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vrijdag 2 december 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #ARGENTINA #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Argentina, ICL-CIT, FORA: organizacion-obrera #93 - UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME: CAPITALIST RESIGNATION (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 -Then, measures such as universal basic income would be necessary... ---- -Yes,

for two reasons. First, for a purely moral issue, so that inequity does notincrease disproportionately, but also, there is another reason, and that is thatfor the wheel of the capitalist market to continue working, part of thatextraordinary income must be transferred from the owner of the technology toworkers. ---- Eduardo Levy Yeyati, interviewed in Infobae [1]on February 17, 2018---- When traversing uncharted territory, keep track of your steps, chart yourdirection, and move forward without distraction. Raise your head from time totime and check, then correct or get back on track. In the meantime, it is alwaysimportant to recognize the terrain you are walking on. ---- In the here and now,in the midst of a maelstrom of political and economic instabilities, with ahistoric drop in wages and dizzying precariousness of working conditions,substantive discussions and long-term perspectives seem to be inadequate.However, they are more urgent than ever. It is precisely at times like this whereit is noted that the systemic injustice of a capitalist society and the politicalconditions of the state are the real problem: the longer we take to take the bullby the horns, the longer the suffering will be and the deeper the discomfort.It would not be sensible to treat the local situation as if it were disconnectedfrom the history of capitalism. It is not an exceptional situation, but part ofthe evolution of an economic system that does not conceive the social dimensionof benefit but rather as a by-product of individual benefit. At the same time,and in the midst of the delirium of surrealist speeches that spring from politicsand the press, somewhat rusty words return, such as communism, liberalism, ordiscussions about the State and anarchy itself, that word so loved by thecarcamanes of political power to scare the middle class into passive resignation,decorated with the classic elegance of social repression. However, that word,anarchy, also appears claimed as if it were a capitalist utopia,Clearly, the confusion of a troubled river, in which anything can be said andwords no longer mean almost anything, ends up being functional to the madnessthat the usual conservatives feed on, the Gatopardos who speak of revolution to"change everything without nothing changes". The debate about the Universal BasicIncome [2]is a clear example of all this.One of the objectives of the capitalist production system has always been thefull use of the factors of production. In liberal orthodox mythology, that wouldbe a point of balance to which the market tends, if it is allowed to operatefreely. The market, in this context, appears as an entity that has its ownnature, as if it were at times a conscious entity (when it is said that "themarket thinks, fears or reacts") and at others a physical entity ( which "tendsto balance").Among the peculiarities that Keynes's model brought to the economic theory ofcapitalism, one is the affirmation that there can be a point of equilibriumwithout the full use of the factors of production. That equilibrium point, in atacit analogy with physics, would be the point at which the converging forcescancel each other out, bringing the system to a certain rest. So that thefactors, then, are used completely, that is, for there to be "full employment" ofthe factors of production, it is necessary for the State to intervenecompensating the forces of the market.This discussion already seems to have been settled a long time ago than one mightbelieve. The need for a Universal Basic Income expresses a certain resignation tothe fact that a large part of the population has become expendable from theproductive point of view, and is only necessary from the point of view ofconsumption. It is no longer simply a matter of a reserve army, impoverishedpeople as a threat to less poor people, so that they accept the poor workingconditions that are offered to them. Now it is a sector of society that will needstate assistance permanently.That debate, about the relevance or not of a Universal Basic Income, how toimplement it, etc., is full of traps and multiple intentions. To muddy the court,public communication resorts to strident threats and crossed accusations in whichno one is deprived of using names such as communist or neoliberal, with which adeaf shout advances and it is seen that nothing is what is said.Comedy, drama, movies from ArgentinaMilei, an over-adapted psychopath turned into a performer of the electoral show,once knew how to accuse Macri, a typical exponent of the Argentine prebendarybourgeoisie, of being a socialist . To that same Macri with whom she later leakedand who is attacked as a neoliberal by the nac & pop universe of the Kirchneristspectrum. This specter, from the ranks of the Pro, is accused of being acommunist , while Cristina Kirchner boasts of