"Laughing dealers, gigantic profits. The giants of the energy industry meet at
the Gastech trade fair in Milan. There is a gold rush mood," wrote Der Spiegel onSeptember 9th. For example, RWE doubled its profit in the first half of 2022. Andnot only the energy industry, but many other companies are also making recordprofits this year - as we struggle to pay our bills, as we can no longer affordmany things and some of us may soon have to choose between heating and eating.---- But the prices do not rise by themselves, they are increased. Of course, theRussian war of aggression and the pandemic have an impact on price developments,but they are actually (crisis) accelerators. Because capitalism is always incrisis. This can also be seen from the development of inflation in recent years.It is the compulsion to increase profits in capitalism that causes prices torise. It is the corporations that make profits from our misery.The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. This is the normalstate of capitalism. It is the norm around the world that people who cannot payfor certain goods are excluded from those goods.It's all socially made. Inflation and skyrocketing prices (and the need to grow)are NOT a law of nature, but political.So now we're supposed to back down to allow companies to keep making profits? Thesame companies that have been making record profits for the last two years of thepandemic.The trade unions should not demand high wages and we should bear the costs -because the consequence is nothing more if the costs are "passed on" to usthrough increased prices for electricity, gas, petrol and food - FORCED ON wouldprobably be the better expression.As a rule, such a policy requires ideology - because no one simply allows it tobe done with them. So the rulers call even more than before for the national"we", for the alleged national community. "Those who save energy strengthen thecountry" says Robert Habeck, for example, or there are cynical washing tips fromWinfried Kretschmann. "Now it's time to give up. - A warm woolen blanket willprobably be needed" was the savings tip of the millionaire Lars von Lackum, thehead of LEG Immobilien, the second largest housing group (in Germany). Yes, witha company that made a profit of €423 million in 2021 and a personal annualsalary of €1.88 million, he probably won't have to do without.Who should save? Where should you save? For the vast majority of people in thiscountry, saving energy would mean clammy feet, dark rooms and cold showers! Infact, all research shows that it is the top 10% (especially the top 1%) andespecially the big companies that squander energy and resources at our expense.The invocation of a national community of destiny, of the unemployed and workerson the one hand and companies on the other, has always been a lie - it has alwaysbeen just nationalistic ideology. One is inevitably reminded of the babble ofsolidarity at the beginning of the pandemic.But what common interests do a nurse and a company boss have in common, forexample? What are we actually allowed to have a say in here? Do we have a say inwhat is produced and how? When and how do we have to work? How scarce resourcescan be distributed sensibly? No, in a capitalist society we do not have a say inthat.Precisely because we are being exploited, because this exploitation makes gains,profits and growth possible, the ideology of the national community is thenecessary social glue.And in times of crisis, this national ideology must be mobilized in particular,because social inequality also becomes clearer with the crisis. The fact of thematter is that whenever governments blow the horn of the national "we", we canexpect further cuts in the social system.We say: With the rulers there is no "we"! - Our interests are not those of thecompanies (and shareholders)!We have to fight for what we want from the cake!That's why it's important that we take to the streets now, unite now and showsolidarity now. The only way we can defend ourselves against the costs of thecrisis being passed on to us is through pressure, protest and refusal. Onlythrough practical solidarity can we support each other.You can see, for example, in Spain that movement is possible. There, massivesocial protests have resulted in an excess profits tax, free public transport anda price cap on gas. (The latter also happened in Britain, the birthplace ofcapitalism.)The packages that the federal government has passed so far are intended to keepus calm. They are similar to hush money for nurses during the pandemic. However,this only shows that now is the right time to demand significantly more andassert one's own interests.Experience also shows us that we cannot leave the social issue to the right.Practical anti-fascism always means making left-wing positions visible andcontradicting the interpretation of the government and the right-wing.In several cities in Germany there are already alliances against the priceincreases. Now also in Osnabrueck! Join! Come to the next alliance meeting. Connect!There are many possibilities: organizing rallies, distributing flyers, putting upposters, educating colleagues, enabling free meals, preventing forced evictions,etc. We can only do it together.With this in mind: These prices have to go down!https://likos.noblogs.org/2022/09/17/solidarisch-gegen-preiserhoehungen-redebeitrag/_________________________________________A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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