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woensdag 30 november 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #FRANCE #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #France, UCL - Syndicalism, Early Childhood: Historic Strike, Intact Determination (ca, de, it, fr, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 On October 6, early childhood professionals mobilized massively. But their

demands went unheard. However, they are determined to organize to strengthen thestrike. ---- n October 6, 2022, early childhood professionals mobilized massivelyfirst for the withdrawal of the reform of reception methods, and the withdrawalof the decree of July 29, 2022[1]authorizing work in a crèche without a diplomaor experience. They demanded immediate measures against the shortage ofprofessionals, higher wages, the immediate and massive increase in places intraining centers, dignified working conditions and quality care for all babies.---- The collective No babies at the locker took stock of this now historic day:"thousands of early childhood professionals took to the streets of more than 60cities[...]: 5,000 in Paris, 1,500 in Nantes and Lyon, 500 in Rennes, Nice andBayonne, 400 in Limoges, 300 in Tours, 250 in Strasbourg, Mulhouse andClermont-Ferrand... 42 nurseries out of 59 were closed in Marseille, 34 out of 40in Bordeaux, 6 out of 6 in Charleville-Mézières or Dieppe...".300 people also gathered in Chambéry, Lorient or Montpellier, where, to speakonly of the territorial public service, out of 24 municipal crèches and daynurseries, 15 were closed, 9 partially open. In other words, unheard of for morethan ten years! The government persists and signs in its choice of a collectivereception at a discount for young children. No longer even caring aboutappearances, betting only on short-lived announcement effects, it continues tosell off public and associative structures to the lucrative private sector.Class contempt and patriarchal dominationOnce again, the claims have not been heard: on the ministerial decree of July 29,end of inadmissibility; on the salary increase, no commitment; on the training ofqualified personnel, it kicks in touch; on the supervision rate resulting fromthe recent reform of reception methods, he refuses to budge, etc. Possibly, onlyone step forward, that of begging the National Family Allowance Fund (CNAF) forpayment for twelve hours per year of practice analyzes instead of six.This government is cynical, it mocks all those who work with young children andallows the work of many others. We still have levers to push back those whodespise us: organize even more and strengthen the strike. A strong challenge willbe to gather around us the parents with whom we have a major common interest: theemotional and psychological security of their children.Early childhood professionals are not "tatas" who do babysitting. They do notfulfill "natural" missions that would logically devolve to them as women,underpaid and discredited. These qualified professionals provide essentialsupport for both children and parents, a fundamental social bond. It is for thesereasons that they will not let go.Nanou (UCL Montpellier)To validate[1]More information on the sites Pasdebebesalaconsigne.com and reportsdeforce.fr.https://www.unioncommunistelibertaire.org/?Petite-enfance-Greve-historique-determination-intacte_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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