being a "great bourgeois [3]» inresponse to similar accusations. The self-styled communists, on the other hand,are also out there, in a big alliance with the Big Bourgeoisie. The Trotskyists,on the other hand, between broken and badly sewn, reunite to obtain aparliamentary presence with the FIT, a front with which they intend to fightcapitalism from within what they themselves denounce as the institutions,vitiated from the beginning, of a false democracy. . Everyone plays their gameand plays their own role in the art comedy of political representation.In the midst of all this nonsense, different sectors, apparently contrary to eachother, promote the discussion for universal income. Among them the Vatican,invoking the most characteristic conception of community of the Catholic tradition:"The UBI[universal basic income]can redefine relations in the labormarket[...]Policies like the UBI can also help people combine time spent on paidwork with time spent in the community.[4]»This vision of community indirectly brings a sign of the real conflict. The falsedilemma about universal income is summed up in the discussion, yes or no, of itsimplementation in any form. It is a false dilemma because the main discussionabout the implementation of a universal income is not yes or no, but when andhow. Everything indicates that it is an unavoidable step because it is the onlyviable tool, until now, to maintain the continuity of capitalism threatened byits own productivity. The figure with which this universal income is implementedand the details of that implementation are not insignificant, but they aresecondary. In fact, the system of subsidies and social plans now already fulfillsthat function to a great extent, and it has no chance of disappearing if it isnot mutating into some universal implementation of income. The massist fanfare ofconverting plans into wages has as its horizon the duration of the increasinglyobsolete structures of a Fordist industrialism.So the underlying discussion that is taking place is who gets the politicalprofit from starting up some IBU, and in what macroeconomic context would it beinscribed, paying special attention to international relations that areinvigorated by a renewal of the conflict in two blocks and that today takes on athreatening visibility with the war in Ukraine and the tension in Taiwan.This underlying discussion connects with the sign launched from the Vatican andindicates that there is something in the profound concept of society that isunder debate, although this debate is masked by the fireworks of representation.When the papal speech refers to a community dimension of economic activity thatis disconnected from employment relations, an impasse opens. How big is thatcommunity? Is it an empty rhetorical figuration or is it a model of peacefulcoexistence between a local pre-capitalist sociability and a hyper-productiveglobal capitalism?When it is established that the popular economy is here to stay, a clearindication is given that there is an underlying issue that is denser than thediscussion about who puts the signature on the universal income project. Thisbackground implies economic and political tensions in the redefinition of socialrelations in the face of the new production conditions of the capitalist system.The core of the problem From the end of the 18th century, a profound economic transformation took placein Western Europe and then spread throughout the world. It is what is usuallyreferred to as the Industrial Revolution , and consists of a profoundtransformation of the production system by virtue of its own technologicalinventions. That transformation inaugurated the new times of urban industry, thatis, of a manufacturing model in which the automatic mechanism, the machine,enters the productive scene for the first time, replacing labor and multiplyingthe productivity of the old workshops, impacting on the social relations ofmanufacturing production flows.Until then, the participation of mechanisms in the industry was very minor and,in the case of very crude and not yet automatic mechanisms, the increase inproductivity did not manage to transform social relations so radically. Toillustrate the matter, it is enough to observe that the automated looms thatappeared in England at the end of the 18th century produced an infinitely moretranscendent transformation than the spinning wheel, the last technologicalincorporation of the textile industry up to that moment, which appeared in Europepossibly some 800 years before, and possibly some 2000 years after it was invented.If the increase in productivity is systematically monopolized by a minoritysector of society, the consumption capacity is also systematically concentrated.The productive activity depends on the commercialization of the product and forthat there needs to be a society with a certain consumption capacity. The core ofthe current conflict is not different from the intrinsic conflict of capitalism:by virtue of the concentration of wealth and the systematic increase inproductivity, capitalism destroys its own activity.The universal basic income is a mechanism for the State to intervene in themarket in defense of capitalist accumulation, preserving capitalism from itsself-destructive tendency. This is what