Dear friends,
War zones... monster hurricanes... a raging fire at an animal foster facility... a desperate dumping zone for forgotten, throwaway dogs... |
What a year we’ve been through together for the animals. We are SO grateful for your steadfast love and support. |
Bombed-out dogs in Ukraine would starve without NFA’s help. |
You put your trust in NFA to always put animals first. And we ALWAYS do! Your dedication to animals in need is the reason we’re writing to tell you: in these last days of 2022, so many animals are still suffering out there.
Still hoping for someone like you to care.
Still needing your help and your love. |
Abused slum dog in South Africa. |
[NOTE: in the United States, your generous year-end donation to Network for Animals is of course tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law.] |
But wherever you live, there’s SO MUCH more to your urgent year-end gift… |
NFA’s executive director David Barritt and a Ghost Dogs volunteer feed a stray dog near Athens, Greece. |
We don’t send “free” trinkets (t-shirts, coffee mugs, tote bags and the like) to entice donations... we don’t create artificial year-end goals. We are proud that more than 83% of every donation we receive is directed to our life-saving work for the animals. Administrative and fundraising costs are kept to an absolute minimum. |
A dog at a shelter in the Balkans. |
We put every penny of your donations to maximum use... to SAVE animals in crisis... FEED abandoned friends... RUSH resources to struggling shelters... and FIGHT to end horrific animal cruelty and abuse, wherever it exists! |
Just like the life-saving work your generosity made possible in 2022 - and with your support today, will continue to make it possible… |
- Help traumatized animals caught crises like Ukraine’s war zones - you put us on the ground starting Day One... funded THREE animal ambulances and dedicated pet food delivery and rescue vans... even when three of our team were CAPTURED by the Russians and HELD for weeks, rescues continued - and continue to this day!
An NFA-donated animal vehicle in action in Ukraine. |
- Heal and rebuild after devastation - from the aftermath of Hurricane Ian to a RAGING inferno at a foster facility fire near a deadly dog slaughter neighborhood of South Korea, you helped pull frightened animals from a historic storm surge, save more than 100 terrified burn survivors, and help the Jindo Love foster facility rise from the ashes as a beacon of hope against the dog meat trade!
The surviving victims of the Jindo Love foster facility fire in South Korea receive treatment. |
- Fight for the plight of donkeys worldwide, like Tony - hit by a car, left to die and then blinded in a vicious attack by wolves, Tony’s agony is all too common in the many places where donkeys are treated as “objects” of torture and abuse. YOU make a difference when you donate, fighting for the humane treatment of animals, and providing care and safe shelter for sweet souls like Tony.
Tony was hit by a car, left for dead and attacked by wolves. Your support ensured he could be rescued and treated. |
- Love and protect “throwaway” animals like Ljupče for as long as it takes - chucked on top of a Bosnian garbage dump, so frightened and hopeless that all her fur was gone. Without you, friends like three-legged Ljupče would have no one to speak for them. From Trebinje in Bosnia to the condemned shelter Žarkovica in Croatia where the lives of 200 sick and unwanted street animals are still on the line, your support NEVER wanes!
Ljupče, a three-legged dog rescued by NFA after being tossed on a rubbish dump in Bosnia. |
These are just a few examples of the vital work you make possible through your support of NFA. So much goes to work in places where almost NO other rescue organizations want to venture or stay!
Whether it’s ending the cruel blood sport of horse fighting in the Philippines or providing food and care for street cats in the Greek Islands, we are the animals’ last, best hope.
Together. |
Stray cats in Ithaca, Greece, receive food and care thanks to your donations. |
PLEASE, this holiday season, keep us on the job and fighting for the animals in 26 countries around the world. Help us hit the ground running strong in 2023, whatever comes our way. |
YOU will put boots on the ground for abused and neglected animals in remote places that larger groups tend not to prioritize. YOU will save lives.
YOU will help us stretch every dollar or pound as far as possible.
YOU will rush a much-needed lifeline of love, food, care, advocacy and protection for animals. |
This work, as you know, is often in impoverished and deadly dangerous areas. Our teams put their lives on the line. No gimmicks. No publicity stunts. Just real-life love and rescue.
But without resources from year-end donations like yours, the animals have no one. |
Please let YOUR donation to NFA now send a message to the bad guys: we’re not taking the holidays off… and we’re on your trail until EVERY animal lives, breathes and heals, in peace! |
AGAIN, we offer no gimmicks or “free” trinkets in exchange for your donation. Just real-life rescues and real-life love for animals. |
THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for your love and your friendship, this year and every year. The animals - and ALL of us at Network for Animals - are so lucky to have faithful friends like you. |
For the animals, 
Brian and Gloria Davies (and Max and Flora!) Founders Network for Animals |
P.S. Did you know, you can also set up a recurring monthly donation via credit card in an amount of your choosing and become a cherished NFA monthly supporter whose love and kindness are there automatically for animals all year round. But however you donate, PLEASE help the animals before year-end. They will be forever grateful. |
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