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woensdag 28 september 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Italy, Livorno FAI: FOR DIRECT ACTION, AGAINST DELEGATION (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Faced with the ongoing political and social crisis, the parties have decided to

anticipate the elections to secure power before their policies of war and miseryset the social question to explode in the coming months. The various electorallists call the voters to vote by promising everything and the opposite ofeverything, knowing full well that the real decisions that affect everyone's lifehave already been taken. ---- One of the driving reasons of the electoral debateis that of the fascist danger, often agitated by those same forces that havecontributed to clearing the historical memory of fascism as well as theneo-fascist galaxy. ---- This same institutional left is the protagonist of thepolicies of misery, unemployment, war and repression in connection with thefinancial centers and big capital, which, unlike the citizens, can be consideredtruly represented by these political forces. Now, this political area stirs thebugbear of the return of fascism to make people forget their responsibilities.Strengthened by its experience and its anti-fascist and anti-authoritarianhistory, the Italian Anarchist Federation reaffirms that the fight againstfascism takes place in the streets, squares, neighborhoods and in the criticismof racist, supremacist, sovereign and macho themes typical of fascism.In the legislature that has closed, the successive Presidents of the Council(Conte 1 and 2 and Draghi) have not been elected. So the electoral propagandathat says that the vote serves to choose the government turns out to be even morefalse.The electoral system is designed to allow party secretariats to impose their owncandidates and then manipulate the vote of the elected officials who in this waymust obey their respective leaders to obtain re-nomination. On the one hand, weknow very well that the policies of war, cuts in income, pensions and serviceshave been conducted by all the main parties, and that anti-people policies willbe the program of any government that forms after the elections. On the otherhand, the venues in which the basic choices to which the various governments mustcomply are actually of an international nature and are negotiated by governmentsin venues that cannot in fact be controlled through elections.Just think of the policies that have seen the increase in military spending, theincrease in military missions abroad, the militarization of the territory and thechoice to support the faction that the so-called West considers most reliable inthe various open conflicts. These decisions are made in fora such as NATO whichdemonstrate what the real substance of representative democracy is.The continuing worsening of the living conditions of the exploited classes tookplace continuously under governments of various colors. This is consistent with asystem in which economic policies are substantially planned within the EuropeanCommission, which responds to the economic interests that the various governmentsrepresent.The monetary and budgetary policies of governments in turn depend on thedecisions of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, which conditionthe granting of loans to compliance with the criteria imposed by theseinstitutions. It should be remembered that the voting system within theseinstitutions is proportionally based on the participation of the variousgovernments in the fund's capital, clearly favoring those who are already richer.Let us remember that in any case, elected or not elected, legitimate or notlegitimate, governments are always essential components of the ruling classes andcan only express their power with authoritarian tools and for this reason theymust be abolished.The increase in abstention is proportional to the increase in social discontent,which will remain ineffective as long as it is limited to simply not going to thepolls. This social discontent will have an effective outcome when it istransformed into direct action and self-organization for the change of society inan egalitarian and libertarian sense.The Italian Anarchist Federation is committed to supporting the struggles frombelow, convinced that it is popular action and not the vote that can defeatfascism, poverty, war, patriarchy, environmental devastation. In short, thepolicies that in recent years have been carried out by governments that are theexpression of the political forces that today are competing for the vote. Theelections are a blank delegation to people who have the sole purpose of remainingin power by supporting the interests of the rich and powerful who support them.Anarchists and anarchists do not vote, organize and fight with anarchists andanarchists.Italian Anarchist Federationhttps://collettivoanarchico.noblogs.org/post/2022/09/20/dalla-fai-per-lazione-diretta-contro-la-delega_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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