has always been expected of the modernState: to guarantee the conditions for economic activity. The magic trick, in theform of tacit implication, is to identify any economic activity with capitalism.This is not something that we are discovering now, but the main argument by whichthe analysts, theorists and officials of capitalism itself promote the UniversalBasic Income. As a sample button, use the reference of Eduardo Levy Yeyati,former economist of the Central Bank of the Duhalde government, and advisor tothe Chief of Cabinet of the Nation of the macrista government, who said in 2016[5], when he promoted the IBU:«If a machine can do for 5 pesos what I can do for 10, I have two options: eitherI work for 5 pesos, that is, for half the income, or I leave my work to themachine. This implies that, left to its own dynamics, technological progressgenerates a poorly distributed abundance.»Note, once again, that technological progress here means capitalism .Social peace and subsidized capitalismThe understanding of the importance of financing the aggregate demand of the mostexploited sectors of society to "have the party in peace" cuts across all sectorsof political representation. An example of this is the perspective of theEconomic and Social Council in the direction of linking the universal allowanceper child with technological development strategies in the general framework ofdirecting local productive activity towards knowledge industries, that is, in thedevelopment of technological-cultural services. In the words of Gustavo Béliz[6], it is necessary to link the universal allowance per child with technologicalknowledge, and " reformulate it and promote it as an embryo of a universal basicincome, which is also beginning to be discussed throughout the world».As I write these lines, the political crisis self-inflicted by the Frente deTodos ejected Gustavo Béliz from the government, who said goodbye with a warm"God save them." Béliz's departure, directly linked to Sergio Massa's seizure ofpower, raises a question regarding the immediate future of Argentina's relationswith the United States, given that both figures represent direct lines with thatcountry. What Sergio Massa does not have is Belize's relationship with theVatican, nor the same links with the Inter-American Development Bank.As I continue writing these lines, Massa announces his "Bridge to Employment"which is nothing more than a reallocation of social plans through a subsidy toemployers. In other words, instead of giving the plan to an unemployed worker, hegives it to an employer, on the condition that he hire someone. Page 12 [7]sellsit like this:«The program supposes benefits for the workers and benefits for the employers. Inthe case of people who made the "bridge" to formal employment, they will be ableto maintain the "stability" of the plan for one year and, after that time, theywill have the possibility to decide whether to maintain the social program or optfor formal work. (with the benefits that this implies, such as social work, ART,retirement contributions, etc.). In the case of employers, they will beguaranteed that the State will take care of part of the salary (the amount of theplan) and, in turn, they will have bonuses for contributions and employercontributions, since they will only have to pay the social work, the ART and thecontribution to the union. The latter is a difference with the original projectthat Massa had presented in the Chamber of Deputies,In the interview with Yeyati cited as the epigraph of this text, the economistexplains two models for the UBI:"There are at least two. The most traditional, that of people like MiltonFriedman for example, proposes to pay the worker who earns little or nothing andcollect taxes from the one who works a lot. Friedman called this a "negativeincome tax," in the sense that if you didn't earn anything, the tax was negative,you got paid. It is a highly progressive tax. The other extreme is in theso-called "supplementary salary" version, in a scenario in which we all work 20hours instead of 40 and the remaining 20 are paid by the State. You can work lessand earn the same. It is the reduction of the working day but without losing income."Massa's proposal seems to be close to the second model, with the peculiarity thatit does not mention the necessary reduction of the working day. It is a directsubsidy to the business community.Subsidizing capitalists in exchange for increased employment is a very similarstrategy to spillover. If those at the top do well, those at the bottom will alsobenefit, they tell us. If this were so, we would all be dancing hand in hand,because those above are taking it away with a shovel. But those of us below sinkinto the well they leave.With Béliz or without Béliz, be it Massa or Fernández, with Cristina or withMacri, by the hand of Pérsico or Grabois, the universal basic income dressescapitalism in sheep's clothing.Capitalism and cold warIn the cold war of the 21st century, the ideological masquerade is completelydevalued. Nobody believes it. It is not the fight of good against evil, but ofone against the other without it being very easy to distinguish which are one andwhich are the other. It is not that there are two demons, but that there is onlyone with