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maandag 3 oktober 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #RUSSIA #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Russia, avtonom: Surprise: Trends in Order and Chaos Episode 72 (September 19) (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Hi all! Today is Monday, September 19 and we continue our podcast "Trends of

Order and Chaos". This is episode 72. Here are the highlights of the week'sagenda. ---- 1. Retirade ---- The score of the war this week has already exceeded200 days. Putin did not succeed in an easy war with "little bloodshed on foreignterritory". But how much fun the TV propagandist Simonyan once had: "In a hotwar, we will defeat Ukraine in two days. Why defeat her, God, well, Ukraine,well, they suppressed these firing points, so we discussed this during thecommercial break. So, the Russian blitzkrieg did not work out, but the Ukrainianone came out - a swift breakthrough into the territory occupied by Russia andsqueezing it from the enemy right up to the border with the Belgorod region.Russian propaganda did not admit defeat, it turns out that it was a cunningmaneuver and everything went according to plan. "In order to achieve the statedgoals of the special military operation to liberate Donbass, a decision was madeto regroup the Russian troops stationed in the Balakleya and Izyum regions inorder to step up efforts in the Donetsk direction" (from the telegram channel ofthe Russian Defense Ministry). In short, a kind of "negative offensive."Increased efforts on the speed of draping. Channels of Russian patriotssupporting the war against Ukraine howled, they say, how is it? There are "ours!""We don't leave ours!" As if they had forgotten that what A. Babchenko was rightabout was that "The Motherland will leave you, son. Is always". So, the patrioticguys "we can repeat", all this time you supported the lies that poured out of allpropaganda irons, and now you suddenly want the truth? True true? Honestly? Fromwhom? From the Ministry of Defense, which is embarrassed to call the war a war?Maybe from journalists who can go to jail for any careless word? Maybe frombloggers who were equated with the media with a corresponding trip to jail? Soeat what you yourself helped to grow.2. Torture and deathWe have already said in our issues that suffering and death seem to be thenational idea of the "Russian World", and that it brings them everywhere it triesto spread. After the liberation from the Russian occupation of villages andcities, prisons with torture chambers and many graves are found there, some ofwhich are people who survived the bullying by the invaders. It seems that theonly motivation of the occupiers was the ability to torture, kill and rob. Assoon as they were rebuffed, all motivation evaporated. They did not expect arebuff, they did not count on a counterattack. The entire hierarchical system ofthe Russian army, built, like everything else in Russia, on the "vertical ofpower" and fear of the authorities, crumbled like dust, the colossus of theRussian army - the second in number and armament in the world - turned out to beon feet of clay. Of course, it is still too early to celebrate the victory overhim, and every step towards this victory has been paid at a great price,including the blood of our fellow anarchists who are fighting against fascism,which the Russian invaders bring with them. But one can already see that thedevil is not so terrible as he is painted. The agonizing Russian Empire in itscurrent version is not so strong, and its Achilles' heel is precisely that it isall built on lies, violence, submission and fear. She looks more and more like adinosaur that has been bitten off half of its body, but this fact has not yetreached the brain.3. Who will be thrown into the furnace?Meanwhile, due to heavy losses, the Russian army is forced to replenish thereserves of the so-called manpower. But the population of Russia, as we see, doesnot show high motivation to fight in Ukraine. Especially after the current lossesand lies about the retreat. The government is clearly afraid to announcemobilization. Well, firstly, what kind of mobilization is it if there is no war.There is a "special operation". Secondly, the government is clearly still afraidof its people and, therefore, is afraid to give them weapons. Well, how to rebel?And then there were precisely the defeats in the war, which in theRussian-Japanese war led to the first revolution, suppressed with greatbloodshed, which became the forerunner of the second, in 1917, when the mobilizedhad both weapons and military experience, and the absence of any fear, but evilon the "traitors in the headquarters" more than enough. And most importantly,after the "Bloody Sunday" the king and his power lost their sacredness. So,perhaps, in Putin's office, someone has learned to read real historical books,and not just Dugin's fabrications. Well, where do you get people? Who to throwinto the furnace of war? The government no longer hides the fact that it isrecruiting criminals into its paramilitaries, including those imprisoned formurder and robbery.Anarchists are opponents of prisons and the punishment system that exists inRussia, but a reasonable question arises: why, if murderers can now continue tokill, just now they will also be paid for it, the main thing is that they kill onUkrainian territory, then it turns out, that the worst enemies for Russia areartists, journalists and bloggers? Any honest person who writes the truth can berepressed. Although... the apparatus of repression is also already beginning tobe thrown into the fire, as, for example, is happening with some parts of theNational Guard, created to fight protesters inside Russia itself. Well ... theearth is glassy to them.It is difficult to predict whether mobilization will eventually be announced, butjust in case, look at the resources that give advice on how to avoidconscription, as well as how to protect children from brainwashing by fascistpropaganda, and other tips that are useful to you and very harmful to thegovernment. And history tips are in all high school textbooks.4. And about the noble robbersSo, if we talk about history, then the times of noble robbers and dashingexpropriators, it would seem, have long since sunk into oblivion. However, thisweek news came from Lebanon. There, a woman seized a bank and demanded the moneythat was needed to treat her seriously ill sister.The fact is that this money just belonged to her sister, but Lebanese banks frozedollar accounts due to a lack of cash. Now Sally Hafez is a folk heroine. Becausethe people love justice, and do not like when the opposite is true.To the question, so what, anarchists propose to return to the days of raids onbanks? We will answer that anarchists propose to step forward into new times,where human life will not depend on banks, governments and their territorialdisputes, as, for example, happened this week in another border conflict betweenAzerbaijan and Armenia, and Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Since anarchists proposeto build a classless, stateless society based on self-government and mutualassistance. This is what the 21st century should be remembered for.Well, that's all for today! We remind you that in "Trends of Order and Chaos" theparticipants of "Autonomous Action" give anarchist assessments of current events.Listen to us on Youtube, SoundCloud and other platforms, visit our websiteavtonom.org, subscribe to the e-mail newsletter!Issue #72 prepared by NinaTNow we are working on the restoration of the libertarian and anarchist movementin Russia after a period of stagnation and repression, and we need your supportto improve our website. Join our Firefund fundraising campaign until the end ofSeptember!https://avtonom.org/news/nezhdanchik-trendy-poryadka-i-haosa-epizod-72-18-sentyabrya_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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