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dinsdag 2 augustus 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Italy, USI-CIT: HEALTH IS SINKING DUE TO HYPOCRISY, BEAUTY AND SORRON OF STATE (war) (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The lack of staff in hospitals is, unfortunately, well known and structural even

before the onset of the pandemic (Cov2). Today to aggravate the chronic lack ofpersonnel - to solve which over sixty thousand new hires were promised - areadded the holiday period, the high number of positive operators, the decision tosuspend unvaccinated health workers and a conspicuous exodus of nurses anddoctors who have resigned, given the unbearable working conditions and theoppressive climate of authoritarianism on the part of the nursing managers thatis constantly breathed in the wards. In the face of the much-vaunted "efficiency"and "excellence of the Lombardy Region, which in most of its health facilities isforced to resort to additional personnel, recruited in the manner we are nowgoing to describe.ASST Santi Paolo Carlo, after other hospitals had already done sosimilarly, he decided to hire co.co.co. (instead of a fixed-term contract,therefore with greater guarantees for workers, as required by law) a substantialshare ofhealth professionals from Ukraine.The possibility of employing professionals from countries at war was foreseen bythe government startingfrom 22 March until March 2023, through the Decree Law 21 March 2022 n. 21.Let's be clear: this is not a question of due solidarity with the populationsinvolved in the disasterOf the war. Here we are faced with a grim exploitation of these feelings to bringforward very specific management policies, downward and pejorative, of work inhospitals.Thus, while thousands of doctors and nurses are prohibited from working, after beingwere forced into endless shifts in wards during the most acute phases of thepandemic, the facilitieshealth workers plug the holes with staff who will be employed in the four prisonfacilities of theMilanese (San Vittore, Bollate, Opera and Beccaria). Although not disclosed, thesituationhealth inside these prisons has significantly worsened in the last two years,being now delthe coverage of the inmates' health needs that it should have been is quiteinadequateassured by the cooperative contractors: the crazy amount of a nurse was reached forsix hundred inmates per shift!But that is not all! The hypocrisy of government, health companies andprofessional associations is even more sounbearable when you go to see the requirements in these calls for recruitment.With resolution no. 1665 of 7/07/2022 the director of the ASST Santi Paolo Carlo,M. Stocco, has announcedan "open and extraordinary public notice (expiring November 30, 2022) for theacquisition ethe granting of free professional / co.co.co appointments to nurses withUkrainian citizenship ".This was possible thanks to the aforementioned Decree Law 21 March 2022 n. 21whose art. 34 bearing"Derogation from the discipline of the recognition of professional healthqualifications for doctorsUkrainians ", converted with amendments into Law 51/2022, provides for thetemporary exercise ofhealth professional qualifications to professionals, citizens of Ukraine,residing in Ukraine before02/24/2022 (date of commencement of armed conflict with Russia) at health orsocial facilitiespublic or private healthcare through fixed-term hiring and / or assignment ofassignmentsfreelancers and coordinated and continuous collaboration, until 04/03/2023.Requirements required:1. Ukrainian citizenship residing in Ukraine before February 24, 2022;2. physical suitability for use which will be ascertained by the Company beforebeing put into service;3. adequate knowledge of the Italian or English language;4. professional qualification obtained abroad regulated by specific EuropeanUnion directives;5. European qualifications passport for refugees.Conversely, the requirements for workers with Italian citizenship, for publiccompetitions, provide for:- physical fitness for use; will be an essential requirement for the purpose ofobtaining eligibilitythe exercise of the profession and the performance of work performanceof the vaccination obligation (SARS cov-2), as required by art. 4 of the D.L. n.44 of 01.04.2021converted with amendments by Law 76 of 2021;- first level degree in Nursing;- registration with the relevant professional association.These three requirements are missing in the public notice open to incoming nursesfrom Ukraine. There is no trace of the Covid vaccination, just the one that costwork andsalary to thousands of health workers guilty of not bowing to the blackmail ofthe "emergency", ofthink for yourself and have the freedom of choice and care at heart.Even today, these operators are kept away from hospital wards as if they wereof the plague victims. In addition to having to live without a salary for monthsnow, the suspended health workers also have tothe humiliation of witnessing the recruitment of unvaccinated staff who do notcomply with the requirementsinsolvency.In addition to the damage, the persecutory sanctions and the pillory, now thereis also a mockery.The trend is clear: for the Minister of Health Speranza and the professionalorders, the recalcitrantvaccine puncture, must be punished at all costs.This arrogant stubbornness hurts health workers and citizens.Hospitals collapse due to staff shortages, hospitalizations, and plannedinterventions comepostponed, the staff who remain on duty are forced into grueling shifts. Yet itcontinues tokeep thousands of doctors and nurses at home starving because they are vaccinated.While the alarms of authoritative local authorities and of a whole part of theenvironments remain unheardscientists that suggest getting the unvaccinated back to work, medicalfederations, theprofessional associations and the leaders of the ASST rise to moral authoritiesand rule thatrehabilitating those who refused vaccination would be a bad message for themajority thatrespect the law. We ask: these bodies, instead of becoming champions of allegedmoral dictates,something that is outside their professional field and for which they have noqualification, they would not dobetter to adopt scientific medical criteria?Instead, in order not to recognize that you have made a mistake, you prefer toinsist on making the mistake, leaving it at homequalified personnel (whose job must be kept in any case) to replace it withprecarious doctors and operators who will self-certify their preparation.The vaccine ideology does not allow for exceptions, especially now that thecampaign for the fourth dose.Reinstate suspended personnel!Do away with patches and patches if a health system is in ruins!Health, work and health FOR EVERYONE!Milan, 25/07/2022  USI SANITA 'ASST Santi Paolo e Carlohttps://usi-cit.org/la-sanita-affonda-per-ipocrisia-beffe-e-sragione-di-stato-bellico/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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