two faces. Today there is an ongoing war that is nothing cold, just asthe Cold War of the last century had nothing cold.This context opposes two competing models for economic control in Latin Americathat distribute loyalties within local political sectors. The struggle for powerin the region is based on the support of blocks that manage support and formalliances at the international level.The hypertrophied local debate is not locked in great differences inmacroeconomic perspectives or antagonistic political projects. Rather, it isdiscussed which of the blocks will end up occupying the strategic position ofregional hegemonies, thus obtaining the economic benefits that the region offersin the world context, ranging from lithium to meat, including soybeans, wheatand, who knows, the water. Things can be done well or they can be done badly, butthere are not twenty options.All this talk about the crisis being paid for by the rich is bullshit because noone in a position to make such a decision would do so, not even by mistake. Noone disputes, even remotely, a radical transformation of the economic systemcapable of truly reversing the unfair concentration of cost in some and profit inothers, that is, the abolition of capitalism. No one. Any speech that speaks ofdefending capitalism is also a joke, because there is no one who attacks it.Any more or less improvised local economic development project is encrypted withthis key. The recomposition of the supportive relationship between State andCompany, with the figure of a universal income, is a conciliatory strategy sothat capitalist economic development obtains its first condition of possibility,which is social peace. It is a third position of the 21st century in the face ofthe old duality between a liberal democratic capitalism, focused on the company,and a statist capitalism, focused on central planning and political regulation.The IBU is a compromise solution that places the State as an accounting assistantof the business world that, in addition to politically and symbolicallycontrolling the population in the peaceful acceptance of their economic condition,Jobless Capitalism?We live daily in the naturalization of the employment relationship as involuntarymembers of a working class that depends to live on the remuneration that itmanages to obtain for its work. However, employment, as a general reference forthe economic activity of the working class, is gradually giving way to more"fluid" forms of contracting. This precariousness that we see prospering slowlybut steadily (and not so slowly) implies the loss of rights. But what rights?Workers have rights, yes. These rights are defined in labor legislation andexpress what has been negotiated with the State in exchange for social peace.Labor law is the price that the capitalists have had to pay so that the economicsystem does not explode into the air, but it is the price that we pay for keepingalive a system of plunder that reserves for us the worst role in the distributionof costs and riches. If the capitalists have agreed to pay that price, it isbecause what promised to be a social revolution ended up being a conciliation ofclasses.Currently, labor law collides with a productive matrix that enables a very largedisregard of labor compared to the last century. This makes it easier foremployers to evade the law and violates the set of rights that the State itselfhas granted to the working class. And it is that the law is useless if there isno force to enforce it. And, if such a force exists, what is the law for?The working class delegated the struggle for its own demands to the State as aconsequence of various defeats in the confrontation, but also as a consequence ofhaving turned massively to the political path to channel the demands throughrepresentation. Today we see how that path that the executioners of the workers'struggle promised as the salvation of the people, ended up being thesubordination of the collective force under the leadership of political tutelage.As a result we have an impossible trade unionism, obstructed by employers'organizations that control the strongest unions in the industry. This corporateunionism, flooded with its own interests, and alien to the class they claim torepresent, when it is not an accomplice in the degradation of labor law, ispowerless to face the new conditions of the productive system.In the 20th century, workers were included in public institutions with labor law.A large part of those included became structurally poor, and now, in the 21stcentury, they promise to include us again with the Universal Basic Income. Thefirst inclusion lied to us with economic progress. This second inclusion lies tous with mere survival, it promises us that we will be poor forever, but that wewill not die of hunger or cold or despair.The common of communismWhen the speech of the "Pope Peronist" points out a distance between thecomposition of income and community economic activity, it opens a record on anaspect of social life that distances itself from the individualistic model ofliberalism. This is the real territory where something more significant is playedout in the background.The Vatican seems to be proposing both: economic liberalism for the rich andcommunism (centralist and Christian) for