It is necessary for Ukraine to repel the racist invasion - perhaps with the help
of NATO. But this alliance is no saint, as the example of Turkey proves.Download, print and distribute the July issue of the A3 wall newspaper! ---- Themilitary invasion of Putin's Russia on the territory of Ukraine has been going onfor five months. Only fools would believe some of Putin's propaganda about thereasons for this murderous rampage, despite how intensively his fifth column ofprofessional disinformers and useful idiots operate within individual Europeancountries. Its target is the people of Ukraine, regardless of whether they aresoldiers, non-soldiers, women, pensioners or children. Despite all the nonsenseabout the de-Nazification and demilitarization of Ukraine, Putin and his cohortshave only one thing in mind - to conquer Ukraine, to restore the empire andspheres of influence from Soviet times.Putin and his invading horde were undoubtedly surprised in the first days by thedetermination of the people of Ukraine to resist the coming occupation. Itsurprised even the countries operating within NATO. They offered the Ukrainianpresident the possibility of escape. But he behaved a little differently than therest of the European opportunists, and his first thought was not to save his ownneck. However, it is not about him (the determined resistance of a significantpart of the population is decisive), however, it does not nicely illustrate theattitude of the West, which was actually willing to sacrifice Ukraine.It also points to the fact that this is not a battle of imperial blocs. Suchthinking only speaks volumes about its bearers, who, in their preoccupation withtheir own power and cultural supremacy, deny the people of Ukraine the ability tojudge, make decisions and act on their own. Putin's Russia invaded a neighboringsovereign country, and that's about it. And also about the fact that if Russiawere to win, nothing nice would await the survivors - not even the few freedomsthey had within the somewhat oligarchic capitalism, which although exploits theworkers like any other form of capitalism, leaves at least some room for socialself-organization and leadership struggles for workers' rights. This would noteven be conceivable in the case of occupation.We anarchists express solidarity with the workers and all other underprivilegedpeople in Ukraine, and therefore we wish them victory over the invasion of theimperial power. We also wish them that this military victory will serve as aspringboard for further victories, namely in the social field. And that there issomething to fight for! We in the Czech Republic feel it, too, in theever-increasing cost of living in contrast to the increase in the profits of therichest.If the NATO countries had the real will and willingness, it is conceivable thatthe murderous pressure of the Russian Federation would have been broken long ago.But most of the political representation is in the wake of big business, whichbenefits from relations with Russia. So we can see the apparent and hiddenreluctance to help Ukraine on an effective scale and the laziness associated withit, which only leads to an increase in the number of victims and villages leveledto the ground.Unfortunately, NATO countries are the only hope for Ukraine to defend itselfagainst Putin's barbarism and imperial appetites. And NATO really isn't the QuickArrows, it's an association of good guys. If we want to show it with an example,then just point your finger on the globe where Turkey is. If Putin is repulsivewith his fascistic ways and planned genocide of a neighboring nation, how aboutTurkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan? Yes, quite similar. Even Turkey is such aproto-fascist dictatorship, where political opposition is liquidated, protestsare almost forbidden, teachers are fired from universities, ultra-conservativeideology is promoted and courts are stripped of their independence. And evenErdogan's Turkey has its own genocidal plan for how to deal with a smaller,though still large, nation - the Kurds. And it implements this plan within itsborders and beyond. Turkey also brought this fascist policy to the NATOnegotiations on the expansion of Sweden and Finland, where it set conditions forthese states - to enable the persecution of the Kurdish opposition on theirterritory. Bolstered by the concessions gained, Turkey can be expected to launchfurther attacks on the people of northern Syria to drive them from their homesand expand the zone under its military control.Since the fight against terrorism is so often emphasized in NATO, Turkey alsojoined. But in a way that made black white. He describes the Kurdish fightersagainst the Islamic State (ISIS) as terrorists, and on the contrary, ISIS haslong provided protection and material aid. So it is not surprising that whenMaher al-Agal, the leader of ISIS in Syria, was killed on July 12, it was in theterritory occupied by Turkey.Yes, the invasion of Ukraine must be defeated. And yes, it probably won't bepossible without the help of NATO countries. But let's keep in mind what thismilitary alliance is and what its past is, especially regarding its own imperialforays. Let us beware of the hypocrisy that NATO embodies. Solidarity with thepeople of Ukraine must be as important to us as solidarity with the people of theKurdish regions.A3 (July 2022) can be downloaded HERE. - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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