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zaterdag 5 november 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ITALY #ANARCHISM #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Italy: Galatea FAI:[Catania]Historia non magistra vitae. Honor the dead, mock the living. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 For a few days it has been news and uproar that in Catania a Roman tomb has been

"discovered" in Via Antico Corso under a building of the Autonomous Casa PopolareInstitute. ---- The tomb was used as a deposit for braziers and so on until theintervention, in 2010, of the carabinieri and the Superintendency of CulturalHeritage. From that moment until today, October 2022, the tomb has remained therein total neglect. ---- Now that the tomb is under the media spotlight, Cataniarediscovers its history again. ---- Love for one's past, however, is only a decoyand in the case of Catania it has never been something to stand out. ---- TheDuke of Camastra, in the name of the reconstruction and restoration of theprestige of the Etnean city after the earthquake of the Val di Noto at the end ofthe seventeenth century, modified its urban planning, demolishing those fewmedieval buildings of Greek-Roman origin that had survived to the earthquake andhighlighting the baroque style of the new reconstructed palaces of the patriciateand clergy of Catania - hiding the "beggars" and their neighborhoods behind suchconstructions.Over the course of two centuries (eighteenth-twentieth century), Catania hasrisen urbanistically: the building enlargement towards the north of the city; thegutting of San Berillo and the birth / overbuilding of the districts of NesimaSuperiore and San Leone by the small group "Drago, Majorana, Rebecchini & Co" inthe 1950s-1960s; the buildings that sprang up like mushrooms in the neighborhoodsof Ognina and the so-called "satellite city" of Librino in the 1970s-1980s.After this phase of overbuilding, removal of the superfluous and deportations,the social and political changes in Catania in the first half of the 90s led thelocal establishment to reconsider its architectural past.The reason is quite simple: new market segments had to be opened.Considering that at the economic level, construction had entered a phase ofstagnation (and subsequent crisis), the new urban planning laws prevented newconstructions and modifications of the Regulatory Plans, and in the territory itwas not possible to absorb the unoccupied force in other economic sectors (agriculture in primis), the only market suitable to partially solve this problemof unemployment and capitalist crisis was (and still is today, in 2022) that oftourism.With a minimum of professional preparation and European and national fundstowards the tourism sector, the latter has proved to be a real lifesaver interritories such as Catania where large manufacturing industries are totallyabsent and the cyclical crisis of the capital is felt heavily. at all levels.Restoring buildings or tombs to "spin" the economy, advertising everything as"Caio Sempronio was buried" or "a nobleman killed his wife in the Baroness ofCarini style", proves only one thing: we live in a society of death where life ishated and, at the same time, one believes in another world that exists only inthe minds of idiots worshiping one or more deities.https://gruppoanarchicogalatea.noblogs.org/post/2022/10/28/catania-historia-non-magistra-vitae-onora-i-morti-dileggia-i-vivi/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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