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zaterdag 1 oktober 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #USA #IRAN #TEHRAN #MAHSAAMINI #News #Journal #Update - (en) #usa #iran Black Rose BRRN: Interview: Iranian Anarchists on Protests in Response to Police Murder of Mahsa Amini (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 Introduction ---- On September 13th, 2022, 22 year old Mahsa Amini was arrested

by an Iranian Guidance Patrol (also known as 'morality police'). Mahsa wasarrested in Tehran for not abiding by laws relating to dress. Three days later,on September 16th, police informed Mahsa's family that she had "experienced heartfailure" and had fallen into a coma for two days before passing away. ----Eyewitness accounts, including that of her own brother, make clear that she wasbrutally beaten during her arrest. Leaked medical scans indicate that she hadexperienced a brain hemorrhage and stroke-trauma induced injuries whichultimately led to her death.In the days since these details were revealed publicly, mass demonstrations havebroken out across Iran decrying Mahsa's murder at the hands of the police.To better understand this rapidly changing situation, we conducted a very briefinterview with the Federation of Anarchism Era, an organization with sections inIran and Afghanistan.This interview was conducted between the dates of 9/20/22 and 9/23/22.InterviewBlack Rose / Rosa Negra (BRRN): First, please give a brief description of theAnarchist Federation of Era.Federation of Anarchism Era (FAE): The Federation of Anarchism Era is a localanarchist federation active in so-called Iran, Afghanistan, and beyond.Our federation is based on the Synthesis Anarchism, accepting all anarchisttendencies except nationalist, religious, capitalist, and pacifist tendencies.Our many years of organizing experience within extremely oppressive environmentslike Iran have led us to develop and utilize insurrectionist organizationaltactics and philosophy.We are an atheist organization, viewing religion as a hierarchical structure thatis more ancient and enduring than almost all other authoritarian systems and muchtoo similar to capitalism and other authoritarian social structures enslavinghumanity today. Class warfare, from our perspective, includes warring against theclergy class who rob us of our freedom and self-autonomy by defining the sacred &taboo and enforcing them by coercion and violence.BRRN: Who was Mahsa Amini? When, why, and how was she killed?FAE: Mahsa Amini, know by her family as Zhina, was an ordinary 22-year-oldKurdish girl from the city of Saghez (Saqez) in Kurdistan.She traveled with her family to Tehran to visit families. On September 13th,while with her brother, Kiaresh Amini, the morality police or the so-called"Guidance Patrol" arrested Mahsa for "improper hijab." Her brother tried toresist the arrest, but the police used tear gas and beat Kiaresh as well.Many other arrested women witnessed what happened in the police van. Along theway to the police station, there was an argument between detainee women andpolice officers. Mahsa Amini was one of the girls protesting their arrest. Shewas saying she was not from Tehran and should be let go.The police used physical violence to shut all the detainee women up. Mahsa wasbeaten as well. The eyewitnesses said the police officers hit Mahsa's head hardto the side of the police van.She was still conscious when she arrived at Moral Security Agency, but the otherdetained women noticed that she looked unwell. The police were completelyindifferent and accused her of acting. The women kept protesting to help Mahsaget the medical attention she needed. The protests were met with violence fromthe police. Mahsa Amini was beaten severely by police again and lostconsciousness then.Police then took notice and attempted to revive her by pumping her chest andraising and massaging her legs. After those attempts failed, the police attackedother women to confiscate all cellphones and cameras that may have recorded theincident.After much delay and finding the lost keys to the ambulance, Mahsa was taken toKasra Hospital.The clinic which admitted Mahsa Amini claimed in an Instagram post that Mahsa wasbrain dead when she was admitted. That Instagram post was later deleted.On September 14th, a Twitter account with a friend working in Kasra Hospital toldthe story that the police threatened the doctors, nurses, and staff not to takeany pictures or video evidence and to lie to Mahsa's parents about the cause ofthe death. The hospital, being intimidated, complied with the police. They liedto the parents that she was in an "accident" and kept her on life-support for twodays. Mahsa was declared dead on September 16th. Her cause of death from themedical scans, leaked by hacktivists, shows bone fractures, hemorrhage, and brainedema.Demonstrators in Istanbul, Turkey hold up an image of Mahsa Amini.BRRN: Did Mahsa's identity as a Kurd play a role in her arrest and death?FAE: Undoubtedly, being a Kurd in Tehran played a role in Mahsa's eventual death.But, this is a reality all women in Iran experience. We don't need to look far tofind video footage of the morality police beating and forcing women into policevans, throwing women out on the street from a moving car, and being harassed byHijabi women for their "improper hijab." Those videos show just a tiny fractionof the hell women experience in Iran.Mahsa being with her brother on the day of her arrest was not randomhappenstance. In Iran's patriarchal society, women should bring a male relative,whether a father, husband, brother, or cousin, along with on their business toward off the morality police and discourage any surly individuals in public.Young couples can't be seen too close to each other in public or risk beingbeaten and arrested by the morality police. Relatives needed to have documents asproof of their claims to the police. Arresting women for lipsticks and nailpolish was a reality many of us millennials in Iran remember vividly.The threat of acid attacks for "bad hijab" is another nightmare women endure in Iran.Patriarchy and religious autocracy affect all women.BRRN: How did the Iranian people learn of Mahsa's death? What was the initialpopular response?FAE: As we elaborated earlier, there were too many eyewitnesses. No amount ofthreats could have stopped the story of Mahsa's death from leaking.It is worth mentioning the doctor attending Mahsa and the