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maandag 8 augustus 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) France, UCL - Press release, Deconjugalization of the AAH: A victory that calls for others. (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The deconjugalization of the disabled adult allowance (AAH) is a great victory

for the anti-validist struggle groups. Demand since the creation of the allowancein 1975, this was the first petition to obtain the 100,000 signatures necessaryfor its seizure by the Senate, which led the left-wing parties to take up thesubject, then LREM. ---- A great victory that opens the way in public opinion toallow other aid that remains to be deconjugated, such as the DisabilityCompensation Benefit, which is supposed to allow disability compensation, whichhas not been increased since 2005. However , it is necessary to remain vigilantin the face of this amendment which, in its summary statement, states "In thelonger term, our group also has the will to work on mechanisms which would makeit possible not to discourage the employment of people with disabilities .[1]andwhich suggests a tightening of the conditions of access to the AAH or a reductionin the allowance for people with a degree of incapacity deemed compatible withcapitalism via a "maintenance of evaluation of the 'employability' as recommendedby the Court of Auditors in 2019[2].The example of the United Kingdom portends a war on the disabled. Indeed, sincethe return of the Conservatives to power in 2010, the English AAH has beenconsiderably reduced and the beneficiaries suspected of fraud.If the deconjugalization of the disabled adult allowance (AAH) is a great victoryfor the anti-validist groups, it should be remembered that this allowance is verycomplex to obtain and that even if it is obtained at its maximum, it does notdoes not allow them to escape poverty.DR https://www.handi-social.fr/It should be noted that this allowance is already very complex to obtain,deterring many disabled people from applying for it, that it is decreasingaccording to a disability rate calculated by the Departmental House of Autonomy(MDPH ) on opaque criteria and that even if it is obtained to its maximum, itdoes not allow people to get out of poverty.The Union Communiste Libertaire therefore affirms that this first victorysnatched by the collectives and associations of struggle for the disabled mustmake it possible to advance the rights of invalids and never let the state decidefor us the way in which we wish to live our lives. lives.It is imperative for this that validism as a system of oppression in its ownright becomes a political subject taken into account in our organizations andunions. To do this, we will continue to mobilize and support all anti-validiststruggle groups and call on all social movement organizations to take up theseissues and support future struggles, including in solidarity in the face ofrepression. suffered by their activists[3]To validate[1]Emergency measures to protect purchasing power (no. 144) Amendment no. 1111 -National Assembly[2]Allowance for disabled adults (AAH)[3]Handi-Social activists towards a new "trial of shame"!https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Deconjugalisation-de-l-AAH-Une-victoire-qui-en-appelle-d-autres_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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