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vrijdag 2 december 2022

#WORLD #WORLDWIDE #SPAIN #ANARCHISM #LIBRARY #News #Journal #Update - (en) #Spain, CNT #431: A silent profession and a place from which to raise your voice by Juan Herrera Aparicio & Sergio Herrero (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

 The historical member Fernando Fernán-Gómez used to say that most of his work as

an actor consisted of waiting. The extra job, in addition to that, consists ofbeing silent, even while he is acting. But far from remaining silent, figurationhas managed to organize itself through CNT and that is where he does not miss anopportunity to raise his voice. ---- For decades, in the original cinema,described by many as the purest, the actors and actresses gave life to thecharacters and told their stories without using one of the fundamental tools ofacting: the voice. In fact, that characteristic is what has ended up calling thatera of the seventh art: silent cinema. Chaplin, Jean Harlow, Buster Keaton, PolaNegri, Harold Lloid, Gloria Swanson, Rudolph Valentino... no one would dare tobelittle them just for not using their voice, just as they would not say so abouta mime like Marcel Marceau on stage. Figuration is now those silent actors andactresses around the principals, a silence that they have extended to theirworking conditions for decades.Shortly after the CNT Performing Arts Section was formed, and thanks to thestruggle maintained for an agreement to regulate our activity, it was signed, butwe did not manage to participate in it: the result is that our activity has notreally been regulated because Many things have been left out, with the damagethat this entails for both parties. Everything that is not defined in it islikely to be a source of conflict, but the employers seem not to want to realizeit or they think it is very convenient to have that hole through which to plundersome benefit -because they have not counted on the fact that some people aregoing to claim-; and the generalist unions, which do not know the ins and outs ofthe profession, do not care and prefer not to count on the workers to know whatthe agreement must include.Now we have an agreed salary, but it has been frozen in the 2018 rates becausethe renewal of the agreement is paralyzed. In a cumbersome wording, overtime isvaguely defined, and some jobs are not mentioned, such as acting as doubles foractors and actresses or demonstrating certain skills, which are paid at the mercyof the will of the agencies and producers, not to mention the cancellations ofjobs or the times we have to claim purely acting jobs for not using the voice -orsometimes even speaking- that thanks to the indefiniteness of the figurationagreement, the producers constantly try to save themselves. Also, there we couldprevent a child from working 8 hours from 6 in the morning.Women also play at a disadvantage within this precariousness. A profession inwhich the image, the body, is the main instrument we have, will always placewomen in a more vulnerable position. There are not a few cases in which attemptshave been made to pay nude or semi-nude as a normal representation, and even moreso, in several cases emotionally affected colleagues have come because during ashoot -due to the famous requirements of the script- they have been summoned togo out on underwear and have ended up being encouraged to carry out morecommitted actions that far exceeded what was initially required of them,defenseless in the face of the lack of subsequent support from agencies,producers and even other colleagues. Our support will never cease in situationslike these.The latest labor reform has come with more uncertainty than improvements whilewaiting for a long-promised Statute of the Artist, Creator and Worker of Culturethat should regulate the conditions of these professions, especiallyintermittent, in a sector historically forgotten.There have been meetings with the so-called professional associations, some ofwhich have become unions precisely so as not to lose rubble. There would benothing wrong with it, if it weren't for the fact that among these workers thereare businessmen, and in this case it is something very clear because they aresome well-known faces, who immediately reach the most prominent positions inthese organizations. Actors who produce series and movies, technicians whodominate the market... in short, people whose interests are closer to making aprofit for themselves than for ordinary workers.CNT protest at the 36th edition of the Goya Awards, held at the Palace of Arts inValencia on February 13, 2022 / Secc. Performing Arts CNTThe true representation of workers is in the unions, but the two media unions(often not because of their achievements), if they do not have professionals inthe field, can hardly be valid interlocutors. Through a class union that emergesfrom a true organization of professionals, without anyone who is not a grassrootsworker being able to speak for us, it is the only way that our problems can bepicked up and addressed. in collective bargaining.That open forum for figuration has been CNT, since, after trying to finddifferent ways of organizing, it was able to form a section of Performing andCinematographic Arts from which to assert its rights by itself through directaction. Where there have been violations of our most basic conditions, themilitancy of the section has been present helping thousands of workers.Our main objective from the beginning has been to achieve the signing of the newagreement. It is the social part that has to demonstrate that it is on the sideof the professionals, without preventing those with the greatest implantation andpower of mobilization from being at that negotiating table, so that it does nothappen again that they do not have the workers to negotiate their workingconditions -the same thing that seems to be happening with the Statute-. To dothis, the visibility of our profession and its problems (concerns) us a lot andwe try to be present at the galas of the sector: there are already severaleditions to which we have attended, both the Goya and the Union awards of Actorsto ask for their express support.The section, moreover, is constantly on the lookout for any news that may affectprofessionals in the Performing Arts. Thus, we fought for the achievement of aidfor artists and technical personnel of culture and reported it so that thousandsof extras could endure in these hard times. This is an example of how the bestway to get to know this and other aspects of our profession is through training,which even during the pandemic, as far as possible, we carry out among themilitancy and openly for all figures. The conviction that this work must beprofessionalized has led us to strengthen this aspect of trade union work.The bad habits acquired by veterans and the inexperience of people who, out ofnecessity or curiosity, approach a shoot for the first time, show that noteveryone knows how to wait, much less everyone is silent while it is beingrecorded. And just as the CNT figuration is (re)known for how we fight for ourrights as part of the team, we want to be identified for knowing what to do tofacilitate the work of our filming partners, for a serious and formal behaviorthat can easily arise from interest in the functioning of the audiovisual medium.Our task is also to promote it, and show that nobody has to tell us to shut up,that we know how to be in our place. But let no one forget that the formationshave also educated our voice to raise it in a powerful and sonorous way andvindicate ourselves. And that those voices will only remain silent on the filmingsets as long as we are heard at the negotiating tables so that our rights arespoken of as something more than a bureaucratic issue.NO APPEARANCE, NO PRODUCTION!https://www.cnt.es/noticias/una-profesion-muda-y-un-lugar-desde-donde-alzar-la-voz/_________________________________________A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C EBy, For, and About AnarchistsSend news reports to A-infos-en mailing listA-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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