2014, supporting far-right groups. in the territory, making thealliance between conservatives, ultraconservatives and fascists the main drivingforce of the current government born from the pro-Western and pro-NATO coup inthe country. One of the first actions of this new chauvinist parliamentarycomposition in 2014 was, by majority vote, the abolition of the law that makesofficial, in certain regions, the languages of minorities that are spoken by atleast 10% of the local population, which despite vetoed, it was ruledunconstitutional in 2018.In this scenario, we had an advance of fascist groups: On the Ukrainian side, theAzov Battalion, Aidar, C14, Right Sector, Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists,and recently other territorial militias where they have greater or lesserexpression. In the case of Azov and Aidar, we witnessed their conversion intofully legalized arms of the armed forces, under the aegis of the Ministry ofInterior and Defense despite their relative autonomy and occasionalinsubordination, and exposing the historical insignia and ideology of theUkrainian collaborationists of Nazism. German with impunity. In the currentclimate of war , weapons from NATO countries continue to reach these groups,particularly from the United Kingdom despite its condemnation in the West priorto the invasion. On the other hand, among Russian separatists, far-right militiassuch as the Viking Battalion, Storm Group Rusich, Russian National Union, openlyinspired by the Nazis, also operate, supporting the separatist republics ofDonbass. On both sides are faced with infamous mercenaries, known for their warcrimes and financial corruption, as is the case of Blackwater/Academi (Americans)and the Wagner group (Russians).However, the existence of small anti-fascist and anarchist militia groups for theself-defense of the population is notable, not officially aligned with any of theStates, and their presence is scarce. These groups have been attacking Russiansoldiers and pro-Ukrainian fascists, and we consider it positive that they doeverything necessary to protect civilians of our class, and for that we cannotfail to salute. However, we are opposed to any collaboration with the bourgeoisarmies and their war.Recently, several sources have reported civilians trying to flee the biggeststages of the war being intimidated into staying, presumably as human shields, asin the case of Mariupol, and others mentioning extra-judicial executions byneo-Nazi militias.on the pretext of fighting "Russian saboteurs". In the attachedvideo, soldiers in identical Ukrainian uniforms can be seen attacking a familyand other civilians in cars at a checkpoint allegedly set up by neo-Nazi forces.In addition, images have emerged of renewed attacks on the country's Romapopulation, in particular women, which include being tied up, half-naked andhumiliated with antiseptic dye in the face, for the fabricated charge of sabotageor theft in markets. We leave some of the images in hyperlinkhowever we will omitthe most shocking video that our investigation found circulating on social media,of torture with the throwing of stones in order to break bones and the completestripping of a presumably gypsy woman. We also report that other videos with thesame violence of crimes perpetrated by both the Russian and Ukrainian armycirculate on social media.Furthermore, in a recent official communiqué by Ukrainian President Zelensky, 11parties, many of which are proclaimed to be left-wing, had their activitysuspended., in addition to the 3 communist parties already banned in December2015, for "collaboration with the Russian State", putting an end to thedemocratic facade of bourgeois democracy and demonstrating the ferocity of the"witch hunt" in force in the country. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense askedcivilians without uniform or as a legal minimum, currency or militaryidentification, to launch Molotovs against Russian tanks , handing over some ofthem himself, a suggestion that is both suicidal and cowardly, an example ofthose who hide in rooms of fortified wars and orders the people to die forthemselves, as a criminal, as it is a war crime to encourage the mixing ofcombatants dressed as civilians.Because of the fascist presence on both sides, because of their crimes againstthe people, and also because we speak of Capitalist States with a warlike andfratricidal interest at the service of bourgeois elites and imperialism, ourgrouping characterizes both armies as essentially reactionary, and any attempt tosupport for one of these by workers' organizations will necessarily be againsttheir best interests. It is, however, the position of some organizations andindividuals of the "liberalized" socialist left to support one or the other ofthe States, both in the field of anarcho-communism and Marxism-Leninism, but withlittle expression in Portuguese territory. Even so, the insistence bysocial-democratic organizations, such as the Bloco de Esquerda, in calling forNATO's common sense and denunciation,Reactionary Escalation in Western Europe, Militarism and Anti-Socialism The European member states of NATO prepare for the continuousescalation of this conflict, during and after this war, with the arms racealready underway and, for example, with an unprecedented tripling since World WarII German military budget , betting on drone-bombers, jets with electronicwarfare capabilities and nuclear bombing support missions, and with the extensivereinforcement of military forces on the eastern borders.This situation is not new in Europe and only brings to foreign policy what hasalready been applied in terms of domestic policy in recent years. This includesthe strengthening of the militarization and judicialization of politics that wehave seen across Europe since the beginning of the refugee crisis, the greaterpatrol and closure of borders, a situation that has intensified since the attacksof the Islamic State that served as a scapegoat. and subsequent generalizedjustification. Added to this is the militarization of the health response to theCovid-19 pandemic, making the health crisis and the much-needed public policiesto contain and improve public services a stage for the worsening of the securityand border crisis, as several militants have been coming. to point inPortugal:Communiqué from RELL, RAM-Lx and other movements against themilitarization of health, in 2019 .We must bear in mind that among the biggest winners of this war are the Europeanarms industries of the EU and Russia and their beneficiaries in the financial andacademic-technological sector. Since the war began , their stock market priceshave continued to increase , which demonstrates that the continuation of theconflict is in their greatest interest.On the other hand, we also see civil society organisations, non-governmentalorganizations and spontaneous coordinations of the population throughout Europeorganizing themselves in an unprecedented movement of solidarity with theUkrainian population which, without questioning the necessity or urgency of thesituation, this it had no parallel in the case of other military occupations, asis the case of some current ones such as the state of Israel to Palestine,Morocco to Western Sahara, Saudi Arabia to Yemen, or from Turkey to Afrin.In addition, NGOs, media and embassies have called for the collection ofcharitable funds, many of which are aimed at arming and escalating the conflict..It is worrying how much of this help from society is mediated by States as a formof war propaganda. However on the ground both powers use humanitarian actions asa media weapon, a trap that many fall into supporting without understanding theharmful effects of charity directed by the State, very different from solidaritybetween peoples and self-organized, which fortunately also exists.We close with a note of support for the militants of the Revolutionary Left, EmLuta and the Portuguese Communist Party, who, precisely positioning themselvesagainst the Russian invasion but also against NATO, were physically attacked (ER;EL), and had their intervened offices (paint, graffiti) in Beja (PCP) among otherlocations, during the anti-war demonstrations by pro-Ukrainian and pro-NATOnationalists. - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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