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dinsdag 29 november 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #BRAZIL #ANARCHISM #LIBRRAY #News #Journal #Update - (en) Brazil, CABN - CAB: Anarchist militancy against the extreme right in Santa Catarina (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 After the result of the presidential elections on October 30, organized groups of

Bolsonarism blocked the highways of Santa Catarina and also the streets in frontof the military barracks, inflamed above all by fascist rhetoric and with fundingfrom sectors of agribusiness, third sector entrepreneurs and of carriers. Almost100 blockade points were registered on Monday (October 31), making the state oneof the biggest representatives of the Bolsonarist coup, a scenario that continuesto this day with people in green and yellow clamoring for military intervention,especially in cities like Joinville - where the interventionist clamor seems morelike a fair for the city's middle and upper classes. ---- More than 15 days afterthe victory of the Lula-Alckmin ticket, which already demonstrates its bowing tothe interests of the business community and seeks to revive the pact ofconciliation of classes of the first PT governments, as it is possible to verifywith the compositions of the commissions of transition with names linked to thecapital, there is still a strong belief that the ballot boxes were rigged, evenafter the Army's opinion. In SC, in addition to figures like Luciano Hang,transport companies, Chambers of Logistic Directors (CDLs) and businessmen haveplayed a fundamental role in promoting such coup logic. Carriers have put truckson the streets, CDLs have demonstrated in favor of the blockades and businessmenhave released workers to participate in the actions.According to the major state media and the Public Ministry of Santa Catarina, atleast twelve businessmen and public agents were involved in the blockades. Itshould be noted that the Bolsonaro government carried out policies to meet theinterests of transport companies, such as the removal of radars, changes in cargotransport and flexibility in monitoring the workday of people who work as freightand passenger drivers. Added to this, there is an attachment to the militaristicand police-like logic, which is mixed with a narrative of a working and orderlypeople of European origin. Bolsonarism in these lands meets Nazi-fascismstrengthened in the illusion of European heritage.The relationship between the ruling class and the extreme right is present in thehistorical formation of society in Santa Catarina. The colonization process wasresponsible for the genocide of the Guarani, Xocleng and Kaingang indigenouspopulations, accompanied by the enslavement of the black population in theslaveholding context, even with the formal abolition of slavery that occurred in1888, and carried out an intense erasure of their histories and contributions. Inthe context of the transition from the 19th to the 20th century, in the borderregion between Paraná and Santa Catarina, the Cabloca population made theirfaith, territorial and popular organization a form of resistance against theWhite Republic and its army, strongly supported by the international capital.They were slaughtered.Between the 1920s and 1940s, sectors of the Santa Catarina elites embracedItalian fascism, German Nazism and its Brazilian version, called Integralism,electing Integralist mayors and councilors in cities such as Joinville andJaraguá do Sul. All this process with the blessings of the hierarchies of theCatholic and Lutheran churches. In the period of the civil-military dictatorship(1964 - 1985), the interests of Santa Catarina's capitalists embraced the "fearof the communist danger" and organized financial support for propaganda duringthe dictatorial repression. Meanwhile, the policies of the governors, togetherwith the military in Brasilia, injected public money for the industrial growth ofa small portion of wealthy employers. In the process of "bourgeoisredemocratization", the business community left its fascist dream restricted tothe scope of business meetings, while the management of its companies maintainedexploitation.In this context, it is worth noting that from the proximity of the business classto the logic of political frustration offered by a declining Bolsonarism, it ispossible to observe a tendency towards strengthening and organizing sectors ofthe right. Corporate financing can offer the necessary conditions for an increasein the capacity for action and organization of right-wing groups, something thatmakes the capacity for articulation and response of left-wing sectors worrying.Thus, with the frustration that will come from the ineffectiveness of the duty infront of the barracks, we can deal with an even greater growth of Nazi andfascist cells in the state, which can present themselves as a solution, byorganizing and absorbing these subject-soldiers of Bolsonarism, or even byreference to public figures who take the lead in current street actions.Of the more than 5 million voters in Santa Catarina, almost 70% voted for JairBolsonaro. A similar percentage can be observed in other states, such as Acre andRondônia, however, the repercussion of the organized base of Bolsonarism hasanother echo given the history of Santa Catarina. Recently, we had emblematiccases of Nazism at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and at theUniversity of Joinville Region (Univille). The arrest of members of Nazi cells inthe state had repercussions in the national media, exposing the Nazi-fascism thathas remained in the state for almost a century. Xenophobia is nothing new in thestate, even though part of the working class essential for the enrichment of thelocal bourgeoisie comes from other places: the interior of Paraná; fromnortheastern states, mainly Bahia, Pará; and migrants from other countries suchas Venezuela and Haiti.Thus, when we are faced with the logic of Bolsonarism, we observe that itsstructure absorbs elements historically supported by the extreme right, such asxenophobia, racism, patriarchy, religious intolerance, defense of the family, inthe most traditional and excluding sense of the term, priority of the privateover the public, among others. In the state of SC, these elements echo in an evenmore worrying way, since they are present in the social formation of SantaCatarina. At the same time, however, the figure of Bolsonaro was important ingiving new substance to these elements that historically remain present in thedynamics of the extreme right.Since his election to the presidency in 2018, we have observed that his mandatehas been crossed by aspects that reinforce the imagination of the extreme rightand even date back to the period of the civil-military dictatorship in Brazil,when he regained the strength of conservatism and militarism. The latter, it isworth mentioning, was also useful to consolidate an idea that the Bolsonaristmovement would be decentralized, when, in fact, what existed/exists are specificcommands of action and information.More specifically, Bolsonarism knew how to use to its advantage, and with somecruel perspicacity, communication instruments that played a decisive role in theconstant misinformation sustained during these four years of its government. Thefakenews machine was one of the most used resources by the Bolsonaro clan, as itdisseminated a network of false news on a daily basis, which fed the imaginationof a significant portion of the population with lies and inventions on varioussubjects. Even in the organization of the recent blockades after the end of the2022 presidential elections, it was possible to observe the impact of fakenews onthe very base of supporters of Bolsonarism, which even celebrated false news,such as the alleged arrest of Minister Alexandre de Moraes[2].In this sense, it is worth understanding this set of elements from what isconventionally called Bolsonarism, in order to connect and even blame the figureof Bolsonaro for the catastrophic results of his (mis)government, but, on theother hand, it is necessary to be attentive to the historical and continuityaspects of the extreme right, especially in the state of SC. With Bolsonaro'sdefeat at the polls, what we should observe is a restructuring of thisconservative base, which should maintain the defense of an unequal, conservative,racist and xenophobic society, reinforced by the economic interests of SantaCatarina's business community.It is up to the entire anarchist militancy residing in the region to seek ways toorganize themselves in their union, community and student entities and build aproject to overcome capitalist and state exploitation and domination. Join inpopular, anti-capitalist, anti-racist, anti-sexist initiatives and in solidaritywith all the struggles of the oppressed classes. CABN (Black Flag AnarchistCollective), a member of CAB (Brazilian Anarchist Coordination), stands as anorganizational initiative of the anarchist comradeship within the Latin Americanperspective of Especifismo, with theoretical and practical unity, to build aworld of socialism with freedom, self-management , federalism and solidarity.Santa Catarina, November 18, 2022Tagged: blockades, bolsonarismo, bolsonarista, elections, extreme right, fakenwes, Santa Catarinahttps://www.cabn.libertar.org/a-militancia-anarquista-frente-a-extrema-direita-em-santa-catarina/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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