The uprising of November 1973 was the culmination of the popular uprising against
the junta of the colonels. An authentic populist-neoliberal uprising that facedthe regime of April 21 and fought selflessly to overthrow the dictatorial form ofmanagement of capitalism and the state. The slogans of those fighting for "bread- education - freedom", "down with power", "down with the state", "people strike"rang out from within the revolted polytechnic, which remain relevant to this day.The screams and agonies of thousands of people were heard that the military powerdrowned in blood to suppress their struggle and to consolidate economic andpolitical power against the enemy-the people. ---- The great popular uprisingagainst the junta of the colonels that culminated with the historical events ofthe polytechnic caused strong cracks in the dictatorship in a period of its"liberalization", at the core of which was the search for a smooth transitionmechanism to the rotten bourgeois democracy. It may not have led the polytechnicto the immediate abolition of the regime, but it crushed the bourgeoisaspirations for the marginalization of the popular-class resistances that wereamong the main goals of the junta coup and formed more favorable class relationsfor the continuation of the struggle in the later conditions of democracy. Itlargely determined the way in which social and class resistances were manifestedfor decades in the Greek area and left strong competitive legacies to this day.He also left the rebirth of the anarchist movement in the Greek area which,pre-dictatorship, had disappeared for many decades.Nevertheless, the uprising remained unjustified. She remained unjust because thereasons for her manifestation did not disappear. The only things that havechanged are the faces and forms of this barbaric economic and political systemthat dominates. The popular anxieties remain the same as then, they standunchanged in our times, in the times of the bourgeois-democratic form ofmanagement, whether with liberal/right-wing or social-democratic and left-winggovernment prescriptions. More than ever it is confirmed today that the uprisingof 73 remained unjustified since the same social suffering, the same popularburdens, the same class subjugation are still perpetuated with unprecedentedbrutality in the context of the global systemic crisis that has been raging since2007-8. It remained unjustified not only in terms of its demands, but also ashistorical memory, being exploited by the state and capital and their reserves bythe entire political spectrum.For decades now, bourgeois democracy has turned the 1973 uprising into a regimecelebration, attempting to assimilate and obliterate its messages. A celebrationof democracy against fascism, to hide the reality: that these forms of systemicmanagement alternate over the years, but in essence the differences between themare imperceptible. And their goals themselves. Both fascist dictatorships andbourgeois democracies serve the economic interests of capital and the politicalinterests of the state against the social majority and the working people. Thedictatorial and bourgeois powers, as well as the "socialist" party dictatorships,are enemies of the people and the working classes and servants of injustice,inequalities, unfreedom.Integral parts of this regime's "national holiday" of oblivion, with the aim ofdistorting the anti-state insurrectionary messages of 1973, have been for decadesthe groups of the left, the enemies of the occupation of the polytechnic of 1973.These shameless captors of popular anxieties, every year they set up thecustomary party trade show at the polytechnic, turning it into a museum to stafftheir party staffs. That is why it is ridiculous to consider thebourgeois-democratic three-day period as de-museumization, e.g. due to the siegeof the Exarchia, as precisely this three-day period is the prime example ofmuseumization of the polytechnic for decades. A fiesta of party and regimefactors for the existence of which we all have responsibility, either for what wedo or for what we don't do, for honoring the memory of the struggles of yesterdayand today.But memory, historical and cinematic memory, so much invoked by its variousundertakers, will always have living defenders, who sooner or later, will turnthe world upside down. Without the backs of any left, without the opportunisticand political unity "against repression" and "for Mitsotakis to fall". Withboldness, audacity, many times against everyone and everything, to be bornthrough hard and daily social and class struggles a revolutionary movement ofoverthrow that will bury the rotten system and its defenders. Which will bringdown governments not to be replaced by new criminal overlords, but to build onthe ruins of capitalism and the state a new world of freedom, equality andsolidarity.No Fascism - No DemocracyDown with Statism - Long live AnarchyInitiative of Anarchist Saints Anargyro - Kamaterou - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.caSPREAD THE INFORMATION
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