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maandag 3 oktober 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #GREECE #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Greece, #APO, land & freedom: [#Athens] Call to march against the reconstruction of Exarchia - AGAINST STATE AND CAPITAL (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]


EQUALITY, SOLIDARITY. ---- In the middle of the summer, engineers and contractorsinvaded the hill of Strefi accompanied by MAT to announce the start of thereconstruction works, while a few days later strong police forces were stationedin Exarcheion Square to guard the fortress that was erected in order to protectthemselves the works concerning the metro. The MAT, the continuous motorizedpatrols and the encampment of various types of uniformed killers of the state inExarchia aim nothing but to terrorize, silence, intercept and crush everyresident, patron and collective ventures that develop resistance to thedestructive plans of the Power.The extensive police operation that has been developing since August in Exarchiamarks, on the one hand, the continuation of the state strategy that permanentlytargets the militant neighborhood of Exarchia and, on the other hand, the startof the implementation, with aggressive and repressive terms, of the state'santi-social plans and investors aiming to appropriate and control public spacesmore broadly, as well as urban green spaces in Athens. From Drakopoulou Park,Cyprus and Patision Park, Plato Academy and Filopappos Hill, to Strefi Hill andExarcheion Square etc.Hands down from the hill of Strefi and the Exarchia of social and class struggles.AGAINST STATE AND CAPITALwhich aim more broadly at crushing social and class resistances.which target, as part of the state's counter-insurgency policy that has beenevolving since 2009, the neighborhood of Exarchia to stop being intertwined withthe struggles that have been and are being given against the rotten world ofoppression and exploitation and to suspend the development of policies and socialprocesses that come into conflict with the dominant values and relationshipsimposed by power.who evict squatters, install an occupation army in the area, beat youths,terrorize and harass residents and patrons.who guide and supervise the development of the drug mafias that are their longarm in the region, attempting to slander and demonize the open, free and publicsphere that has been shaped through the struggles for freedom, equality andsolidarity.which aim at the complete social disintegration of the area, the alteration ofthe kinetic and racing characteristics of the Exarchias, the deprivation of theirracing history and their transformation into a controlled profit zone.who are planning the regeneration of the Strefis area, the creation of a subwayin the Exarchia square and the conversion of the Polytechnic into a museum,attempting to appropriate the public space for its commercialization andconversion into a profit zone, which is part of the wider regeneration plans and"gentrification" of the city center.....having as a legacy the mobilizations of the past, maintaining firm positionsof battle against the state, capital, state repression, drug mafias and socialcannibalismWE WILL CONTINUE TO DEFEND THE PRINCIPLES OF FREEDOM, SELF-ORGANIZATION,EQUALITY, SOLIDARITYRally-march: Saturday, September 24, 2022, 18:00 | Museum (Patesia)https://landandfreedom.gr/el/agones/946-a-a-steki-antipnoia-athina-kalesma-se-poreia-enantia-stin-anaplasi-ton-eksarxeion_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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