the poor. As if humanity could be splitin two and equality written in stone that some are more equal than others; as ifcommunism were an administrative technique or a design resource for socialmanagement.If justice is giving everyone their due, what we are left with is a sort ofidentity distribution. To each identity will correspond a thing or a quantity.Each identity will have its place in the world. All that remains is to distributethose places with inclusive policies and compensate for imbalances through ajudicial system, "administrator of justice." If you were born poor, your place ispoverty, and in compensation you will have the right to be decently subsidized bythe State. If you were born rich you will have to pay taxes, but you will be ableto do what you want in the world, and you will always have the right toappropriate everything you know how to get.This paranoid dystopia is unfortunately not delusional. In fact, it is not verydifferent from the current situation. It only changes the structural resignationin exchange for a Universal Basic Income.How to answer, then, such ignominy? Without a Universal Basic Income, what we areleft with is the same without even that miserable income. If what we are leftwith is the screaming rebellion of Grabois, fate would simply be a violentoutburst in which the "blood on the street" [8]will be put not so much by thedeclassed progressive lawyers, but by the unemployed workers, the poor and thegrassroots activists. There is nothing new there. If the slogan of the rebellionis to obtain financing for structural poverty, it has no chance of transforminganything.These faked cries of rage express that what is community is said in the bourgeoislanguage. Nobody talks about revolution here. The maximum conquest is equivalentto having the party in peace.As a counterpart, we have the figure described by Yeyati, when he says "I havetwo options: either I work for half my income, or I leave my job to the machine".To transform society, not a word. That is not an option. It is an economic flatearthism in which there is nothing outside of Capitalism, only giant tortoisesthat support the world.Contrary to these stagings of Gatopardismo unpunished, we must conceive of ajustice linked to the principle of equality, contrary to identity representation.Communism is heir to this truth. What is common to communism does not appear inthe distribution of what is his to each, but in the real distribution of effortand product. There cannot be communism and capitalism at the same time, becausethe same thing cannot be distributed and not distributed at the same time. We arediscussing the distribution of wealth, not the part that falls to the poor; ofthe distribution of the effort, not of the part that falls to the workers.The common of communism is a reflection of equality. From all according to theirability, to each according to their need. This imposes, from the outset, theabolition of private property and, therefore, of income, in a broad sense.Whenever there is appropriation of the product of the common effort, there willbe injustice. The core of the rebellion must be the abolition of property, andnot the increase of income. The increase in income will be a reflection of thedistribution of wealth based on need, and implies a reduction in the income ofthe appropriators, the insatiable gobblers of everything who embrace unimaginablefortunes at the expense of the hunger of others.Property is an institution of law that enables the restriction of a necessaryuse. It is the restriction that allows someone who does not need a good toprohibit its use by someone who does need it. Otherwise, the use would be enabledby necessity, or even by possession, but not by ownership. The right of propertycomes into play when neither possession nor necessity do.The relationship of communism with the abolition of property is necessary. And itis not about distinguishing between private property or common property, because,ultimately, the real effect is the same. A communist economy is one that advancestowards an egalitarian society by establishing that both distributions, that ofproductive effort and that of product or wealth, are disconnected from eachother, in the sense that each refers to its own condition, namely, the abilityand need, respectively. There is no compensation: the meaning of the task is theproduct.Productive activity and, therefore, wealth, is eminently collective. The factthat organized productive tasks always produce an additional benefit with respectto the same disorganized tasks, makes common work always more productive thanindividual work. In other words, the economic activity would justify by itselfthe social fact.Seen from another angle, it is impossible to conceive of a current task that doesnot depend on capital, infrastructure and knowledge that are not created in thesame task or by the same workers, but rather correspond to the very history ofsociety and culture. , to previous generations of workers creating the resourcesthat are now available."There was a time when a family of peasants could consider the wheat they grewand the woolen garments woven at home as products of their own labor. Even then,this belief was not entirely correct. There were roads and bridges built