photojournalistdocumenting Mahsa's condition and her family in distress, were both arrested, andtheir current status is unknown.The initial response was outrage. People were already sharing Mahsa's story fromSeptember 14th. The outrage was not yet strong enough for protests and revolts.People still thought Mahsa was in a coma, and there was hope for her recovery.Then, She was declared dead on September 16th.First, there were small protests at Kasra Hospital, which were scattered by thepolice. The sparks of the current uprising were lit in Saghez, Mahsa's hometown.A police motorcycle is burned at a demonstration in Tehran.BRRN: What is the scale of the current demonstrations? In what areas of thecountry have the demonstrations been concentrated?The situation is very dynamic and changing exceptionally rapidly. At the time ofwriting this, the flames of the uprising have set 29 out of 31 provinces of Iranon fire. One of the characteristics of this uprising is that it spread to majorcities across Iran, such as Tehran, Tabriz, Isfahan, Ahvaz, Rasht, and others fast.Qom and Mashhad, the ideological strongholds of the regime, have joined theuprising. Kish island, the capitalist and commerce center of the regime, has alsorevolted. This is the most diverse uprising we have witnessed in the last few years.On September 23rd, the syndicalists are planning a general strike in favor of theprotests.The regime has an armed demonstration planned on the same day. A lot is happening.BRRN: How has the Iranian state responded to these demonstrations?The regime's initial response was less brutal than we experienced before. Onereason is that they got caught off-guard. They didn't expect this strongresponse. The more important reason is that Ibrahim Raisi is at the UN. The lackof senior authority figures, publicized story of Mahsa and protests, and thepressure on the government being watched by the international community havestopped the massacre for now.Don't get us wrong. Police killed and injured many people from day one of theprotests. Some among them were 10 years old children and 15 years old teenagers.But, we experienced November 2019 when the regime massacred many thousands ofpeople in 3 days.In all the previous uprisings, the police were not directly the target of the ireof people. Not this time. They are the baddie this time, and people are out fortheir blood. This wears them down physically and mentally, which we take as goodnews.Right now, Saghez and Sanandaj are experiencing ruthless suppression. The regimehas brought tanks and heavy military vehicles to suppress the uprising there.There are many reports of live ammunition being shot at protestors.The protests are still going. The police cars are being flipped. The policestations were scaled and burned down. We just need to arm ourselves by lootingtheir armory. Then, we enter another phase of revolt altogether.A barricade constructed at a demonstration in Tehran on 9/21/22.BRRN: Is it accurate to call these demonstrations feminist in character?FAE: Yes, Absolutely. Like all other uprisings, there were developments andmovements beneath the surface.It can be said that the recent crackdown on the Hijab and increased brutality ofthe morality police started in response to Iranian women's spontaneous,autonomous, and feminist self-organization. Earlier this year, women in Iranbegan to black-list and boycott people and businesses, such as cafes, thatstrictly enforce the Hijab. The movement was decentralized and leaderless, aimedat creating safe spaces for women and members of the LGBTQ community.That brutal oppression culminated at this moment where women are at the forefronteverywhere, burning their scarves and beating down cops without Hijab. The mainslogan of the uprising is also "Woman, Life, Freedom," a slogan from Rojava, asociety whose ambitions are based on anarchist, feminist, and secular ideology.BRRN: What political elements (organizations, parties, groups) are present in thedemonstrations, if any?FAE: Many organizations, parties, and groups attempt to appropriate or influencethe protests for their benefit at every uprising.The majority of them ran into an unscalable problem during this uprising.First, The monarchists. Reza Pahlavi, the deadbeat son of so very dead previousShah of Iran, an individual being propped up by stolen money and media networksoutside Iran, called for a national day of mourning amidst public outrage andinitial protests instead of using his resources to assist the revolt. Peoplefinally saw him for the charlatan that he is. "Death to oppressors, whether Shahor Leader," was heard all across Iran.Then, MEK or Mujahedin Kalq. MEK has an ideological problem with this uprising.They are a cult whose women members are forced to wear red scarves. Their originstory is from combining Marxist and Islamic ideologies, hijacked byMarxist-Leninists before 1979, to the cult in service of capitalist andimperialist states today. Yet, the women in Iran are burning their headscarvesand Quran. They have no say in this political climate.Then, there are communist parties who despise Rojava and always speak ill of it.Their debunked and rusty class analysis doesn't help them win hearts here.With all their talks and propaganda of being proponents of secularism andfeminism, they didn't even have one slogan geared toward women's liberation. Andtheir ideology prevented them from chanting "Women, Life, Freedom." They hadnothing to say, so they shut up. Thanks to that, their presence is much weaker inthe protests today.The Anarchist movement is growing in Iran. This uprising, being leaderless,feminist, anti-authoritarianism, and chanting Rojava slogans, led to anarchists,affiliated and unaffiliated with the federation, having a strong presence in thisuprising. Unfortunately, many have been arrested and injured as well.We are working to realize the anticapitalist potential of this movement. Becausethe Islamic Republic is a death cult and religion, patriarchy, racism, andcapitalism are its ideological pillars. For us to live, we need to be free; andthat can't be done without women's liberation at the forefront.University student demonstrators in Tehran on 9/19/22BRRN: In solidarity. Thank you for your time.FAE: Solidarity.https://blackrosefed.org/iranian-anarchists-on-demonstrations-in-response-to-police-murder-of-mahsa-amini/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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