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zaterdag 1 oktober 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) Spain, ALB: The Strike of the Consortium in Galiza. A women's strike. INTERVIEW (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 We convince Xan das Bolas (Correspondent for NoticiasALB in Galiza) to interview

one of the strikers these days: María Ladra, 45 years old, Gerocultor at theAbadín Day Center for the Elderly (Lugo), militant in the Union Section of CNT inthe Equality and Welfare Consortium. ---- Let's put our readers in thebackground: The Equality and Welfare Consortium is a public entity dependent onthe Xunta de Galicia, which employs around 1,500 people (90% women) in almost 200centers spread throughout Galician geography. Among other functions, these arebasically Nursery Schools, Day Centers, Residential Homes, Community Housing forthe elderly and I+B offices (Igualdade e Welfare), Quérote Centers and EmergencyCenters for Women Victims of Gender Violence.Summarizing very much the labor situation of these women, we will say that theyaccessed their jobs through oppositions, merit contests and listings. And that inmany cases after more than 14 years they continue with temporary contracts. Nowthey are intended to be expelled (what we call a covert ERE) through tests wheretheir work experience in the Consortium is not recognized and where they have tocompete in clear inequality with thousands of applicants to occupy thesepositions. The Slogan of the Strike is "Those of us who are left". And so, withthe opposition not only from the Administration but also from the WorksCommittee, the workers, many of them from the Trade Union Section of the CNT,have been in permanent conflict for almost two years. Now after the disregard ofthe Xunta they have decided to toughen the pressure measures. It is difficult toimagine what goes through the head of a person who is on strike for 15consecutive days if they have not been through a similar situation before.- ALB News: First of all we want to thank you for your time for this interview.We think your testimony is a direct source of what this strike is assuming. A"David against Goliath" of the trade union struggle. Tell us, María, what is thestate of mind of the hundreds of compañeras who support the strike? What is yoursin particular?- María: In general, those of us who are on strike every day feel encouraged bythe union of the workers and the joint effort and, on the other hand, discouragedby the lack of intention to negotiate on the part of the Consortium and theXunta, which makes it difficult to see the end of this situation soon, feeling anincalculable emotional exhaustion, which affects our day to day. I personallybelieve that it is a situation of injustice and emotionally difficult to copewith. This strike not only affects the workers and their families, but alsothousands of families with small children, the elderly, the basic servicesprovided in dozens of Municipalities. from Galicia.- What is the response of your neighbors and the people in general?- M: The abusive minimum services try to hide our protest, providing the leastdistorted service possible, even so the majority of the neighbors and relativessupport us and know our demands first-hand. Today it can be said that this strikeis the main labor conflict in Galicia, not only because of the number of peoplecalled but also because of the number of work centers affected. The media echoyour demands more and more, but we believe that if you were miners, tough menwith mustaches, and not "simple women" many other trade unionists would beshouting their support.Isn't there some institutional machismo in all this?- Many people still think that the head of the family is the man, it is difficultto change the opinion of people who do not evolve, since I am married I wouldlive off my husband and if he failed me I would look for another. I think thebest option is to be financially independent. Machismo is clear in this conflict,even so we are not less than anyone and we will prove it. Every day that passesyou can see the growing anger, in the face of the Administration's ignoring andthe nerve to put some totally abusive Minimum Services. Silicone-blocked accessdoor locks have appeared in many places.- What opinion do you deserve the statements of a municipal official, whocompared these acts as an act of terrorism?Obviously there is a lack of information to make an adequate assessment of theconflict.- What do you think will be the way out of this conflict? Will it last over time?Will they sit down to negotiate seeing the attitude of the workers and theincreasing pressure from mayors and families?The hope is that the exit is fair and that it does not drag on over time, thatthey sit down to negotiate and that they listen and accept our proposals.- What is your opinion of the unions of the Company Committee? Do you think theyare defending interests that are alien to the workers of the Consortium?They are simply not defending them despite the fact that it is their obligation,with that all is said.- Is the CNT Union, in which most of you have joined, being different? Do youthink that in some way this organization and its trade union model is reachingmore and more workers of the Consortium and in the same way the families andpeople of the towns and cities where you are campaigning?The CNT Union listened to our proposals from the outset and provided us with therequested information at all times. As soon as I joined, I felt part of it, thedecisions are made together and the proposals that are transferred are taken intoaccount at all times. The CNT Union looks at the welfare of the workers and doesnot take into account political and economic interests, although this createsmany enemies for us. The way of explaining things is easy to understand for everyone.- Now, to finish, give us a message that you want to send to all the readers ofour website.If you want to be defended like your mother, don't hesitate to join the CNT. Tobe defended as your mother-in-law, choose any other union. Talking seriously.Never stop fighting for the dignity of people!!!.- Thank you very much Maria. We wish you a lot of strength in your fight!!!!!!  Source: https://cnt.gal/intensa-semana-de-folga-do-persoal-do-consorcio-ieb/https://cnt.gal/comunicado-da-seccion-sindical-da-cnt-no-consorcio-de-ieb-da-xunta/https://cnt.gal/resumo-das-accions-na-segunda-semana-de-folga-no-consorcio-ieb/https://alasbarricadas.org/noticias/node/49761_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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