The alliance against sexualized violence calls on 12.8. from 7 p.m. to a demo and
rally. ---- The alliance against sexualized violence was founded in spring 2022to draw attention to patriarchal violence and to spread the concept of consensus,because rapes are not isolated cases! This violence has structure - moreprecisely patriarchal power structure. This has to be broken down - in all areasof society. ---- Catcalling, mansplaining, domestic violence, gender paygap,femicide, rape, ... - all these are symptoms of a system built on the exercise ofmale dominance. We women and FLINTA+ don't feel like it anymore and don't demandmore than equality and an end to violence and abuse! We therefore also call onmen to critically reflect on their own behavior and masculinity and to stand byour side in solidarity.After the demo, the topic will be examined from different perspectives at arally. It is important that everyone deals with it, but check beforehand whetheryou can deal with the topic at the moment.The alliance sees itself explicitly as queer-feminist and consists of individualsand groups.We look forward to a powerful, empowering, solidarity demo that sends a strongsignal against sexualized violence!DEMO August 12, 2022, 7 p.m., Osnabrück main stationAfter the demo:Reclam the night - the night is ours!The demo ends at the SubstAnZ, where there will be a delicious warm meal.Afterwards we celebrate an empowering queer-feminist party in a flinta+ onlysafer space! Sexualized discrimination and violence are supposed to be natural herehave no place.We drink to the good life and dance to the beatsby wonderful FLINTA+ DJ.Hip hop with SchninnenhornTrash & New Wave with DJ Heartbreak (Osna)Techno with Laut&Cuntig (Bochum)Club event - new faces welcome.The SubstAnZ is a barrier-free place.8/12/2022 * 9:00 p.mSUBSTANCE * Frankenstr. 25a - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing
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