incommon, swamps drained by collective work and common pastures surrounded byhedges that everyone bordered. An improvement in the ways of weaving or in theway of dyeing fabrics benefited everyone; At that time, a peasant family couldnot live except on the condition of finding support in the city, in themunicipality.» (Kropotkin, the conquest of bread)The common dimension of economic activity is itself the social dimension of humanexperience. It is not the sum of multiple individuals, but precisely a differentdimension, such as the volume that results from the meeting of two or moreplanes. It is not that the plans no longer exist, but that there is also a volumein which they are understood to be inscribed.The common of human experience does not refer to a group of characteristicsshared by a group of people, but to the dimension in which the social factbetween them is possible. It is precisely for this reason that what is common tocommunism is not an identity, but rather the universality of the humanexistential condition in the collective dimension. That is why equality is aprinciple: it does not result from anything, it is not an effect, but the site inwhich the human is prior to any identity. There are no more equal than others.OrganizationWhen the urgency of the workers' organization is insisted again and again, it isnot a matter of romantically calling for a righteous legion capable ofconfronting the troops of evil as such. It is about the most immediate sanitythat humanity has and has had. When a situation becomes critical, the spontaneousreflection of the human being is association, solidarity. It is true thatselfishness also springs up in the face of crisis, but the results are alwaysworse for everyone.The recovery of class-oriented and revolutionary unionism is as urgent asreconfiguring the scope that we should give to these two concepts. Trade unionismis urgent, but it cannot be limited to the reaction of employment againstflexibility, but must take the initiative in shaping the new economic relationsand must therefore look up to anarchic communism.There is an epic, however, that we would do well to disable. What we need is notthe archaic romanticization of a combative aesthetic and a dogmatic radicalism.Rather, we need a certain clarity in the ideas and tools that give theorganization of the working class the necessary power to take the initiative insocial organization in the face of new economic conditions.The recovery of trade union activism must come hand in hand with theinvestigation of new associative strategies that are up to the differentsituations faced by the working class in the face of the current crisis ofproductivity that world capitalism is going through. It is necessary for theworkers' organization to resume the trade union struggle together with thereconfiguration of cooperativism in new vehicles of associativity without a bosson a small and medium scale, together with the promotion of local communityproduction, opening gaps in economic activity at a distance from the activityconcentrated and large food and service companies.The core meaning of the workers' organization is the defense of the interests ofthe class. And the main interest of the working class is the abolition of classsociety. All the paths that the working class can travel in defense of itsinterests converge with the profound transformation of society in the directionof anarchic communism. Just as at the beginning of the 19th century thetransformation of the productive matrix pushed the workers to transform theirorganizations into the conformation of modern unionism, the new conditions willalso transform unionism in order to respond to the new times.When we look at the situation, the immediate conditions and the daily news, thehistorical dimension seems absurd. And when we look at history, with its times ofdecades and centuries, everything seems vast and far away. But the devil lives inthe little things. When traversing uncharted territory, keep track of your steps,chart your direction, and move forward without distraction. Raise your head fromtime to time and check. Otherwise you will lose your way. Relentlessly.[1]https://www.infobae.com/def/desarrollo/2018/02/17/ingreso-basico-universal-cobrar-solo-por-nacer/[2] Universal income, universal salary, universal salary complement, or howeverthe fundamental idea of subsidizing from the State the most seriously plunderedsectors of society is mentioned.[3]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U73EgU3k_O8[4] Let's Dream Together, the path to a better future. Jorge Mario Bergoglio,Austen Ivereigh - Plaza Janés, 2020 - p. 137[5] TEDx talk, posted on YouTube on Nov 17, 2016 https://youtu.be/HNKeQ1MlAqA[6] Perspectives on the fourth industrial revolution (2021):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acSMep001CU[7]https://www.pagina12.com.ar/474859-como-sera-el-puente-al-empleo-la-iniciativa-para-transformar[8] "We are willing to leave our blood in the street," said Juan Grabois at amarch demanding universal income, on July 20, 2022.https://organizacion-obrera.fora.com.ar/2022/09/05/ingreso-basico-universal-la-resignacion-capitalista/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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